How did you find this project?
I enjoyed this project making assets in magicavoxel was fun and easy to do although it was a slow process of working out what i wanted to really make, but i did get a better idea of how to use the software and making my tiles connect better.
What would you do differently?
i should have gone in with a better understanding of what I wanted as the final result of the of the project, I knew I was going to make an asset pack but I didn't know what I needed to make meaning I only did floor assets and some walls, if I had made a mind map or list of what I wanted I would have had a much better understanding of what I needed to make 
What went wrong/what went right?
the flooring tiles went wrong twice as I wasn't happy with how tileable they where i reworked them until I was happy with them so eventually they went well and tiled seamlessly, also one of the main focuses for the project where the three characters originally I was going to make them for the game in magical voxel with some minor tweaks as the style they where in I wouldn't be able to build on a smaller voxel scale for example princesses three chili’s where to be swapped out with one high chili ponytail going through the top of the crown, but I didn't get round to making them and even if I did finish I don't as of yet know how to rig them for movement this is something I plan to work out for my next project 
What do you want to do in future projects?
in future projects I want to start off with a better understanding of what I need to make and the end result before I start making the assets  i also want to improve you versatility in pixel art based mediums and for my next project i want to make use of both pixel art and 3D magicavoxel assets.
Overall this was a fun project to work on and I’m looking forward to the next project. UwU
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I want my game to be sold on a digital distribution service like steam as my target audience are PC players, this means I will need to logo and title screen picture as a minimum then screen shots of gameplay, assets and concept art for the game showcase. using the showcase will give the player an idea of how the games will look in motion and help them decide if they will enjoy the visuals and gameplay both things that matter while trying to make a game that you play more than once.
due to my game design its would also be possible to make it a mobile game as its made for quick rounds and repetitive gameplay 
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Solution: Unbuilt level
the main problem I had was time management and too little knowledge of what I wanted to create causing me to have to go over some tiles more than once until i was happy with them the simple solution to this would be to use more reference pictures to achieve a certain look but also to make more concept ideas for rooms to allow me to visualize the final design I'm trying to achieve.
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Problem: Unbuilt level
this was my first time level building with assets from magical voxel so i didn't think to would go that well i knew there where going to be lots of problems due to lack of knowledge on world building and building designs from a mental image i had formed made some of the tiles rather inconsistent in how the colours match up and work  and this made me go though many designs making them match up meaning I spent way to much time on the tiles and some I'm still not happy with using references and working out how I wanted to make my level look would have helped a lot with this 
i chose to use magicavoxel to make the assets for my game because it was a software I found easy to use and due to my knowledge of pixel art I already preferred the art style also being that we where making a modern arcade game I felt it would work well in the way that using voxels just feels like a more modern form of pixel art
if i had spent more time on asset creation for the project i would have finished the walls, steps and pillars for the map enabling me to build the husk of the level i would also like to of made pots and wooden planks to place on the floor to break up any repetitive patterns made by the stone floor tiles but these aren't really necessary and its more of a game looks problem  
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PC safety
Posturer check 
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The DSE regulations suggest that short frequent breaks are better than occasional longer breaks. For example, a 5-10 minute break after 50-60 minutes continuous screen work is likely to be better than a 15-20 minute break every two hours.
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asset improvement
the floor tile assets worked as a floor but I wasn't happy with the obvious black line splitting each tile into there separate tiles
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fine for its purpose but i think being that the rooms have got to be really big to allow for better movement for the AI and the player also being that they only attack the player can do is a ranged shot the tile is going to look really obvious and annoying 
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i worked out that there was an obvious play line because well there's a border around the tile there the stones do not be there
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so I used be extremely large brain scraped the whole thing and rebuilt it I made a black base then built the stones that cross over the edge of the tile to make a smooth transition but this is where the mega brain moment comes in to play i built the stone then used the select tool to slide the stone over the border of the tile this is a real portal gun moment as the voxels that build up the stone pass through space and time itself then reappears on the opposite side, the first stone I made was way to big and made it way to obvious that they where all the same tile, soo to fix this I cut the big boy in half because I can 
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the end result replacement tile went way better than the first attempt as i used my brain for once the stones are a lot smaller than the stones in the first tile this makes it a bit harder to notice the fact all the tiles are the same and they definitely aren't really small because the size of the tiles I placed around the side left little room for the amount of stones I wanted to put in the centre, but it probably works better so I'm not going to change it 
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Game research 6:Sword & Sworcery
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Game research 5:Lara Croft Go
(Low Poly)
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Game research 4:Borderlands3
(Cell Shading)
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Game research 3:Minecraft Dungeons
(Voxel game research)
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Game research 2:Teardown
(Voxel game research)
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tear down is a fun game with quite a long story line and many objectives to collect find and so along the way, one of the games best selling points is the fact you can break almost everything, this is useful as well as fun because it allows the player to make paths around the map going through walls and roofs and if you still get bored you can use diggers, trucks, boats and cars to do the breaking for you.
the level designs consist of a small area that you can break anything in to get to the objectives around the map that you have to collect before the police helicopter gets to your location 
if I where to use this game as a reference I would definitely look closely into the voxel builds as they are really well done.
one game mechanic i would also like to use is the destructions as the idea of an arena that changes the further you get into battle sounds kind of fun but im not sure about what implications the dead bodies and broken voxels on the floor will cause so i may have to make the walls tougher so they don't brake as easily it also allows me to hide Easter eggs in the walls for players to find.
some other implications of making the arena somewhat destructible is ill have to add an invincible wall two voxels in so they cant break out of the map because even destructive freedom needs boundary's 
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Game research 1:The Touryst
(Voxel game research)
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the level designs of “The Touryst” are quite simple you get a flat floor with some pixel art style detail then decorations popping out of it to fill the screen making it feels just a bit more natural the characters are all the same style and work well with the blocky art form your kind of forced to use when using voxels it also uses colours really well for example the beach towns building all use colours that complement yet provide a lot of contrast between them for example they uses blue red and green for the beach shops and although there completely different colours they all fit together nicely, with none standing out any more than the one next to it it also makes the game a lot more vibrant but they use these three colours throughout the game even in the alien like cave areas where they use blue and red lights to indicate what you need to be looking at while i green is just used as a base colour for the stone 
one thing this game really makes me notice is how free I can make the movements of anything in my game for example the characters hair bobs up and down while the arms just go back and forth and it really makes me realise how different voxels are from pixels in there uses and how you can use them so as much as pixel art may translate into voxel art everything can be rescaled and rigged to move as I want while a pixel is a pixel there are not smooth rotations and animations unless you increase the resolution 
from the level design I really want to try and also stick to a colour pallet that makes it easy for the player to notice what there supposed to be doing meaning the arena floors and ceiling mustn't be a colour that makes it hard to see the waves of mobs 
and from the characters I've been reminded scale doesn't matter I can go as high resolution as I want with the guns and I can rescale it to fit the characters without a problemo now i just need to work out how to make and rig characters that looks good for my game
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Full game plan
I have chosen to try and make a game with magicavoxel assets in a tormentor x punisher game style, i want the player to be placed in a room where they have to kill monsters with a raged attack, with a top down view of the area
the basic story line is:
the character/champion you choose to play as in the start screen is pulled into an inter-dimensional Tv show run by the games master an entity that drags people through portals to fight monsters for a tv show gods watch as the god aren’t allowed watch sacrifices anymore the games master gives the champion three lives to fight off waves of mobs or will put the champion in a head to head survival challenge against another champion from another dimension or the same champion from a different timeline after the champion dies in the tv show they are sent back and forget the whole event.
i chose to name the game “your world or mine?” because death (the games master) brings a champion or two to fight against minions from his world on a tv show to entertain the gods  
for my game i will have to make assets for the game and characters
the game is set in a room so i will have to create lighting walls floors and the roof along with some other decorations
for the characters i would preferable want to make 9 playable and one NPC the 9 playable characters will be Prunkly, Pablo and Princess along with three variants from different timelines this is so if two players want to play Prunkly you will get a dead Prunkly and normal Prunkly  similar to super smash, then the one character for lord death or the games master
i will also need the portal the came from and a player and game-mode select screen that lets you choose between solo 1v1 and 1v1v1
1v1v1 may not be possible but there are three characters so why not bring up the possibility
I want my game to be a replayable point grinder where you try and beat other peoples scores and your own so there will be no win screen as you cant really win, but when a character dies i want them to be sucked back up into the portal to the dimension there from then the games master will display the round stats in a 80′s game show type style before being taken back to the play again screen
Tormentor X Punisher has a feature in it that I want to reinterpret for use in my game. When you kill an enemy, it stays where it is and doesn’t despawn, so after a while the floor just gets covered with the bodies but some problems with this would be using voxels they can be broken into single voxels after a kill but this could cause lag then again im not that sure on what the cap should be to stop an lag so as much fun as having the enemies explode into chunks of voxels leaving blood stains on the floor sounds i may have to just keep it to blood stains on the ground
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scaling UI in Magicavoxel
i dont think many people have this problem but using a surface pro for magicavoxel was hard due to the UI being impossibly small to read and as it has no real settings menu or auto scale i had to go into the file configs and change the scale through that.
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originally it was set to “1.0″ but that was way to small so i doubled it and its much easier to use now.
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Win lose states
for my game i want it to be repetitive point grinder there you try and beat other peoples scores and your own so there will be no win screen but when i character dies i want them to be sucked back up into the portal to the dimension there from then the games master will display the round stats in a 80′s game show type style before being taken back to the play again screen
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Asset Creation
Walls and Pillars:
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Planning and Presenting final outcome
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