espyings · 10 years
What!!!!!!!!! :O Another species? / Thats incredible!!! I cannot believe that there are others out there, and then some! Oh my goodness, where can I talk to them? This is amazing! Groundbreaking! :) !!!!!!!!! I think i Have enough energy from that display to react accordingly to your most interesting reveal; Amazing!!!!! What are you doing on this website miss Peixes? Is it not a bit dangerous for you to be out in public like this? Either way it is nice to meet you. Oh I am nmot old but I have not used this husktop many times if at all and it is really taking a toll on my ocular orbs to be frank but it is okay because this technology is so baffling and... incredible!!!
T)(ere are, actually!!!! I’ve met a few different aliens in my time )(ere. Mostly one specific race, but, t)(ere )(ave been a few ot)(ers.
I am a seadweller, yes! And maybe, per)(aps we would!
I am Feferi Peixes, )(eiress apparent of Alternia!!!
Are you an older troll? Or is t)(is your first time using a computer???
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espyings · 10 years
crownsandcuttlefish replied to your post:iI have actually gotten emany follows while I was...
Hello !! Assuming that you are a troll because I do not think there is any aliens or species on this website, I make the deduction that you are a seadweller ? I have another acquaintance who is a seadweller, perhaps you two would get along! I am Marp;e Oh, drats Marple.Theres a backspace on this thing but I cannot seem to find it.
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espyings · 10 years
iI have actually gotten emany follows while I was away, hello to you all as well!
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espyings · 10 years
Hello ! (:
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espyings · 10 years
Tumblr media
who is this and how is she kiking me from 1999
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espyings · 10 years
Tumblr media
who is this and how is she kiking me from 1999
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espyings · 10 years
No I am from no church as I do not have any set beliefs myself but I do find your religion interesting to say the least! It has come up in many cases that I have gone into so even if you did not want to you would have to learn a thing or two. :) Additionally the church that you speak of has come up in various texts that I have read so it is obvious that it's an important asset when it concerns those of your blood caste, or just Alternian culture in general. Really it is not too great to generalize I have learned over the sweeps but once again your blood caste strictly dedicates itself to it and I find it very interesting to say in the least! However I have not been able to have the privilege of having a proper, full-length conversation with anyone of that particular religion because it has mostly been grunts of "Go find the Scum that did this and tell me" and I oblige. It is my job after all! Of course some have been more kind and have indulged me for a few moments.  Scriptures themselves are quite informative but I do not think it is the same as I suppose I should say interviewing someone who actually actively participates! I will not paint myself as a false believer. :) It is perhaps one of the most influential cultures I believe and I find it even more engrossing that you all have managed to start using a little nose to identify one another!
hahaha! that’s great! honk! :o)
usually people who aren’t from the church, don’t really use the nose!
unless you ARE from the church and didn’t tell me!
are you? :o?
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espyings · 10 years
perfervidembalmist replied to your post:I realized that compared to the majority of you...
:oD !!! i like it!!!
:o) !
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espyings · 10 years
I realized that compared to the majority of you that the way I type is not entertaining, so perhaps adding a small nose to the emotion that I have become keen on using will help boost up my numbers in acquaintances! :o)
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espyings · 10 years
piscatorialpantheon replied to your post:I want to do one of these “theme” things…. but I...
use. the customize button. J
Oh!!! :) THank you so much, this makes things a lot easier
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espyings · 10 years
perfervidembalmist replied to your post:I want to do one of these “theme” things…. but I...
it’s hard! well, not too hard, just kinda troublesome. :o/
I can see that, I don't even know where to start!
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espyings · 10 years
I want to do one of these "theme" things.... but I don't know how to!
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espyings · 10 years
Fleeta is referring to the troll that you had a previous conversation with before me of course! From my observations she is of a high caste, and if Im not mistaken, a seadweller?   ?And is this not a social circle?? From memory I can recall that a social circle is a group of socially interconnected people, and while one may not consider us connected obviously there is a reason that we have all met, and that is to perhaps form a social circle! Call it destiny if you will! :) -for tumblr user piscatorialpantheon
who. is fleeta. and why do i care. J
is this. a social circle? J
ill take. your word for that. J
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espyings · 10 years
Fleeta and I got into a bit of a verbal tussle and we have seemed to of gained two new additions to our little social circle. I mistook one of them for a real tuskbeast since anything is possible on the internet I think! One of them likes mummies? I believe you two should get along or at least it seems that way.
-for tumblr user piscatorialpantheon
ah… hi. J
what have i. missed. J
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espyings · 10 years
I did not know that animals could blog on this site, it's incredible!
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espyings · 10 years
:) ?
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espyings · 10 years
Oh how helpful! Thank you very much Fleeta!!  Yes investigations are what keep me from dying of boredom!!! Most of them are simple and no matter what I do, end up in murder, but by that point I am out of the premise or the case is solved. Most of them concern murder actually, about who-killed-who so this person can get back at this person, its all pretty repetitive but always seems to offer new stimulation for the pan! I do also investigate in robbery which also results in murder, or on the occasion seeing if so-and-so cheated on the client. Most people find that they can trust me :) -to tumblr user harpoongun
There is a backspace key there is literally a key with an arrow that looks like the harpoon ending my text but backwards ——>
It wasnt very funny ——>
And I doubt she is the type to find it funny either ——>
Wait are you serious youre an investigator ——>
Oh my god ——>
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