esfcstory-blog · 12 years
Chapter two
  Stepping out of her audi, Evie clopped her way into the training ground, her heels making tapping nosies on the floor! She can't say since her and Steph had got their jobs they hadn't treated themselves, cars, shoes, houses, clothes, designer goods, Iphone cases, had all been brought but when they were earning £2.4 Million a year so would you.
  'Morning, Stephanie' She smirks as she places her coat and bag on her desk, Steph admiring her shoes
'Morning, Evangeline' She smiles cockily
'How, are you this fine morning'
'Not bad, just getting our medical staff ready for the medicals we have this morning'
'Ohh yes, Theo, Lucas, Alex, Chris, was it'
'Tut tut, Evangeline, forgetting who we have brought'
'Oh shh, I have been treating the family'
'I know, how are they?' Steph asks as she clicks away at her pen top
'Not bad, still getting used to the fact I am a Manager now' She smirks as they hear the door banging
'Well here come the noisy lot, come on, team meeting'
'Coming' she says as she follows her, strutting down the hall.
  'Right, lads, sit down, we will talk you through what is going on' Steph says as the sit round the table in their training kit.
They nod as they sip on orange juice
'We have new signings coming in, this won't affect you today, well it shouldn't and yes it means we are bolstering up our squad, so you need to prove your worth' she says as she passes them pieces of paper. 'Read through that, that is our targets for this coming season'
'All of that, are you serious' Ash asks
'Yep, as we said before we are being serious of next season, our fans deserve better'
'They do, but us going from our measly 6th last season to wining the title, come on, Evie, Steph lets be realistic'
'We are, and if you can't match our ambitions, you shouldn't be here' Evie says a tough luck smile on her face.
'We're not saying that' Ash says
'Sounds like you are'
'No just that, we need to be realistic'
'We are' Steph says 'You are incredible talented players, so you are going to prove that to us' Evie smiles
  Rolling his eyes Stevie shook his head, ‘Thanks for the flattery and that girls, but do you really believe in us this much?’ he asked them seriously.
‘Yeah we do, there’s no reason why as a team you and the new boys cant work together and do this. We wouldn’t set these targets if we didn’t think you were capable of doing it.’ Steph told them, looking up at them from the paperwork she had in front of her. After a moments space Stevie threw the piece of paper in his hand down on the table.
‘Alright then boys, if these two believe we can do it, whats there to say we cant. We just gotta believe it ourselves.’ He told the rest of the team, throwing a smile in Steph and Evie’s direction, the pair smiling back at their captain. With Stevie on board things should go begin to go a lot smoother with them.
    ‘Right come on, You all need to be out on the training pitches in 5 minutes, giving you an early finish today as long as training goes to plan, Steph’s gonna be in with the medical check-ups today though so it’s me you have to impress.’ Evie told them all, a knowing look going round the boys. Evie always was tougher with them; Steph working closely with the medical team being qualified to do it herself was a lot more laid back with them, and although she didn’t take their crap, she was definitely the ‘good cop’ out of the pair.  
  The pair laughing to themselves as the boys all made their way out onto the pitch Steph turned to Evie ‘Don’t be too harsh on them.’ Before turning and walking out of the room and down to the medics room. 
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esfcstory-blog · 12 years
Chapter one
This had been a dream of the girls since they had been 16 and 18, to have their own club, their own team… to be making an impact on the football world.
Taking a deep breath, and squealing a bit between them, they zipped up their new dark red jackets and made their way out onto the training ground. They had recently taken over the club being branded ESFC, a move no one had expected, had the owners really bought in two girls to take over the club, did they really think this was a smart move to help motivate the club towards the top of the table. These were the questions the public had been asking since the news had been released yesterday, it had been less than 24 hours, and already they could feel the pressures of the media and public trying to scare them out pressing in, but they weren’t quitters, and they certainly weren’t going to give into the outsiders. As they said, this was their dream.
They had met with the lads yesterday and they all seemed to have welcomed them… eventually.
The 17 men sat in the meeting room, waiting to see who their new manager was!
'Bet you a tenner it is Pep' Stevie whispered
'As is Barca's old boss!' John exclaimed
'Naa' Stevie replied the sarcasm evident in his voice
'Oh shut it you two, seriously it don't matter who it is, we just need to perform for them and the fans' Craig bite back
'Okay, okay Mr Serious' Ash winked as he sipped on his tea
'He's right you know, we can't finish where we finished last season' Aaron smiled as he read through his texts!
The lads nod as Ash, Craig, Stevie and Joe take the piss out of Aaron 'Is that your Mrs, wondering where you are' They smirk as the door bangs open and two tall very well dressed women walk in, Laptops and books in hand!
Ash smirks 'You two must have got the wrong room, PA's are down the corridor and too your left'
Evangeline laughs 'No we don't,  our PA's know their own room, thanks' She laughs as Steph plugs the MacBook into the projector!
Ash spits out his tea, right onto Craig's face!
'For fuck sake, Ash' Craig Bellows as he wipes his face, with his dark red jumper!
'Sorry' he mumbles back
Evie looks at Steph as she shakes her head.
'Wait, so why are you here, again, well actually you never said' Joe asks
Steph and Evie look at the men that are looking up at them, their faces full of wonder!
'We are your new managers' Evie and Steph smile
As a drop of the hat the lads mouths drop and eyebrows raise up!
'You what, women our new managers' Stevie laughs 'Like you know what you are doing'
Steph looks at Evie both of them smiling, knowing they would get this reaction!
'We do actually, we are both qualified to be doing this job, and to be frank with you Steven, if you don't like it there is the door' Evie replies her finger pointing to the door! 'Last season, none of you were anywhere near good enough and if you think you can muck around and take the piss, then this football club isn't for you anymore, we have to prove to them fans, the ones who turn up every week, that us as a club can challenge for honours' Evie says her voice strong, she isn't going to take any shit from anyone, not even her captain!
Turning to look at Steph she shook her head slightly, ‘and you can stop smirking as well.’ She whispered to her friend who was currently trying to stop herself from laughing at the situation before her.
After a week all the lads had soon got accustomed to the girls being in charge, especially when they stepped in and proved them wrong, and within days the banter had started between them, despite Steph and Evie taking a strong and determined approach to the running and success of the club.
Everything was slotting into place nicely and if the team performed the way they were in training on the pitch, then they could very well be bringing something home at the end of the season… but just how smoothly could this path run, and how long would this new chapter last?
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