erionlextib · 4 days
Oopsie 🤭
Have over 600 asks in my inbox that have gone unanswered since 2021 and I assure you 90% of it is @erionlextib
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erionlextib · 15 days
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Dude, this reminded me how much I want and desire and yearn for a Nutella toast
Holy shoot. That decadent chocolate hazelnut spread on top of warm, crunchy toast
If I’m feeling fancy, some nuts on top
Pistachios, Pecans, maybe cashews or peanuts,
Make it absolutely toxic to any one with a nut allergy around
And then delicately bite into it
My jaw locking from how damn good it is
Such a simple food, such nostalgia that it brings with it
It really takes one back, you know, back to the simpler aspects of life
Sure, the simpler times too.. the times your parents would buy you the little Nutella packs with the breadsticks, or make you one of those toasts when you’re feeling down
But even now, when we look out the window and see the world outside of us. The trees, the sky, the road. All the people and living things that surround us. Everyone in their own world, their own bubble.
Like little ants, they never stop. Until they do, like those people with nut allergies who were around you earlier. They are still around, on the ground, unmoving, but they seem to have moved on with their lives.
How peaceful it must be. To sit around and do nothing for once. Just admire the present, reminisce the past, and hope for the future. All the meanwhile chewing on a Nutella toast.
It’s like lavender fields on a cool fresh spring evening, a little cottage right next to it. Children laughing and playing along a riverbed, skipping rocks and splashing water. They tell secrets and stories.
Stories worthy of being told by a fire place. The raging fire warming up their little fingers with the songs of cicadas in the background. Telling of their dreams, their hopes, their wishes. And of their nightmares, their curses, and woes.
They write their story, as it defines them. They share their story, as it shows them. They are experiences, in one way or another. Warning tales of lessons life has taught them, tales passed down from those before them.
It is up to them to keep this little game of telephone going. The world is on their shoulders, the people look up to them as the future. They will grow and inherit the lands they were raised in, whether lush or barren.
It is up to them to create and build upon it. It is up to them to ensure that when children run about their garden, they will feel like having a Nutella toast. One just like your own mother, father, guardian made it. Or one you made yourself, with your own spirit inside; perhaps the ones of those who raised you simply didn’t taste good, might’ve been the bread.
One that fills them with the safe joys of childhood. Protected, worshiped. Giggling and laughing side by side. One that makes you smile just as much seeing the fruit of your field.
Eventually, the cycle will go on and on. Maybe, those children will make your Nutella toast, remembering the way you prepared it. Or Maybe they decide they don’t like bread. Maybe they end up being allergic to nuts, in which case it’s a lost cause.
Either way, the key to Nutella toast, or any toast for that matter, is in the secret ingredient.
The love, the joy, and the memories.
Having a Nutella toast is sitting by window. It’s watching the world go by and basking in its presence. It’s caring about all the little ants that wander around, and knowing how to get rid of people with nut allergies.
It’s admiring the present, reminiscing the past, and hoping for the future.
What I would do for a Nutella toast rn. I might just get banned from my local grocery..
@the-martyrfication-of-the-matron you were already tagged, I just think you should get me a Nutella toast after you’re done with the quiz.
@sunflowerrosy , @sequedasol , @ghosts-gal I think y’all should also try the quiz, it was fun!
thank you for the tags @b00ks1ut and @mstiemountainhop
Toast quiz!!
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You're not wrong
Tags!! @yourfavouritefighter @theweirdgoodbyes @ithinkabouttzu @1waveshortofashipwreck @montied @dontirrigateme @ronsenthal
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erionlextib · 15 days
Omarsbigsister on tiktok
Linktree for resources to help stop kosa
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erionlextib · 15 days
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Episode 7 is up on webtoon canvas.
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erionlextib · 15 days
It’s me, the goofy goober
It’s us, the goofy goobers
Reblog if goober
Like if not goober
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erionlextib · 16 days
I’ll guess 1, those other two seem plausible
1. I’m always doing my all my homework and projects the day before they are due
2. I never learnt how to roller skate
3. I’ve taught people how to roller skate
@sequedasol , @ghosts-gal , @sunflowerrosy , or whoever else wishes to take a guess
Two Truths and a Lie!
Rules: Share two truths and one lie about yourself, tag five people to guess your lie and to share their own, make sure to guess the lie of the person who tagged you!
and 🤔 mmm I wanna guess that 3, you never went to music festivals, is your lie? I’m real tempted to say 2, but even smart people can repeat grades for one reason or another. Ohh I love this game, though I’m pretty bad at guessing games. I got tagged by@de-sire-blog
Now mine, which I had a lot of trouble coming up with xD
1. I used to get into lots of trouble for fighting and what not in school because anger issues~
2. I was basically raised at renaissance fair for how often my parents and I attended from my birth until I was about 6-7.
3. I once had plans to become a musician and/or actor until I realized my social anxiety was way too terrible, so I settled for doing art instead.
Tagging, but no pressure ~ @thebattlehamster @miss-bibbles @jegulus-trash @clifford-thebigreddog
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erionlextib · 17 days
i got my drawing pad out imma draw you, me, and @the-martyrfication-of-the-matron as silly moths >:D
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erionlextib · 17 days
I would give you all the spiders in the world, I don’t want them <333
Moth, cute worms (like Earthworms, or worms on strings), Buggs Bunny, Barry B. Benson, Me 🪱🪱🪱, You 🎀🎀🎀, @the-martyrfication-of-the-matron ✨✨✨, @sunflowerrosy 🐝🐝🐝, and many more (all my mutuals, for example) 🐛🐞🐌🦋🪰🐜🪲🦗🦟🦎
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Not spiders. I hate spinders. Except Jumping Spiders, they are kind of cute, but even then, it’s from a safe distance
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erionlextib · 17 days
Moth, cute worms (like Earthworms, or worms on strings), Buggs Bunny, Barry B. Benson, Me 🪱🪱🪱, You 🎀🎀🎀, @the-martyrfication-of-the-matron ✨✨✨, @sunflowerrosy 🐝🐝🐝, and many more (all my mutuals, for example) 🐛🐞🐌🦋🪰🐜🪲🦗��🦎
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Not spiders. I hate spinders. Except Jumping Spiders, they are kind of cute, but even then, it’s from a safe distance
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erionlextib · 19 days
I’m in my hot girl era
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erionlextib · 19 days
I’m in my hot girl era
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erionlextib · 20 days
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erionlextib · 21 days
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Me, thinking of you, thinking of me being a Japanese silk moth
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erionlextib · 1 month
It started right around the time @the-martyrfication-of-the-matron’s free trial expired
i love the friendship you and @erionlextib have "YOU WON'T BELIEVE IT" "what" "MY NEIGHBOR JUST GAVE ME A NEW ROOF FOR FREE" "Just like.. gave you a roof" "IT WAS ON THE HOUSE" "Oh ha ha very funny you little bastard" you two are the goofiest poongies i've seen
Idk when we started our little comedy sketches but it was a while ago
I’ve just never got the energy to actually be funny so I let them take the reins and then they steer completely off course and it’s all very fun
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erionlextib · 1 month
fr!!! I feel the amount of car crashes caused by road rage would go down significantly
I failed my drivers test, I thought it was a crash course
I would love to like. Have a car equivalent of a rage room.
Just driving into shit.
Would be so fun
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erionlextib · 1 month
Looking through the divine's pages for art reasons and when looking at Menphina, I've said it once before but these block skins are so hard to decipher, because wtf is that on Menphina's armor?
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Like is it supposed to be a chain for some kind of cape? Is it a symbol on her chest plate? Like an emblem?? Cause it looks like a fucking bull to me, like wtf is that.
I feel like the Divine's armor on it's own deserves a post cause her and Esmund's skins look so fucked with the amount of detail they tried to shove into the design not thinking how hard it would be to translate out of block form
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erionlextib · 1 month
@the-martyrfication-of-the-matron maybe blue 💙💙 and green 💚💚💚
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assign your mutuals a vibe
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