eternlty · 5 years
lately, i’ve been finding it hard to reignite the love and drive i once had for a lot of things. this includes writing and rp. don’t get me wrong, i do actually still love it and i don’t want to give it up.. but a lot of personal issues, a lot of rl struggles have sort of had me in my head for sometime and every time i feel like i want to come back, i no longer have the drive or energy or muse. i’ve been sort of wondering if maybe this is where that chapter should end? i’ve been writing for years and i’ve been on tumblr for longer than i can remember (and probably longer than i even want to admit), but eventually things have to stop someday and after a lot of things that happened within the past few months, i’ve been wondering more and more if maybe this is a sign that i should finally just move on. but there’s still that part of me that wants to hold on to it for a little while longer. so it’s tough.
i’ve been speaking to some friends/partners and we’ve decided it’s probably best to completely distance myself for sometime (maybe a few days? maybe a week?) and stop being so hung up on tumblr and trying to force that muse and drive, and just take some time for myself to figure out what i want. regardless of what this will mean for me, i am probably done with this account. i might remake if i decide to continue writing and rp, and if i do, i’d be more than happy to continue plots and threads with partners. if you actually read this and are interested in my new account (assuming i do remake), and want to plot/write together there, don’t hesitate to give this a like or im/message me. you can always ask for my discord or twitter if you want to keep in contact ♡
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eternlty · 5 years
today was a fulfilling day 
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eternlty · 5 years
no longer have the muse or drive to do anything i wanted to maybe i’ll be back later
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eternlty · 5 years
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tuxedo @ show champion
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eternlty · 5 years
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— theme 12 : dalla / by jinsoouls ( preview | code )
feel free to let me know if you find any bugs or anything isn’t working! this does require a little bit of knowledge of html when it comes to adding links to the muses, but the rest should be in the meta tags! let me know if you need any help! like my themes? maybe buy me a coffee!
credits ;;
credit to @shythemes for the video resizing script, @annasthms & @espoirthemes for the photoset.css styling, @suiomi for the honeybee icon font and google fonts for the fonts!
features ;;
sidebar image is 275x300 navigation tab with six links and a ‘more’ link for a full navigation navigation image is 175x340 optional muse tab ( can be set to be a regular link ) muse images are 110x110 muse links need to be added via the html  instructions in the html for adding more muses and adding links
guidelines ;;
01. edit it to your liking, but do not touch the credit   02. do not repost / steal / claim as your own 03. do not use as a base code   04. please like or reblog if using
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eternlty · 5 years
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eternlty · 5 years
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eternlty · 5 years
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킬잇 3회 - 3
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eternlty · 5 years
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eternlty · 5 years
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eternlty · 5 years
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(190425) sana ☆ fancy
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eternlty · 5 years
i had another reply or two planned to finish tonight but i’ll do a few more tomorrow goodnight
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eternlty · 5 years
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Tyler has done a lot of silly things in his life. They’d sat on his shoulders like a ten tonne weight once he left the clinic, especially when he picked out a new shirt and spent ten minutes in the changing room itself trying to make himself look better with what limited makeup he’d shoved in his bag that morning. Never the less, time is nearing now, and he’s nothing to show for it but red cheeks and a nervous gait. Yes, he’d done a lot of silly things but this surely takes the top spot; and he prays he can find another clinic nearby to go to next time…. if things even go half as well as he might hope. From the moment he steps inside the restaurant, Tyler feels out of place, a hand tugging at his shirt collar. Thankfully it doesn’t take long to pluck Hansol from the limited crowd, a smile catching on his features. “ Am… I late? ” Tyler asks quietly once he steps over, “ I hope not anyway, I panicked in a clothing store. ”
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        @daeities --- SIGHT SETTLING ON THE familiar face that enters the restaurant, hansol straightens up in his seat instinctively and clears his throat as the other walks toward him. the other has ditched the over-sized sweater that drowned his petite figure and whose sleeves draped over his hands, but the new collared shirt doesn’t make him look any less petite and small. but it still makes him look very cute. although, hansol is sure there isn’t much that would make him anything but. “ late ? ” hansol inquires with eyebrows knitted together. he lets out a light laugh as he shakes his head. “ you’re completely fine. trust me, i’ve been on dates where someone’s not shown up. i saw no red flags while waiting for you. i wasn’t waiting for very long anyway. ”
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eternlty · 5 years
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When it comes to Eunki, Sam takes whatever he can get. Whether its kisses on the back porch, stolen moments at the park when the evening starts closing in, or this. He’d practically closed himself off to anything he wished he deserved once he’d become a father; Eunki was no less than a blessing in disguise. He’d likely feel that way until Eunki gets sick of him. Eunki only giggles and its enough to make him grin against Eunki’s lips, tugging away at his heart strings buried deep. “ Ah, you’re such a liar, ” Sam huffs, hatching a plan of his own. “ Sexy and irresistible, maybe. ” He loops an arm around Eunki’s back, fingers catching the side of his face. “ Oh you’re so romantic, ” Sam hums, a smile meeting his eyes. “ You might get a bit of a numb bum though. Got too many things to do with you before that can happen. ”
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        @daeities --- THERE’S A WARMTH in eunki’s stomach that is accompanied by a strong fluttering, and it makes his heart skip a beat when sam smiles. it’s a smile he dreams about. he’s convinced there’s never been a sight even half as beautiful, and is certain he lucked out and hit the jackpot with someone like sam, who has never made him feel anything but warm and happy. “ me, sexy ? ” eunki laughs with a shake of his head. and nobody’s ever made him feel quite as loved and adored as sam. “ i’m convinced you’re thinking about someone else. you’re sexy; i’m far from. ” he’s never been someone seen as sexy, never seen himself as sexy, never felt sexy. not until sam entered the picture and he made it so easy for eunki to explore his sexuality. “ you can do whatever you want with me until that day comes. don’t care if you tie me to this bed. ”
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eternlty · 5 years
› 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐥𝐥 ‹
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     “ you probably would’ve startled me any other time – i’m currently too tired to react. sorry. ” his eyelids felt heavy as he laid against a tree, the shade cooling down his body.  
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        CLEARING HIS THROAT,  joonsu stuffs his hands in his pockets as he looks down at the other. “ i didn’t mean to try to startle you, i’m sorry. are you okay ? you look close to passing out. ”
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eternlty · 5 years
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bang yongguk for dazed korea  |  b&w ver. ; colour ver.
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eternlty · 5 years
i’m finally abt to get on and do some things.. so if anyone would like to plot, or like a starter or a reply or smth, let me know ((:
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