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Ever since i started to be a highschool student, i observed that my interests and goals in life are now different than the ones i have before. Before, when people asks me what my hobbies are, i always answers them that i like traveling and watching korean dramas and animes more that anything. Buy now, i can say that my hobbies became the opposite of what my hobbies are before. I now love to read books. Romance fiction, sci-fi, historical, etc. And i would want to stay in my room all day to write my own stories, poems or read books than to explore the outside world. For me, writing a story and a poem of my own is the best way where i can express my feelings and emotions. The things that i can't tell to people with my simple words can be expressed through my poems. I would call writing poems is one of my talent for now, i use my friends families and my --- well--- ' frenemies ' aa my inspiration in every poem that i write. I use this hobby or interest of mine to express, to pursue and to advocate things. I even write poems to greet my friends a happy birthday. I even created my own wattpad account to publish my poems and stories. Well, since i am just a newbie in writing, i can't assure you that my works are great but since it's my choice of interest, i'll pursue my dream to be a great poet and a doctor at the same time. I'll use this talent/ interest of mine in many ways. Since i wanted to be a doctor, i'll make poems that involves medicine and other health related things to make my future medicine student's life enjoyable and fun, and i think it'll help my future batchmates as well. I'll/ i write poems with different genres like romance ( family, friendship and relationship kind of romance ), history related poems, teen age problem related poems and many more. Writing a poem for me isn't just about being able to write a great and well known piece. It's about how i/ the writer express his/her feelings about a certain thing or situation. I'll make this interest of mine more productive and inspirational to other people. - clr
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what makes me a true Bueño? I encountered many people saying that i'm so lucky to pass and being able to attend my pre-school, elementary, highschool here in BU. That makes me think about the reasons why i passed the test to be a student of this university. Is jt because of my answers? Is it because of of my cheerful attitude? I really don't know. I'm not that smart. I am not that good at public speaking, and i do not have such high grades. I am just an average girl who have an average life and an average mjnd. But you know what? I believe in destiny. I believe that even though i'm not smart, destiny made me a student of this university to enhance my skills and talents. To find my true potential with the help of the people around me. There is something about BU that can make you call it as your home, and it's students and staffs as your family. There's this vibe that makes you love BU and it's students wholeheartedly. It seems like BU loves and protects each and every students that they have. Smart or not. Wise or not. Talented or not. I don't have any experience being in other schools because i live my whole school life studying in this university. But to me? It's the perfect school that i'll ever think of. Being a student of Bicol University is a great privilege. Being a true BUeno is not about being a smart person, it’s about being wise, and using our talents, our minds to help ourselves and the people who seek help from us. That is the trait that i think i have that makes me a true BUeno. The University has its 4 pillars. The Scholarship, Leadership, Character and Service. i think the reason why we are a student of Bicol University is about our attitude, and being wise in things and being able to solve our problem without giving up, we are a family, i am a part of that family. We nurture our talents and enhance our potentials. we expand our horizons and try to reach it step by step. There is no limitations that can stop us, we believe in ourselves, we know our place, and believe that we can improve together as one and also, as an individual. that makes us/me a student of Bicol University, i believe that my fellow students thinks the same as i do in being a true BUeno.  That makes me----- us a true BUeno and being a true student that will serve the nation in the next few years. I am a student who calls BU as my home and every person that involved in this University, as my family. - a student, a proud BUeño -
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