esurielt · 5 years
Sometimes I see posts with medieval art and somebody demanding to know what was going on during the middle ages. I therefore present to you a list:
In 897, Pope Stephen VI had his predecessor's body dug up and tried for heresy. The corpse was found guilty and thrown in the Tiber.
In 1122 or thereabouts, Heloise de Argenteuil named her son Astrolabe.
In 1141, Empress Matilda was besieged in a castle by her cousin Steve, and escaped by pretending to be dead and getting carted out with the corpses.
In 1314 King Edward II made soccer illegal. This was the same King Edward II whose wife Isabella had him killed by shoving a fireplace poker up his ass.
In 1325 some guys from Modena, Italy, stole the bucket from the well in neighbouring Bologna. The two cities fought a battle over it. Modena won, and still has the bucket on display in a museum.
In 1355 students at Harvard rioted because a pub served them sub-par beer.
In 1374 France and Belgium suffered an outbreak of 'dancing plague'. The affected would dance until they died of heart attacks.
In 1379 a guy named Perrinot Muet was trampled to death by pigs. The pigs were tried for murder, found guilty, and hanged.
Between 1410 and 1419, there were three different guys in different parts of Europe all claiming to be Pope. They each excommunicated the other two and all their adherents.
In 1456, Pope Callixtus the Third excommunicated Halley's Comet.
In conclusion, a lot went on during the middle ages.
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esurielt · 5 years
Ah think about it, a demon fall in love with a soul he was promised to devour and decided that it shouldn't be an one time meal; while Aziraphale at first has no clue that the demon was pining but such a pure and good-natured person he is gradually he was corrupted by his harmless hedonism and was blushing hard for his soul taker too.
good omens au where crowley is still a demon BUT aziraphale is human and accidentally sells his soul to crowley
the entire plot is just crowley being very worried and trying to protect his humanity while aziraphale is just concerned with how boring and ugly hell is
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esurielt · 5 years
I didn't. I didn't cry it's not me. Such a good gentle person oh how much we love him and his works.
In 2007, I met Neil Gaiman during one of his book signing tours in Forbidden Planet, London. I managed to get there early enough that I was only about 30th in the queue, which was fortunate as it was a typical, drizzly British day.
I was a little nervous. I'd loved Gaiman's work for a long time, and had dithered over which books I wanted him to sign as the limit was two. Eventually, I settled on Stardust and Fragile Things - as it was the Fragile Things tour (if I remember correctly), and Stardust had a special place in my heart.
As soon as I stepped inside, I realised there was absolutely no reason to be nervous. There was this chilled out, completely at ease guy with a leather jacket and curly hair. He smiled at his fans. He actually talked to them, and was actually interested in what they had to say, not wanting to hurry them along. I took a (very bad) picture while he signed someone else's book.
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Then came my turn, and my nerves completely vanished. He asked for my name, and I spelled it for him as Richelle is quite unusual.
"That's a really cool name," he said, "Where did your parents get that from?" I explained it was my aunt's middle name. "What does it mean?" He asked. I told him I didnt know, but that it was the French feminine of Richard, after my great grandad.
"Ah, that makes sense, with the Ri..."
He signed both books, and drew me some lovely little doodles. ("I drew a cracked heart for you.")
(I don't have a good enough memory to remember this so clearly by the way, but I blogged about it immediately when I left the shop, and I've been able to refer back to it)
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What a lovely man, I thought.
A few months later, I went to a Terry Pratchett book signing during his tour for Making Money. Again in Forbidden Planet, there was a two book limit, and as I'd already promised a friend in the USA a signed copy of Making Money, that meant I had one book for myself. Then I remembered Good Omens, and kicked myself for not thinking of bringing it to the Gaiman tour a few months before. Oh well, I thought, there's always next time.
The first thing I saw of Terry was his hat. Then I noticed his laugh, which was very infectious. He signed Making Money, dedicated to my friend, and then he spied my copy of Good Omens. "Ah, this old thing." He grinned and signed away. I saw the dedication and laughed, and stepped away, feeling like he knew something I didn't.
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That's that, I thought, I'll wait for another Gaiman signing.
I had to wait a little while, as it turns out, until his signing for The Ocean at the End of the Lane in Ely cathedral in 2013. This time, I wasn't so lucky. My friend and I drove from London to Cambridge, and there was an accident on the way. By the time we got there, there were hundreds upon hundreds of people in front of us.
This signing also included a talk, and Gaiman spoke about his childhood, his experiences as an author and answered lots of questions. He also read a passage of his book, Fortunately, the Milk, and the audience were in hysterics. Seriously, no matter how old you are, you'll love that book.
We queued up to sign in the order we arrived, and we queued for a long time. The girl standing in front of my friend and I was obviously very excited, and she struck up conversation with us. She told us she was heavily dyslexic, but she'd read every single Neil Gaiman book. She enjoyed his work so much, that even though reading was difficult for her, she devoured his books and they made her love to read.
When it came to our turn, Neil had been signing for hours, it was late. He must have been tired. But he was still genial and pleasant to the people in front of us. The girl in front of us stepped up, and she was so overwhelmed, she couldn't speak properly as he signed her books. She was almost panicking, but she still managed to tell him about her dyslexia and despite it, her love of his books. Neil put down his pen, and spoke softly, kindly. "Would you like a hug?" She nodded, and laughed and cried and hugged him so tightly.
When it came to my turn, I said he was very kind, and he smiled. He quickly signed my copy of The Ocean at the End of the Lane, and then spied the next book I'd set on the table, open to the page where Terry had signed. His smile widened. "Ah," he said, dipping his pen in his ink, "I almost never get to finish this joke any more, as Terry no longer does signings."
He drew an asterisk next to where Terry had signed, drew an arrow to the bottom, and then finished the joke.
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@neil-gaiman, thank you. Thank you for bringing my favourite ever book to the screen, and thank you for dedicating it to Terry.
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esurielt · 6 years
I feel so so sorry for those playing English version of FFXV on PC...
There are constant glitches that I have never seen in other language version... And the voice omk. I mean they are not bad. They are just so different from the original Japanese version... Noctis is completely a different person.
Noctis speaks Japanese in a lazy, sleepy(, sexy) voice that sounds completely care-free and a little bit spoiled. And he only get excited and sounds happy (and smug) when he jokes about friends and go fishing.
But Noctis speak English like a normal high schooler(). And much more friendly and happier.
Japanese Noctis is real cute...
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esurielt · 6 years
DBH Hogwarts Houses
“Their daring, nerve and chivalry set Gryffindors apart”
Courage, Bravery, Honesty, Nerve, Adventure, Chivalry, Daring
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“Those patient Hufflepuffs are true and unafraid of toil”
Loyalty, Fair Play, Hard work, Patience, Acceptance, Justice, Kindness
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“Wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure”
Intelligence, Wisdom, Learning, Wit, Creativity, Open-mindedness, Knowledge
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“Slytherin will help you on your way to greatness”
Ambitious, Resourceful, Cunning, Prideful, Leadership
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Unsure/ Undecided:
Connor, Alice, Chris Miller, Traci(s), Tina Chen, Captain Allen, Todd, Carlos Ortiz’s android, Cristina Warren, Dewey
Extra Notes:
I know a lot of people see North as a Slytherin, but she her actions aren’t stemmed from ambition- they’re from anger, injustice and her courage to be ruthless- and she doesn’t seem to value cunning and leadership as Markus does (she will only step up to be leader when Markus fails miserably- otherwise, she’s happy to be be a follower with a leader she trusts)
I find it too hard to place Connor, since his personality can completely change through your choices. Kara seems to be a Hufflepuff no matter what, and you could turn Markus into a Slytherin, but Connor is a lot harder to place since the player determines who he is. He could be in any house depending on how you play.
Alice is very young to place, and I’m leaning towards Gryffindor rather than Hufflepuff, but she could be either. Same goes for Chris Miller, as well as John.
I think Daniel is a Hufflepuff simply because of his level of devotion to his family. When he kills Emma’s dad and takes Emma as a hostage, she does so because he feels as sense of injustice and betrayal. If he kills Connor, he’s immediately regretful and isn’t in his right mind.
I put Kamski in Ravenclaw over Slytherin, because yes, he’s ambitious to how he created his creations, but overall ambition and success become meaningless to him. Cyberlife (Amanda) hold the ambitious and cunning role over deviants, whereas Kamski is merely curious to watch, learn and understand how they work.
This is completely open for discussion!
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esurielt · 6 years
Oh kams... Has anyone written this?
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Happy Belated Birthday, Connor! 
Aug. 15, 2018
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esurielt · 6 years
Just. Lemme die. Agh. Die.
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esurielt · 6 years
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After seeing @iron-dude 's dbh character switch AU I just couldn't think of anything else. So i drew this... On my phone again.
In my head, Simon is a real human kid and he would grow up and absolutely in love with Markus! Prepare for the cutest lil boy around, Canada!
(Changed the eye color and altered the filter a bit. )
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esurielt · 6 years
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Have you visit yet? First Human-Android Bar in Detroit! Regular Detective Connor: it's a good sign.
(I honestly don't know what i am doing...)
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esurielt · 6 years
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A sudden Writer/Artist AU where Simon is a fairy-tale writer and Markus is a painter and he draws Simon’s book covers. 
Fingerpainting done on phone QwQ.
I haven’t drawn for a year until now wow.
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esurielt · 6 years
Oh my RA9, freaking need it.
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Welp. I just make RK900 and RK800 in Sims 4 for fan
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esurielt · 6 years
What the actual... What the.... Just ... What????
Giant Human Puppet Gives Birth
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esurielt · 6 years
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So @elaine27-yanhan and I started swearing in android fashion ever since we caught this meme. And then we developed “Markus Manfred” from “Jesus Christ”, “mkm” from “jfc”, also “for the sake of Manfred/Markus ”, and “Markus’ Trenchcoat!” Oh, and don’t forget “Meez” instead of “Geez”. And then one day after waves of excitement about Neil Newbon and Kamski, I realized something. ME: wait, RA9 is not android god, he/she is the android savior. Elaine: ... So, you are saying... ME: Markus and RA9 are just like Jesus... Elaine:... we should say “Oh my fucking Kamski”! “Omfk” for short. Of course.
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esurielt · 6 years
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i bet all the fandom’s despacito memes are whats causing the androids to become deviant at this point
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esurielt · 6 years
Last Little Piece of Him
Free talk at the end.
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On the night of July 4th I cried thousands of tears for Connor’s suicide ending after I beat the game for the 3rd time.
It was such a pain to watch him along from a cold machine saying “I’m not alive”, to a deviant feeling “like I was dying…I was scared”, still he chose to end this free life rather than be taken control of. Can’t imagine what would happen to Hank if he knows about Connor’s death.
Couldn’t sleep at all so I played with a quarter, then recalled a spy coin I bought from Fraunces Tavern in New York. So this story came from this coin. Much appreciated, Commander Washington.
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esurielt · 6 years
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I played a little game on twitter 
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esurielt · 6 years
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i’m sorry i saw this stock photo and all i could think of was connor telling hank to stop eating burgers
[watch the cool timelapse of me painting this cursed image]
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