ethanmanson2 · 4 months
3D Printing
In the past, the idea of a machine being able to construct a three dimensional model was just merely an idea. The inital 3D printing techniques began in the 1980s however the work being done with these techniques were limited in comparison to what we can achive today with the use of 3d printing. In fact, as of 2019, the potential of what can be achived in 3d printing has increased to a point where it is now viewed as an industrial sized production in technology.With this process out dating many other traditional manufacturing processes and the use of renewable energy systems in its applications,the 3d printing process has became extremely popular across a wide variety of industries,especially in the world of sport.So what does 3d printing do for the world of sports? Let's start by looking at the use of 3d printing in creating specialised sporting equipment.3D printing gives you the freedom to create more complex designs, allowing the creator to create an object with specific personalised parameters in flexibility, stiffness, thickness and breathability. This is very beneficial for athletes who may be injured as it would provide the most optimal sizing,support, comfort and protection in the aid of recovery. The ability to customise these pieces of equipment also allows indivduals who have unique athletic builds and needs to be able to access the most appropriate tools for the bodies so they can perform to the best of their abilities. Furthermore, the enhanced customisation of standard safety equipment to allow a better fit and a higher standard of practice further highlights 3d printing as a more beneficial way forward for sports.The significant reduced time it takes to produce many of these pieces of equipment can result in same day production for certain items which is very beneficial for those waiting on treatment for injuries.The same day production from digital scans can ensure that the individual receives the most appropriate form of treatment in very prompt fashion. It also should be highlighted how this method also results in faster production from digital scans can ensure that the individual recevies the most appropriate form of treatment in very prompt fashion.It also should be highlighted how this method also results in faster production in the creation of prosthetics that are customised to allow better biocompatibility in aiding rehabilitation. Scoliosis suffers can now have customised braces based on their x-ray scans created to provide more comfort and support.Helmets can now be customised to an individuals head shape to ensure increased comfort and protection.Mouth guards based on an individuals oral scans can be created, protective facial masks to aid healing fractures, custom insoles and bicycle enhancements such as customised seating and handle bar grips allow the individual to now have an essential piece of their sporting equipment indvidualised to allow maximum comfort and durability.
So we've discussed 3d printing can produce in sports but as briefly previously mentioned,how does this effect the enviorment? 3D printing is argued to be a more helpful approach in reducing waste.The durability of products are said to last longer due to the 3D pieces being made in one solid piece rather than created from multiple different sized parts. Big sporting brands such as Nike and Adidas are now foucsing on more 3D printed creations with adidas, introducing its ocean plastic shoe several years ago that was created using plastic waste via 3D printing.Surfboards are another item of sporting equipment which is regularly made via 3D printing as well.
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ethanmanson2 · 4 months
Augmented reality and virtual reality use in sport and exercise
So what is augmented reality (AR) and virtual reality(VR)?,Augmented reality is an interactive experience that enhances the real world with computer-generated perceptual information,it overlays computer generated images onto the users view of the physical world,typically through smartphone cameras. VR immerses users in a completey virtual world.users wear headsets that transport them to a simulated enviorment where head movements are tracked,enabling them to explore and interact with the virtual realm.The experience can range from simply looking around to full-body movement.So how is this used in sports and what benefits does this give?,AR works with computer vision and machine learning models that analyze whats happening through the camera,so that it will be able to recognize body gestures and movements in real-time,allowing athletes to better measure their performance and stats after training,allowing the athlete and coaches can monitor.AR/VR is opening up new doors for the sports fans engagment,providing them with ultra-realistic expierence during live sporting events.With immersive expierences,fans can virtually be transported into the game enviorment,rooting for their favourite team and players.Furthermore, AR-enhanced stadium experiences offer fans a more interactive and exciting way to engage with their team and players.
Bringing stats and games to the forfront-At SoFI stadium in Los Angeles,for example, NFL fans can take photos with their favourite players via AR enhanced photos kiosks,Football clubs are also recognizing the value of intergrating AR into the fan experience.In league 1 side Marseille,in 2021, experimented with a service by french firm immersib.io.This servie allowed fans to use their smartphones or smart glasses to access real-time player metrics,including passing options,game heat maps,distance covered,high intensity runs,top sprint speed and number of dribbles completed.
This innovative approach not only enhances fan engagment but also opens up new revenue streams and sponsership opportunities.Imagine a fan clicking on their favourite player and unveiling a range of statistics and insights,creating a connection between the player and fan.
During the FIFA world cup held in Qatar, the FIFA+ app took fa engagment to a whole new level with the incorporation of augmented reality (AR) technology.USers of the app were treated to an immersive experience that allowed them to access video replays from various camera angles, including the crucial VAR replays, mirroring the experience of watching the tournament on television,additionally, fans could enjoy a live augmented reality overlay the provided real-time statisitics,line-up details,heat maps, and valuable insights, all seamlessly intergrated into the surroundings through AR.
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But this is just the start,As football finance expert Kieran Maguire predicts that the future of footballs revenue generation will undergo a seismetic shift.While current revenue streams rely on tickets sales,brodcasting and commercial income, disccusions are underway about the rise of the metaverse,VR and AR, bringing the matchday experience right into peoples homes.The evovling landscape of fan expectations and the potential rewards are compelling reasons for football to embrace AR and VR technologies.
The environmental impact of the use of VR technologies is yet another positive that can be discussed. By using a virtual environment to simulate a physical area of model this elimates the need to physically visit a site for sporting practice, thus reducing the amount of carbon emissions used when having to travel to and from these sites. This approach partners with the goals surrounding carbon neutrality and the aim of a low carbon future. VR also gives individuals the ability to evaluate different design alternatives, considering the environmental implications and opting for more sustainable choices that could result in minimized ecological damage. it is clear that the use of AR/VR technologies benefits sport in a wide range of ways by affecting the players, the fans and the companies evidencing that this clearly appears to be the way forward. The importance of climate change and the evidence supporting the use of these technologies in eliminating carbon emissions will only further emphasise the need to continue to develop these technologies going forward.
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