esmeravde · 5 years
The clicking of the lock is so welcoming, that Caleb can’t help but let out a contented sigh. This has been the best day of his life, make no doubt about it. He’s loved every moment shared with their family and friends. There’s something to be said, however, for the sight of the biggest most comfortable looking bed he’s ever seen in his entire life, and of his wife immediately running to dive onto it. He chuckles as he helps the porter offload their luggage in one corner of the massive room and hands him a tip as he leaves.
They’re finally alone, after what feels like weeks of constant people. It’s finally just the two of them. Jester is making tiny bed angels in her delight and her dress blends in with the crisp white of the sheets.
“Oh man, Caleb, this bed is so comfortable. You definitely have to come try it.”
He can’t keep his eyes off of her as he kicks off his shoes, walks over to the bed and settles down on the edge of it.
She was breathtaking today. There was no doubt that she would look beautiful, but nothing could have prepared him for her walking down the aisle towards him, at first silhouetted against the bright sunlight outside, but then haloed by it as she neared him and there was no way to fight the tears stinging his eyes. This amazing woman, adorned in flowers and a smile that he knew he would never forget, was walking towards him with eyes that seemed to hold as much adoration as he felt for her and it felt like the most impossible and generous gift.
“Jester, I –“
Words utterly failed him, and as if she understood his dilemma, she took his hands, still beaming at him.
“Me too, don’t worry.”
It had been the easiest thing, promising her a lifetime of devotion and discovery and as much happiness as he could give her. There was nothing he’d ever been more certain of than that the woman standing in front of him was everything he wanted for the rest of forever.
And as ethereal and stunning as she had been walking down the aisle, as lovely as she had felt against him as they shared their first dance as a married couple, as gorgeous as she had looked laughing on the dance floor with her friends and family, none of it compared to the Jester sprawled across their honeymoon bed, hair dishevelled and full of confetti, the flowers Nott had so carefully arranged lying bent and broken next to her on the sheets.
His wife.
His forever.
“That was one crazy day, was it not?” he says, reaching out to tangle his fingers with hers.
“The craziest,” she agrees, “but definitely also the happiest. You were amazing, Mr Lavorre.”
“Likewise, Mrs Lavorre.” He smiles wider as he says it. It’s going to take a long time for the novelty of it to wear off.
“Should we do a toast?” she says, gesturing to a table nearby where a bottle of champagne is resting in a bucket of ice next to two polished glasses. “It just feels like the right way to start things off – you know, with our own little quiet celebration.”
“Of course,” says Caleb, immediately standing to get their drinks. He watches as Jester sits up slightly, kicks off her shoes and leans back on her arms. One of her dress sleeves has slipped down her shoulder and though it shouldn’t set him on fire the way it does (they’ve been living together for three years for fuck’s sake) he just can’t stop staring at the sudden expanse of freckled blue skin.
It hits him in that moment that as much as he knows Jester is his forever, she has also promised him her forever. And that now, in every adventure they face going forward, every difficulty, every joyous moment and every tragedy, she is his team. She is his family.
His hands shake as he pours and even more so as he sits down and hands over her glass. She gives him a curious look, but seems to understand that it’s nothing to be concerned about and so doesn’t question it.
“Alright, so, a toast,” says Jester, scooting closer with her glass to place a hand on his thigh. “To the most wonderful man I have ever known and the only person I could imagine wanting to spend every single day with. You’ve made my life such an adventure already and I can’t wait to see where this crazy path takes us.”
Caleb leans his forehead against hers and just breathes in the scent of her for a few moments.
“And also to the most amazing person I have ever met. You have taught me more in the past four years than I ever learned in my life before that. You’ve taught me how to forgive, how to let go and you’ve given me a family again. I couldn’t ask for more and yet you keep on giving of yourself. It’s been an honour watching you ease into who you really are and not who I or the rest of the world expect you to be, and I can’t wait to see that more and more as we share forever together. I love you so much.”
They clink their glasses together and drink. Giddy with the emotion of the day, Caleb sets down his glass on the nightstand and begins to remove his jacket. Jester, who was giggling just a moment before is now staring as Caleb slides it off of his arms and it’s as if something in the room shifts. There’s an electricity to Jester’s expression that tells Caleb exactly what’s about to happen, so he very deliberately begins unfastening his cufflinks and rolling up his sleeves. He feels a pleased smirk creep across his face as Jester slowly leans across to put down her own glass and no sooner has he loosened his tie and undone his top button than he finds himself pinned down on the bed beneath her.
“Been wanting to do this all day,” she whispers before leaning down to kiss him. Though Jester’s tiefling skin is always a little colder, her lips are fire against his and her tongue is a flame. She’s moving slowly against him now and he can feel his cock filling in response. It’s both heaven and the sweetest torture.
“I’ve had to watch you looking so fucking amazing in this suit all day with nothing I could do about it.”
“Well, you certainly seem to be making up for lost time now.” He huffs a laugh as Jester undoes a second button and begins mouthing at his collarbone. Caleb’s heart is racing and he’s sure Jester can feel it against her lips. “In any case, you’re one to talk. Do you have any idea what it’s been like seeing you look like something from a fairytale?”
“Mmm,” she mumbles happily against him before pressing one last kiss to his collarbone and scrambling off the bed. “If it’s that distracting, why don’t you come help me out of it?”
She’s giving him a sultry look over her shoulder, the kind he didn’t think her capable of when they first met and certainly didn’t think would ever be aimed his way. It’s just as disarming now as the first time. Slowly he slides off the bed to stand behind her, his fingers brushing lightly over her sleeveless shoulder.
“I love you so fucking much. I hope you know that,” he says pressing a kiss to the side of her neck. “Mein Liebling.”
“I do know that,” she says, reaching for one of Caleb’s hands and pressing a small kiss to it. “And I hope you know that I love you with all my heart too.”
He doesn’t respond, just runs his thumb once or twice against her knuckles before letting go of it to see to the laces on the back of her dress.
What he thinks will be accomplished in one swift movement after undoing the bow unfortunately turns out to be an elaborate process of unthreading each loop one at a time and he can sense Jester’s amusement at his frustration.
“Sorry, Liebchen. This is taking forever, but I promise I’m getting somewhere.”
“Don’t worry. I was there when Nott laced me up at the beginning of the day,” she replies, unable to keep her giggles suppressed any longer. “I promise you that I know how tricky it is, which is why you’re undoing it and I’m not undoing it myself while still trying to look sexy.”
Caleb laughs.
“I would actually have loved to have seen that.”
“Maybe the next time I’m stupid enough to climb into a dress that’s this complicated.”
Caleb rests his forehead against the base of her neck for a moment, briefly overwhelmed with affection, before undoing the last few loops
“Make sure you get the button right at the bottom too,” she adds and Caleb obeys, his fingers just barely grazing the base of her tail and a white lace waistband that comes into view now that her dress is mostly undone. She turns to face him then, her face radiating joy as she slowly lets the dress slide to the floor and, not for the first time today, Caleb is breathless.
He’s seen her in a lot of different variations of underwear in the time he’s known her. Most of it is colourful and nearly always mismatched. It’s rare that it’s put together deliberately for him and even then, it’s never been like this. The white lace looks so beautiful on her that for a moment Caleb doesn’t know what to do with himself. But she’s looking at him expectantly, tail curled around her legs slightly, waiting to see how he’ll react.
“You are so beautiful,” he finally says, closing the small distance between them. As he focuses on pouring every ounce of love he has into his kiss, he feels his tie loosened further and then pulled from around his neck entirely. Jester moans slightly into his mouth as her fingers start frantically undoing his shirt buttons.
Caleb, feeling halfway rooted to the spot and halfway like he’s about to fly away, is saved from having to make a decision about where to go next when Jester tugs him back down onto the bed with her, managing to get his shirt off as she does.
He takes a moment to look at her again, brushing a stray blue strand from her face and disentangling yet another piece of confetti as he does. He presses a kiss to the spot on her cheek where the hair had been resting, before catching her lips in another searing kiss. And gods he should be used to this by now, but there’s something hungry and demanding in the way Jester is kissing him tonight and it’s driving him crazy. As her teeth scrape his bottom lip slightly, his breath hitches. Jester knows what she wants and she’s determined to get it right away.
He presses one last small kiss to her lips before starting to trail small kisses down her neck, then across her collarbone, mirroring her path across him earlier. The coolness of each is a welcome relief from the fire burning in his face and chest and he can’t help but lingering a bit just above her collarbone, sucking and teasing the skin there with his teeth until it leaves a deep violet mark.
“My love, I appreciate the attention-to-detail, but please get on with it,” whines Jester just as Caleb is about to move to her breasts.
“Patience, Liebchen. Just a few more minutes so that I know you’re good and ready.”
He gives her a quick peck on the lips before turning his attention back to her camisole.
“Do you want this off?” he asks, toying with one of the straps. “Or would you rather leave it on for now?”
“Off,” Jester replies immediately. “Definitely off. Everything off. No more clothes today.”
Caleb laughs and as Jester briefly sits up to allow Caleb to undo the lace behind it, Caleb is relieved to find that it comes undone without any trouble. This, at least, is as straightforward as anything else Jester usually wears. He slides it off of her arms and tosses it over his shoulder.
Jester settles back down onto the pillows and just as he’s about to pick up where he left off, her head bounces up again.
“Sorry, I have a bobby pin stabbing me in the head,” she says, reaching into her hair for the errant pin and throwing it off of the bed after removing it. “Please feel free to continue.”
Caleb doesn’t need telling twice and he immediately begins once more trailing kisses across her chest and breasts. He takes one of her nipples into his mouth, running his thumb gently over the other and is rewarded with another soft moan. The response is encouraging, but suddenly fills him with panic.
Though sex is nothing new to them, he’s been so nervous about tonight. After the perfection of the day leading them to this moment, it would be the worst thing to have a disappointing wedding night. But he’s exhausted and he’s not sure how long he’ll be able to last. Even knowing that Jester would probably just laugh it off, he wants everything tonight to be perfect for her. It’s the least she deserves.
“Hey, stop thinking so much.” Jester smirks as she nudges him in the side with her knee. “You’re starting to overuse your brain. Less head and more head, please.”
Amused and soundly rebuked, he kisses between her breasts, down the middle of her torso, across her stomach, reveling in how she squirms slightly as he catches a few of her ticklish spots. He presses quicker, more desperate kisses to her abdomen, before stopping at the waistband of her knickers and scraping his teeth gently in a few places in that way that he knows drives her crazy. Now kneeling at the foot of the bed, he palms her cunt, fingers pulling slightly at the lace covering it. This has to go too. He grabs both sides of her waistband, slowly tugging them off, and her cool skin is pleasant against his knuckles as he goes.
With the knickers now discarded on the floor next to the wedding dress, Caleb begins working his way up Jester’s legs again, starting with soft sweet kisses that gradually build in intensity. He’s learned over the years how sensitive her inner thighs are and takes great delight in how vocal she becomes as he sucks and bites the soft skin here.
“Caaayleb” she whines again after several minutes. “Stop being such a tease or I’ll make you stop.”
Her fingers card deliciously through his hair and the sensation goes straight to his cock. It’s his turn to let out a soft moan. Fuck. Jester has always known exactly how to get her way with him.
“Miss Bossy,” he says, raising his head to smirk at her.
“That’s Mrs Bossy to you.”
Grinning, he lifts her legs over his shoulders and pauses.
“Is this more what you had in mind?”
Jester lets out a small growl of frustration and Caleb feels her tail whack him softly.
“No because you’re still not fucking doing anything!”
Laughing, Caleb kisses the lips of her cunt softly a few times before lightly running the tip of his tongue across her clit. The reaction is immediate.
“Yes. Fucking finally. Thank fuck.”
Bolstered, Caleb runs his tongue over her clit again, this time with slightly more force, and follows by circling it several times. Jester’s nails are digging into his scalp and his already rather tight-fitting trousers are starting to become a problem. She’s always been intoxicating, but something of the magic of the day, the magic of knowing that this is just the first night of the tens of thousands they’ll share together is making his head swim.
He loves this woman so much, and hopes that every trembling brush of his fingertips, every swipe of his tongue, every place his skin touches hers reminds her.
She’s so wet now and he slips a finger into her cunt, then two, spreading them to stretch her out. Her keening moans are the most beautiful sound. She feels amazing, smells amazing, sounds amazing, and he’ll never understand how he got so lucky.
“Mmm, hold on, love. Slow down.” she says, curling her tail around his wrist.
“I’m just obeying orders here,” he says, surfacing to meet her eye.
“I know and it’s so good. I just don’t know if I’m going to have the energy to do this twice and I really want to come with you tonight.”
He can’t argue with that. He doesn’t know if he has the energy for too much more. Carefully removing Jester’s legs from his shoulders, he climbs onto the bed again to kiss her.
“Love you.”
“Love you too.” She brushes some of the sweat-soaked hair back from his forehead and smiles. “We have condoms, right?”
“Yeah, they’re in the… ah Scheiße.”
“That doesn’t sound good,” Jester replies, a slight frown creasing her brow.
“No, it’s fine. I’m just so used to them being in the nightstand. They’re packed in one of the bags.”
“Of course they are.” Jester rolls her eyes.
“I’ll be back soon,” says Caleb, offering an apologetic grin before scrambling off the bed in search of them.
“You’d better be. I’m on the edge here, man.”
It takes him several tries to get the correct pocket, but when he finds them, he holds them up in triumph. Or as much triumph as he can muster. He’s never felt as stretched as he does right now, both thoroughly alert and so turned on and simultaneously a moment away from what he’s sure will be a very deep sleep.
“Oh, love, you look so exhausted,” says Jester as she sits up to get a better look at him. “Do you want me to take it from here?”
He nods gratefully and staggers back to the bed, marveling again at how perfect his wife is.
“Poor thing,” she says, pressing a kiss to his forehead as he flops down unceremoniously next to her. “We’ll sleep soon, I promise.”
She rolls him onto his back and goes to take of his socks, then his trousers, then his underwear, and he feels the freest he’s felt all day. Laughing at what Caleb realises might have been an audible sigh of relief, she kisses his stomach, strokes his straining cock a few times and takes the condom from Caleb’s hand. She rolls it on before straddling his hips and slowly, ever so carefully, lowering herself onto him.
He almost comes right there and then. The overwhelming sensation of being inside of her, completely surrounded by her, is almost too much after spending the whole day in complete awe of her. Thankfully, he manages a few steadying breaths as she begins moving. His hands slide slowly over her thighs and up around her waist, eyes not leaving hers for a moment. All he sees is her and it’s everything. She’s everything.
“Oh god, love, I’m trying so hard to make it last, but I’m so so close now.”
“It’s okay, Liebchen,” he says, running his thumb reassuringly over her hip. “Come for me.”
Jester obeys immediately, and it’s her tightening around him and her cry of pleasure that send him over the edge. They move against each other for a while in the aftershock, until Jester slowly climbs off of him to fall into his arms.
“I think we did really good that time.” She’s nuzzling into his neck and it’s like every fibre of his being is trained towards her.
“Very good, all things considered,” Caleb agrees. “A pretty great ending to a perfect day.”
“The best ending,” she says, pulling him in for a slow, lazy kiss.
They lie there for a few moments, fighting sleep before Jester announces that she’s going to look for a washcloth. Caleb ties off the condom, tossing it into the nearby trashcan, and lets Jester clean him off. He barely has the energy left to keep his eyes open, and as soon as Jester presses a kiss to his nose and tells him that she’s all done, they climb under the covers and he gives into his tiredness.
He wakes up early the next morning. Far too early. The sun is only just beginning to tinge the blinds orange and the world outside still seems to be silent apart from the sound of birdsong.
Caleb looks at the woman still fast asleep in his arms, face streaked with yesterday’s eyeliner and mascara, hair still full of confetti. He’s never seen anything more perfect, and, even in his sleep-addled state, he gives thanks to whatever benevolent forces there are in the universe that this is what he gets to wake up to every morning for the rest of his life.
Smiling, he pulls Jester closer to him and goes back to sleep.
0 notes
esmeravde · 5 years
You Said Yes as I Said Please
Caleb likes to be slapped.
This is only a surprise to one of them. Caleb, of course, already knows what he likes. He may be shy when it comes to telling her, although they've both been teaching each other confidence over the past couple of months, and he may assume, for the first few weeks anyway, that anything he tells her will disgust her. It has taken a lot of kisses, and more than a few tactful reminders that Jester grew up in a literal brothel, to help him really get comfortable.
But he's had experience, after all. He's got over a decade on her (even if, as she insists, fully eleven years of that doesn't count since he wasn't really there for it, Caleb,) and she's not his first.
No, what surprises them both is how much Jester likes doing the slapping.
She's staring down at him, straddling his waist — both of them still clothed, although he's shrugged the front of her dress down around her shoulders to kiss her breasts — and he's staring back up at her, and there's a beat, while his left cheek slowly blooms scarlet where her hand made contact a moment ago —
"...Huh," says Jester.
Caleb tries to say something. It doesn't work.
"That was…" Jester holds up her hand and wiggles her fingers a little, like she's never really seen it before. Her palm is still stinging. "I didn't know it could do that."
With something between a cough and stifled hum, Caleb manages to get out, "What, hit someone?"
"I mean...not like that."
His grip on her thighs tightens almost imperceptibly. "We've learned something today."
"We have." She can't stop staring at his cheek. "We, uh...we have."
His grip tightens even more.
Jester clears her throat. "Uh...you're sure I didn't hurt you, yeah?"
Traveler help her, but she swears his eyes get darker. "That was a little bit the point, wasn't it?" he says, with that tiny corner of a smile that she loves so much.
"Oh, well right, but...you know…"
I don't want to hurt you too bad, Caleb, is what she's trying to say, but everything is getting a little deliciously uncomfortable and it's hard to think straight. She shifts her hips slightly, feels him respond, wonders if she hit his other cheek if she could get both sides of his face to match, like when he's blushing hard, like that first time he kissed her...
"Doesn't matter if you hurt me," Caleb is murmuring, his eyes fixed on her face, reading her mind as usual — "you know you have magical powers, vergissmeinnicht, you can just heal me like that." He takes one hand off her thigh to snap his fingers. It's the loudest sound that's been in this room since she slapped him, and it makes her heart jump.
"You're sure? Because you know I am very strong."
Now his fingers are digging in. "That is also a little bit the point," he whispers.
Jester grins and rocks her hips against him again in response. Caleb groans. She leans in to him, so that her lips are next to his ear and says softly:
“Just remember that technically, you asked for this.” One of her hands drifts down and tweaks his nipple through the thin fabric of his shirt with a giggle.
“Not just technically, blueberry,” he says, his voice rough. “I did ask. I am...I am all yours.”
“I like the sound of that,” she says, placing her right hand gently on the side of his face as she leans in to kiss him, deep and familiar and intense.
Caleb barely has the chance to lock eyes with her as she pulls away before the same hand that cradled his face is striking him, CRACK , hard and firm against his cheek.
That gorgeous bright flush rises under his skin, and Jester notices it with equal parts prideful pleasure and mild concern.
“You look like you’re getting a little hot,” she purrs. “Trust me, I’m a very good healer, I know what to do.”
“And what is that, meine liebe? ” Caleb replies, raising his face to hers. She leans down and places a tender kiss against his stinging cheek.
“Liberate you from some of these clothes.”
Jester’s hands work quickly to undo the buttons of his shirt while her lips leave scorching kisses on every newly exposed patch of skin. She moves her hips as she works, languidly grinding against the hardness of him, slowing her movement even more the closer her hands and lips get to his waistband.
It’s excruciating. It’s exquisite.
With a shrug of his shoulders, Caleb helps Jester remove the shirt. The moment he’s free, he wraps his arms around her, bare flesh against bare flesh, and envelopes her in a kiss.
“Caleb…” Jester murmurs as his lips move to her jawline, to her neck, to her breasts.
Something akin to a growl emanates from his throat. “What is the matter, liebling ?” he says into her collarbone.
He looks up at her, eyes hazy and unfocused with arousal, and a jolt of holy fuck lights up every single one of Jester’s nerve endings. Imagine him looking up at me like that from between my legs, she thinks, and a tiny moan escapes her lips without her permission. The sound snaps her back to the present.
She raises Caleb’s head with two fingers under his chin, then pushes him back against the bed. The flat of her palm collides with his cheek. Caleb writhes underneath her, and Jester didn’t know a person could really writhe in pleasure, or pain for that matter, but all it takes is witnessing it once for her to know she’d like to see him do more of that, please.
“I thought we agreed that I am the one in charge here,” she says, raising an eyebrow at a somewhat stunned-looking Caleb. He nods emphatically.
“Ja, it’s...all you, blueberry,” he says, raising a hand to rake his fingers through her hair. Jester slaps it away, then moves like lightning to pin both his hands with her own on either side of his head.
Caleb swallows, hard.
“Did I say you could touch me?” Jester purrs, her breath tickling his ear. She can feel him underneath her, so hard he’s straining against his trousers. She wriggles a little just to tease, and his hips buck up instinctually, animalistically to meet hers.
Jester tuts her tongue.
“Someone’s having a little trouble submitting to my will. Maybe all Nott’s talk of your leadership has gone to your head.” She swirls her hips against him, pairing the movement with a breathy little moan into his ear, and Caleb’s wrists strain against her hands. “Well, one head or the other,” she giggles.
“Please…” he pants. “Do not…bring up Nott...right now…”
CRACK. Another slap, and Jester can feel it radiate throughout his entire body, the way he tenses and then relaxes beneath her, a moment of pain followed by waves of pleasure.
“I am pretty sure you’re in no position to give orders,” she says with a devilish, knowing tilt of her head. She reaches down and feels him over his now painfully tight trousers, and fuck, Caleb, you’re so hard.
“Harder,” he gasps, and Jester knows exactly what he means, but instead she tightens her grip on the outline of his cock and feels him twitch. Her fingers find his fly, undoing the buttons there as quickly and deftly as she can, though her hand is close to shaking she's so eager to wrap it around him.
"Scheisse," she hears him hiss under his breath as soon as he's free and she's got him in her fist, the same one that she's been hitting his pretty face with, that's still tingling from impact, and she thinks, yeah, scheisse, that's right, Caleb, before she leans all the way in and whispers right into his mouth,
“Harder? I don’t know."
Then her lips are on him, deep and wet, she's running her tongue against his length so she can taste him, and Caleb utters a fevered string of Zemnian that Jester thinks she can safely assume is mostly curse words. She sucks the tip hard before removing her mouth with an obscene POP.
“You seem pretty fucking hard already.”
“Get up here,” he growls, and her hand is working him, her thumb cresting over the head of his cock each time her hand rises. He lunges forward for her, but is met with a slap in the face so hard it sends him reeling back onto the cushions behind him. “ Fuck. ”
Then Jester is straddling him, his cock still held tight in one hand as she hovers over it, skirts raised.
“What did I say about giving orders?” she says. She leans in and kisses him deep, and the motion makes her bare cunt graze the tip of him, just enough for him to feel how hot she is, and he whimpers. “What did I say about touching me without ex- pli -cit permission?”
“Ja, geliebte,” he whispers, and then she lowers her hips slowly but persistently, taking all of him.
Oh, but this is good. He is good. Jester lets her eyes drift shut in pleasure and concentration as she rides him, slowly, truly feeling him, so familiar, so known, that she doesn't have to look at him to know what he's doing: digging his fingers into the sheets, forcing himself not to steady her with his hands on her thighs or turn the tables on her so that she’s beneath him. He's breathing hard, mouth shut, eyes shut, too, she's sure, trying not to lose it then and there — she can feel his chest rising and falling rapidly under her palm, and it occurs to her to wonder whether he's as flushed there as her slaps have made his face.
Her eyes open, and he's staring at her, like she's seen him staring at arcane runes, at his spellbook, at artifacts of power: like she's magic, like he's hungry.
He deserves a reward for looking at her like that. So she hits him. Twice.
“I want to hear you,” she growls, quickening the pace of her hips rising and falling on his cock.
"Backhand," he manages to gasp, and this time when her hand cracks across his face Caleb makes a noise that until now Jester was pretty sure only happened in actual smut books. She’s flooded with arousal, until she notices how her fingernails left a row of scrapes against his cheek, smarting with blood in the moments after impact. Ah, shit.
“Oh, Caleb,” she murmurs. “Too much?”
She reaches up to heal him, but he shakes his head wildly.
“Just enough, liebling," he breathes.
She grins, "Good," just trails her fingertips over the spot, enjoys how he shudders — and then leans away, bracing herself with both arms behind her, lets her head fall back and gives him a show as she fucks him. He can watch himself inside her, now, there are some things he doesn't have to tell her he likes, some things she doesn't have to tell him, like how if she keeps moving on him like this, there won't be much time for her to —
“Can I touch you?” he asks, and she hums with satisfaction, or maybe desperation — maybe they're one and the same, right now. “Please, liebling .”
Jester licks her lips and slows her pace, making Caleb clench his fists against the bed.
“I want you to beg .” Her left hand comes up and backhands him, again, this time drawing blood on his lip. His smirk of pleasure turns into a grin, and as usual, that smile almost undoes her.
“Please,” he obliges her, in a voice altogether too low and soft to be fair, “please, bitte, I...I have to touch you...I want to make you…fuck, please, I need you, need to touch you, I need, I…” Jester leans forward and bounces her ass up and down on his cock rhythmically. He curses in Zemnian again, and it’s loud , and Jester loves it.
“You need…?” she teases.
Caleb moans, wordless and desperate.
“I didn’t quiiite catch that.”
“ Fuck, Jester, I’m not going to last much longer with you...like this... please. ”
Jester kisses him, hard, sneaking her tongue into his mouth, then pulls away. He whimpers, she grins.
“Fuck me, Caleb,” she says, and that’s all he needs. He bolts upright so that she’s still straddling him but he can kiss her, move against her, drag his fingernails across her bare back to make her shudder. Their lips collide together, passionate and messy, as Jester bucks her hips against him, so needy.
“Caleb,” she whimpers, leaning back and feverishly gathering her skirts in her hands so he can touch her. His right hand finds her clit as his left hand entangles itself in her hair, his thumb draws lazy circles over her, causing her to utter noises he’s never heard her make before, and Jester has always been noisy.
“You like that, vergissmeinnicht?" he whispers.
Jester nods, but her eyes are closed, her mouth open and frozen in the shape of a moan.
“I...I like that,” she says. How is it she feels like she can't move and can't stop moving at the same time? “Oh my god, I like that, I...fuck, Caleb, you rubbing me with your cock inside me, I —”
He presses his thumb harder against her, more insistently. She’s bouncing on his cock, but her movements are becoming erratic, and the more she bucks against him the more he teases her, flicking his finger against her only to surprise her with more, harder, faster.
“Are you going to come for me?” he asks, and she can’t even respond, she’s so close to the edge. She’s vaguely aware that she’s making noise, that she can feel his thick, hard cock throbbing inside her as she moves, but all the language is gone. “I want you to come for me, liebling. ” He goes back to circles against her clit, steady and consistent and fuck, she’s so close, she's —
“Caleb — ” she moans, digging her nails into his thigh as she moves faster and faster, desperate for release. With his free arm he pulls her close, so their foreheads are pressed together, and he starts to thrust upward, into her, hard.
“Caleb — fuck, Caleb!” Jester cries, and she lets go, her orgasm rippling through her as he pounds her, his thumb still rubbing against her clit to ensure she rides out every single wave of pleasure that’s sweeping over her. The noises she’s emitting, she's vaguely, distantly aware, are —
“Fuck, Jester,” Caleb groans. “I’m close — I’m — fuck, scheisse — "
“Please,” she pants. She’s clinging to him as she’s coming down, her head pressed against his sweat-dappled shoulder, and when she looks up at him his eyes are dark and lust-hazy and she feels it in the aftershocks sizzling down her spine. “Inside me, Caleb, it’s okay.”
Please — inside me, Caleb. It’s enough to do him in. He groans, and it’s the most incredible sound Jester has ever heard. She bucks her hips back against his thrusts and watches his face change as the pleasure washes over him.
"Gottverdammt, ich liebe dich, I’m com—”
Her hand strikes him across the face and he loses control.
This is nowhere near the first time Jester has had the chance, the privilege, to watch Caleb fall apart like this, but — well, like this is the point, this is staggering. Caleb, who will bite into the back of his own hand rather than make too much noise, which she knows, to him, means anything much above a normal speaking voice — Caleb shouts, and then his face is buried in the crook of her neck and he’s groaning and cursing and filling her, and if only he would lay back so she could hit him one last time, because she's moaning too, feeling him pulsate inside her, they have definitely learned something new today, and for a split second she wonders if she’s going to come again —
But the moment is over, far too soon, and Caleb is panting, holding her, and that last little mote of possibility fades away as Jester wraps her arms around him and feels him do the same, his fingers dragging, fumbling, against her shoulder blade and the small of her back.
They rest. Caleb clings to her as he gets his breath back. He's stronger than he gives himself credit for, thinks Jester, reveling a little in his embrace, reaching up and running her fingers through his hair. Not that he could pin her down on a mattress, of course — although, well. She feels her own pulse pick up slightly even as she's still coming down from before. Well. She could always let him.
Could let him do a lot of things, actually. They might learn even more.
"You," sighs Caleb into her neck, pulling back just enough to start pressing kisses to her skin there, "must be the most beautiful thing alive. You are a fucking force of nature."
"I'll say," she grins, gently tugging at his hair so that she can tip back his head and press her lips to his cheekbone, his jaw, his throat. "You're gonna have, like, a bruise."
"Mmm, probably." His eyes flutter shut. "One or two."
Jester pushes him all the way down until his head is back in the pillows and she's lying on top of him, before rolling off, wiping away the sweat that's threatening to get in her eyes. "You don't mind that idea at all, do you, Caleb."
"Well — " Caleb rolls onto his side, props himself up on one elbow to look down at her. "Not in theory, no, not at all, except that we share this mansion with five other people who will absolutely, definitely notice."
He's smirking, trailing the tip of one finger in circles around one of her curls before tucking it behind her ear, and Jester is reminded, with just that little motion, of all the other new things she has been learning from Caleb, ever since that day when they first kissed in the library, not so long ago: how someone can be sexy and tender in the same moment, how friendship can flare bright and swift into passion, how it feels to start laughing so hard with someone in bed that the sex has to be put on pause for a full five minutes while you both recover. Things she knows he has been learning from her in return. Because Caleb knows what he likes, it's true, but neither one of them really ever expected to be loved.
"Hmm." Jester pokes his cheek, and he gives a little hiss of pain. "This is very noticeable, yes. Unfortunately I am all out of spell slots! What a shame."
His eyes narrow. "You were all ready to heal me five minutes ago, when — "
"I know, I was completely forgetting," she lies, unable to resist a giggle. "How silly of me. We'll have to wait till tomorrow!"
"No, hold on — "
"I'm going to go get a drink of water," she announces, and before Caleb can stop her she's clambering out of bed, pulling her dress back on properly, moving towards the bedroom door.
"You are not — Jester — " Caleb sits straight up, bedsheets tangled around him. "Everyone will see, how am I supposed to leave this — Jester — "
She shuts the door behind her, grinning, and decides, hmm...she'll give him twenty minutes, just enough to let him really panic a little. Time for her to get that glass of water, grab another contraception charm, maybe fish out that lacy thing from her bottom drawer that Caleb hasn't seen yet and just show up wearing it with no warning, see what that will do to his face.
Just twenty minutes, though. Then she's coming back for round two.
0 notes
esmeravde · 5 years
Am I Wrong?
There’s something about the Lavish Chateau that makes him….on edge.
The Ruby is always so accommodating, and her hospitality is absolutely appreciated, and it makes Caleb happy that Jester can spend so much time with her mother, but there’s just something about the building itself...that simply refuses to allow him to relax. Marion Lavorre is absolutely the most sought after courtesan on the coast, but she isn’t the only one in the Lavish Chateau.
Ladies and men, and beautiful, ethereal beings surround them constantly. They’re all incredibly kind, but there’s something about these done up people with sincere eyes and sly smiles that puts Caleb on edge. It reminds him of something sinister, but familiar. An unflattering mirror, perhaps. They bring up memories of a charming teenager with an undeserved smugness and too much charisma.
For the most part, he hides in the library. It’s really less of a library than a hastily slapped together prop for a seldom requested fantasy. (If you asked him , however, the library tryst is one of the better smut tropes he’s read). The library mostly consists of Smut, but this is very well written smut, and he’s read at least four of them in the past day or so. There’s something dependable about smut, it’s calming to know that no matter what happens between, the two characters will fuck. Nice of something in the world to go the way it’s supposed to.
He hears door open and he looks up, wondering if someone finally needs the room, but it’s Jester prancing in, a sly curve to her mouth.
Caleb is instantly on guard.
“Hey Cayyyyyleb, ” Jester drawls, her eyes shine with a wickedness , and it’s incredibly terrifying to see. She’s coming to completely upend his day, and she’s excited about it. “Guess what?”
That look on her face reminds him entirely too much of Frumpkin before he kills an unsuspecting mouse. “I’m sure I never will.”
“That’s true actually.” She pulls herself up on bookcase across from the couch. (It’s laid on its side so, presumably, the clientele can fuck on it. Caleb thinks that’s a nice touch). Her tail swishes next to her legs, agitated. He’s suddenly very worried. “You know my mom’s friend? The elvish lady, with the really big tits?”
Caleb sighs, closing his book. “I don’t think that was how she was introduced to me, but ja , I know who you’re talking about.”
“She did my nails this afternoon.” She kicks her bare feet, and he sees flashes of pink in the blue blur. “And she told me allll about how cute she thinks you are, and how she’s so sure you’re built like a god under your frumpy jacket, and oh what she would do to you .”
Her grin is still so sharp, and he groans. This is very much a day upender, and he genuinely can’t think of anything worse she could’ve been handed. “Oh, that sounds uncomfortable.”
“No, no.” Jester shakes her head, that smile never wavering. “Not at all . It was amazing. ”
Caleb leans forward, fingers digging into his knees. “Jester, I really don’t know what you’re planning to do, but please, don’t.”
“Just hear me out.” She tells him, although he’s pretty sure he doesn’t have a choice. “She was telling me all of this stuff she would do and I couldn’t stop thinking that you wouldn’t like any of it.”
“Let me finish . Anyways I thought it was weird that I had such a like, strong opinion on such a weird thing. Like how would I know what you like? But there I was! Pretty strong opinions!”
“This is the worst conversation we have ever had.”
“Caleb, please. That is so unlikely. Anyway, I realized that I could just ask . So easy. So, you got time to talk?”
“Oh, are you giving me a choice?”
“Oh no , not at all. But! I am giving you this warning! Because I’m a good friend.”
“Ohh. Sure.” He runs a hand over his face, feeling how hot it is. “I supposes I’m grateful for that.”
“Great! So, first she was all like ooooh he’s so ruggedly handsome, I’ll bet his beard would give the best burn or something like that-“
“ Ohhh my god this is already so much worse than I thought it would be .”
“And I immediately thought ‘nope, wrong’, that wouldn’t happen at all. Your beard isn’t rough enough to do that. But I’ve never actually check. So I wanna touch your beard.”
Caleb sighs, leaning back on the couch. “ Ja, that’s fine.”
“Good!” She hops off the bookshelf, crossing the distance between them. Jester stops in front of him, her entire palm pressing against his face. Her hands are cold, and it’s incredibly welcome against his hot face. She smiles, petting his face a couple times. “Ha! I was right.”
He tries to say words, but he mostly just sighs. Jester sits down next to him, her tail swishing against his legs. “Okay, then she said I would just kiss him and never stop, and he would just melt . And I thought, no that isn’t right, is it?”
“I…don’t know what-“
“You wouldn’t like getting smothered like that.” She says, matter-of-factly. “You’d bolt , like, instantly. You would much rather have her move in slowly, with all this eye contact, and then stop just shy of your lips. And then she waits, because you still haven’t decided if you’re going to run yet.”
Caleb swallows, transfixed as she moves closer, her eyes never leaving his. He isn’t sure what to say, he isn’t even sure he can speak . Jester’s eyes are still on his, and it occurs to him that is actually happening. She smiles, eyes still shining. “Then, if you stay, you’re going to put your hand on her neck, your thumb against her pulse, and once you feel that moving under your skin, you’ll finally kiss her.”
This is impossibly well noted, as though she somehow saw this happening. Or she’s making it happen? All he knows is that his hand comes to Jester’s neck, his thumb over her pulse. Blackened fingertips stroke winter skin, and he feels her shiver, pulse racing under his thumb. He thinks about how they should maybe not do this, that it might be trouble.
She grins at him, and he stops caring. Caleb presses his lips against hers, and she sighs, leaning into the kiss. He kisses her, and he keeps kissing her, until her hand comes to wrap in his hair. Their foreheads pressed together, that wicked grin still on her face. “Then she said ooooh and then he would be putty in my head, because they always are, and that’s when I knew for sure she was full of shit, because that would never happen. Because even though you’re here, and you kiss her like you want to be here. You’re still there , too, that place you carry with you. That’s okay though. It’s okay that even when you kiss her; your shoulders don’t relax. It’s not because you want to run, it’s because you want to stay . She gets that.”
He kisses her again, his other arm pulling her towards him. Jester leans into the kiss, her tongue running across his bottom lip. Caleb’s breath catches in his throat, and he deepens the kiss, lost in the way voice sounds. Her accent always gets thicker when they’re back in Nicodranis, and he hears it settle in her words, honey sweet when she whispers in his ear. “Do you want to what else she was wrong about?”
“ Ja , I do.” He answers, fingers digging into her hip. Jester smiles: her fingers trailing down his neck.
“I had a feeling you might.” Jester giggles. “Then this lady, who is supposed to be this master of charm, says I would tear his clothes off, and take him right to bed, and you know what?”
“She’s wrong.” He whispers, and Jester nods, her fingers tracing his collarbone.
“She’s super wrong.” She agrees, pushing him back on the couch. He goes where her hands push him, falling back into the cushions. Jester throws her leg over his lap, her thighs pinning his hips. “Because you took a month traveling with us before you stopped sleeping in your boots. So you’ll find her in your lap, and all you can think to do is run hands up thighs, because you don’t know how long you have, since you’re an idiot who spends all his time in a public place.”
“This is an accurate statement, ja. ” He concedes, hands sliding up the smooth skin of her thighs. Jester sighs as he does, her eyelids fluttering. She traces his lips with one pink painted thumb, and he opens his mouth, lips wrapping around her thumb. She hums, grinding her hips down against his leg.
The soft way her lips part as she does so makes him mad , Caleb has never seen something so intimate before, and the face he’ll never forget this moment causes fingers to dig into her hips, and Jester bites her lip, still grinning.
“Then she said something like after that its like letting a creature loose, and a good man takes what he need, and she was seriously picturing you just losing your mind and taking her, like that would ever happen. It sort of made me mad, for some reason. How she thought she knew you. If she really knew you, she’d take into account how much you’re constantly at odds with what you want, and how you try and be a good person, not taking what isn’t offered. So I’m trying to decide, are you a good man who takes what he needs? Or a good person who takes what’s offered?”
Her hips are still slowly grinding against his leg, and finally, he’s aware of his cock straining in his trousers. Caleb brings one of his hands to Jester’s hair, crashing her lips against his, tongue running against hers. She moans, kissing him back just as fervently. When they break to breathe, he brings both hands back to her hips, guiding her movements. “I’m not a good man, Jester.”
“I know.” she sighs, pushing down harder against his leg. “You won’t take what you want, so you’ll take what’s offered, and honestly? I want you to keep proving me right.”
He nods, eyes on hers as he pushes his leg up while she rides him. Jester catches her tongue in her teeth, fingers wrapping in his hair. “Because she said but, I bet he’s the kind of guy that leaves before you wake up, getting what he needs then he’s gone , and I was done listening to her by then, because I know you’re the kind of guy who would let me use you to come, and never ask for yours.”
Her other hand slides down his chest, palming his cock. Caleb groans, head dropping against her shoulder. “ You’re right.” This isn’t even part of Jester’s little game, this is just the truth. She can use him for whatever she needs, and he’ll happily let her. “But, only for you.”
Her hand stills for a moment, her eyes finding his. Somehow, even with her hips working against his leg, and her soft hand resting over his cock, he sees the innocence in her eyes, the piece of her she tries desperately to hide away behind blustering confidence. “What?”
“You’re right.” He whispers, thumbs stroking hip bones under her dress. “You’ve been right about it all. I would let you use me in whatever way you wish, but it’s because it’s you . Jes, I would let you do anything.”
She blinks, a soft purple blush across her face. Suddenly she’s kissing him again, harder , demanding, and he yields every time, her tongue against his and her moans in his mouth. “Caleb, I want…”
“Tell me, and it’s done.”
“Slip more of your pants off, I...I’m really good at grinding.” She whispers, and he’s happy to do, preoccupied with the sudden visual of Jester with pillow between her legs. He does, and Jester turns around, her back pressed to his chest. She leans back into him, and he wraps arm around her waist, thumb pressing into her pelvis. She sighs , her hips moving against his bare leg, his cock trapped between her ass and his stomach. “Hey, someday, you’re going to tell me how you know these things.”
“Someday.” he agrees, grinding against her too, fingers pushing into her skin. “Not today.”
Jester only hum, moving so her hands rest of his knee. He feels more than sees her back arch against him, and she moves her hips faster. Her tail comes to wrap around his wrist, and he grips her tighter. Caleb doesn’t lead her, he tries to match her, too keep with with this rhythm she’s created, making her breaths shudder, and moans falling from her lips. With every move she makes, she grinds back into his cock, and it’s torture in the greatest way. He tries to keep his breaths steady, but she’s moving quicker still.
Caleb drops his forehead to her shoulder blades, leaning forward just a little. Jester keens , a soft but filthy moan coming from her mouth, and both his hands find her hips, helping her move against him. “Ohh fuck, Caleb I think I’m gonna...I’m…”
“Take what you need.” He answers her, his own voice low and desperate. Jester does, grinding against him, she’s going to take what she needs from him, and he follows her freely, hiding his own moans in the fabric of her dress. She rides him hard, until her moans hitch and then she’s just trembling against him. Caleb wraps his arms around her, holding her against him as she comes.
She whimpers, leaning back into him. “You’re so warm , Caleb.”
He wonders if she means the heat from his skin, scorching through his clothes. Or the heat from his come, the last few waves of his own orgasm passing through him. Jester slumps in his arms, head lolling against his shoulder. “ Wow .”
He hums, burying his face in her neck, the cool of her skin a relief on his flushed face. “ Ja .”
“You wanna know what she was the most wrong about tho?” Jester murmurs, and Caleb nods, unable to find his voice.
“She said, it doesn’t matter though, I’ll fuck him so good, he’ll be in love with me after , and out of everything she said, that was the dumbest. And I wasn’t sure why I knew that so assuredly. Then it hit me, you couldn’t love her, because you love me.”
Jester doesn’t turn to face him, doesn’t make any moves, she doesn’t even breathe. She’s afraid , he realizes, through the haze she’s left him in. Still in her skin, he kisses her neck. Once, twice, three times. Until his lips are at her ear. She shutters, and whispers to her, softly.
“You’re right.”
0 notes
esmeravde · 5 years
The mood is not as dark as it could be as the five of them return to the inn, given the circumstances. Fjord, Beau, and Jester seem to be taking all this well, or at least better than Caleb and Nott, and Caleb wonders if they have as much to hide. Still, they're making it hard for him to be as worried as he should be, with the Crown's Guard breathing down his neck and probably-innocent people's lives hanging in the balance.
Jester goes in first, speaking to the proprietor about rooms for the evening, and the rest of them stand outside talking, waiting for her to return.
"We have two rooms for the night," Jester says when she comes back. "Everyone should eat and decide what to do."
"Don't have to tell me twice," Beau says, opening the door to the inn and walking inside.
Caleb thinks about the coin in his purse and wonders whether he should just stick to bread, but before he can say anything, Jester claps him on the shoulder.
"Except you," she says. "You come with me."
"I can't," Caleb says, though he doesn't know what she wants. "Nott-"
"Nott will be fine for thirty minutes," Jester says.
He eyes her warily. "What do you plan to do to me for thirty minutes?"
"Scrub you down," she says matter-of-factly.
"Thank you for the offer, but I don't really have the coin to spare," he says.
"I am paying and you are bathing," she says firmly. "I already told the barmaid."
He's deeply torn; truth be told, he really wants that bath, but he doesn't know if he wants to leave Nott alone with virtual strangers to do it. He also doesn't know how literal she's being about scrubbing him, and while it's been a long time since a beautiful person wanted to do anything of the sort with him, he's not the type to jump to such things.
Baser instincts win out, and Caleb crouches, getting on Nott's level. "Will you be okay for a little while?"
"We'll have a drink," Fjord says, putting a hand on Nott's shoulder. "The baths aren't far from the main room."
"I'd like a drink," Nott says hesitantly, and Caleb knows she's wary of contradicting him to agree with Fjord. He's trying to help her with that, prove to her that she can speak her mind without retaliation, and he doesn't want to jeopardize that by not taking her at her word now.
"Okay," he says, squeezing her hand. "Thirty minutes and I'm back."
He lets Jester lead him inside and into a hallway on the far side of the tavern. There's a sign boasting Whitestone taps, an innovation that Caleb is curious about but hasn't been able to read up on; he does know it means hot water fast, and that part he's okay with. He follows Jester through a door and into the bath itself.
The room is unremarkable, wooden walls and stone floor in the way of baths in this area. A pair of benches sit on either side of the room, a towel on each, and there's a large wooden tub that looks ancient but serviceable enough. A kid of maybe sixteen is just dumping a last bucket of steaming water into it, and he slips out quickly when he sees Caleb and Jester come in. The water looks incredibly inviting, and it takes everything in Caleb not to jump in fully clothed.
He looks down at himself and wonders if that's such a bad idea.
"Quickly," Jester says, making a shooing motion at him.
"Are you really staying?" he asks.
"Of course," she says. "Now, clothes off."
Caleb turns his back, carefully taking his books off his shoulders and putting his coat over them before undressing. He honestly doesn't know why he does it; something about this feels weirdly safe, even though he just met this woman this morning. He supposes they've already been through a lot, and something about her makes him want to relax, though it feels like she should be setting his teeth on edge.
She says nothing, not even on seeing the scars that criss-cross his back. He turns towards her when he's done, averting his eyes quickly when he sees that she's half-naked.
"You don't have to do that," he says.
She hums. "But I want to."
"I just want to be sure that you know I'm not asking anything of you," he says carefully.
She crosses the room to him like it's nothing at all, like she's not baring a pair of really gorgeous breasts to him. "You worry so much," she says, stroking a hand over his hair.
"I'm good at it," he says.
A tail wraps gently around his wrist. "But are you really?" she asks. He feels a little lost when she withdraws. "Now, into the water, please."
Caleb walks over to the tub and climbs in, letting out an involuntary sigh of satisfaction at the feeling of the almost-too-hot water. It doesn't even really surprise him when she takes off the rest of her clothing and climbs in behind him, the water rising to splash out just a little on the stone floor.
"Shut your eyes," she says, the only warning he gets before she scoops up two handfuls of water and dumps them on his head. She does it again, and he does manage to shut his eyes this time, though the clean water doesn't sting them. He keeps his eyes shut as he hears her pick up the soap from the little stand by the tub, knowing what's going to happen. Surely enough, the next thing he feels is her hands in his hair. She said she was going to scrub him, and she does, working the soap into the roots of his hair, her fingernails scratching against his scalp. Her motions are efficient but not hurried, like she's really committed to getting him clean even if she might be interested in something else.
"Eyes shut again," she says, though Caleb hasn't opened them, and he plugs his nose as she dumps more water on his head. He feels the suds run down his face; the sensation of having clean hair is one he didn't know he missed until now, but it feels amazing even as it sticks to his skin, plastered to it by the water.
"You may open now," Jester says, and Caleb cautiously runs a hand over his face before he does it. She doesn't give him a warning for the next part, pushing him forward gently, not far enough to put his face in the water. The next thing he feels is her hands on his back, the soap held in one of them. She doesn't ask about his scars, just washes, and he relaxes into it, enjoying the simple contact as much as the sense of being taken as he is, not pushed. He thinks she's probably the type who pushes, in other situations, but she has that sort of feeling to her that he's gotten off other clerics, the focus that comes when caring for another.
Caleb could stand to be cared for.
She cleans his neck and back, all the way from his ears down into the water. Apparently satisfied, she reaches for his hand and puts the soap in it. "Your face next," she says, leaving him to do it, and he scrubs with the soap until he can't feel the grime anymore. Wordlessly, he passes the soap back to her, and she pulls him against her, his back resting on her chest. She reaches around him, scrubbing the soap down his front, lathering it against his chest hair before moving down, across the taut plane of his stomach. For a moment he thinks she's about to touch his cock, but she washes his thighs instead, almost clinical in her movements.
"The feet," she says, handing him the soap again, and it feels heavenly to wash between his toes, every surface of his sore soles, up to his calves. He finishes by dunking them back in the water, rinsing off the suds and wiggling his toes to enjoy the sensation of clean feet in hot water.
"So much better," she says, pulling him back against her again, and he lets himself ease into it, letting her take his weight. Her voice has a different cast to it now, something sneaky about it that he recognizes as being more like her, as he knows her from one day. He's not very surprised when a tail curls around his waist, another point to anchor him. For some reason, he doesn't want to get away; it's a strange feeling, like a muscle flexing that he hasn't used in a long time.
Her breasts are pressed against his back, her soft hands sliding down his abdomen, and she kisses his neck lightly, lips barely brushing his skin. He is reminded of someone trying to catch a bird or tame a skittish horse, and he supposes it's really not that far off, all things considered.
"I can stop," she says softly, and after a moment, Caleb shakes his head.
"Oh, good," she says, and he can hear her grinning. She bites his shoulder just as she reaches down and grabs his cock, and he gasps, arching in her grip. She pulls him against her with her tail, holding him fast; he feels like he should struggle, but he doesn't. It feels so good, her sure hand on him, her teeth against his skin. It's been such a very long time since he let himself have any attention at all, much less sexual, and he wants to soak it up, have everything he can get.
"Let go," she says, tilting his face towards her, and he sees hers for the first time. She looks very pleased with herself, grinning at him, but there's no malice in it, nothing to suggest that she's laughing at him. She kisses him, her lips soft against his even as she takes control.
He'd like to say he lasts, but he doesn't; it's been so long and she's very good with her hands. He gasps into her mouth when he comes, and she holds him through it, wringing out every bit of pleasure until he's totally spent. He lets his head tip back onto her shoulder, and she kisses his temple, her hands and tail still on him, keeping him grounded.
"It's probably past thirty minutes," she says after a long moment, pushing him away gently, and he realizes too late that he forgot about reciprocating.
"Don't you want me to-" he says, letting the sentence hang as he turns towards her.
Jester laughs, kissing the end of his nose. "You look exhausted. It will have to be a thing you owe me."
He can't figure out what to say, so he just watches her as she stands up, climbing out of the tub and wrapping a towel around herself. She goes to his clothing first, making a face. She holds Caleb's shirt out at arm's length and looks at it in disgust. "If I thought you had more clothes, I would burn this."
"I would rather you didn't," he says, because he really doesn't have another one.
"It's two copper for a wash, and this will get one," she says, grabbing his socks while she's at it. "If you feel bad you can pay me back later."
"That's two things I owe you for," he says, standing up, and he wonders how long it's been since he let himself owe anyone anything.
It's more like forty-five minutes before they rejoin the group that Caleb apparently belongs to now. He feels strange wearing his books next to his skin, but with his coat buttoned up, it's not too apparent that Jester stole his clothes; he's just glad she left him his pants.
He feels a wave of guilt when he sees Nott, but it passes when he sees that she doesn't look worried or itchy. She's got a tankard in front of her and is listening to Fjord explaining something, something that involves making hand motions on the table in front of him.
"Oh hey, there you are," Beau says, and Fjord and Nott turn to look.
"Here and much less dirty," Jester says, taking a seat.
"Caleb," Nott says, and behind her mask he can see that her eyes are bright. "Fjord has an idea."
"Really?" he says, pulling out a chair. "I'm curious to hear it."
He feels Jester's tail stroke the small of his back just once, and he listens to the plan.
0 notes
esmeravde · 5 years
The One Time 1
It had been years, almost an age since Lana Lange had met someone as exceptional as her. For most people, she was still young, but small lines had begun to show on her porcelain face. Her nearly back hair had begun to lighten with strands of pure white. For most of her life her closest friends had been the books that lined the walls of her small shop. She did have a few friends but they were scattered across Exandria. So, she chose to spend time with books, books of fiction, romance, history. She even had some that were forbidden within the Empire, yet she hid them in plain sight among the rest of her collection.
The days passed quietly for her, the busy nature of Rexxentrum never passing her doorstep. Everyday a few customers would enter looking for specific books, school children and tutors being the most frequent. It was a mostly peaceful existence.
A different person would seek more adventure, but she could find excitement if she wished, within books or her own ability. Being exceptional in the arcane, Lana could go anywhere she wished. Her home, which was attached to the bookshop had its own teleportation circle. It was easy to get anywhere. Although, she normally used it to see different friends and collect new books, but even that only happened a few times a year.
Her routine was simple. During the days, the store was open. She would sit and read as customers mulled around. On the two days a week she was closed, she would occasionally travel to various cities and towns gathering new books or restocking the old ones. Mostly she visited her suppliers in Rexxentrum. It was simple but she enjoyed it.
On one particularly quiet day, she was sitting in her usual place by the door with a book, when a large group entered.
“OH! I wonder if there are any naughty books!” A blue tiefling exclaimed.
“Hello, how may I be of assistance?” Lana said cordially, placing her book on her seat and standing to greet the group.
“Hello,” A human man, stepped forward. “Do you have, um, any books dealing with the arcane?”
“I do have some books on magic.” She said, glancing at each of the other members of the group.
“Are the rest of you looking for something or just accompanying your friend here?” She knew by the looks on their faces that they didn’t really care to be there.
“Caleb is looking for something specific but we’ll just look around. If that is alright with you?” The small half orc replied.
“It is.” Lana smiled, and redirected to the human man, who she assumed to be Caleb. “Caleb?” The man nodded. “Follow me please.” She led him to the back corner where she kept most of the books pertaining to magic.
“Dankeschön.” His voice was thick and his eyes never meeting hers. She took a moment to study him as he looked over each spine. He was slightly taller than her. Scars peaked past the cuff his sleeves.
“Bitte,” She replied using her limited knowledge of Zemnian. “Let me know if you need help, or are looking for something that isn’t on these shelves.”
Caleb’s eyes met hers for a brief second. It was at that moment that she could see it, like small rivers running through his body, the arcane. But his eyes, despite being filled with arcane power were distant.
“What is your full name?” Lana asked intrigued by the man in front of her.
“Caleb Widogast.” Caleb had returned his attention to the shelves.
“I am Lana Lange.” She smiled. “It’s a pleasure to meet your acquaintance. Take your time, I’ll be by the door if you have need of me.” She then took her leave and returned to her chair, and continued the book she had been reading.
After a few minutes of attempting to read the same line over and over again, she allowed her mind to wander towards the man, Caleb, who was reading in the corner. Who were these people? Who was this man? She recognized the scars on his arms, but his manner was different than any who had come from the Assembly before.
The half orc was leaning near the door waiting for his friends, so she decided to speak to him. “Who are you all?”
“We are just a group of travelers.”
“A very diverse group, what’s your name?”
“Fjord and you are?” His answer was abrupt and she could tell he had regrette answering.
“Lana.” She paused for a moment. She knew Fjord wouldn’t answer the question truthfully but she was curious all the same. “What brings you to Rexxentrum?”
“We’re tourists. Came to see the big city.”
“In war time?” She smirked. “Interesting.” The common guard may be fooled by his answer but Lana was not. A true tourist would never have answered so shortly. Normally, they would give a grand story of their travel so far and where they came from. Fjord clearly didn’t want to elaborate like a tourist would. However, Lana despite knowing this fact, chose to ignore it and remain silent. She consciously chose to avoid prying by returning to her book.
The group took their time looking through her shelves. The tiefling she noticed had been rearranging books and only stopped when she found a particularly erotic novel, which she purchased. When the group left, Caleb Widogast seemed disappointed, not having found what he was looking for. Lana allowed herself to observe him as he left with shoulders hunched and eyes on his shoes. He didn’t seem to be the most confident of wizards, which piqued her interest. Most of the people from the Assembly were cocky, confident and prideful. Perhaps she needed to ask some of her friends about this Assembly wizard and his interesting group of friends.
Lana had, in her possession, more interesting books on the arcane, which she believed Caleb would be interested in. Some of them studied kinds of magic that were not known to the empire, which she protected. Others were forbidden forms of magic that could get her killed or imprisoned if certain people found out about them. She needed to know if this strange wizard could be trusted. For the rest of the day she proceeded to contemplate who out of her acquaintances and friends would know something about an Assembly wizard.
That evening after ensuring her store and home were relatively secure, she walked over the arcane runes that covered her floor and into her bedroom. Absentmindedly, from a small box on her desk she took a handful of chalk and just held it in her hand. Still unsure of where to go she proceeded to pace the room. Tal’Dorei was too far away. Her acquaintances in the Soltryce Academy were exceptionally tight lipped about anything worth while.
On her second turn around the room, large bundle of books caught her attention. She had been meaning to deliver them for weeks but the war had caused her to keep putting the trip off. As she took the bundle in her hands she realized the trip wouldn’t hurt. If the information she sought about Caleb was unavailable, at least she delivered some books.
While putting some extra chalk in one of her jacket’s many pockets, she knelt to the floor and started drawing the familiar lines and circles. After a minute, she grabbed the bundle of books with one hand and drew the final line with the other, causing the circle to glow with arcane power. Without hesitation she walked through and found herself within the familiar grand halls of the Lucid Bastion. The guards surrounding the room gave her a brief glance but ultimately paid her no mind.
Casually, Lana made her way out into the city, her pale skin often attracting glaces in the darkened city of Rosohna. It took her some time but eventually came to the house of Den Thelyss. After speaking to the guard at the gate, Lana was permitted entry into the grand house. After a moment of waiting with books in hand, the man she had come to see glided elegantly down the grand stairway.
“Essek.” She said with a smile. “It has been a long time.”
“Lana,” Essek greeted her. “It has been quite a time. What brings you here? Especially in this dangerous time.”
“Your books and a question I was hoping you could answer.” She said handing him the bundle of books.
“I look forward to reading these.” He stated taking the package in hand. “As for your question let us sit more comfortably.” He led Lana in to a nearby room with large windows and high ceilings with a small sitting area in the centre. After they both sat opposite each other. Essek gazed into her eyes, in his usual manner.
“You seem full of indecision. This is not normal for you.” He observed.
“Yes, well, I am unsure you are even able to provide the answers I seek.” She sighed. “I honestly have no idea where to start.”
“Lana tell me.” Essek encouraged. “If I know I will tell you. You have the trust of the Den and our Queen.”
“Earlier today,” Lana began, leaning forward, returning his gaze. “An interesting group entered my store. There were six of them, all various races. They were relatively guarded and lied about why they were in Rexxentrum. They had what appeared to be an Assembly wizard with them but his manner was off.”
“Do you have any names?” Essek questioned, clearly intrigued by Lana’s description.
“Yes, Caleb Widogast was the wizard and Fjord, a small half-orc.” Lana replied.
“I know them.”
“Seriously?” Lana pushed. “You know an Assembly wizard?”
“Yes, they wandered through here not too long ago and caused quite a stir. First accused of working for the Empire, but they returned one of the Luxon Beacons. They are in Rexxentrum looking for another.”
“Why would a member of the Assembly help the Dynasty?” Lana questioned.
“Caleb, from what I know of him was a Vollstreker, Scourger but seems to have a strong hatred towards the Assembly. He helped me execute a Vollstreker recently.” Essek explained. “His troupe, the Mighty Nein have proven themselves to be quite a useful tool.”
“When I met him, he had the arcane dripping off of him.”
“He does have talent.” Essek agreed.
“Have you taught him?”
“I have shown him a few things.”
“So you trust him?”
“That’s good enough for me.” Lana said standing.
“Lana,” Essek didn’t move. “Help them find the Luxon.”
“I will try.” She replied heading towards the doorway, but briefly paused. “Are the stories I’ve heard about Scourgers true?”
“I presume they are.”
“Thank you Essek for your time.” Lana smiled. “Do you mind if I leave from here?”
Essek stood and gave nod in answer. Lana bowed to him and immediately began to draw her teleportation circle home. In the moment before stepping through she gave Essek one last smile and stepped through.
When she arrived home everything was as she left it, quiet. The moon was flooding the dark home with white light. Lighting a candle, Lana made her way back to her bedroom. She pondered Caleb Widogast, he was unlike any wizard she had ever seen. He had guilt and meekness, both were unacceptable to the Assembly and unlike anyone in Rosohna.
Against her own better judgement she reached into her bedside table and retrieved a small stone. Holding it in the palm of her hand she concentrated, in her mind picturing Caleb Widogast, her goal, to see him at this moment wherever he was. After a few moments of concentration Lana had a realization. She wouldn’t be able to see him, but perhaps one of his friends weren’t protected in the same manner.
She remembered the blue tiefling who gleefully searched for romance among her books. Concentrating once again into the stone, Lana quickly felt her vision shift. The tiefling was sitting around a tavern table with her friends. Lana quickly recognized the tavern due to the distinct decor and music.
She now knew where the group were probably staying. When she had left Essek she knew she would allow Caleb to use her entire collection. If Essek trusted him, she would too.
After replacing the stone to its previous position, Lana stripped herself of her day’s clothes and replacing them with a comfortable gown. Once her eyes closed, darkness and slumber over took her quickly.
The next morning after preparing for the day, Lana made her way through the familiar streets of Rexxentrum towards where she thought the tavern was. After a few missteps, she found her way to the tavern she was looking for. The morning sun had just started to crest above the city’s rooftops when she reached for the door.
The tavern itself was quiet, only a few people sat at table partaking in their morning meal. The tavern’s owner, Lana assumed, was quietly wiping out glasses from the night before.
“Excuse me.” Lana greeted politely approaching the bar. “I am looking for a group called the Mighty Nein. Are they staying here?”
“I don’t know about the name but there is a rather colourful group currently here” The tavern’s owner replied.
“A blue tiefling and a pink firbolg…” Lana went to explain.
“That’s them. They are in rooms four, five and nine.”
“Thank you.” Lana replied while putting a silver coin on the countertop.
“It’s my pleasure.”
The wooden stairs, which had been polished by years of ale and boots creaked quietly as she headed up to the second floor. At the top was a large hallway, which was empty and quiet. Unsure of which room the wizard was in, Lana elected to knock on whichever door she saw first. As she moved down the hallway the first number, which hung in the centre of the door, was a large, slightly rusted nine.
She stood there for a moment unsure. She didn’t know how she would approach them. The collection of rare spells and ancient texts would surely be enough to entice Caleb but what about getting the group to trust her. From her conversation with Essek, Caleb wouldn’t trust readily or easily and she was a stranger. She reasoned that no one trusted a stranger and quickly knocked on the door before she could talk herself out of it.
From behind the door came a displeased feminine moan. A few heaving footfalls later, the door opened a crack. “Yeah?” A muscular woman with her hair half shaved asked.
“Sorry for the early interruption, I am looking for Mr. Widogast.” Lana replied as cordially as possible. The young woman, nodded and left the room and lead Lana down to the room marked with a four.
“Caleb,” she said while hitting the door forcefully. “The bookstore chick is here.”
“Ja, okay” Caleb said from behind the closed door, which soon opened.
“Mr. Widogast,” Lana greeted, but he just stared at her. “I am sorry to call on you so early but I believe I have some books and spells you may be interested in. You will have to forgive me for not showing you them yesterday as some of them are…” She paused. “Unpopular here and I did not know you. But I have talked to some people and they have said you are trustworthy.” Caleb stared at her, his face unreadable. Instead of being taken back Lana chose to keep speaking. “I will be at my shop all day, come by when you are free.” Then, turning to the woman who showed her the room. “Thank you.”
Without waiting for a reply, Lana moved back down the hallway. She could feel both their eyes on her back and as she walked. When she reached the end of the hallway, Lana heard the female’s voice whisper.
“Should you go? Could be a trap?”
“Yeah, it could.” Caleb replied.
“Do you think the Assembly sent her?”
Lana didn’t stop walking. She sensed that she had peaked Caleb’s interest as he had peaked hers. She truly believed that he would show up, even if he thought it was a trap.
0 notes
esmeravde · 5 years
The One Time 2
Lana sat in her usual spot by the door in a comfortable chair. The store had been busier than normal. Suddenly, despite the war going on for months, people were interested in Xhorhas and its history. Lana didn’t know the reason for the sudden interest. However, she found it amusing and made a note to restock her shelves. The business of the day had distracted her from the mystery that was Caleb. She had almost forgotten the invitation she had extended to him, but a moment of quiet at the end of the day kept him in her thoughts.
The sun was just disappearing past the city’s skyline and Lana had just locked her door, when a soft knock caught her attention. On the other side of the door stood Caleb alone, looking no different than he did earlier.
“I am sorry I’m so late, we were busy.” Caleb said.
“No problem.” Lana glanced over his shoulder to see him unaccompanied. “None of your friends with you this time?”
“No.” He replied. Lana wasn’t sure if she believed him considering the conversation she overheard that morning. Ultimately, she didn’t really care, he had come, which was the first step.
“Come in.” Lana held the door open for him as he entered. “What I have to show you is in my private chambers.” She locked the front door behind them and lead Caleb to her small home that was attached to the bookstore. The small sitting room had walls of books and some comfortable seating in the centre permanent arcane lines formed at teleportation circle.
“You have a teleportation circle in your home?” Caleb questioned.
“Yes,” Lana smiled gesturing for him to take a seat. “I use it to gather the rarest of books from my friends across Exandria and occasionally visit different climates.”
“Who did you ask about me?” Caleb asked as he sat. Lana realized he wasn’t a man to keep his questions left unasked.
“My friend Essek,” Lana replied while moving around the room, selecting various books from her shelves. “I believe you know him.”
Caleb frowned.
“The Dynasty touches even here,” Lana continued. “But that isn’t all that extraordinary. After all we are in a time of war, it makes sense, both sides would have people in the capitals.I am not a spy, but my friends are all over. Essek and I knew each other long before this war started and hopefully will long after.” She placed a pile of books beside the chair Caleb had settled in. “What is extraordinary, however, is a vollstrecher is working to help the Dynasty.”
Caleb immediately stiffened in his seat. “I am not a vollstrecher.”
“But your arms say otherwise and Essek said you were affiliated,” Lana observed.
Caleb was silent. His eyes grew distant.
“I’m sorry,” Lana stuttered while sitting across from him. “I let my curiosity get the better of me. The story is yours to tell and I will not pry it from you. Know this Mr. Widogast, if I believed you were anything like the Scourgers I have met or heard of I would have never invited you here.” She paused for a moment, then gestured towards the books. “I have brought you all that I thought would be helpful for you and your friends. The top book is all accounts of the Luxon, many are rumour but perhaps some of the rumours will line up with something you already know or will learn.” Gesturing to the second book, Lana continued. “Then, there is a book on the Assembly and the manner in which they have fortified themselves. I understand you must know some of this but perhaps it will help. Underneath is some of my rarer books on magic. Also, if you have any need of spells let me know what you are specifically looking for as I may have it.”
Lana stopped, realizing she should leave Caleb to go over the books and collect his thoughts. She stood in order to leave him to his study and proceeded to go back into the bookshop.
“Danken,” Caleb said quietly. “I should not take long.”
“You may stay as long as you like.” Lana replied before leaving him.
Once back into the peaceful isles of the storefront, Lana mentally chastised herself. It was foolish of her to question Caleb like that. He was clearly well guarded and bringing up what she assumed to be a difficult subject was unwise.
As she mindlessly moved through the aisles adjusting books and making notes on what to restock, she recalled the pain and guilt that was evident on his face when she had asked about his association with the Assembly. It was as obvious as the red hair on his head or his intoxicating blue eyes. She wondered what he could have done to cause that guilt. If what she knew about the vollstrechers was true, well then there were many things.
She pitied the man who read in her sitting room. In her life she had known only ordinary amounts of pain, loss and shame. The loss of her mother was the most extreme pain she had ever felt. She tried to imagine what he could have gone through but felt lost. Whatever it was, she could never understand.
There was only one way she could feel what he felt at any specific moment. She had a scroll that could project the user’s emotions onto someone else. It was particularly useful when telling stories but Caleb would have to be willing to use it and to tell her his story, which, she realised was unlikely. She let out a soft sight of defeat and continued down her aisles of books.
Trying to avoid her own thoughts, Lana made a stronger effort to organize her shelves. After hours of categorizing and rearranging, a floorboard creaked from the other side of the room putting Lana on edge. No one should’ve been in the store that late in the evening. Quietly, while listening for another sound Lana place another book on the shelf.
“It was…” A voice came from behind her.
With a quick motion Lana had her hand outstretched toward the intruder.
“...kind of you to allow me access to some of your treasured books.” Caleb said as he came around one of the shelves. He was greeted by Lana whose hands had burst into flame. “Ah!.” He exclaimed instantly backing up, his voice wavering.
“It’s you.” Lana let the magic dissipate with a sigh of relief. “I wasn’t paying attention, lost in thought or avoiding it, and forgot you were here.” She paused for a moment before continuing. “Did you find what you were looking for?”
“Ja, the books have been helpful.” Caleb paused. “You practice the arcane?”
“Oh,” Lana chuckled nervously, rubbing her hands together. “Yes, I have had the ability for a time. Essek and others helped me understand some of it.”
“Essek taught me some things as well.”
Lana nodded, “He is a good teacher.” There was a moment of silence.
“Thank you again.” Caleb said while turning towards the door.
“You are very welcome.” Lana smiled at his back. “Good night Mr. Widogast.”
“Good Night.” Caleb said as he walked through the door, which Lana held open.
Lana watched the wizard disappear down the street and leaned against the door frame for a moment. She was pleased he had come but wasn’t impressed with her own behaviour. She had never been so forward and unobservant. If he came back, she resolved to be aware of her guest and herself. With feeling of defeat, she closed the door and headed towards her bedroom.
On her way to bed, after extinguishing every flame, Lana felt the sudden need to pray. She wasn’t an overly religious person but did believe and occasionally worship Ioun. The Knowing Mistress was a part of her childhood. Her parents always said knowledge was power, so they would pray and study, study and pray. For the first time in years, Lana felt the need to ask for help. For the first time in a long while she didn’t know the answers and didn’t know how to find them. Normally, she could read people easily, like how the best captain could read the ocean. Each wave, each crease a story.
As she sat on her bed, she wondered if she truly did understand people or had she been making it up as she went along. After all, anyone can be right some of the time. How could one man cause so much doubt in her mind? Caleb Widogast had made her whole focus change. At first, she only wanted to help out of curiosity and loyalty to Essek, but having spent the evening with the soft spoken wizard she genuinely wanted to help. Her inability to understand him made everything harder, a scourger, vollstrecher, wizard. She was lost. How could she help him effectively?
In desperation and frustration Lana reached out and grasp the symbol of Ioun that sat on her bedside table. She laid back and focused her thoughts outward towards the Knowing Mistress. She allowed herself to envision a vast library full of scrolls and books.
Lana wandered through the endless rows of books, all without labels or titles. Everyone book a mystery to be learned, a history to be rediscovered. A tinge of excitement filled her and she wondered what each book contained.
A gradual staircase climbed upward in a steady spiral. Slowly, she made her way upward, slowed by her need to wander aimlessly through the aisles. Every time she went down new aisle, she let her fingers running along the spines of endless stories, hoping to gain some new knowledge.
After turning down another aisle a figure stood in her way. She was older with waves of silver that fell down her back. Her robes were blue and white and seemed to tumble to the ground like unrolled parchment. When she turned to look at Lana, purple eyes smiled at her. In her hands was a small book. The figure held it out towards Lana.
Taking a step forward Lana took the book in her hands. Her eyes left the unique woman and gazed at the book. It was small, like one of the books that contained ancient myths. The dark leather seemed new, except for one corner which had been burnt slightly. When Lana looked up again, she found herself alone the female presence, gone. Her attention was drawn back to the book in her hands. Carefully, she opened the cover and started to read.
Lana felt herself pulled, like traveling through a teleportation circle, to a small house. There a small boy with fiery red hair studied. His hands moving in the familiar patterns, drawing a spell in the air and in front of him an orange kitten appeared. His eyes filled with joy.
Once again, Lana found herself in a different place, but with the same boy but slightly older standing outside of the Soltryce Academy with his parents. They spoke to their son in Zemnian, tears of joy, pride and sorrow in their eyes.
Then, she was with him again, but this time he was with two others, following a man away from the Academy and out of Rexxentrum. Again a shift to darkness and all Lana could feel was pain, sharp piercing pain in her arms like knives. After a moment in the darkness the pain faded but was replaced by the voices of the parents, Zemnian that transitioned into Common. They spoke of betrayal, revolution, rebellion.
Out of the darkness came fire, flames and incredible heat. She was with the boy again but he had turned into more of a man. From where she stood, behind his shoulder, she could see the flames engulfing a small house. The heat was on her face and fire in her eyes, but the screams came, doubt overwhelming doubt. They were his parents.
Lana’s vision shifted one more time. They were in an asylum her hands on his face, Lana felt the energy flow through her. A heavy film that covered Caleb’s eyes lifted, the radiant blue irises shining full of anger and pain.
0 notes
esmeravde · 5 years
The One Time 3
When Lana awoke, she felt as though the greatest weight sat on her shoulders. The cool morning sun came through her window. The symbol of Ioun sitting where it always did, beside her bed.
The heaviness of her dream wasn’t lost on her. Caleb Widogast was a walking tragedy and she felt all of it. She felt as though she had been there with him through it all. She understood, at least as well as she could, why Caleb was so unique. So much pain and anger. He, justifiably, hated the Academy. She understood why he had helped the Dynasty.
Despite her new knowledge Lana didn’t know what to do. She knew she couldn’t tell Caleb what she had seen. He was too closed off. Instead she would quietly use it to help him. She would do her own research on how to protect one’s mind from arcane manipulation.
Still laying in bed the haze of a restless night still lingering over her eyes, Lana found herself suddenly aware of the time. She needed to open her shop. Quickly she got up and pulled on one of her everyday gowns. While heading down to unlock the front door, she hastily ran a brush through her hair.
Luckily for her, no one was waiting outside her door when she finally opened it. Sometimes some of the wealthier people of Rexxentrum would stop by her shop early. They often stopped to chat about the newest novel or politics while on their way to other meetings. Despite her humble manner, Lana was a part of the high society of Rexxentrum, often she found she was invited to balls and social gatherings. There was rarely a social even she didn’t attend. Many of these acquaintances said she was always refreshing to have at a party. She wouldn’t call any of those people friends but they were useful. Many of them had inquired about some prohibited books over the years and Lana was happy to oblige, which often won her favour. This particular morning she was thankful for the lack of customers.
Her mind was focused on Caleb and how best to help him and his party. His memories had been tampered with. Some elements of Dunamancy had the ability to help him protect himself. Some divine magics had the ability to clear the mind, which Lana suspected helped him in the asylum. As she contemplated she realized Caleb had probably already protected himself as best he could. The only way she could help him now was to protect him from his enemies and help the Mighty Nein complete their mission and find the Luxon Beacon.
Lana had been sitting in her chair for most of the day as people trickled in and out of her shop. She only half paid attention to them until a very powerful acquaintance came in.
“Lana,” The sharp pleasant voice greeted.
“Lady DeRongna.” Lana smiled instantly recognizing the voice. Placing her book to the side, she rose to greet her guest. “It is a pleasure as always. How may I be of service?”
“I am looking into the Luxon Beacons.” Lady DeRongna stated. “The Dynasty’s most closely guarded secret.”
“That’s a specific request.” Lana observed. “I don’t really have much on the topic, only lore, and superstition.”
“Even those would be of help.” Lady DeRongna smiled slyly. Her pleasantness masked the ruthlessness that Lana knew existed beneath the surface.
“Follow me,” Lana lead her to the back corner of the store where she kept all books on lore. She pulled a book from the shelf and handed it to Lady DeRongna. “This contains all known and some less known legends of the Dynasty.”
“Thank you.” She paused looking at the books in her hand. “Lana you wouldn’t happen to have anything more specific in your personal collection would you?”
Lana smiled. “Not anything you wouldn’t already have access too, I’m afraid.” Her lie was one she commonly used with Assembly members. She did have a book or two that Essek had gifted her but they were for her. She had never shared them with anyone until recently with Caleb.
Lady DeRongna studied her intently. “Are you attending the Gala next week?” She asked changing the subject. Lana and Lady DeRongna move back through the shop towards the door.
“That’s the celebration for Academy graduates, correct?”
“Yes,” Lady DeRongna nodded. “Trent says there are a few promising subjects this year.”
“That is high praise for those few.” Lana noted.
“It is.” Lady DeRongna stopped by the door and turned towards Lana. “I still don’t understand why you don’t join the Assembly. You have more talent than you let on.”
“I like my books and my simple life, but the compliment is greatly appreciated.” Lana bowed her head.
“You didn’t answer the question Lana,” Lady DeRongna laughed. “Will you be attending?”
“Yes.” Lana laughed in reply. “I wouldn’t dare miss out.”
“Good,” she replied with a genuine smile. “I need someone to escape to.”
“Lady DeRongna, as always I am at your service.” Lana bowed her head, as Lady DeRongna crossed her threshold.
“And I yours.” Lady Vess DeRongna said formally as she left.
With a sigh, Lana fell back into her chair. Assembly members were always tiresome. She had to be careful with her words, but despite that they were highly intelligent and good acquaintances to have. Parties with them could be exceptionally entertaining, after a few drinks the gossip would spill forth with ease.
One again returning to the mundane rhythm of her shop, Lana allowed herself to become lost in her book, Whitestone: A History. The history of the small city was exceptionally compeling, necromancy, murder and magic. As she read on, one thing stood out to her. The Briarwoods, an exceptionally gifted couple, had gained the trust of the ruling family, then murdered all but two of them, seizing control of the city. Lana stopped reading for a few moments and contemplated the extent the Briarwoods went through to gain the family’s trust, perhaps years of manipulation.
It was then, staring at the Briarwoods’ rise to power she realized how she could aid the Mighty Nein. They needed to gain the trust of the Assembly members, not unlike she had. They needed to trust them. Caleb was the obvious choice, but he was known to them. Perhaps, Caleb wasn’t the name he had when he was at the Academy. After all, it would be dangerous to walk around with the same name after fleeing from their influence. Lana would have to speak to the group about her idea.
“Hey! This is Jester!” A sudden recognizable voice burst into her mind. “You know Essek!? Caleb says thanks. Also that book was so good! Any ideas to find the beacon?” Bye!”
Still surprised by the message, Lana responded. “Jester? I assume this is the Mighty Nein. Caleb is most welcome. Come by, I have an idea. Essek is a friend.” After responding as shortly as possible, Lana found herself relieved. Jester’s message had saved her a trip to the tavern but she hoped the group had understood the message.
The sun began to set and Lana was in the midst of closing up the shop when the Mighty Nein walked in. “Hello, everyone.” She greeted. “Let me lock the door and we will move into my private quarters.” Lana moved through the group, brushing past a few of them. She locked the door and alarmed it, just in case someone ventured in while she was distracted by the group. She then quietly lead everyone into the sitting room where she and Caleb had been a few nights before. While gesturing for everyone to sit, Lana herself sat on a chair that sat in the corner, leaving the large pillowed benches for her guests.
“I do not know all of you, so I believe some introductions are in order. Caleb I know, Fjord we briefly spoke.” Lana looked to the blue tiefling. “I assume you are Jester, I recognized your voice from the message.”
“Yes!” Jester smiled brightly.
“I am Lana Lange.” Lana spoke formally. “Friend of the Dynasty and Essek. I am at your service.”
“Hello,” The firbolg spoke. “Caduceus Clay, it’s a pleasure.” His deep, calm voice filled the room.
“I’m Nott.” A halfling woman said, but with a shimmer turned into a goblin. To have a goblin in her home was surprising, but Lana ensured she did nothing more than nod politely.
“Beauregard.” The woman who had directed Lana in the tavern. “Beau is fine.”
“It is a pleasure.” Lana bowed her head towards the group.
“If you don’t mind me asking,” Fjord questioned. “How do you know Essek?”
“We met when I was in Xhorhas, but that was many years ago.”
“Why were you there?” Jester piped in.
“As you may have noticed I have a love of books. I was exploring, looking for histories that aren’t common knowledge and local legends noone has ever heard of”
“How do we know we can trust you?” Beau asked sternly, drawing Lana’s attention away from Jester.
“You don’t,” Lana cocked an eyebrow. “But if I was going to turn you in I would have already done it. Right now, you have enough information to get me executed and I have enough to do the same to you.”
Silence filled the room as everyone contemplated Lana’s words. The Mighty Nein and Lana were on equal footing, each having something to protect themselves. Lana knew that some of her acquaintances could get her out of trouble but it would damage her reputation. No matter which way she looked at it she had to trust the Mighty Nein and she hoped they would trust her.
“I believe you had an idea to share Miss Lana.” Caduceus interrupted the silence.
“Yes.” Lana smiled. “I am well known to many members of the Assembly and the upper class here in Rexxentrum. Often there are parties, which cause people to become loose lipped. However, to get into those parties one needs to be introduced and deemed reliable and trustworthy. There is a Gala coming up, which is one of the formal events, celebrating the Academy graduates. I will introduce two of you, preferably the more charismatic. I believe Caleb would be perfect, but I don’t know how well known your face is to these people.”
“You want me to be a spy.” Caleb stated.
“Yes,” Lana nodded. “It’s the only way I can see us getting the information you need.”
“Fjord could be the second person.” Nott suggested. “He is good at being someone else.”
“Would you be with us?” Fjord asked.
“Yes, you must be introduced. You will come as my guests. Caleb will come as a prospective suitor for myself. It will cause you to become popular and also overlooked,” Lana paused. “I have become very well known for turning down proposals.”
“They know me.” Caleb stated.
“How long ago?” Lana asked.
“Years, but there is a spy in Xhorhas. They may recognize me.”
“I believe drawing attention to yourself is the best way to avoid detection.” Lana smirked. “At the very least we can give it a try at the Gala. The goal is to get an invitation for both of you to another event. The more you mingle the more they will trust you. Gentlemen, you want the women to desire you and the men to want to be you.”
“Oh dear.” Fjord replied, looking to his friends, who all looked at each other nervously.
“I know it is intimidating, but think about it.” Lana said, standing. “I suggest you stay here and talk it over. I will me in the shop when you all have come to a decision.” Lana left them alone. Closing the door behind her with a click, she separated himself from the group. Wanting to hear their concerns Lana elected to stay close to the door, while needlessly organizing her shelves.
“Do we want to be spies?” Beau asked.
“I think we already are.” Ford replied.
“If we do this we are choosing a side, right?” Nott’s sharp voice pierced the walls.
“I believe we already have, we owe Essek,” Caleb sighed, “a lot, we owe him a lot.”
“Do we have a better plan?” Jester asked.
“I could go.” Fjord offered “But my race may hinder the whole mission and the rest of us would stand out among the upper class.”
“No, I will do it.” Caleb added. “I will make my appearance different than it was and is.”
“Are you sure Caleb?” Nott’s voice was full of concern. “It would be very dangerous and none of us will be there to help you.”
“Lana will be there.” Caleb stated.
“Do we trust her?” Beau asked.
“I like her,” Caduceus replied. “She has trusted us, it is only fair to trust her.”
“I agree,” Caleb added. “She has some arcane ability and can help me if needed.”
“So we’re doing this?” Beau spoke again.
“I suppose we are,” Caduceus responded. “This will be very interesting.”
“I suppose we should inform our host of our decision.” Fjord stated.
Lana realised she probably should stop actively listening and actually put some of the books in her hands on the correct shelves. She had learned some valuable information. Firstly, the Mighty Nein expected her to become more of an ally, rather than just a quick introduction. Lana felt as though that was reasonable, but she refused to harm her status among the upper class in the city. They would have to do things her way.
As Lana put the last book on the shelf, she heard the door to her home open. “Miss Lana,” Caduceus’ voice called.
“Yes,” Lana called, while walking towards the door.
“You can join us.”
“Thank you sir.” She smiled when she saw the tall firbolg leaning through the doorway. She entered the room where the Mighty Nein were waiting.
“So, you’ve come to a decision?” She asked, returning to her seat.
“We will do it!” Jester exclaimed enthusiastically.
“Okay! Fjord and Caleb?” Lana smiled at Jester’s enthusiasm.
“No.” Fjord answered. “Just Caleb.”
“Alright.” Lana turned towards Caleb. “This will be difficult, but if you go unrecognized, we will have a chance. I will be with you every step of the way.”
Caleb’s face was stoic. Lana knew there was fear behind his eyes. She was asking him to risk his life, and trust her. She knew the feeling. If these same people, the ones they were trying to deceive, found out about Essek, she could be killed.
“Will you protect him?” Nott had gotten off her chair and stood a breath away from Lana. “Will you protect Caleb?” Nott asked again, her yellow eyes piercing Lana’s.
“With my life.” Lana replied. The gravity of her own words struck her in the chest. Her life was on the line and now it was out in the open. “Well,” Lana cleared her throat. “I need a drink.”
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esmeravde · 5 years
The One Time 4
The morning sun beamed onto Lana’s face, causing her to emit a pained groan. The throbbing of her head greeted her in unison with consciousness. The night before had been filled with alcohol. She vaguely remembered Beau losing a drinking contest to Nott, and Caduceus choosing to drink tea.
Rubbing her head, Lana pulled herself into a sitting position. She was in her sitting room, alone. Empty wine and liquor bottles littered the room. Blindly, Lana stood and wandered towards her small kitchen in search of water, her mouth uncomfortably dry. After quenching her thirst, Lana went back up to her room to freshen up for the day.
She couldn’t remember the last time she drank that much. At most parties she kept a drink in her hand but rarely divulged to the point of drunkenness. She liked having her mind present in all situations. She had let herself get carried away. Lana wondered if it was the group as a whole who lead her to partake so heavily, but that was foolish. She poured the drinks and drank them. It was her own fault.
She took a few moments to do her hair, creating intricate braids behind her head. Lana elected to wear one of her more revealing yet elegant dresses, to make up for the misery the night of drinking had brought on.
By the time she had made it down into her shop the sun was high in the sky, not quite noon. As she unlocked the store’s door, she was greeted by one of her regular customers, a street urchin called Usof.
Usof was a quiet boy, who was nearly a grown man, maybe twenty years old at the most. The first time Lana met him, he wandered through her shop full of wonder, unable to read any of the stories found there. He started to come by more frequently to ask Lana about the book she had been reading. It was after a few months of this Lana decided to teach Usof to read. He was exceptionally bright and picked it up rather quickly. Years had gone by and he continued to come to the store every week to read something new.
“Good morning Usof.” Lana forced a smile past her pounding headache.
“Good morning Miss Lange.” Usof greeted her smiling brightly. “You are opening late today.”
“Yes,” Lana nodded quickly collecting her thoughts. “I am not feeling well and was in bed most of the morning. Do forgive me, I hope you weren’t waiting long.”
“Not long enough to be bothered.” Usof smiled while walking past her into the shop. “What have you been reading lately?”
“Oh,” Lana spun around allowing the door to close. “I’ve been reading about a place called Whitestone. It’s a small city in Tal'dorei with a compelling history.”
“History can be dull.” Usof remarked.
“True, but I’m finding that this part of history seems more fiction than reality.”
“How do you know if the history you are reading is actually accurate?” Usof asked.
“By researching more on the topic.” Lana explained. “With Whitestone, I believe what I am reading is true because there are records corroborating the story. Also, it was only twenty years ago.”
“I see, may I read it.” He paused. “If you are finished with it.”
“I am.” Lana smiled grabbing the book from behind her chair, knowing she had another copy. Usof usually read what she had just finished reading. “Do you have a book to trade or are you paying today?”
“Trade.” Usof reached into his beaten satchel that hung from his slender form. “I brought back the one from last time.” Out of his bag he pulled a small book with an engraved dragon, titled The Dragon King.
“How did you like it?” Lana asked taking the book from him and trading it for the one on Whitestone.
“It was great but a dragon that rules people without greed doesn’t seem realistic to me.” Usof said, putting the new book in his bad.
“Well,” Lana smiled. “It is a work of fiction after all.”
As Lana was speaking, the door to her shop opened. Caleb walked in alone, standing tall. He was cleaner than he had been the night before and seemed more confident. He was cleaner, with new clothes. They were well tailored, he must have spent all morning with the best clothes maker in the city. He looked like he had come from money. If Lana was any other woman she would have swooned. If she hadn't known Caleb she would have assumed he was a part of a wealthy family.
“True Miss.” Usof agreed, then noticed the additional figure in the store.
“Sir,” Lana greeted Caleb formally. “I can be with you in one moment, feel free to look around.”
“Thank you.” He nodded, his accent felt stiffer but hit all the right notes. Standing, what one would assume as proudly, Caleb disappeared behind a shelf.
“Who’s that?” Usof whispered to Lana.
“I have no idea.” Lana lied.
“Looks like another rich ass.” Usof scoffed quietly.
“Young man,” Lana spoke sternly. “I will not have you insulting my customers. Anyway you best get going.” She ushered him toward the door. “Enjoy that book.” She said with a kind smile.
“Sorry Miss,” Usof looked at his shoes while walking away. “Thank you.”
“See you next week,” Lana continued to smile as Usof wandered down the street. “Stay out of trouble.” She called after him.
Lana allowed the door to close softly behind her. She decided to see how far Caleb would go in his new persona. Lana knew that deceiving the Assembly would be difficult and would require that the two of them maintained the charade even when away from them. They both had be completely committed!
Quietly, Lana made her way towards Caleb who seemed to be aimlessly looking at books. His new coat hung past his hips, the subtle embroidery gave away the cost of the coat. The pants were a seamless black, well fitted. He was an exceptionally handsome man.
“Sir,” Lana spoke formally again. “What is it you are looking for?”
“I book on the arcane.” Caleb turned towards Lana.
Lana, suddenly had a naughty thought come to mind. Could she seduce him? It would be a good test of his commitment to the task.
“What kind?” Lana took a step into his personal space. “There are many forms.” Lana moved closer. “Some are meant for battle, some for protection.” She reached out and placed a hand on his chest. Beneath her palm she felt his chest heave from a sudden intake of breath. “Some forms of magic help with…..pleasure” Lana smirked slyly him, locking eyes, while letting her hand drag lower. As her hand neared his navel she saw Caleb swallow.
“Lana.” He whispered, the formality of his accent falling away to the Caleb she had met previously.
Withdrawing her hand and taking a step back. “I was curious.” Lana replied.
“To see how far I could go.” Caleb responded.
“Yes.” Lana paused. “You look good. Did you wear your hair tied back like that in Xhorhas or when you went to the Academy?”
“In Xhorhas, not before.”
“Cleanly shaved?”
Lana took a moment to contemplate their options. “I think staying clean shaven will be better, it’s more fashionable.”
“I’ll be more recognizable.”
“Perhaps,” Lana turned away from Caleb. “What were you like when you were at the Academy?” She lead Caleb across the shop to where she usually sat. Out from under her desk, she pulled a small stool, then gestured for Caleb to sit.
“I was terrible.” Caleb choked out. “Violent and lacked empathy.”
“I mean personality wise.” Lana sighed, :This persona, is that who you were at the Academy or in Xhorhas?”
“No, it is new.” Caleb replied.
“Good.” Lana smiled. “Then this will work. I believe many people will overlook your appearance when the personality is completely different.”
“Caleb Widogast should not be your name,” Lana continued. “You are known by it in Xhorhas so here it must be different. If you want to keep Caleb that would be fine, it is a common name.”
“Caleb Richter?” Caleb asked.
Lana thought for a moment and remembered the book she had given Usof.
“Briarwood?” She suggested.
“Ja, okay.” Caleb stood. “I should go.”
“Caleb one more thing.” Lana stood with him. “The Gala is less than a week away. You know some of these people have the ability to look in on you at any moment. I suspect you have protected yourself from that but I have not. We must get in the habit of always being believable. You should stay somewhere nicer and when we are together…” Lana trailed off.
“We must be together,” Caleb finished.
“Yes,” Lana agreed. “I know you must be uncomfortable with this but it is the only way I can think of. I may not even be your type, which will make everything hard.” Lana fell back into her chair. “This is crazy. I shouldn’t expect you to do this!”
“It’s okay.” Caleb knelt down to look her in the eye. “I can do this, so can you.”
Lana scoffed, “You barely know me.”
“We will fix that.” Caleb stood once again. “Caleb Briarwood will visit everyday leading up to the Gala, to get to know you.”
“Practice,” Lana agreed.
“Practice.” Caleb’s back straighten, Lana observed Mr. Briarwood come into being. “Miss Lange.” Caleb’s voice was powerful and full of authority. “It has been a pleasure. I wish to visit you again, perhaps tomorrow.”
Lana stood and extended a hand. “Mr. Briarwood you are always welcome.” Caleb held her hand and placed a small kiss on it.
“Good day Miss Lange.”
“Good day Mr. Briarwood.”
Caleb moved elegantly through the door, which closed shortly after. For the first time, Lana realised that this outrageous plan might actually work. Caleb was seamlessly adapting to his role. The character he was becoming was similar to every wealthy man she had ever met, but she hoped he would be mysterious enough to be accepted into society. The only concern Lana had was in her own ability. If Caleb did become a typical aristocrate, then there would be no reason for her to entertain him as a suitor. However, if Caleb retained some of his own personality, the awkwardness, her acquaintances would not question anything.
The rest of Lana’s day went by smoothly. A few customers came through without buying anything, but Lana wasn’t one to be concerned with her finances. The only excitement came in the evening just before closing. A courier dropped off a letter for her.
My Dearest Lana,
It has been a long time since we have crossed paths. It seems we will see each other again. As you may know the Academy is holding their annual Graduation Gala. I will be attending due to the excellence of certain graduates. I know you will not want to be escorted by me as you are willfully independent, which I admire. I will simply ask for one dance with you my dear.
You company will be worth the trip back to Rexxentrum. I hope to stop by your home before the Gala as conversation is hard to have at a Gala.
I am at your service as always,
Lana sat staring at the letter in her hands. What Lady DeRongna mentioned was true, Trent would be at the Gala. The elderly man, was exceptionally powerful and had always taken a liking to her. Lana chose to think of him as a father figure despite knowing he would like her to be his wife. Thankfully, the two had an unspoken agreement. Trent would never ask her knowing the answer, and she would always be herself around him. Lana knew how terrible he could be, in the same way most of that stature were. She, like many others chose to ignore it. The man he presented to her was always kind and exceptionally protective. Trent would prove to be a challenge at the Gala, he would not accept Caleb readily. His story would have to be coherent and hard to trace. Lana had suggested the name Briarwood as it was an unknown but also historical name. Lana knew it would explain his lack of presence in society before.
Putting the letter in her desk, Lana resolved to speak to Caleb about Trent when he visited the next day. As Lana busied herself with closing her shop, she found herself in a rather interesting mood. She was buzzing with excitement, which surprised her. She had never been one to enjoy danger but there was something about this whole enterprise that was exhilarating.
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esmeravde · 5 years
The One Time 5
My Dearest Caleb,
I am sorry I did not discuss this with you but I did what I felt had to be done. By the time you read this it will be too late to change my mind, the deed will have been done. I will no longer know who you are, nor will I know the Mighty Nein.
I am about to go see Essek and he will help me alter my memories. Please know that this does not reflect upon your abilities. I believe you will be able to convince people of who you are. When you came into my shop as someone else I believed it but when I was attempting to sleep I found myself terrorized. I am not as skilled as you are at this. I am not a good liar. My fear is that I will put you in danger.
I decided to change my memory, this way I would believe the lie. Essek will only remove Caleb Widogast and the Mighty Nein. I will not know any of you. However, I will have memories pertaining to Caleb Briarwood. We will attempt to transfer the affection I already have for you towards the character you will play. If that does not work here are some instructions.
I do not like politics. I love books and stories. They are the easiest way to my heart. If someone were to insult me, allowing me to stand up for myself. I am an independent person and would like to remain that way in any relationship. Also, be yourself. Your natural awkwardness is endearing to me and will make you different from everyone else. Be humbly confident in your own abilities and power.
You will have to convince me first, but that will be good practice.
Also something you need to know about the Gala. First, you need me to invite you. Secondly, I know you attended the Academy. There will be many people there who would have known you. There is one particular man who I am concerned with, Trent Ikithon. He is exceptionally perceptive and cunning. He and I have a complicated relationship, which means he will be exceptionally interested in you simply because of your interest in me. Please be careful.
If anything happens and you need me back to my senses. Essek has lead me to believe that Jester and Caduceus are both capable of restoring my mind.
Your friend,
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esmeravde · 5 years
Slow Fuse
“Why don’t you take off your coat?”
It is, Caleb knows, a suggestion. A kind one, delivered in a warm, slightly smoky voice. His mouth quirks and his hands flutter. Smoky and warm certainly suit the woman in front of him. She is pale, black-eyed, her hair tied up in a loose knot. It is the same color as the fire in the fireplace, and the curl that falls against the back of her neck seems to flicker. Her hands are steady and very warm as they slide beneath the lapels of his coat.
“I— hm. A moment, please.”
She steps back, a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. She toys with the belt of her robe. It is just a shade darker than her skin and drapes over her curves. In the firelight, it turns buttery gold.
Caleb’s hands flex by his sides. Then he tugs off his coat. There’s a hook by the door, and he hangs it there. Then he pulls off the holster in which he keeps his books and hangs that up as well.
“Should I. Ah—” he gestures at his shirt, his pants.
“Do you want to?” the woman asks.
Caleb pauses, shrugs. It’s warm in the room, and he doubts he’s the ugliest thing that this woman has seen, but, well. He’s scrawny and scarred.
“How about just the gloves. And the top button or two.”
Mutely, he holds his hands out to her. His heart batters at the inside of his ribs. His breath comes hard and fast. His throat works as she takes his right hand in both of hers and begins to work the laces on his glove free of the eyelets. The leather rasps against his skin as she pulls it off. Then she moves to the other glove.
He brings his free hand to rest on her hip. The woman looks up, black eyes glinting. Caleb looks away immediately, but he does not drop his hand. The heat of her scorches through the robe and into his palm.
The second glove comes away. She moves that hand to her waist, as well. Then she backs him up to the bed. He’s good at doing what he’s told. This is fine. This is— her hands are warm and the smile on her lips makes his stomach go tight and heat build behind his cock. There’s a tasteless joke about cats getting cream in here somewhere and the thought almost makes him choke on air. He sits down too quickly.
“Mm?” she asks, running her fingers through his hair.
“Ah— nothing, sorry. Stray thought.”
“You seem to have a lot of those.” She presses him back, then, her hands on his shoulders and then running down his chest, over his stomach, to his belt. “Shall I make them stop?”
She’s welcome to try. He doesn’t say that— more gestures at nothing and blinks up at the ceiling and tries to ignore how hot his face feels. “Be my guest.”
His breath hitches as she undoes his belt. Caleb raises his hips a little so she can tug it free of the belt loops, which she does slowly. She’s just as slow about unbuttoning his fly. Her fingers just graze against his cock through the worn fabric of his smallclothes as she flicks each button open one by one.
Caleb lets out a long, unsteady breath and squeezes his eyes shut.
When she tugs a little at his trousers, he lifts his hips again. His face is burning. But this woman does not comment. She presses a kiss to one freckled thigh as she drops his trousers to his ankles. He kicks them away a moment later. She does not bother to remove his smalls entirely, just tugs them aside so she can free his half-hard cock. The air in the room in warm, but not body-warm, and he shifts a little as it brushes his skin.
She has not taken both hands off of him this entire time. He thinks he might have jumped otherwise when she leans in and kisses his hip. Her hair tickles where it brushes against him. It is warm, too, but not scorching. Not true fire.
Caleb exhales again.
“Oh, good,” she comments, laughter in her voice. “I thought you might be trying to knock yourself out.”
He makes a weak, wheezing sound that might be a chuckle which hitches and dissolves as her hands slide up his legs and nudge them apart.
He’s known what she was planning since she sank to her knees, but being this close to the reality still makes his palms sweat. Caleb balls both hands in the sheet and breathes through the spike of heat that snaps like a whip or like lightning up his spine.
The sound of a bottle opening is loud in the small room— the pop of a cap, followed by nothing he can catch other than a slight smell of something both sweet and somehow spiced. But he is not surprised to find her hand wet when she curls it around his stiffening cock. His hips jerk upwards.
Caleb stills himself. “Sorry.”
“No need.”
“It’s, ah, it’s been a while. Since…”
“I’ll go slow.”
“Oh.” he blinks at the ceiling and manages not to choke on his tongue as she gives him a lazy stroke. “Good.”
He is not slow. His cock hardens almost embarrassingly easily in her hand and Caleb, who had been quite prepared to make excuses for when his brain got in the way of his performance, feels as though the room beneath him has tipped. He keeps clinging to the sheet. By now, he has the pattern of dots and whirls in the wood of the ceiling seared into his memory.
She shifts, rising up onto her knees. Her shoulders brush against his legs, the silk of her robe soft against the sensitive skin of his inner thighs. She curls thumb and forefinger around his base, firm, but not tight. Then her tongue drags up his cock from her fingers to its head.
Caleb’s stomach clenches. The sound he makes is a bit like he’s been struck.
“I’m— fine,” he assures her before she can ask. Then, stupidly, “your mouth is very warm.”
“Would you like more?”
Caleb nods mutely and squeezes his eyes shut.
She still goes slowly. She laps around the head of his cock and just beneath it before taking it into her mouth and sucking like it’s a particularly nice lollipop— and he’ll analyze why that image was the one to make his hips twitch later. Her mouth is hot, and Caleb feels an answering surge in the warmth gathering behind his cock, a clenching in his stomach and thighs. He makes another sound, something thready and tight, and he thinks he feels her smile. But she does not speed up. The first time she pulls off entirely, Caleb groans aloud. He wonders if he imagines the note of reward in the motion of her tongue.
This time, she takes his cock about half way before she begins to bob her head. All that heat pulls tight, as though she is trying to draw it into her mouth. He bats at the sheets. His hips jerk and he lets out a cry. She slows, and the blaze in his belly recedes. Sweat sticks his hair to his neck. Caleb lets out a panting groan and tugs at the collar of his shirt. The top button, its stitching loose, slips from the buttonhole. For a moment, he thinks about sitting up and pulling the whole shirt off, but—
The woman’s tongue makes another purposeful drag and Caleb’s thoughts scatter. His mouth drops open on a groan that rolls up from his chest.
Her answering hum of approval has his hips jolting upwards, body drawn tight.
Again, she backs him away from the edge. One hand splays flat over his stomach, just pushing beneath his shirt. The other gently cups his balls. He almost raises a hand to his mouth as another cry punches out of him. He tries to focus on breathing. The heat of her mouth floods his thoughts and leaves him scattered. His eyes fall closed. He’s panting a little, soft, involuntary sounds rising from his chest as he exhales. And all the while, the warmth in him builds, slow and insistent. He’s not sure if he wants to relax into it or tense and cling to the sheets. His body tries to do both, his heart hammering and his breath coming harder even as his expression goes slack. He can feel the prickling and drag of it spreading through his limbs.
The woman shifts again. Caleb finds himself drawn toward her, hands moving to squeeze his ass. His cock slips deeper, and she swallows around him, her throat going tight. His hips jerk without his permission.
“Sor —” he starts. Then she hums, and he has nothing left but “Bitte, bitte, bitte …”
His hips twitch upwards again. Caleb feels one of her fingers slip back farther and press just at the edge of his hole.
Heat washes through him, all of it pouring out of him.
She holds his hips to the mattress until he finishes and goes limp against the bed.
“Fuck,” he breathes, rubbing his cheek against the bed.
The woman stands, wiping at her mouth with a handkerchief. She sits next to him. “Did you enjoy yourself, Mr. Widogast?”
His throat works. He manages a low, inarticulate noise. Then he raises a hand and gives her a thumbs-up. A moment later, it occurs to him that she was teasing, and he looks up in time to see her bite back a giggle.
Caleb sits up slowly, raking a hand back through his hair. “Do we have time left?”
“Some,” she glances down at where his cock lies soft against his thigh. “Why?”
“I thought I might return the favor. If you were interested.”
She considers him for a moment, a lazy smile curving her lips and crinkling the corners of her eyes. Then, slowly, deliberately, she spreads her legs. He ducks down between her thighs to lose himself once more in her heat.
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