escapecity · 2 years
@pompedia   ! –-—
pointed  shoe  dabs  itself  on  welcome  mat ,  politely  discarding  clinging  dirt  to  sole  as  sneakers  grip  to  smooth  flooring  as  hedgehog  enters  base .   it’s  been  a  while  since  he  last  entered  a  building ,  let  alone  one  with  air  conditioning .   waves  are  cast  as  he  passes  by  fellow  members  of  amy’s  forces ,  the  hero  far  from  mere  legend  in  the  eyes  of  fellow  figures  of  freedom .   hands  swing  in  front  and  clap  as  he  spots  the  gal  of  the  hour ,  dual  finger - guns  shot  her  way .            “     there  she  is !   ames ,  how’s  everything ?   the  recruits  givin’  you  trouble  yet ?     ”
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his  approach  is  awkward  but  carefree ,  hand  coming  to  rest  on  a  hip  as  he  gently  eggs  on  a  playful  punch  to  heroine’s  shoulder .   it’s  good  seeing  her  so  productive  and  organized ;   a  major  difference  to  the  tarot  reader  he  once  rescued .   head  cants  as  he  tries  to  peek  at  clipboard  held  in  elbow’s  crook ,  mister  nosy  instinctively  trying  to  get  a  grasp  on  anything  new  to  do .
                       “     whatcha  got  there ?   hope  it  isn’t  anything  like  a  surprise  party .   y’know  how  that  LAST  one  turned  out .     ”
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escapecity · 2 years
@dragons-cove​ ! –-—
              “     hey ,  easy  there  big  guy .   it’s  okay  to  cry .     ” a  hand  comes  to  pat  against  raphael’s  harder  shell ,  spikes  barely  intimidating  the  hedgehog  as  he  walks  around  brother’s  side  to  see  his  bleary  face .   not  a  shred  of  judgment  lie  on  the  cobalt’s  face ,  not  even  as  a  glove  comes  to  gently  wipe  a  tear  away .   he’d  always  been  seen  like  a  big  brother  to  raph  after  arriving  through  phantom  ruby’s  portal ,  and  now  was  a  testament  to  just  how  much  he’d  prove  his  care .
                             “     no  one  ever  said  bein’  a  hero  was  easy .   take  it  from  me ;   no  one  can  judge  you  for  shedding  a  few  tears  now  and  then .   emotions  are  what  drive  us  to  fight  for  what’s  right ,  to  protect  the  right  to  freedom .   just  like  other  people  are  free  to  do  what  they  want ,  you’re  free  to  show  emotion  and  have  vulnerabilities ;   it’s  what  makes  us  people .     ”
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             “    just  look  at  me !   i’ve  had  my  moments  too .  .  .   regardless  of  what  duties  or  efforts  you  make  to  keep  others  safe ,  your  own  self  is  more  important  to  look  after  than  carrying  the  weight  of  the  world  on  your  shoulders .   i  wouldn’t  be  a  hero  if  i  didn’t  know  how  to  kick  back  sometimes ,  bud !     ”
hand  comes  to  ruffle  head  bandanna  and  noogie  the  eldest  hamato  brother ,  sonic’s  laugh  light  and  carefree .   it’s  important  for  the  big  brother  figure  to  know  his  boundaries  are  just  as  important  as  his  younger  siblings' ,  even  if  it  means  he  shows  weakness .   for  a  moment  sonic  stands  there ,  only  to  zip  off  in  a  brief  sprint  and  return  in  a  slowed  walk  of  approach  with  a  tissue  box  in  hand ,  offered  out  to  the  boxing  turtle .                             “    i’m  here  for  ya ,  raph .   jus’  let  it  all  out .     ”
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escapecity · 2 years
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“AHEM. settle down, 5’s ; a 10 is speaking. thank you.”
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“     easy  there ,  buddy .   gonna  hurt  some  weak  egos  with  THAT  attitude .     ”
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escapecity · 2 years
@weirdbunch ! –-—
            all things considered, it's rude to stare.
imagine sonic's surprise when he finds someone  ACTIVELY ROBBING  a museum for a priceless artifact known for it's influence on the mind. with the subliminal ability to warp the perception of those subjected to its sheen, it's no wonder a magician ushered in from left stage to pull the ol' switcharoo. even though cobalt 'hog has only been in new york for a short period, it seems he's taken up his share of crime-fighting, already perched atop overhead second story balcony for a bit of back and forth.
             “   hey there !   don't suppose you could consider putting that back ?   ”
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way to make a guy feel small, the three foot five hedgehog taking a leap from overhead to join other mutant upon ground floor, hands instinctively coming to clap and dust themselves off in preparation.   ( if eggman puts up a fight regardless, who knows if THIS GUY was the same. )
      “   you seem nice enough ! why don't you do us both a favor and put that lil shiny back on its pretty pedestal, 'kay ?   ”
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escapecity · 2 years
@twotailed ! –-—
        “     hey ,  tails !   long  time  no  see .     ” it’s  only  been  a  while ,  a  small  handful  of  minutes ,  but  sonic’s  all  too  excited  to  see  his  little  brother  shuffling  out  of  his  mechanic’s  garage .   brows  raise ,  prominent  grin  stretching  across  hero’s  muzzle  while  addressing  his  younger  friend .   hand  offers  out ,  awaits  that  slap  of  low - five  for  a  job  well - done  and  successfully  completed  by  genius ,  a  chipper  reward  of  praise  for  his  determination  and  sonic’s  pride  in  his  little  buddy’s  work .
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                   “     sure  took  your  time  in  there !   hope  whatever  it  was  you  were  perfecting  was  well  worth  the  long  hours .   by  the  way ,  how’s  the  tornado ?   she  ready  for  a  spin  later ?     ”
sonic’s  plane  was  still  something  he  was  glad  to  see  in  grand  condition  under  tails’  care ,  but  after  all  the  upgrades  and  updates  to  its  baseline  design ,  he  can’t  help  but  be  lost  in  the  schematics .   so  innocent  questions  lead  to  wide - ranged  answers ,  even  if  curiosity  knows  he  can’t  understand  the  broad  width  of  what  lies  in  wait  to  be  explained .               hands  come  to  rest  on  hips  as  sonic  glances  back  towards  his  friend’s  home  from  clifftop  edge ,  standing  aside  from  its  runway  for  takeoff ,  lungs  heaving  the  mountainside’s  air  in  through  chilled  nostrils .
“     you  doin’  okay  as  well ?   i  know  you  lock  yourself  up  in  there  when  you  need  some  time  alone  in  your  head .     ”
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escapecity · 2 years
@dragons-cove ! –-—
           note to self: never trust an echidna to get the job done.
sonic stands, shoes perched atop surrounding gated fencing to pier-side dock storage, currently holding residence to an emerald hunting professional. of course, he's more practiced in the master emerald's scent than it's successors. . . that job line was usually left up to the hedgehog's prowess. catcalling whistles down to preoccupied heavy-lifter as he tries to punch open a cargo's doors, something that earns a cocky laugh from the cobalt.
           “     easy there, boxin' champ !   might do some genuine damage to someone's fragile furniture .     ”
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“     'course, we don't know for  SURE  what's bein' kept in those things, but hey !   if you're willin' to bet on another guy's high-rise for the safety of one lone chaos emerald, who am i t' distract ya ?     ”
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escapecity · 2 years
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“ whyever would i stop doing that, eh? i find your utter lack of courage quite hilarious, for a beast that prides himself on being a self-proclaimed hero to all in need. ”
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“  those  sure  are  words  you  just  said .   by  the  way ,  how’s  the  fall  soup ?  ”
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escapecity · 2 years
“  just  because  i  don’t  swim  DOESN’T  entitle  you  to  remind  me  of  the  2020  olympics  again ,  robuttnik .  ”           he’ll  never  live  down  chickening  out  of  the  swimming  competition .
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escapecity · 2 years
Indie, selective, low activity MILES “TAILS” PROWER from the SONIC series.
Crossover & OC Friendly. 10+ Years of Experience. Mun is 21+.
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escapecity · 2 years
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sideblog to hachimchi, indie sonic the hedgehog — not associated with the rpc.
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