eternalglacies Ā· 4 years
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Ā  Ā  Ā Ā« People sure are weird.Ā Ā»Ā  Ā 
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Picks up the little darling and walks away with them~
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eternalglacies Ā· 5 years
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ā€œWow, Karen. What big abs you have.ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 5 years
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ā€œItā€™s uhā€¦ here.ā€ Without much talking, due to embarrassment, he hands her a life size horsea plush.Ā ā€œI got it when I was visitinā€™ my folks in Unovaā€¦ thought youā€™d like it.ā€ Donā€™t mind the blush on his face.Ā 
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She clapped her hands together and smiled at the horsea plush! How cute, he truly did have something for her! Reaching forward, taking the plush into her hands, Lorelei leans forward and, very gently, pecks his cheek with a soft kiss.Ā 
Yes, Surge. There IS a lipstick marking there!
ā€œI love it, Surge~ You know, I would love to visit Unova with you the next time you go. I have yet to go there and it sounds absolutely delightful~ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 5 years
aquaffensive replied to your post ā€œ@surrigere ā€œI heard that you were keeping something from me, big boy....ā€
"He likes you!"
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ā€œAre you sure itā€™s not because I like a lot of soft and delicate plushies?ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 5 years
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ā€œI heard that you were keeping something from me, big boy. Come on, what is it?ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 5 years
If you buy me a stuffed animal just because you think iā€™d like it you automatically have my heart
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
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Ears twitched as Zeppelin stood on top of the Dragoniteā€™s head. As ears twitched and the Dragonite continued to descend, the electric mouse then pointed South of where they were in order to continue on.Ā ā€œTake it slow anā€™ easy, Peteā€¦ā€ Arthur calmly told his Dragonite as it slowly glides towards the direction the mouse instructed.
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It was only a matter of time before the ocean started to become visible as they were approaching sea levels before out of the thick clouds a medium sized island was visible, as the Dragonite landed on the shore Arthur then jumped off of the Dragon type as Zeppelin jumped right onto Arthurā€™s head afterward causing a small thump on top of Arthurā€™s head as he slowly gets used to the sudden adding of weight on his head. After waiting for the Elite Four member to get off Pete he then thanked the Dragonite for its cooperation.
ā€œThanks a bunch, Pete. Iā€™ll let yaā€™ out when the time comes.ā€Ā 
He then grabbed the Lure Ball that belonged to the green Dragonite before pressing the button at the center of the device, thus opening the PokeballĀ and sending the Dragonite back in. Admittedly, it was a bit difficult to see through the fog with his sunglasses, although that isnā€™t stopping him now.
ā€œShall we continue?ā€
He asked as the Raichu sat on Arthurā€™s head and used itā€™s tail to point towards the direction the signal was coming from.
The landing was actually surprisingly soft for someone who was enveloped in a fog! Lorelei wasn't sure if she could do all of that fancy schmanzy shit all on her own, but now that they were safe and secure they can get to work with following the supposed signal and, hopefully, the missing Gyarados. Ā 
Fixing her shoe as she hobbled over the sand, Lorelei made sure to keep herself well hidden behind the formation so that way neither one of them would get caught. From the looks of his Raichu, it seems like they were literally on the tail of whatever was emitting the electric signal. Good, this meant that they both can get the job done and fast.Ā 
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ā€œYes, while the sun is still overhead. So the direction of this signal is over yonder but how are we going to get closer to it without being noticed even more? I doubt the mist will keep us covered for long.ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
@eternalglacies Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā ā€” > continue game?
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The initial touch was enough to bring Sabrina to mentally recoil, but she doesnā€™t pull away. Not this time. She allows the snake of a woman to draw an arm over hers, sliding her gloved hand into hers. Even through the soft near silk like texture of the glove, she could feel the shape of Loreleiā€™s hand, the smooth skin, the gentle firmness. The coolness to them was something preferable to warm, sweaty ones that would have her recoil in a heartbeat.
If Lorelei would like to take the lead, the psychic would allow her to ā€” this time around. While that aura of danger surrounds women like them, so far this copy showed no resemblance to the one she knew. The poppy sort of attitude, regardless of the topic, was one she would have never expected from that ice queen.
ā€œI have these later years,ā€ her eyes narrowed then,Ā ā€œbut not as much as youā€™d like to enjoy. I prefer having a modicum of control.ā€Ā 
ā€œAs for something fun, well, Iā€™m certain we could find something. I hear Sea Foam Islands are an excellentĀ place to visit this time of year ā€” or a candle light dinner.ā€
"Oh? Then you're missing out! I think I know a drink or two that are just light enough for you to enjoy it, yet enough to think with your head out of the water. I bet you didn't know that alcohol affects you at a slow rate when it's very cold, and I know how to make 'em chilled~" Her tone ending in a chirp as her arm loosened its grip around the psychic's shoulders.
Who wouldn't be thrilled to be partnered with Sabrina? She- well, at least to her, she thought of Sabrina as a quiet reader. A sweet face that she admired as some sort of porcaline doll. Was that weird? Maybe to other people but not to Lorelei!
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"Hmmmm." A finger came up and tapped her bottom lip as a coy smile graces her red lips. "Well, there is one thing I think would let us get to know each other from those options. Are you familiar with ice skating, dear Sabrina? Not drunk of course, we can do that after~ Not saying I have done it before but you know!" The ice elite ended her chuckle with a flirtatious wink. "Anything is possible with a little chill."
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
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ooc: HEY GUYS! I finally finished all of my drafts! Iā€™m so terribly sorry for keeping a lot of you waiting,Ā andĀ iā€™m sure that most of you have been wondering where most of them went! Fear not, I have all of them under control and replied to! Right at this moment iā€™m throwing them in queue so that way they can take their time being pumped out.Ā 
If you see any that are missing from here or if you donā€™t want to continue anymore, please let me know! Thank you!! I linked the original response from you guys by your names just in case if you donā€™t know which reply youā€™re expecting from me!Ā  Note that these are not in the order in my queue so if you want to know when your reply will be posted, feel free to ask that as well!
The drafts that I have ready in queue:Ā 
For Lorelei / @eternalglaciesā€‹
@hoodedsparkā€‹ - This post here!
@infragmentsā€‹ - This post here!
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
The psychic was a little more than annoyed to literally bump into someone, particularly someone like Lorelei. Those headaches of hers must be a real pain. Unfortunately, she hadn't noticed how she was now straddling the woman with her left hand intertwined with Lorelei's.
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She hadnā€™t been paying attention and she was about to give the person who had ran into her one of her famousĀ ā€˜stern talking toā€™ speech. Until, of course, looked up and realized that it was Sabrina that had ran into her. The psychic straddling her, hand pressed up against her own. How funny, this situation. Itā€™s not like Lorelei cared- in fact, she felt her lips perk into a fancied smile and a flirty tap of her palm against her own.Ā 
ā€œBreaking the ice with me physically instead of talking? How cute, Sabrina~ I always knew that we would get a little closer with our conversations!ā€ She joked, of course, her tongue peeking out teasingly.Ā 
ā€œWell if weā€™re going to hang out, letā€™s hang out somewhere not on the floor, hmm?ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
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Jingles the keys to Lanceā€™s house.Ā ā€œOops, my hands slipped.ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
Hey do you have an advice for ruining Lance's sanity?
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She claps her hands together and smiles at Karen.Ā ā€œOh, Karen. Honey. If thereā€™s ANYONE that can get under his skin, youā€™ve come to the right person to talk to. What can I do you for?ā€ Karen, no! Thatā€™s your BOSS!Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
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Givenchy | Spring/Summer 2019
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
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Givenchy | Spring/Summer 2019
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
How many more Memes left in the Icy Inbox does Ammy need to thaw out?
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ā€œNo memes here, just me and my ice cold hands, sweet cheeks.ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
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ā€œYou know, I wonder what I will look like when I get older. You know, when I reach the eighties, and if I would look like an aging prune with water bags for tits.ā€Ā 
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eternalglacies Ā· 6 years
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ā€œI donā€™t think iā€™ll ever be as strong as I am now. Not a lot of people see the potential Ice-types have, and iā€™m starting to think that iā€™m having an identity crisis with how many times my ice walls get crushed and smashed into smithereens...ā€Ā 
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