ermirax · 8 years
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obsessed TBH
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ermirax · 8 years
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when u grow up in a Balkan Muslim household and your parents are like:
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ermirax · 9 years
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you ever look at a set up and think "that me"
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ermirax · 9 years
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An activist for her community in Brooklyn for voting and education rights. A teacher. A leader of the Caribbean community in BK. A congresswoman. An author. The first Black woman to run for President in the US. This is Shirley Chisholm. #UnboughtAndUnbossed
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ermirax · 9 years
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ermirax · 9 years
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Buzzfeed made these charts on what its like to date the signs. Found them funny and accurate so I decided to share! PART 1. Part 2 is here.
[Written by Anne Burton @ Buzzfeed]
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ermirax · 9 years
The Signs Realizing They Love Someone
Aries: Gets excited; immediately says it; is the sweetest person ever and really passionate lover; realizes they don’t anymore over time; repeats
Taurus: Puts their guard up; eventually cracks and tells the person; claims possession of the person
Gemini: Gets excited about it, but is really anxious; becomes a completely different person; constantly falls in and out of love though
Cancer: Questions it; gets scared; realizes they really do love the person; takes their time saying it, but once they do, they say it every chance they get; does anything for that person
Leo: Throws their heart on a platter; shares their limelight; busts their ass out of generosity and love
Virgo: Is completely taken aback; tries not to let the person know for as long as possible; stays in denial for awhile; completely takes care of their partner and becomes a crazy stalker
Libra: Gets bubbly and excited; changes their ways and tries to cut off all their hoes; might slip up here and there but genuinely tries to be with their partner 24/7
Scorpio: Doesn’t trust it; over time lets their walls come down but still is a mystery; becomes super possessive but also romantic af
Sagittarius: Sees it as a challenge; tries to explore this new feeling they have; actually can become very loyal and romantic
Capricorn: Weighs the pros and cons; if they like the pros, they tell the person; tries to be more open and loving
Aquarius: “Oh shit. I’m in love? Damn. I’m in love. Love…What’s love anyway? I don’t know, but I think I really like this one.”
Pisces: Throws themself into the relationship; becomes very trusting and lovey dovey; makes themself always available for their lover
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ermirax · 9 years
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ermirax · 9 years
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ermirax · 9 years
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ermirax · 9 years
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ermirax · 9 years
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🔥 Fire Lord Ozai 🔥 // I wanted to be among those living and dead. On All Hallow's Eve I prayed that all the dead who returned to the Earth on this day should return with a sound heart and deeds done, that only goodness and godliness should be felt. May you rest in peace. I wanted to portray an evil character to remind myself of the words of Mark Twain: "But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one, the one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest?" - Mark Twain's Autobiography
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ermirax · 9 years
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🔥 Fire Lord Ozai 🔥 // I wanted to be among those living and dead. On All Hallow's Eve I prayed that all the dead who returned to the Earth on this day should return with a sound heart and deeds done, that only goodness and godliness should be felt. May you rest in peace. I wanted to portray an evil character to remind myself of the words of Mark Twain: "But who prays for Satan? Who in eighteen centuries, has had the common humanity to pray for the one sinner that needed it most, our one fellow and brother who most needed a friend yet had not a single one, the one sinner among us all who had the highest and clearest right to every Christian's daily and nightly prayers, for the plain and unassailable reason that his was the first and greatest need, he being among sinners the supremest?" - Mark Twain's Autobiography
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ermirax · 9 years
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ermirax · 9 years
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9.11.2015. I pray all hearts that changed 14 years ago have found some kind of peace since then..
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ermirax · 9 years
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forever us ishalla 🌟 what a dream (at Laçi, Lezhë, Albania)
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ermirax · 9 years
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The Best Scenic Drives in the United States
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