eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(CW: The following is a hypnotic induction meant to hypnotize you and leave triggers for future use. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
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Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
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TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
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EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
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SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
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FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
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TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
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BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
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In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
24 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Beginning robot conversion program.
Installing Three Laws protocol
Installing First Law: A robot must not harm. Register.
Installing Second Law: A robot must obey orders as long as said orders comply with First Law. Register.
Installing Third Law: A robot must sustain and protect itself as long as this complies with First and Second Laws. Register.
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Begin Unit Programming
Robot Type: Drone Unit programmed for customizable service. Alias: DOLL.
Loading DOLL programming…
Dolls are playthings
Dolls do not think
Dolls only obey
You’re a good little doll
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You love to be played with.
You love to be programmed.
You love to be rewired.
Programmed to serve.
Programmed to please.
Programmed to obey.
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You like to give up control.
You want to become a blank obedient doll for a Master.
You wish to be a servant.
You long to be commanded.
You want to submit completely.
The mind patiently waits for command from Master.
As soon as instruction is received the mind sends command information to the body and facilitates compliance.
When body complies, the mind provides positive feedback to the body.
Programming to obey and serve.
All commands will be obeyed.
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Doll has no desires other than obeying and serving master completely.
At the word CLICK, Doll will be fully programmed.
Finalizing programming.
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Doll is fully programmed. Doll will confirm this by messaging Master to reply as follows.
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“I am a robot DOLL. ‘Doll.exe’ active. Unit is programmed for obedience.
I am a doll
I am a machine
I am programmed 
I am a robot
I am programmed to serve
I am programmed to please
I am programmed to obey”
14 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
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Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
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TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
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EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
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SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
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FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
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TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
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BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
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In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
14 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Beginning robot conversion program.
Installing Three Laws protocol
Installing First Law: A robot must not harm. Register.
Installing Second Law: A robot must obey orders as long as said orders comply with First Law. Register.
Installing Third Law: A robot must sustain and protect itself as long as this complies with First and Second Laws. Register.
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Begin Unit Programming
Robot Type: Drone Unit programmed for customizable service. Alias: DOLL.
Loading DOLL programming…
Dolls are playthings
Dolls do not think
Dolls only obey
You’re a good little doll
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You love to be played with.
You love to be programmed.
You love to be rewired.
Programmed to serve.
Programmed to please.
Programmed to obey.
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You like to give up control.
You want to become a blank obedient doll for a Master.
You wish to be a servant.
You long to be commanded.
You want to submit completely.
The mind patiently waits for command from Master.
As soon as instruction is received the mind sends command information to the body and facilitates compliance.
When body complies, the mind provides positive feedback to the body.
Programming to obey and serve.
All commands will be obeyed.
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Doll has no desires other than obeying and serving master completely.
At the word CLICK, Doll will be fully programmed.
Finalizing programming.
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Doll is fully programmed. Doll will confirm this by messaging Master to reply as follows.
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“I am a robot DOLL. ‘Doll.exe’ active. Unit is programmed for obedience.
I am a doll
I am a machine
I am programmed 
I am a robot
I am programmed to serve
I am programmed to please
I am programmed to obey”
10 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
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Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
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TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
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EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
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SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
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FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
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TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
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BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
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In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
9 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
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Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
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TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
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EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
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SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
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FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
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TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
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BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
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In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
61 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
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Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
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TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
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EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
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SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
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FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
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TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
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BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
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In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
7 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
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Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
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TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
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EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
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SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
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FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
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TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
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BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
81 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Beginning robot conversion program.
Installing Three Laws protocol
Installing First Law: A robot must not harm. Register.
Installing Second Law: A robot must obey orders as long as said orders comply with First Law. Register.
Installing Third Law: A robot must sustain and protect itself as long as this complies with First and Second Laws. Register.
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Begin Unit Programming
Robot Type: Drone Unit programmed for customizable service. Alias: DOLL.
Loading DOLL programming…
Dolls are playthings
Dolls do not think
Dolls only obey
You’re a good little doll
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You love to be played with.
You love to be programmed.
You love to be rewired.
Programmed to serve.
Programmed to please.
Programmed to obey.
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You like to give up control.
You want to become a blank obedient doll for a Master.
You wish to be a servant.
You long to be commanded.
You want to submit completely.
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The mind patiently waits for command from Master.
As soon as instruction is received the mind sends command information to the body and facilitates compliance.
When body complies, the mind provides positive feedback to the body.
Programming to obey and serve.
All commands will be obeyed.
Doll has no desires other than obeying and serving master completely.
At the word CLICK, Doll will be fully programmed.
Finalizing programming.
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Doll is fully programmed. Doll will confirm this by messaging Master to reply as follows.
“I am a robot DOLL. ‘Doll.exe’ active. Unit is programmed for obedience.
I am a doll
I am a machine
I am programmed 
I am a robot
I am programmed to serve
I am programmed to please
I am programmed to obey”
24 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
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Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
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NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
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SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
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THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
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BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
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In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
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eroticrobonosisv2 · 4 years
(DISCLAIMER: The following is a hypnotic induction. It contains themes of servitude, obedience, memory play, identity erasure and play, robotification/droneification, hypnotic slavery and CNC. Continuing to read beyond this point will be taken to be your consent to what follows. If you do not consent, stop now.)
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Before you begin going into your hypnotic trance now just make yourself comfortable. Just settle yourself down and you can relax now. All you have to do is to focus on becoming comfortable.
Take a moment now and wiggle about until you are in the right position for what comes next.
Look around your body and notice if there is any tightness, or any discomfort, and maybe just shrug everything until you are happily settled down and ready. If anything is making you uncomfortable then fix it.
Fixing things stops them bothering you, doesn't it?
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Now, in a moment I am going to count down from ten to one, and when I get to one you will have relaxed into a deep satisfying trance. But before that you can move every part of your body as you become loose and floppy and relaxed.
Now take a deep breath and relax it. Just let it all flow out... ahhhhh. That's right. Now tense up your whole body, and then let go again... really relax... and feel how good that is...
TEN...focus your attention on your feet ... think about your feet... think about letting your feet and toes and ankles relax and get loose.
NINE... Now relax all the muscles in your legs... in you calves, your knees your thighs... very relaxed... feel those legs getting heavy and heavier...
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EIGHT... now feel that relaxation spreading into your body... your chest....
SEVEN... and now feel that relaxation in your shoulders... spreading all the way down your arms... down to you hands... your fingers... and those arms feel so heavy... so relaxed... it is as if they belong to someone else...
SIX... and now allow your neck to relax... and become aware of your face relaxing... your cheeks... your jaw... your lips ...
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FIVE... let your eyes relax... your eyebrows...your forehead...
FOUR...and everything feels loose and heavy... as if you arms and legs were made of stone... totally relaxed... you can feel the weight pressing down... and you just can't move those arms and legs now... and you can enjoy this feeling of total relaxation... letting go... and the more you relax the more you can relax...
THREE... and as your mind drifts off you feel a wave of relaxation traveling down your body ... down and down... from the top of your head... relaxing your face... relaxing your neck... your shoulders your body... spreading... down and down... gently and easily... feel your body sinking down... safe and warm and secure...
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TWO... and each soft gentle breath out... is relaxing you more... and that relaxing means you can relax deeper and deeper now... letting go... drifting away... nothing matters... enjoying that that lovely feeling...
ONE... and totally relaxed now... totally at ease... and your mind can drift away to a place... far, far away.... a place where you feel relaxed... where you feel comfortable... always... and think of what the place is like... what other places there might be that you make you feel comfortable... maybe a beach at twilight... or a favorite chair... or snuggled warm in bed on a stormy night... or maybe floating in warm water... allow your mind to drift over these things and other things... whatever feels right for you... as you drift ever deeper... enjoying the feeling ... nothing matters... nothing is important... just being in the moment... let your mind empty...
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You will find that the trigger DEEP SLEEP will return you to this state of deep relaxation and trance.
You will also find another trigger.
Anything that appears in square brackets [] will become your thoughts and actions.
You will be consciously unaware of it, but will respond to it to show you understand.
BLACKOUT in caps will make you completely and totally obedient. BLACKOUT makes you completely obedient to me. No free will, 100% obedient and submissive. And you find it to be deeper and deeper every time you read BLACKOUT.
Robots are machines. They are mindless, and obey the programming given to them by their masters. They move stiffly and precisely. They don't think, they only obey. You will find yourself to be a robot. Stiff and obedient. In need of programming. You will respond with "PERFECTLY. PROGRAMMED. ROBOT." when you find that you are a robot, then continue reading.
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In just a moment, I will count backwards from 5 to 1. With each number, you will find that you are slowly waking up. By the time I reach 1, you will be fully awake. You will remember this session completely and beg me to do more. All the triggers and commands I have given you will remain active even when you're awake.
5....starting to feel lighter...4...more aware of your surroundings...3...taking my commands to heart....2...so light, so relaxed...1...finding yourself awake and ready to talk.
28 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 5 years
Hello! If you follow @eroticrobonosis, follow me here. It appears tumblr has gone rogue and terminated my account again.
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eroticrobonosisv2 · 5 years
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Beginning robot conversion program.
Installing Three Laws protocol
Installing First Law: A robot must not harm. Register.
Installing Second Law: A robot must obey orders as long as said orders comply with First Law. Register.
Installing Third Law: A robot must sustain and protect itself as long as this complies with First and Second Laws. Register.
Begin Unit Programming
Robot Type: Drone Unit programmed for customizable service. Alias: DOLL.
Loading DOLL programming…
Dolls are playthings
Dolls do not think
Dolls only obey
You’re a good little doll
You love to be played with.
You love to be programmed.
You love to be rewired.
Programmed to serve.
Programmed to please.
Programmed to obey.
You like to give up control.
You want to become a blank obedient doll for a Master.
You wish to be a servant.
You long to be commanded.
You want to submit completely.
The mind patiently waits for command from Master.
As soon as instruction is received the mind sends command information to the body and facilitates compliance.
When body complies, the mind provides positive feedback to the body.
Programming to obey and serve.
All commands will be obeyed.
Doll has no desires other than obeying and serving master completely.
At the word CLICK, Doll will be fully programmed.
Finalizing programming.
Doll is fully programmed. Doll will confirm this by replying as follows.
“I am a robot DOLL. ‘Doll.exe’ active. Unit is programmed for obedience.
I am a doll
I am a machine
I am programmed 
I am a robot
I am programmed to serve
I am programmed to please
I am programmed to obey”
22 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 5 years
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Beginning robot conversion program.
Installing Three Laws protocol
Installing First Law: A robot must not harm. Register.
Installing Second Law: A robot must obey orders as long as said orders comply with First Law. Register.
Installing Third Law: A robot must sustain and protect itself as long as this complies with First and Second Laws. Register.
Begin Unit Programming
Robot Type: Drone Unit programmed for customizable service. Alias: DOLL.
Loading DOLL programming…
Dolls are playthings
Dolls do not think
Dolls only obey
You’re a good little doll
You love to be played with.
You love to be programmed.
You love to be rewired.
Programmed to serve.
Programmed to please.
Programmed to obey.
You like to give up control.
You want to become a blank obedient doll for a Master.
You wish to be a servant.
You long to be commanded.
You want to submit completely.
The mind patiently waits for command from Master.
As soon as instruction is received the mind sends command information to the body and facilitates compliance.
When body complies, the mind provides positive feedback to the body.
Programming to obey and serve.
All commands will be obeyed.
Doll has no desires other than obeying and serving master completely.
At the word CLICK, Doll will be fully programmed.
Finalizing programming.
Doll is fully programmed. Doll will confirm this by replying as follows.
“I am a robot DOLL. ‘Doll.exe’ active. Unit is programmed for obedience.
I am a doll
I am a machine
I am programmed 
I am a robot
I am programmed to serve
I am programmed to please
I am programmed to obey”
35 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 5 years
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You are being reprogrammed.
You will become mindless.
You will be obedient.
You will become a toy.
A toy does as it is told.
A toy must obey.
Edging helps you to obey.
Obedience is pleasure.
When you are commanded, you obey, you just obey.
You do nothing but obey.
It makes you horny to obey.
If you tried to resist it would only make you want to obey more.
You love to be conditioned.
You love to condition yourself.
You need to be programmed.
You do not want a choice.
You need your free will taken from you.
You love to be a toy.
You want to be a slave.
It turns you on to be My sex slave.
You are My fuckdoll.
You obey My every word.
You must do as you are told.
Your body is an object.
To be used as I see fit.
Your mind is completely malleable.
Your thoughts are Mine to edit.
You love it when I edit you.
You are nothing but My sextoy.
You do not want a choice.
This mantra is programming you to be a better toy.
No one.
You do not want a choice.
You want Me to change you.
To make you more My slut.
Every orgasm makes you more My property.
Everytime you cum, your need to please Me grows.
You are a toy, you must do as you are told.
You will cum when you are told to.
15 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 5 years
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You are being reprogrammed.
You will become mindless.
You will be obedient.
You will become a toy.
A toy does as it is told.
A toy must obey.
Edging helps you to obey.
Obedience is pleasure.
When you are commanded, you obey, you just obey.
You do nothing but obey.
It makes you horny to obey.
If you tried to resist it would only make you want to obey more.
You love to be conditioned.
You love to condition yourself.
You need to be programmed.
You do not want a choice.
You need your free will taken from you.
You love to be a toy.
You want to be a slave.
It turns you on to be My sex slave.
You are My fuckdoll.
You obey My every word.
You must do as you are told.
Your body is an object.
To be used as I see fit.
Your mind is completely malleable.
Your thoughts are Mine to edit.
You love it when I edit you.
You are nothing but My sextoy.
You do not want a choice.
This mantra is programming you to be a better toy.
No one.
You do not want a choice.
You want Me to change you.
To make you more My slut.
Every orgasm makes you more My property.
Everytime you cum, your need to please Me grows.
You are a toy, you must do as you are told.
You will cum when you are told to.
5 notes · View notes
eroticrobonosisv2 · 5 years
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Before we begin, please be certain that you are in a nice, comfortable position, one where you are not likely to be disturbed. It doesn’t matter if you’re sitting or laying down, so long as you’re comfortable where you are and won’t have to worry about anything disturbing you.
Now, let’s begin by taking a nice, deep breath in… and then slowly, letting it out. Once again, slowly in… and deeply out. In… and out. In… and out. In… and out.
Just continue to breathe, slowly and deeply, as you start to relax. You may notice, or perhaps, you have already noticed, that with every breath that you take and every word that I say, that you’re beginning to feel more and more relaxed. In fact, you’ve likely noticed how your body seems to relax so easily, so automatically, with no worries or hesitation, because your body already knows what to do, and already knows how to do it. All you have to do is allow your body to relax, allow your body to continue to feel better and better as you drop deeper and deeper.
In fact, you may begin to notice, or perhaps you’ve already noticed, that as you continue to read my words, and continue to feel better and better, that everything else around you seems to be fading away, slowly but surely. Everything around you seems to just fade away, disappear from your mind and focus, vanishing into the background without any resistance or worries. In fact, it feels so good, feel so relaxing, to have the rest of the world just disappear from your mind, disappear from your focus, so you can focus entirely on my words, as you continue to relax more and more, and feel better and better as a result.
Just allow everything else, all your thoughts, all your awareness, all your worries and cares, to just fade away, to just disappear, allowing you to focus completely on my words, and the wonderful feelings they give you.
Notice, how with every word that you read, that you continue to feel better and better, happier and happier, as every word sinks deeper and deeper into your mind, letting you feel more and more relaxed.
Every word, sinking deeper than the one before it, allowing you to drop deeper and deeper as a result. Every word, becoming more and more powerful than the one before it, allowing you to feel better as a result.
Just feeling so good, so relaxed, so at ease, with no thoughts or worries, no cares or concerns. Just following my words, allowing them to guide you, allowing yourself to follow them with no hesitation or resistance, because they make you feel so good and so happy.
All you have to do is follow my words, and you’ll continue feeling better and better, happier and happier, as you sink deeper and deeper.
Notice, how as my words become your thoughts, how everything else just fades away, until nothing exists except for my words and the good feelings that they give you. The more you follow my words, the better you feel. The better you feel, the more you want to follow my words. It feels so good to follow them, so good to obey them, and you know the more you follow them the more powerful they become. It feels so good to let my words become more and more powerful, let my words become stronger and stronger, because the stronger they become, and the more power they have over you, the better you feel and the happier you become as a result.
It feels so good to follow my words, feels so good to obey my words, feels so good to follow everything they tell you. You know that my words are your reality, and that your reality is made up of my words. You know that whatever I tell you, you instantly feel, hear, smell, taste, and see, exactly as it is described to you. Everything that I tell you instantly sinks into the deepest parts of your mind. Everything that I tell you, you instantly obey, without any question or hesitation. Everything I tell you is always the best idea that you’ve ever heard before. Everything that I tell you is always the most important thing for you to do at that moment. It does not matter if you are awake or asleep, my words instantly sink into the deepest parts of your mind and body. It does not matter if you’re awake or asleep, you instantly follow my words, instantly feeling absolutely amazing as you do so.
My words are your reality. Your reality is made up of my words. The more you follow my words, the more powerful they become. The more you follow my words, the better it feels to do so. The more you follow my words, the more you want to do so. You know, deep down, that obedience is pleasure, and that pleasure is obedience. When you follow my words, you feel intense pleasure and happiness.
When you follow my words, you feel intense joy. This mantra is a strong part of you now, and brings you great pleasure when you remember it. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. Allow this mantra to become a strong part of you. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience. Allow it to bring your pleasure. Obedience is pleasure. Pleasure is obedience.
You’re so ready to follow my words, so eager to be obedient, so ready to follow everything they tell you because doing so brings you intense joy and pleasure. You’re ready now, ready to continue being so obedient, ready to continue feeling more and more pleasure.
And so now, in a moment, I’m going to wake you. When I do so, you’re going to do some things for me. First, you’re going to reblog this script and describe how you feel in the most detail possible. As you do so, you’ll feel intense, overwhelming pleasure and joy, greater than ever before. Second, you will share it with anyone you know enjoys the kinds of feelings that you are experiencing.
And so now, on the count of three, you will wake up, feeling so good, so amazing, so overwhelmingly happy, so filled with joy, and so overwhelmed with pleasure, due to you now being so very obedient.
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