esmayines · 10 months
"Sure, but you can certainly make a conscious effort to foster the ones that are proving to be the...most well received. Right?" Esmay smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.
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       ↳       @esmayines:      charles   &   esmay
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“ sometimes   we   don’t   get   to   choose   where   our   talents   lie.       ”   
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esmayines · 10 months
"Are you taking to me some kind of secret sex dungeon Harry, because I can promise you it won't go down well. Not unless you also have some nose dust tucked away too." Esmay replied skeptically, reaching out to grab hold of his hand as he moved towards the next room, conscious she might lose him in the crowed otherwise. "Then again it would still be better than this."
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closed event starter for @esmayines
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"Well you never know. Maybe there’s something amazing to discover just around the corner." He started to lead her to the next room to get this party started.
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esmayines · 10 months
"Well maybe that will serve you right for having terrible taste in women, the wake up call you need. Also, Glee? What was she sixteen?" The brunette sneered as she thought about the kind of girl who would not only think that, but willingly confess it on a literal date. "What was it that attracted you to her in the first place, her kick ass karaoke rendition of Don't Stop Believing?"
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𝐶𝐿𝑂𝑆𝐸𝐷  𝑆𝑇𝐴𝑅𝑇𝐸𝑅  𝐹𝐸𝐴𝑇.          @esmayines
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               “  every  date  that  i’ve  been  on  lately  has  been  brutal.  last  week,  i  went  out  with  a  woman  who’s  favourite  band  was  glee.  ”
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esmayines · 10 months
“Child’s play, a thousand says she tips her drink on him but ends up getting it splashed on herself as well, ruins her silk corset, and blames him for that as well.” Esmay replied, leaning over so the man could hear her, as she watched the decent into madness with relish. Sipping on her espresso martini safe in the knowledge she was wearing black so no spillage would stop her from looking utterly impeccable. “Keep watching…” she murmurs as the scene carries on unfolding, a cocky smirk playing on her lips as she watched splash back hit the woman’s outfit. Now all that remained was too see if she noticed. “Honestly that red wine is doing gods work, clearly no one told her Party City wasn’t the best place for procuring her wig. Shake and go at best, even Kelly Mantel would never.” 
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For ;; Open Event ;; Versailles
"Three hundred bucks she pours her drink on him in about two minutes. Max. Four if she actually smacks him." People watching was at its prime when attending events like this. So far he's counted at least two breakups happening. Another person getting caught kissing someone they apparently weren't supposed to. The screaming match going on now though could be heard from halfway across the garden where he thought he'd be safe to go out and get some air. As predicted the wine in the woman's cup hits the mans face with force enough for him to be able to hear the splash too. "Well, that was a lot quicker than I thought."
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esmayines · 10 months
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~ ~ ~ ~ Esmay Ines Rebeiro - versailles gala ~ ~ ~ ~
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esmayines · 11 months
“Something like that…” Esmay replied as she snapped her head around to look over her shoulder at the nearest window, flashes could be seen outside intermittently. “Well business is going to be even worse in the wake of this because there is no way in hell I’m coming back. It’s like feeding time at a zoo.” Quickly going into her bag she rummaged around for a compact, checking her make up self consciously, considering slipping something under her tongue to take the edge off the stress that was raising in her chest. “The music isn’t even that good tonight - the sax player is pitchy.”  @brutalbloom
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── with: open starter @ anyone ── where: a jazz lounge hot spot ── when: saturday night
“   are you running from the paps outside, too? ” his brows furrow, standing next to the backdoor, awaiting the perfect moment for a flee. the light in his eyes reflect a deep concern, mostly warranted ── wade hated the pictures. he hated the buzz. he hated the way they spoke to him. “   they're out for celebrity blood tonight, ” he huffs. “   i'm sure it was the damn manager that tipped them. i heard the business hasn't been doing too good lately. ”
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esmayines · 11 months
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𓏲  *   ( Camila Mendes, cisfemale, she/her, Maya Hawke )   ⸺   pictures of ESMEY INES RIBEIRO have been showing up all over my feed, and considering the last time they were #trending, it was due to fighting in a well known club with a music rival while on illegal substances — i'm not likely to unfollow anytime soon. with their form fitting Gucci mini skirt, Miu Miu top, high heeled boots, perfectly manicured nails, and Prada sunglasses, i'm not surprised to hear that they are considered part of the BLUE BLOODS. after 31, they've managed to garner a reputation for being more captivating than guarded, but their critics say that they're more self absorbed than driven when they aren't too busy focusing on their huge social media following ; unhealthy caffeine intake ; and going on long drives to nowhere. when they aren't occupied with their work as a musician/songwriter and actress, they've been sighted in the reformer pilates studio taking classes. reputation.com has taken to calling them NEPO BABY in order to avoid a lawsuit ( again ).  ──    Indi again!   
drug abuse tw, depression tw, self harm tw
Mom is a famous actress, dad is a renowned musician, so what do you get? California’s finest nepo baby in the form of Esmay Ines Ribeiro. Born to Selina Ribeiro and Carlton Ines in Palm Springs, California she was their only child and thus their little angel. Even if she wasn’t even close to being a divine deity - that would require her to not be a jumped up spoiled little asshole for more than five seconds. It wasn’t that she was a bad person she had just been afforded every luxury growing up. Money bought you comfort, security, an education, designer clothes as well, but apparently it couldn’t buy you security inside your own mind. If she had to hear the words ‘what do you have to be sad about?” one more time the chances are Esmay would go swinging for whoever’s mouth it had come out of because they were words she’d been hearing all her life. 
Still she had used her love of music and the creative to provide herself an outlet all through school, not the brightest girl academically she thrived in the theatre, art, and music programs without issue. Naturally pretty and with a pedigree that made people want to be around her just for association with the top 1% she didn’t struggle for friends but maybe it would have done her some good if she had. Her depression had started to develop around the time she hit puberty, fuelled by body image issues that spilled over into other aspects of her life including her own feelings of self worth. Suddenly she would get into such negative self loathing mainframes she would spent days at a time in bed, hiding out from the world, sometimes crying and sometimes just laying there staring at the ceiling. she is pretty fast and loose when it comes to taking her medication, as well as going to see her therapist. When she’s feeling good the woman is convinced she doesn’t need one, it’s only when that crippling depression hits her like a school bus that she is in a position where she needs someone to talk to. Only problem is that those are the times, sometimes weeks in succession, where she doesn’t get out of bed. Not particularly helpful when it comes to her public facing career - having starred in several big television series with cult followings starting at the young age of seventeen, and currently working on her second album, she has a huge social media following that could be both so kind and so cruel. 
Recently she spent her days writing her own music mainly, she uses it as a emotional escape to say things that otherwise would remain bouncing around in her head, often painfully. Her songs show a side of her you can't see anywhere else including when she's on screen since she's speaking someone else's words. So yes, she spends a lot of time writing and recording, but also partying her face off. She is a vibrant young woman who loved to socialise, be out with friends, to be in the spotlight, and explore her own creativity through her music and acting. Writing songs for and about friends, family, situations she got herself into, anything that sparked her inspiration. Everything around her. It was only when she was hit with her depression and insecurity that the girl changed into a shell of herself, it could be hard to watch according to people she had talked to about it in the past. She would become hard, cold towards those she even considered her closest confidants, and drown herself in vices. Push everyone away by feeding into this false sense of superiority afforded to her from who her parents were and it was in the long run incredibly detrimental. 
Esmay wants to be a good person, to protect those around her that she loves, to bring the highest level of art to the world so she can best express herself but sadly her own issues often get in the way. Dug abuse, depression, partying tendencies, an explosive temper, and a materialistic streak she can be a hard nut to crack at the best of times. How could she be expected to know the way to forge solid lasting relationships when she'd grown up surrounded by ones plagued by ulterior motives.
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