erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
As soon as she saw the doors open she shot out leaping through warpgates similar to how portal gun portals work, chell could hear Erzebet cheer as she made it to the end of the test. Albeit it was a cooperative test but she had made it to the end.
She chuckled realizing what she had done and waited for chell to try and make it.
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"I'll make sure to do my best...and Uh...thanks again...for helping me and all".
She rubbed her arm awkwardly, but still have Harley a smile albeit somewhat lopsided. She was still getting used to her head being constantly dipped in static.
The sound of a door opening could be heard behind Harley as Erzebet stumbled out immediatly passing out on Harleys back as she left the Rift door.
Harley jolted to his feet, immediately going to check on his visitor. Andre had warned him that she was coming, and that she was in rough shape mentally and physically. Giving her a quick look over, he has Oberon pick her up and carry Erzebet to the medbay. Once therw Harley began running more in-depth diagnostics and setting up monitors for her condition
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
Rubbing her hands together somewhat excitedly she knew exactly what to do. Looking to chell she put a hand on her shoulder hoping to get across that things would work out.
"Come on, we got this, and i got this".
She wouldn't show it but she was actually giddy.
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
Erzebet was out for a couple days after, the stress having left her body and all that was left was the exhaustion, occasionally a door would open near her even while she was sleeping, although the doors slowly started to look different.
It was until the third day that a door appeared under her and she slowly slipped in fell on to a platform that was slowly disappearing waking up with a start she jumped out before it fully dissapeared.
While Dawn was walking through the forest, occasionally she would hear what sounded like crying, the more she walked forward the louder it got, until she reached a small women in the fetal position crying her heart out, her possesions scattered around her.
"Ma'am? Are you hurt? Do you need any help?" Dawn got close but kept her distance just in case something was up, she was still willing to help the other woman though.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"I....i didn't think you heard that...but I appreciate you being here for me".
Erzebet chuckled but didn't say much after, simply drinking the tea she was given until she managed to pass out, she was exhausted to the biggest extent.
While Dawn was walking through the forest, occasionally she would hear what sounded like crying, the more she walked forward the louder it got, until she reached a small women in the fetal position crying her heart out, her possesions scattered around her.
"Ma'am? Are you hurt? Do you need any help?" Dawn got close but kept her distance just in case something was up, she was still willing to help the other woman though.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"It very much did help, thank you. I may take you up on that offer soon".
While meditating she had come to an conclusion and a slew of ways to work with her powers decreased effectiveness although she probably wouldn't be allowed to try it at the moment, she was glad she at least has some sort of a starting point.
The sound of a door opening could be heard behind Harley as Erzebet stumbled out immediatly passing out on Harleys back as she left the Rift door.
Harley jolted to his feet, immediately going to check on his visitor. Andre had warned him that she was coming, and that she was in rough shape mentally and physically. Giving her a quick look over, he has Oberon pick her up and carry Erzebet to the medbay. Once therw Harley began running more in-depth diagnostics and setting up monitors for her condition
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"...that's fine, drop us in? I want to get started as soon as possible".
She had formulated a plan on how to use her power more efficiently, she felt it was greatly weakened and she needed to work around that.
"I may have an idea for my power".
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
For the most part Erzebet managed to follow through, she just kept having a few nagging and recurring thoughts, although she did feel a bit better.
The static raging in her head wasn't as loud as when she first arrived and quietly let out a happy sigh of relief.
The sound of a door opening could be heard behind Harley as Erzebet stumbled out immediatly passing out on Harleys back as she left the Rift door.
Harley jolted to his feet, immediately going to check on his visitor. Andre had warned him that she was coming, and that she was in rough shape mentally and physically. Giving her a quick look over, he has Oberon pick her up and carry Erzebet to the medbay. Once therw Harley began running more in-depth diagnostics and setting up monitors for her condition
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
Looking at Glados she nodded and began psyching herself up, she finally thought of a way to better her style.
"Glados...do you mind putting me...us through the hardest momentum tests?"
She looked to chell and smilied giving her a thumbs up.
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"How convenient, well here's hoping it helps...not that I don't doubt it will".
Looking over the frames that where waiting she felt a bit embarrassed that she had made Nova late, but quickly shook away her embarrassment it was time for meditation, with the frames.
"Yea sorry for making you late".
The sound of a door opening could be heard behind Harley as Erzebet stumbled out immediatly passing out on Harleys back as she left the Rift door.
Harley jolted to his feet, immediately going to check on his visitor. Andre had warned him that she was coming, and that she was in rough shape mentally and physically. Giving her a quick look over, he has Oberon pick her up and carry Erzebet to the medbay. Once therw Harley began running more in-depth diagnostics and setting up monitors for her condition
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
While Chell was getting Glados, Erzebet took the time to go over her strategy and figure out the best way to deal with her own shortcomings.
"Maybe....maybe help truly is the answer".
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"Mind assisting me? I think I could use the company...and maybe It could help me in the long run aswell actually".
She rubbed her hands together nervously.
The sound of a door opening could be heard behind Harley as Erzebet stumbled out immediatly passing out on Harleys back as she left the Rift door.
Harley jolted to his feet, immediately going to check on his visitor. Andre had warned him that she was coming, and that she was in rough shape mentally and physically. Giving her a quick look over, he has Oberon pick her up and carry Erzebet to the medbay. Once therw Harley began running more in-depth diagnostics and setting up monitors for her condition
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"Lets get started yea? Find your android mom I want something more challenging".
She grinned, ready for a challenge at least hoping she'll do better next time.
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"Great now how do we start things up again, and maybe you can help, teamwork and all that".
She chuckled and gave chell a peck on the cheek and a warm hug, she needed her partner.
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"Oh...well I'll be glad to learn anything you can teach me...that Uh doesn't have to do with physical things".
She chuckled a bit, alebeit frustrated she knew where Harley was coming fron and chose not to stress herself out more than she needed.
The sound of a door opening could be heard behind Harley as Erzebet stumbled out immediatly passing out on Harleys back as she left the Rift door.
Harley jolted to his feet, immediately going to check on his visitor. Andre had warned him that she was coming, and that she was in rough shape mentally and physically. Giving her a quick look over, he has Oberon pick her up and carry Erzebet to the medbay. Once therw Harley began running more in-depth diagnostics and setting up monitors for her condition
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"This....is my therapy, i don't know what else can help".
She hugged the mute, hoping to reassure her.Erzebet in general just wanted to be stronger and better hoping thatvshe herself would get better mentally.
A loud warp door in front of chell opened up and out stepped Erzebet, looking a little worse for wear but in her usual outfit her jacket heavier then before aswell. "Hey..."
Chell jumped back when the door opened and stood frozen in place, staring at Erzebet with wide eyes. She looked a little older than the last time she saw the lab rat, a little less finicky as well, but hardly very different otherwise.
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erzebetcreed-blog · 5 years
"Erzebet, and is there...anything else to do while i....recover?...i want to be better".
She took the frames hand, this frame looked soft or at least in Erzebets case oddly cute. It was simply the way the frame looked, but there was something else she couldn't put her finger on.
The sound of a door opening could be heard behind Harley as Erzebet stumbled out immediatly passing out on Harleys back as she left the Rift door.
Harley jolted to his feet, immediately going to check on his visitor. Andre had warned him that she was coming, and that she was in rough shape mentally and physically. Giving her a quick look over, he has Oberon pick her up and carry Erzebet to the medbay. Once therw Harley began running more in-depth diagnostics and setting up monitors for her condition
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