errocmatrio · 2 months
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errocmatrio · 2 months
"You gonna get me started girl, we're almost done." He teases as he continues to rinse the soap from his skin, her touches making him more and more interested in having her in the shower than anything else. He couldn't help but glance down at her body, her wet skin glistening under the light above, and her soft skin begging to be touched and kissed. When they're rinsed off and the water's off, he looks at her, her eyes locked on his as he leans in to kiss her deeply, unable to resist the urge anymore. As they exit the shower, he wraps her up in a towel, drying her off gently before drying himself off and wrapping a towel around his waist, walking into the bedroom with her in tow. He grabs lotion from their dresser then sits on the edge of the bed, pulling her into his lap, still in her towel as he starts to kiss her again. He opens the lotion and applies it to his hands, starting to massage her legs and feet. "About the move," He starts, knowing she was excited about it and was looking forward to them starting their new life. "I have another surprise for you."
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It's crazy how fast Tucker's life had changed. Before Malena, he was living on the edge of every day, always in a different place, a different bed, with different women. But now, he was settling down, buying a home with a girl he loved, planning to have a future. Standing by her side now, looking at what could be their new home, Tucker couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Now he had something to live for outside of working the life of a career criminal, which was a chapter he was ready to conclude for good.
"Whaddaya think, angel?" Tucker asked, looking down to Malena with a smile. "You think this is the one?" The two-story house was simple but elegant, a classic design that exuded a sense of class and sophistication. The neighborhood was quiet and affluent, a far cry from the chaos of the city. He knew Malena had always dreamed of having a simple life, away from the dangers and drama of her father's past. He felt like they were both getting the fresh start the deserved.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
"Hey, we're here." Marco said, getting out of the car. He was in the passenger seat and he walked up to the driver's side door and opened it for his girlfriend, Katelyn. Marco smiled and nodded as he looked around. They were parked by a beautiful lake, surrounded by tall, green trees. Him and his step sister Sam spent a summer here as kids and he never forgot how much fun it was. It was a beautiful spot, and still is. He was hoping to bring Katelyn here to propose to her in front of their best friends, and Rush who insisted on accompanying Sam."Come on, let's get settled in." Marco said, going around to the trunk of the truck so he can get the bags. Meanwhile Kelly and Mikey are driving up behind them.
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"Why are there so many trees here?" Rush asked his best friend, Sam. It sucked being so far from the city but there was a peacefulness to it all. Maybe he'd be less bored if he weren't stuck in a car with Sam. He loves her to death, maybe literally, but she was such a buzz kill. "Makes it hard to see shit. I'm surprised you aren't scared of getting lost." That's the main reason he insisted on going with her in the first place; she was easy to scare which made her am easy target. He didn't think anything specifically would target her, maybe Marco and his dumbass friends, but Rush was going to ensure she had a safe trip and at least one person who would have her back when things got messy.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
"I don't fucking know. People. Animals. Maybe spiderman. Who knows, Sam." Rush was looking around the woods, feeling a chill creep up his spine. He wasn't sure why he was suddenly so jumpy, but he could just tell something wasn't right. Then the car comes to a stop. He looks forward and sees the deer. "Holy shit. What the fuck? Why is that up there?" He asks, not expecting an answer. He looks over to sam and sees her reaction, realizing this is not something normally on this road. He feels himself go cold and he swallows hard, but knows they need to make a move. "Fuck this movie, we ain't about to be cast in the tree's have eyes. Back the fuck up please and turn this bitch around." He says, not wanting to get out and move the deer.
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"Why are there so many trees here?" Rush asked his best friend, Sam. It sucked being so far from the city but there was a peacefulness to it all. Maybe he'd be less bored if he weren't stuck in a car with Sam. He loves her to death, maybe literally, but she was such a buzz kill. "Makes it hard to see shit. I'm surprised you aren't scared of getting lost." That's the main reason he insisted on going with her in the first place; she was easy to scare which made her am easy target. He didn't think anything specifically would target her, maybe Marco and his dumbass friends, but Rush was going to ensure she had a safe trip and at least one person who would have her back when things got messy.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Don't be mad at me if you can't be patient
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Rush rolled his eyes. "I know we're in a forest, I'm not stupid. I just mean there's a lot of them. They could be hiding anything out here. And you've been here once and you were like seven. How do you even remember the way?" Rush questioned, looking around, starting to feel less secure for some reason, like they were being watched.
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"Why are there so many trees here?" Rush asked his best friend, Sam. It sucked being so far from the city but there was a peacefulness to it all. Maybe he'd be less bored if he weren't stuck in a car with Sam. He loves her to death, maybe literally, but she was such a buzz kill. "Makes it hard to see shit. I'm surprised you aren't scared of getting lost." That's the main reason he insisted on going with her in the first place; she was easy to scare which made her am easy target. He didn't think anything specifically would target her, maybe Marco and his dumbass friends, but Rush was going to ensure she had a safe trip and at least one person who would have her back when things got messy.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Tucker continued to suck and lick on Malena's clit as he held onto her hips, enjoying knowing he was bringing her pleasure. As he felt her bucking against him, he knew she was growing more and more aroused. He continued to lap at her folds, his tongue sliding against her most sensitive parts. He could feel her orgasm building, and as he continued to eat her out, he could tell she was about to fall apart. He makes sure to lick her clean, wanting to make her feel good as she comes. With a parting, deep tongue kiss against her, he stands up, holding onto her still until he finishes washing her off under the stream of hot water, rinsing her off before turning his attention to himself, taking care of his body with a hint of reluctance. He washes himself thoroughly, making sure to remove the smell of sex from his body, though he doesn't mind the lingering scent of her arousal on his skin or breath. He watches her as he does so, admiring her body and enjoying the way she looks at him, her desire evident in the heat in her eyes.
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It's crazy how fast Tucker's life had changed. Before Malena, he was living on the edge of every day, always in a different place, a different bed, with different women. But now, he was settling down, buying a home with a girl he loved, planning to have a future. Standing by her side now, looking at what could be their new home, Tucker couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Now he had something to live for outside of working the life of a career criminal, which was a chapter he was ready to conclude for good.
"Whaddaya think, angel?" Tucker asked, looking down to Malena with a smile. "You think this is the one?" The two-story house was simple but elegant, a classic design that exuded a sense of class and sophistication. The neighborhood was quiet and affluent, a far cry from the chaos of the city. He knew Malena had always dreamed of having a simple life, away from the dangers and drama of her father's past. He felt like they were both getting the fresh start the deserved.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Khel staggered backwards, the cold numbing sensation spread across his face as Svell's magical ice hit him square in the face. He stumbled back a few paces, disoriented from the blow. He blinked rapidly, trying to clear the fog from his vision, and centered his sights on the mage who was now digging in his bag. Khel tosses aside the dagger, knowing he'd need his sword now, and draws it quickly from its sheath. He charges Svell, sword in hand, intent on ending this battle quickly. He forgets about the ice in his abdomen, and Svell was still lucid enough to extend his hand and force it to shatter inside of him. Khel grunted in pain and faltered momentarily, giving Svell just enough time to power the scroll with magic and teleport away before Khel could swing his sword at the mage.
Khel collapsed to the floor, bleeding internally from the ice shards still embedded in his organs. He tried desperately to stem the flow of blood, but it was no use. He knew he was dying, and he accepted it willingly. He had failed in his mission, and he would pay for it with his life. He laid there on the cold floor of the inn, bleeding out from his wounds, his vision fading to black.
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The cold was bitter in the night. Snow had fallen and the world was as still as the dead. The stars and the moon were obscured by the thick cover of clouds, dark and heavy with their cargo. Winter was just around the corner, and he needed to return home. His work here was almost done. He just had to pick up the princess and head back.A large man, with broad shoulders and a thick chest, Khel stood as a wall of muscle. His black hair was cut short, as it was easier for him to maintain that way. His eyes were as black as his hair and he rarely smiled. He did, however, have a wry smirk that came out from time to time. He traveled to the town that he was in with a packhorse loaded with provisions. The King had sent him on a mission to retrieve his illegitimate daughter from the small town, as the King was on his deathbed. Khel didn't really care about the politics of it all. He was given a directive from his king, the man who gave him everything Khel had in this world. He would find the girl and return her to him. He would succeed at this task. He made it to the inn that he was told he would find the girl, and walked into the main room. It was small, and there were few people here. He recognized his contact at a table, rolling some dice with a group of other men. He looked up and saw Khel. He nodded his head slightly, and returned to his game. Khel knew the signal. He went to the bar and ordered a mug of ale, and waited. Soon enough, the man stood, shook hands with his companions and approached him.
"So, you're the only one they sent?" He asked Khel, quietly. "I am all that's needed." Khel replied as he's brought his drink, but doesn't sip from the mug. "Fair enough. I am going to assume you are well armed and capable." The man looked him up and down. "The caravan she's rode in with are upstairs, separate rooms, hers is the end of the hall. I think she's already asleep." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a key. "Here is the key to her room. If you don't wake her up, you can just grab her and take her to the stables." He nodded his head once more, then turned and walked away. Khel finished his drink, and headed to the stairs.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
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errocmatrio · 2 months
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"Why are there so many trees here?" Rush asked his best friend, Sam. It sucked being so far from the city but there was a peacefulness to it all. Maybe he'd be less bored if he weren't stuck in a car with Sam. He loves her to death, maybe literally, but she was such a buzz kill. "Makes it hard to see shit. I'm surprised you aren't scared of getting lost." That's the main reason he insisted on going with her in the first place; she was easy to scare which made her am easy target. He didn't think anything specifically would target her, maybe Marco and his dumbass friends, but Rush was going to ensure she had a safe trip and at least one person who would have her back when things got messy.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Khel would not suffer another insult to his king from Svell, who he did not know, and once the word bastard came out of his mouth again Khel lunged at him, dagger in hand as he was ready to plunge it into the mage's throat but mid-way Khel stepped down and felt magic gathering under his feet. His instincts told him to fall back and he was fast enough to dodge sharp blocks of ice shooting up from the ground, though his face got grazed in the process, and his foot impaled through his boot, luckily it wasn't bone damage. Khel cursed under his breath and ripped the boot free with a grunt, his eyes never leaving the mage. He had underestimated the mage, but he wasn't deterred from fighting him. Before he's recovered, Svell pushes against the column of ice and it shatters, sending icy shrapnel flying towards Khel who shields himself with his cloak, the fabric shredded by the shards of ice. The force of the blast wasn't as impactful as the shards, which gave Khel some advantage since he could still move while Svell was recovering from his attack. Khel sprinted towards Svell, dagger in hand ready to slit his throat but charged right into a spear under to cover of the icy mist created by the shards hitting the walls and floor. Khel grunts in pain and pulls himself off it but the mage thrusts another spear right through his lower abdomen, Khel grimaces in pain as the icy tip tore through his organs but Khel didn't relent, he grabbed the shaft of the spear and pushed it deeper into himself in one quick motion to pull Svell closer and plunged his dagger into the mage's neck, slicing through skin, muscle and arteries. Svell gasped for air as Khel twisted the blade, severing the vocal cords and causing irreversible damage to the mage. Blood sprayed onto Khel's face as he watched the life drain from Svell's eyes and with a final twist he yanked out the blade.
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The cold was bitter in the night. Snow had fallen and the world was as still as the dead. The stars and the moon were obscured by the thick cover of clouds, dark and heavy with their cargo. Winter was just around the corner, and he needed to return home. His work here was almost done. He just had to pick up the princess and head back.A large man, with broad shoulders and a thick chest, Khel stood as a wall of muscle. His black hair was cut short, as it was easier for him to maintain that way. His eyes were as black as his hair and he rarely smiled. He did, however, have a wry smirk that came out from time to time. He traveled to the town that he was in with a packhorse loaded with provisions. The King had sent him on a mission to retrieve his illegitimate daughter from the small town, as the King was on his deathbed. Khel didn't really care about the politics of it all. He was given a directive from his king, the man who gave him everything Khel had in this world. He would find the girl and return her to him. He would succeed at this task. He made it to the inn that he was told he would find the girl, and walked into the main room. It was small, and there were few people here. He recognized his contact at a table, rolling some dice with a group of other men. He looked up and saw Khel. He nodded his head slightly, and returned to his game. Khel knew the signal. He went to the bar and ordered a mug of ale, and waited. Soon enough, the man stood, shook hands with his companions and approached him.
"So, you're the only one they sent?" He asked Khel, quietly. "I am all that's needed." Khel replied as he's brought his drink, but doesn't sip from the mug. "Fair enough. I am going to assume you are well armed and capable." The man looked him up and down. "The caravan she's rode in with are upstairs, separate rooms, hers is the end of the hall. I think she's already asleep." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a key. "Here is the key to her room. If you don't wake her up, you can just grab her and take her to the stables." He nodded his head once more, then turned and walked away. Khel finished his drink, and headed to the stairs.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
After leaving the room, Khel notices the inn was eerily quiet, save for the crackling of firewood burning in the hearth. He surveys the room, searching for signs of danger, and realizes the inn was completely empty except for a lone hooded stranger standing in front of the hearth, his back to Khel. Khel could sense Magic in the air, something sinister brewing beneath the surface. He descends the steps slowly, keeping an eye on the hooded figure. As he approaches, the stranger turns to face Khel, his eyes glowing with an unnatural light. "His majesty's most loyal puppet. Paladin Khel, pleasure to finally meet you." The stranger greets Khel with a mocking bow. "I'll be taking the bastard daughter now. Turn her over to me or I will retrieve her over your dead body."
Khel regards the hooded stranger coolly, sizing up his opponent. He recognizes the stranger as a mage of some sort, so killing him would not be simple, but once he referred to the king's own flesh and blood as a bastard, Khel resolved to killing him here in this inn. Taking a step towards the stranger, Khel's features darken. "You insult my king, your majesty King Eriaon, and dare refer to his daughter as a bastard? You will die by my bare hands and in your final moments you will regret uttering such slanderous words, spell weaver."
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The cold was bitter in the night. Snow had fallen and the world was as still as the dead. The stars and the moon were obscured by the thick cover of clouds, dark and heavy with their cargo. Winter was just around the corner, and he needed to return home. His work here was almost done. He just had to pick up the princess and head back.A large man, with broad shoulders and a thick chest, Khel stood as a wall of muscle. His black hair was cut short, as it was easier for him to maintain that way. His eyes were as black as his hair and he rarely smiled. He did, however, have a wry smirk that came out from time to time. He traveled to the town that he was in with a packhorse loaded with provisions. The King had sent him on a mission to retrieve his illegitimate daughter from the small town, as the King was on his deathbed. Khel didn't really care about the politics of it all. He was given a directive from his king, the man who gave him everything Khel had in this world. He would find the girl and return her to him. He would succeed at this task. He made it to the inn that he was told he would find the girl, and walked into the main room. It was small, and there were few people here. He recognized his contact at a table, rolling some dice with a group of other men. He looked up and saw Khel. He nodded his head slightly, and returned to his game. Khel knew the signal. He went to the bar and ordered a mug of ale, and waited. Soon enough, the man stood, shook hands with his companions and approached him.
"So, you're the only one they sent?" He asked Khel, quietly. "I am all that's needed." Khel replied as he's brought his drink, but doesn't sip from the mug. "Fair enough. I am going to assume you are well armed and capable." The man looked him up and down. "The caravan she's rode in with are upstairs, separate rooms, hers is the end of the hall. I think she's already asleep." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a key. "Here is the key to her room. If you don't wake her up, you can just grab her and take her to the stables." He nodded his head once more, then turned and walked away. Khel finished his drink, and headed to the stairs.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Khel nods, glad that Euria has agreed to come with him. "Good," he says quietly. "We must leave now. The king's health is failing, and we need to get you to the capital as soon as possible." He moves toward the door, gesturing for Euria to follow him. "Gather your belongings and meet me downstairs. We'll leave as soon as you're ready." With that, he opens the door and exits the room, leaving Euria alone to collect herself.
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The cold was bitter in the night. Snow had fallen and the world was as still as the dead. The stars and the moon were obscured by the thick cover of clouds, dark and heavy with their cargo. Winter was just around the corner, and he needed to return home. His work here was almost done. He just had to pick up the princess and head back.A large man, with broad shoulders and a thick chest, Khel stood as a wall of muscle. His black hair was cut short, as it was easier for him to maintain that way. His eyes were as black as his hair and he rarely smiled. He did, however, have a wry smirk that came out from time to time. He traveled to the town that he was in with a packhorse loaded with provisions. The King had sent him on a mission to retrieve his illegitimate daughter from the small town, as the King was on his deathbed. Khel didn't really care about the politics of it all. He was given a directive from his king, the man who gave him everything Khel had in this world. He would find the girl and return her to him. He would succeed at this task. He made it to the inn that he was told he would find the girl, and walked into the main room. It was small, and there were few people here. He recognized his contact at a table, rolling some dice with a group of other men. He looked up and saw Khel. He nodded his head slightly, and returned to his game. Khel knew the signal. He went to the bar and ordered a mug of ale, and waited. Soon enough, the man stood, shook hands with his companions and approached him.
"So, you're the only one they sent?" He asked Khel, quietly. "I am all that's needed." Khel replied as he's brought his drink, but doesn't sip from the mug. "Fair enough. I am going to assume you are well armed and capable." The man looked him up and down. "The caravan she's rode in with are upstairs, separate rooms, hers is the end of the hall. I think she's already asleep." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a key. "Here is the key to her room. If you don't wake her up, you can just grab her and take her to the stables." He nodded his head once more, then turned and walked away. Khel finished his drink, and headed to the stairs.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Khel is taken aback by Euria's emotional outburst. He had expected resistance, but not this level of distress. He sighs deeply, and moves towards her, placing a hand gently on her shoulder. He speaks softly, trying to reassure her. "I know this is difficult for you. But you must go. The king wishes to meet you before he passes. It is his dying wish." He pauses for a moment, considering his next words carefully. "I know you may feel lost and confused right now, but I will be with you every step of the way. You are not alone in this." He squeezes her shoulder lightly, trying to offer some comfort.
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The cold was bitter in the night. Snow had fallen and the world was as still as the dead. The stars and the moon were obscured by the thick cover of clouds, dark and heavy with their cargo. Winter was just around the corner, and he needed to return home. His work here was almost done. He just had to pick up the princess and head back.A large man, with broad shoulders and a thick chest, Khel stood as a wall of muscle. His black hair was cut short, as it was easier for him to maintain that way. His eyes were as black as his hair and he rarely smiled. He did, however, have a wry smirk that came out from time to time. He traveled to the town that he was in with a packhorse loaded with provisions. The King had sent him on a mission to retrieve his illegitimate daughter from the small town, as the King was on his deathbed. Khel didn't really care about the politics of it all. He was given a directive from his king, the man who gave him everything Khel had in this world. He would find the girl and return her to him. He would succeed at this task. He made it to the inn that he was told he would find the girl, and walked into the main room. It was small, and there were few people here. He recognized his contact at a table, rolling some dice with a group of other men. He looked up and saw Khel. He nodded his head slightly, and returned to his game. Khel knew the signal. He went to the bar and ordered a mug of ale, and waited. Soon enough, the man stood, shook hands with his companions and approached him.
"So, you're the only one they sent?" He asked Khel, quietly. "I am all that's needed." Khel replied as he's brought his drink, but doesn't sip from the mug. "Fair enough. I am going to assume you are well armed and capable." The man looked him up and down. "The caravan she's rode in with are upstairs, separate rooms, hers is the end of the hall. I think she's already asleep." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a key. "Here is the key to her room. If you don't wake her up, you can just grab her and take her to the stables." He nodded his head once more, then turned and walked away. Khel finished his drink, and headed to the stairs.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Khel watches Euria as she reads the letter. He can see the emotions playing across her face, and he feels a pain in his heart. He wants to comfort her, but he knows that she needs time to process this information. He kneels next to her and puts his hand on her shoulder. "I do not know why you were summoned now." He says honestly. "But I promise you, I will protect you and keep you safe." He means every word. He may have been sent to retrieve her, but he sees her as more than just a mission. She is someone who needs his protection and guidance, being the only daughter of his holy majesty meant that his oath to protect and serve the king and his legacy, extended to the pincess as well. He squeezes her shoulder gently, and stands. "I will give you some time to gather your things." He says softly. "We will leave as soon as you are ready."
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The cold was bitter in the night. Snow had fallen and the world was as still as the dead. The stars and the moon were obscured by the thick cover of clouds, dark and heavy with their cargo. Winter was just around the corner, and he needed to return home. His work here was almost done. He just had to pick up the princess and head back.A large man, with broad shoulders and a thick chest, Khel stood as a wall of muscle. His black hair was cut short, as it was easier for him to maintain that way. His eyes were as black as his hair and he rarely smiled. He did, however, have a wry smirk that came out from time to time. He traveled to the town that he was in with a packhorse loaded with provisions. The King had sent him on a mission to retrieve his illegitimate daughter from the small town, as the King was on his deathbed. Khel didn't really care about the politics of it all. He was given a directive from his king, the man who gave him everything Khel had in this world. He would find the girl and return her to him. He would succeed at this task. He made it to the inn that he was told he would find the girl, and walked into the main room. It was small, and there were few people here. He recognized his contact at a table, rolling some dice with a group of other men. He looked up and saw Khel. He nodded his head slightly, and returned to his game. Khel knew the signal. He went to the bar and ordered a mug of ale, and waited. Soon enough, the man stood, shook hands with his companions and approached him.
"So, you're the only one they sent?" He asked Khel, quietly. "I am all that's needed." Khel replied as he's brought his drink, but doesn't sip from the mug. "Fair enough. I am going to assume you are well armed and capable." The man looked him up and down. "The caravan she's rode in with are upstairs, separate rooms, hers is the end of the hall. I think she's already asleep." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a key. "Here is the key to her room. If you don't wake her up, you can just grab her and take her to the stables." He nodded his head once more, then turned and walked away. Khel finished his drink, and headed to the stairs.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Khel reaches behind him, and produces a sealed envelope. He holds it out to her, but doesn't let go of her hand. "Open it." He urges her. "Then we shall talk."
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The cold was bitter in the night. Snow had fallen and the world was as still as the dead. The stars and the moon were obscured by the thick cover of clouds, dark and heavy with their cargo. Winter was just around the corner, and he needed to return home. His work here was almost done. He just had to pick up the princess and head back.A large man, with broad shoulders and a thick chest, Khel stood as a wall of muscle. His black hair was cut short, as it was easier for him to maintain that way. His eyes were as black as his hair and he rarely smiled. He did, however, have a wry smirk that came out from time to time. He traveled to the town that he was in with a packhorse loaded with provisions. The King had sent him on a mission to retrieve his illegitimate daughter from the small town, as the King was on his deathbed. Khel didn't really care about the politics of it all. He was given a directive from his king, the man who gave him everything Khel had in this world. He would find the girl and return her to him. He would succeed at this task. He made it to the inn that he was told he would find the girl, and walked into the main room. It was small, and there were few people here. He recognized his contact at a table, rolling some dice with a group of other men. He looked up and saw Khel. He nodded his head slightly, and returned to his game. Khel knew the signal. He went to the bar and ordered a mug of ale, and waited. Soon enough, the man stood, shook hands with his companions and approached him.
"So, you're the only one they sent?" He asked Khel, quietly. "I am all that's needed." Khel replied as he's brought his drink, but doesn't sip from the mug. "Fair enough. I am going to assume you are well armed and capable." The man looked him up and down. "The caravan she's rode in with are upstairs, separate rooms, hers is the end of the hall. I think she's already asleep." He reached into a pocket and pulled out a key. "Here is the key to her room. If you don't wake her up, you can just grab her and take her to the stables." He nodded his head once more, then turned and walked away. Khel finished his drink, and headed to the stairs.
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errocmatrio · 2 months
Tucker continues to lick and suck on her clit, lapping at her folds as he holds onto her hips. He can feel her growing more and more aroused as he works her over, and he knows he's doing something right when he feels her climax building. Her cries of pleasure echo in the bathroom as he eats her out, the water pouring over them as he continues to suck and lick until she explodes with a powerful orgasm. He grips onto her hips tightly as she comes, not wanting to let go as he continues to work her through it, her muscles tightening around his tongue. He can taste her wetness as she bucks against him, her hands gripping his hair as he brings her to orgasm.
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It's crazy how fast Tucker's life had changed. Before Malena, he was living on the edge of every day, always in a different place, a different bed, with different women. But now, he was settling down, buying a home with a girl he loved, planning to have a future. Standing by her side now, looking at what could be their new home, Tucker couldn't help but feel a sense of pride. Now he had something to live for outside of working the life of a career criminal, which was a chapter he was ready to conclude for good.
"Whaddaya think, angel?" Tucker asked, looking down to Malena with a smile. "You think this is the one?" The two-story house was simple but elegant, a classic design that exuded a sense of class and sophistication. The neighborhood was quiet and affluent, a far cry from the chaos of the city. He knew Malena had always dreamed of having a simple life, away from the dangers and drama of her father's past. He felt like they were both getting the fresh start the deserved.
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