erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
here’s one i find super cute! “team natsu as a family” trope mixed with “team natsu impromptu sleepovers at lucy’s apartment (and sharing the bed)” headcanons?
I love that Lucy's apartment is slowly turning into Team Natsu's apartment. Lemme toss you an idea back: Team Natsu getting a place together...
They all cuddle. All the time. Gray tries to pretend that he's not down but he gets dragged in
Especially because this man is usually the first one to take the bed
Lucy keeps extra blankets and pillows as well as extra food because she knows there will be a sleepover at least once a month
It's almost become tradition to have a sleep over the day before the grand magic games
Erza is an absolute cuddle monster. She instigates almost all cuddle sessions. The boys being the first to be dragged in
The only reason Natsu doesn't start them is because he fears Lucy's wrath at being forcefully cuddled
Lucy has a corner in her apartment covered in pillows and blankets and is a huge fort for them to cuddle in since she thinks her bed is way too cramped
The fort only gets used 50% of the time
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
here’s something angsty: do you have any headcanons about the members of team natsu (including happy) having nightmares and how lucy deals with each of them?
Love me some angst! I could talk about all of their mental health for days
This is gonna be pretty long so buckle up!
Natsu is the one Lucy experiences the most
It's hard to tell when Natsu is having a nightmare because he doesn't scream or thrash around
The only way Lucy can tell is because he gets warmer and his grip on her or whatever he's holding tightens
Natsu never talks about them. Lucy has tried to ask him, but he just pretends he doesn't remember
Lucy has learned that talking to him usually helps best. Hearing her voice has a calming effect on him
She tried to cuddle up to him, but he does heat up a lot so she usually has to settle for sitting next to Natsu, knowing he can smell her
Happy is the easiest for Lucy to help
He talks during his. The most heartbreaking part for Lucy is when she hears him crying her name
Lucy always pulls him into her arms and whispers reassuringly to him
Happy doesn't usually talk about his either.
Unless it's about Lucy, then in the morning he flies up to her and tells her he loves her
Similar to Natsu, Gray's temperature changes when he has nightmares. His is more extreme than Natsu's tho and can result in legit freezing the space around him
He also starts breathing heavy and even hyperventilates at times
Lucy always wakes him up. She's learned how to wake him gently but in the beginning he would wake up screaming
His screams would wake everyone else up and he'd usually respond by walking off and leaving them confused
Lucy figured out that if she got him up without the panic. Gray would talk to her about it
He'd never go into too much detail, but it would be enough for Lucy to reassure him
Erza's always resulted in her crying. Lucy would wake to Erza's gentle sobs and have to figure out if the woman was awake or not
Erza is a light sleeper so Lucy usually brushes the tears from Erza's eyes and she wakes up
That is if Lucy wakes up before the nightmares wake Erza. It's usually a 50/50 shot
Either way, when both women are awake they will just sit next to each other in the darkness
Sometimes Erza will talk about it. Lucy never says anything. She just sits and listens
Erza usually rests her head on Lucy's shoulder or Lucy will hug her tightly depending on the night
Once Erza has stopped shaking, they head back to bed. Lucy usually waits until she's sure Erza is sleeping peacefully
Wendy's nightmares are all over the place. Sometimes she sobs, others she screams, or hyperventilates. In those cases everyone wakes up and fusses over her
But some nights Wendy will wake up Lucy with tear stains on her cheeks and ask to talk
They usually take a walk and Wendy vents out her fears and trauma. They hold hands as they walk around their camp
Lucy knows the best thing for Wendy is fresh air
Wendy also appreciates any and all advice from Lucy
Lucy also pays attention to Carla's nightmares.
Carla usually twitches and moves around when she's having a bad dream
She never wakes up from the nightmares
Lucy will usually just picks the sleeping cat up and places her in Wendy's arms
That's usually enough to calm Carla down
Every once in awhile, Carla will wake up as Lucy moves her. They never speak. Lucy will just give her an understanding smile and place Wendy's arm around Carla
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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Childhood otp 🥹❤️
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
Fairy Tail Covers
Man I miss the old art style! But I love some of the newer art too! They’ve changed a lot over the last 14 years. Also happy anniversary 100yq!! 💓
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
When you know Fairy Tail better than Mashima and you know that:
Mirajane is a lesbian
Minerva is the Master of Sabertooth
Natsu is fucking smart when it comes to fighting and strategy
Sting is gay
Erza and Mirajane had a romantic relationship at some point
Natsu and Lucy are a couple even though neither of them knows it
Juvia is the cruelest mage in the guild and can kill you if you harm her friends
Wendy is the strongest Dragon Slayer
Laxus and Freed have been in a secret relationship for years
After Gildarts, Mirajane is the strongest wizard in the guild (yes, she can beat Erza and Laxus)
Levy is Fairy Tail's new strategist
Erza was the first choice as the next Master but she gave up in favor of Laxus because she wanted to keep going on missions
Gray is NOT a tsundere, he is an idiot like Natsu (please stop changing his character, no one can understand what his personality is anymore)
Lucy still has a certain grudge against Minerva and her father even if she doesn't show it
Lisanna eats stones
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
Let's talk about Fairy Tail women.
A while ago I came across an ... interesting post that can be summarised as 'fanservice is bad and hence all the female characters are written badly'. I've seen a lot of takes alonge these lines.
I've said it a million times, I don't like the fanservice in fairy tail but claiming that the fanservice automatically makes the writing of the female characters bad is a very shallow way of looking at the story. The over sexualization of the female characters is only one criteria we should consider while discussing how female characters are handled in the story. Unfortunately most of the time that ends up being the only criteria. I also think a lot of the times this is used as an excuse to hate on the female characters in fairy tail.
So here are some of my reasons as to why I absolutely love the way fairy tail women are written.
Flipping the damsel in distress trope.
During the phantom lord arc Lucy is kidnapped and Natsu went out to save her. A very classic setting for the damsel in distress trope. What makes this moment different is Lucy, the princess stuck in a tower, decided to jump. That moment is so important for her character. Lucy chose to jump because the alternative was having to return home to her abusive father and she jumped because she knew Natsu would catch her. That scene both simultaneously showed the audiance how much Lucy dreaded going back to her father's house and how much faith she had in her guildmate. That scene wasn't there to show Natsu saving her, that moment was there to flesh out Lucy's character.
They Unfridged Lisanna.
Fridged girlfriend/wife is a trope where the female lover of the male protagonist is killed, sometimes even before the story begins and the sole purpose that female character serves is to be a source of angst for the male protagonist. Lisanna was almost that. But she was brought back. Even before that she wasn't just limited to being Natsu's source of angst. She was Mira and Elfman's sister. I don't particularly like Lisanna but she's alive and she's living her life with the people she loves. That will always be a positive thing.
Self sacrifice is bad actually.
A lot of times, especially for female characters self sacrifice is presented as a virtue. It's presented as a selfless noble thing. During tower of heaven arc, Erza learnt that that's wrong. she realised she's loved and wanted. She learnt that her life matters and the people who love her would be miserable without her and nothing good will come from her death. She learnt that self sacrifice will only lead to pain for everyone she loves.
Passing bechdel test in the most unexpected situations.
In case you don't know the criteria for passing the bechdel test are, two named female characters talking to each other about someone other than a man. This test is mainly for movies but we can apply it to tv shows, anime and manga by seeing how often it passes the bachdel test rather than if it passes it. Like how someone did for Doctor Who. (I am genuinely tempted to do this for fairy tail anime.)
Anyway getting to the point, you would think that's very easy to achieve and yet so many stories fail at it so very often. While this test is by no means a sure shot way of measuring how feminist something is, I do think a show with a lot of important female characters who have good relationship with one another will pass the bechdel test a lot more frequently compared to a show that doesn't.
Fairy tail passes the backdel test somewhat frequently, sometimes in unexpected ways.
At first we are lead to believe that Erza and Kagura are connected because of Jellal and Simon. So it's only natural that they will talk about those two men during their fight. And yet their fight during grand magic games passes the bechdel test. Because their relationship goes beyond those two men. Erza knew Kagura from their childhood and she wanted their relationship to be defined by that rather than anything else. Erza didn't tell Kagura how she should feel. She understood and respected Kagura's feeling. All she wanted was for Kagura see her as her own person. The reason why this scene managed to pass the bechdel test was because despite everything Erza and Kagura's relationship is not defined by the men in their lives.
Women with power
Time and time again fairy tail has portrayed women wielding immense power. Fairy tail has also portrayed women in position of power. Hisui didn't just remain a princess, she became a queen. Fairy tail was founded by a woman. Dragon Slayer magic was invented by a woman. Characters like Urtear and Brandish are unmatched in power. Powerful women in fairy tail feel powerful, they don't feel power for a woman or power despite being a woman, they feel powerful.
Future Lucy died in her own arms.
Future Lucy is a characters who went through unimaginable pain and suffering and ended up dying. But she died to protect her past self. She died in her own arms and made the past version of herself promise her that she will fight for their future. Even though we know that our Lucy is perfectly fine that scene hits like a truck. Natsu in that moment remembers how happy Lucy was when she got her guild mark. That's a painful memory in that moment because future Lucy has lost everything. She has lost her guild along with her guild mark. Natsu and everyone else there is sad and angry because future Lucy deserved to happy and that happiness was stolen from her. Even when it comes to showing Natsu's pain it's entirely selfless. Even after all the pain she went through in the end she was at peace and the story made sure we knew that. Future Lucy is one of the few characters who dies in fairy tail and like all the other deaths in fairy tail this too is meaningful. Fairy tail would never kill of a character, let alone a female character for shock value.
Power of friendship but like siriously.
From Erza and Mira's childhood rivery to Lucy and Brandish's current rivery, to Wendy and Chelia's relationship that's two steps away from blossoming into romance fairy tail has so many complex relationships between it's female characters. It is so hard to put into words. I absolutely adore the relationships fairy tail women have with each other. They are sweet, bitter, silly, loving and everything else that you could possibly imagine. While not all, most of their relationship are also build on their own without a male character being involved. What I mean by that very often we will see two female characters being friends because their boyfriends are friends or because they had a crush on the same guy but they put aside their differences or the girlfriend and sister of a male character becoming friends. Those examples exists in fairy tail too but they are just so rare. And because we have so many dynamics between the female characters those type of relationship don't stand out.
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
Erza: Bro-
Lucy: You had your tongue in my mouth ten minutes ago, don't call me bro.
Erza: Babe-
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
There are many who will deny my truth but i must say it:
Erza is a Live, Love, Laugh kind of woman.
She'd have the sign over her door with a decorative sword. She dead on would have facebook mum humour, minions and everything.
And she would also be reeeeeally into crime shows and essential oils big time. I look at her and know that unironically, she would fall for so many infomercial products.
Many will deny my wisdom. But i speak the truth.
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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doodz feat. the main fairy girlies from my teenagehood
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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hi more sapphic ft stuff im not even gonna try and justify myself
these r my redesigns thats y they look diffrent
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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based on a set of tweets by hozier
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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this panel is SO ICONIC🤭
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erza-is-on-the-way · 9 months
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Traditional doodle!!
Apologies for proportion issues I can’t fix them like I do in digital 🙏
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