esther-jester · 10 months
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esther-jester · 10 months
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esther-jester · 10 months
I haven’t seen this linked on here so: this is an awesome resource for how you can help the people in Palestine. It has donation links, helps you figure out how to contact your representatives, and a regularly updated list of planned protests. It is USAmerican centric but the list of protests is international.
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esther-jester · 11 months
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Israel shot and killed this man and is now pretending they helped him!! His name is Basheer Ibrahim Hejji and he was a beloved 72 years old grandfather.
Israel is posting his image everywhere pretending that they helped him. They shot him right after this photo.
His granddaughter Hala Hijji said her grandfather was forced to walk miles and miles by israel and was struggling so badly. After Israeli took this photo they shot him in the head and back. Executed him.
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esther-jester · 11 months
is there even any point any more? does it even make a difference when i know no one's listening? when i know the people in power will just plug their ears & continue to slaughter innocents while the news tries to justify it by calling them terrorists? when i know my voice reaches nobody's ears & makes no difference to help? when i know i'm not able to go out & physically protest? when i know zionists will never change? when i know nothing will change? what's the point? i'm lucky to have a roof over my head without the risk of it being bombed, to have food & water & to be able to sleep relatively peacefully, so i need to be one of the people speaking up, i know that to be true. is it even doing anything? is it as hopeless as everything else in this shitty world? i know we have to try because innocent people should not be dying at the hands of a violent colonist state. i'm starting to believe the concept of good is an illusion.
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esther-jester · 11 months
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esther-jester · 11 months
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May Allah protect and honour our men. Ameen.
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esther-jester · 11 months
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esther-jester · 11 months
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The audacity of these white people claiming to be brown and seeking sympathy from black people.
Do they think people have forgotten about Israel injecting contraceptives to black Jews to prevent their population from growing?
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Israel wants a white state and people of Israhell are white. Plain and simple. Nothing brown about your current state.
Also remember how they supported the apartheid regime of South Africa and supplied weapons that were used to kill black people there.
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And they have the audacity to use BLM movement to gain sympathy.
Israel can't breathe? Last time I checked, it was Palestinians that were attacked by white phosphorus, still getting massacred by Israel.
Bitch stop trying to use black people as your shield.
Also People of Palestine support BLM
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And BLM supports Palestine. Cause they know how it feels to be oppressed.
Israel really has the biggest audacity to use emotional manipulation to gain sympathy from black people when they actively partook in their oppression.
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esther-jester · 11 months
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esther-jester · 11 months
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esther-jester · 11 months
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esther-jester · 11 months
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Angelina Jolie using her platform to speak out against war crimes while every single one of her colleagues is scared of saying anything out of fear of getting blacklisted is truly awe-inspiring.
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esther-jester · 11 months
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esther-jester · 11 months
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esther-jester · 11 months
November’s here! Just here to say once again, don’t stop talking about Palestine! Never stop till Palestine is free! That a ceasefire comes! That Gaza gets all the humanitarian aid it deserves! Be thankful that some of us are able to live comfortably while thousands are facing death and destruction! Not just in Palestine, but in other places too! Congo faces devastation from armed militias looking to do coltan mining for one example! Armenians are being pushed out by Azerbaijan with the support of Turkey! Please, let’s speak for all of them, as much as we can!
I recently reblogged a post stating frustration over how it seems situations like these seem to turn into fads to say without doing anything. I can go on and on about how sorry I am but that will not do anything productive unless I go out there and actually push for things myself!
So much is happening in the world! So many people are dying voiceless when there are people who can help! Who should help!
Let’s be their voices! Let their stories be heard! We have resources that they may not have right now! Utilize them!
Free Palestine! Stop the violence in Congo! Protect the Armenians!
Let’s keep fighting! 🇵🇸🇨🇩🇦🇲
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esther-jester · 11 months
It was never about hamas. If israel manages somehow to kill every member of hamas, what then? Do you think Palestinians are just going to forgive and forget everything Israel has done?
Babies who are the only surviving members of their families? Fathers carrying the remains of their children in plastic bags? Palestinians who witnessed people blown to bits right in front of them? Had Israeli forces shoot at them as they tried to escape the north? Palestinians in the West Bank who have been captured and tortured on camera? Palestinians in 48 who have been arrested just for sympathizing with their kin in Gaza? Palestinian school girls being assaulted by the IOF? Mothers who only have the blood of their children on their hands as their only remaining piece of them? The constant dehumanization that followed our every move - how while Palestinians suffered, politicians called us “monsters”, “human animals”, “children of darkness”, “savages”, and “cockroaches”?
It’s been 75 years since my family was forced from their villages by Zionist militias, they have never forgotten what they did to their neighbors and how they are still denied their right of return. None of us will.
Now, IOF forces in Gaza raise the Israeli flag over the beaches and take selfies with fleeing Palestinians in the background, cheer and celebrate a “return to their settlements in gaza” and sing about leveling the land and fantasize building shopping malls on Palestinian mass graves - it was never about hamas.
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