esfiresthies · 5 years
Reblog if you wish cancer didn't exist.
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esfiresthies · 5 years
if you are reading this, something good will happen to you very soon, don’t give up
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esfiresthies · 5 years
This is so funny
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esfiresthies · 5 years
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film aesthetics, swing kids, 1993, dir. by thomas carter: bowler hats, ties and jackets; beat off tap dance and dont stop hanging out until you get tired; loud music and eternal freedom; dreams in the bedroom to the quiet sounds of the gramophone; hide from law enforcement officers running through dark alleys; clatter of shoes on the cobblestones; red wine; shirt stained with blood; cemetery cold and dark cars; soldier uniform; orchestras and soloist in a shimmering silver dress; go through the rear entrance; a feeling of tightness in the chest, lump, approaching the throat; dont let go of your ideas to the end.
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esfiresthies · 5 years
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esfiresthies · 5 years
tae busking and singing “Sunday Morning” his voice is so beautiful 😭
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esfiresthies · 5 years
Thank you to whoever made this
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esfiresthies · 5 years
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All the main holidays for ya witchy soul~ each have different goals and activities. Celebrating these holidays can give you an extra kick in all sorts of different spellwork ✨ which is your favorite? (Mines Samhain cause it’s the one holiday where I feel most comfortable being myself)
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esfiresthies · 5 years
Moon Phases
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Dark Moon
Sunrise to Sunset. Strong destructive magic, destroying and banishing powerful things. Good for soul searching and divination 
Waxing Crescent
Mid-morning to Mid-evening. Constructive magick (builds/brings things) , new beginnings, good for conjuring energies (more patience or positive attitude, self improvement or bringing out inner beauty, good for meditations that bring inspiration or passion.
1st Quarter
Noon to midnight. Conduction to attraction, bonding to things, looking for lost things, attracting money, protection and success
Waxing Gibbous 
Mid afternoon to the wee hours of the morning. Constructive magic (“reeling in” what you already started), extra energy for fixing/ finishing things, good for renewing strength, will and determination to see things through.
Full Moon
Sunset to Sunrise. All purpose, extra power for extra difficult challenges, major changes or major boosts, for magicks and meditations around spirituality, psychic development, dreams and divination 
Waning Gibbous 
Early evening to mid-morning. Repelling magick, minor banishments, general cleansing, good for closures and ending, introspection
Last Quarter
Midnight to noon. Dealing with challenges/obstacles, banish temptations and dealing with transitions.
Waning Crescent
Wee hours of the morning to mid-afternoon. Strong banishing magick, swift and benign endings.
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esfiresthies · 5 years
🔥 Candle Magic: A Spell for Reversing 🔄
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Shout-out to Kyle and James from the Cave of the Dark Mother coven for teaching me this awesome spell.
This is a variation on a simple candle manifestation spell. With candle magic, you charge your intention into a candle and light it. As the candle burns down, your intention is released and allowed to manifest. 
With this spell, you essentially flip the candle upside-down. By doing this, you are inverting the energy of your intention. You are reversing the flow of its energy. 
Let’s say you’ve been having a lot of bad luck today. You trip over your shoelaces, you misplace your car keys, and you spill your morning coffee. This spell would allow you to break that unlucky streak. You could charge a candle with that unlucky feeling, with those memories of misfortune, and then flip the candle upside-down and let it burn. By doing this, you are reversing your bad luck. You are changing it into good luck.
As another example, let’s say you are feeling extremely unmotivated to finish a project or do some chores. To promote motivation, charge a candle with your lethargy and procrastination, then flip it upside-down and burn it. This will reverse that feeling of lethargy inside you and change it into a desire for activity.
In practice, this spell can be used to accomplish a lot of different things, such as cleansing a space of negative energy, removing obstacles from your life, or even reversing the effects of another spell. 
I keep coming up with new uses for it literally every day, some of which I’ve included at the end of this post. Feel fee to experiment and come up with your own uses, too!
To Reverse the Flow of an Energy
1) Obtain a candle. If you’re into sympathetic magic, use a colored candle that matches the energy you’re reversing. (Side note: Normal tealight candles are perfect for this, but I find tall pillars work better for larger intentions). 
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2) Flip the candle over, and free the wick from the wax by pulling gently on the metal disk on the bottom of the candle. (You may have to dig it out if it’s not exposed). 
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3) Gently pull the wick out through the bottom of the candle. 
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4) Stick the wick back into the candle through the top. 
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5) You now have a burnable candle that has been flipped upside down. (If the top of your original candle is curved like this one, make sure you prop it up with a dish or candle holder before you burn it). 
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6) Charge the candle with your intention, then light it and allow it to burn down.  Treat it like any other candle spell. Pour your energy into this candle, and visualize the thing you are trying to reverse. Imagine the situation flowing the way you want it to instead. Believe that the circumstance is already being transformed. 
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Some things I’ve used this spell for: 
Removing an obstacle (like financial troubles or delays)
Removing negative energy from yourself, another person, or a place
Removing a hex or curse
Undoing the effects of a backfired spell
Undoing someone’s power over you
Undoing a situation that has gotten out of hand
Reversing a string of bad luck
Reversing an undesirable outcome or occurrence in your life
Reversing a decision someone has made
Changing doubt into confidence 
Changing an aggressive situation into a peaceful one
Changing bad days into good days
A lot of other things. Remember to get creative!
Brightest blessings, and best of luck 🕉
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esfiresthies · 5 years
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A little tarot spread for when you have a string of bad things happening, we have a little magic ritual on patreon as well to go with this one.
Make a tarot spread in a clockwise circle, trying to attract light into your situation, which is the first step to get out of it.
1) You in the middle of this situation, a little about your feelings and position in the problems.
2) Your main support could be those around you or an enviroment or place you can still go to be safe.
3) The root problem could be something you need to learn or be aware of, such as your own feelings, your environment or someone else’s involvement
4) The near future could present itself with more bad news or with a light at the end, either way be prepared.
5) Your hope for the future starts to tell you about the lesson and final light of your ordeal.
6) Lastly this card should show you your power & focus to overcome your problems.
Hope you are well even if you’re in the middle of a situation like this.
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esfiresthies · 5 years
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by Karen Leopold
The classes you wish you were taking this semester
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esfiresthies · 5 years
thought i’d share some playlists for the sabbats, find them especially useful when i happen to be busy on those days and can’t do much else.
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esfiresthies · 5 years
Liminal Spaces in Witchcraft
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First of all, what is a liminal space? A liminal space refers to a place or time that is in a period of transition between two phases. These are usually places where reality feels altered because you are neither moving forward or backward, like a rest stop. The word liminal originates from the Latin word limens, meaning threshold. These places often give off a sense that time stands still and that you are experiencing some sort of reality shift. 
        In magic and witchcraft these spaces are considered to be the boundary between our world and the other, it is known as “the in-between”. These places are considered areas of great magic because it is believed this is where the veil is thin. These places are great for divination, spirit work, meditation and astral travel; they are ideal for hedge witchcraft.
Times & Spaces of Liminality:
crossroads manmade or natural
river, creek or lake shores/ beaches
dawn, dusk, afternoon, midnight
forest glades
many more!
      Samhain/Halloween is considered the best time to communicate with spirits and faeries because of its liminality, it is a time of transition between autumn and winter. Irish folklore tells that this is the day faeries and ghosts come out to play because of the veil thinning. The equinoxes and sabbats like Beltane and Imbolc are also days of liminality because the time of day and night are equal (equinoxes) or it is a transition between seasons.  
       Mental states of liminality are also times of spirit communication. While being in a meditative state we are in a state of transition between our concious and sub-concious minds, this is where we sometimes experience astral projection or messages from spirits. People often experience spirit while falling asleep because this is another state of liminality. 
     In my craft I often practice in liminality in order to connect with the faerie realms.
-Moonlight 🌙
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esfiresthies · 5 years
In Jewish tradition (and not biblical – from the Talmud), [we have] a commentary on the giants [mentioned in the Old Testament]: “According to tradition, in addition to being very large and strong, the Nephilim had enormous psychic abilities. They performed out of body experiences, levitation, mind control, time travel, mind reading and remote viewing. They had the power of pronouncing and removing curses and diseases, and had ways of knowing and predicting the future. Having aligned themselves with Satan, the source of their powers, they controlled and enslaved mankind and perverted God’s creation almost beyond redemption. They were also extremely intelligent. They knew all about science, architecture, and engineering. Some believe they combined these skills with their powers of levitation to build the Great Pyramid and other great monuments around the pre-flood world. They sacrificed human beings all over the planet in temples and pyramids they built in Central and South America, the Far East, the British Isles, Egypt and other places. They drank blood and slaughtered babies, and were almost certainly tampering with both human and animal gene pools to pervert the creation and make our redemption impossible. They were the heroes of old, the mighty men of renown, memorialized in every mythology, and the primary reason God had to destroy the world and all its inhabitants in the Great Flood.”
Dr. C. K. Quarterman
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esfiresthies · 5 years
autumn herbs in witchcraft: part 3
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autumn is a good time to gather ferns
most ferns can be easily recognized due to their large, leafy fronds. ferns can be found in almost every part of the world
ferns, along with many other herbs, have been used in forms of divination. some believe that this herb, used magickally, will render you “invisible”
disclaimer: before using any herb topically or internally, please do your research and/or talk to a professional
ferns are able to destroy intestinal worms, and is useful in the treatment of chest infections. it is an anthelmintic (destroys parasitic worms), pectoral (treats congestion in lungs and chest), demulcent (soothing herbs), and expectorant (loosens phlegm)
pteris aquilina- fern (brack) is ruled by mercury
adiantum capillus veneris- fern (maidenhair) is ruled by mercury
dryopteris felix-mas- fern (male) is ruled by mars
osmonda regalis- fern (royal) is ruled by saturn
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esfiresthies · 5 years
September Harvest Moon [Friday the 13th] 🎃🍂
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Many cultures believe the number 13 to be unlucky, which dates back to the middle ages, in which individuals associated the number 13 with the idea that, at the “Last Supper,” Judas, the disciple who betrayed Jesus, was the 13th to sit at the table. Aside from that, it is said that there were 13 individuals present (Jesus, included) at the Last Supper which took place the day before “Good Friday,” or the day that Jesus was crucified. Other biblical references cite Friday as being unlucky because Friday was the day Jesus was crucified, Friday was the day Eve gave Adam a poisoned apple, and Friday was the day that Cain slew his brother, Abel. 
In other lore, a similar story occurs in Norse mythology where Loki interrupts a dinner at Valhalla that was comprised of 12 Gods, Loki being the 13th God to arrive. 
Succinctly, the number 12 is seen as a number of completion, and the number 13 in succession is a number of chaos, imbalance, and irregularity. 
In modern day mysticism, the number 13 actually has some positive attributes. 
In numerology, the number 13 is equal to the number 4 (1 + 3 = 4) which is associated with independence, freedom, pragmatism, creativity, and a firm foundation for the future. 
In terms of tarot cards, the 13th card in the Major Arcana is the Death card, which signifies transformation, metamorphosis, change, rebirth, and renewal, despite the unnerving first impressions that the Death card may give. 
According to the I Ching (an ancient Chinese divinatory text), the number 13 represents unity and bonding with mankind. 
So, what is significant about this particular full moon occuring on Friday the 13th? 
This particular moon is called the “Harvest Moon” which is the name of the full moon occuring closest to the Autumn or Fall equinox. 
It also happens to coincide with the moon’s apogee, meaning it is at its greatest distance from the Earth. 
This full moon can be considered a “micro moon” - because of its distance from the Earth, it will appear to be about 14% smaller to the naked eye. 
There will not be another full moon that takes place on Friday the 13th until August 13th, 2049.
With all that being said, what does this moon mean for your magickal and spiritual practice? 
Micromoons are good for works having to do with extreme focus and productivity. 
Full moons are associated with power, cleansing, charging, healing, divination, emotions, psychic awareness, enlightenment, and banishing.
The Harvest Moon can be associated with reaping what you have sown this past year - this includes collecting debts and embracing the fruits of your labor in order to create a clean slate for the rest of the year. 
This moon is also going to be in the sign of Pisces - in general, a full moon in Pisces is associated with all things emotional, creative, and psychic. 
Friday is the day of Venus, which is associated with cooperation, unity, companionship, and creativity. 
As I mentioned above, the number 13 in modern day mysticism is associated with independence, freedom, pragmatism, creativity, unity, transformation, and rebirth. 
In short, this Full Moon in Pisces on Friday the 13th can be quite useful in terms of harnessing one’s creative potential, being in tune with one’s emotions, tapping into one’s psychic abilities, preparing for a grand personal transformation, recognizing one’s hard work and effort, and acknowledging the connection between oneself and the rest of mankind. 
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