etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
i wanna do some supernatural / witchy / demon things !!! can someone please come plot with me and my babies !! i can play either male or female ??!
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
starter for @ofbookshelves from alec volkov !!
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Alec looked up from his whiskey, his eye catching that of a woman he had not expected to see for awhile, or ever again.  He’d somewhat hoped that the two of them would just fixxle out into oblivion, like everything in his life seemed to do eventually, but she just wouldn’t let me go. ‘What the hell are you doing here, then?’ He asked, turning back to light a cigarette. 
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
guess who’s around for a little while ?? your neighbourhood ghost !! would anyone like to do something small with one of my babies ?? specify muse if you have a preference !!
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
tomxfordx‌ !!
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aurora: what do you mean you think babe? aurora: just if you were cheating on her with me bc we seem overly close aurora: like obviously i’m not going to tell them the truth, its not their concern aurora: oh i bet you don’t, i might send you more later 😏
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lennon: we have a chat lennon: i assume she understood lennon: but how did they know?  lennon: i’m a little worried now. don’t want  her to know that
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
text ➝ red & alec
Red: i mean, today is fine
Red: i don't work today
Red: swing by whenever
Alec: Not today
Alec: I have a dinner thing
Alec: What's the rest of your week like?
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
( open starter . f/nb . mutuals / non ) feat. lennon kelly. suggested connections:  one-night stand, lover, ex-girlfriend, any sort of romantic connection
‘Look, sweetheart, I’m sorry your feelings got hurt, but I never promised to fall in love with you. In fact, I actually warned you against it.’ Lennon said as he took a drag of his cigarette, looking at the woman.
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
( open starter . m/f/nb . mutuals / non ) feat. blue day. suggested connections: stranger . plot: blue returns to the home where she used to live, and her family was murdered. muse b lives there now. you wanna do a seance ?
Blue walked up the familiar road, her heart seemingly in her hand. She swore she’d never come back here, and yet here she was. She could feel the energy surrounding the place. It was thick with memories and loss. It was almost suffocating. She walked slowly, scenes from her past flooding back. Her eyes landed on another standing near the house, and she stopped. ‘Hey…’ She called out. ‘Do you know the people that live here?’ She asked.
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
snap ➝ 🔥
( open starter . f/m/nb . mutuals / non ) feat. alice volkov
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alice: remind me again why you had to leave so early? alice: because i’m bored now
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
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( source, via twitter )
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
❛ You should really deal with your trust issues. ❜ ( wren and maybe aleksandr? )
scream film starters –– accepting !!
Alec let his eyes stray towards the woman sitting opposite him, his glass of whiskey nestled comfortably in his hand. He was not in the mood for such a conversation. But, in truth, he was never in the mood to talk about things that actually mattered. ‘They’ve always proven useful.’ He responds, a sense of disinterest coating each word.  He moved the glass to his lips, taking a welcomed sip; the more drunk he was, the less this conversation would matter. ‘I trust you, don’t I?’ Or, at least, you think I do. ‘I mean, you’ve never given me a reason not to.’ He added, his skepticism evident. He took another sip, allowing his words to fester between them, before leaning forward and looking at her more intently. ‘Where is this coming from, Wren?’ He asked. 
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
Send your muse’s thoughts about mine on anon
And my muse will react
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
❛ I’m sorry if my traumatized life is an inconvenience to your perfect existence. ❜ ( emery and blue )
scream film starters –– accepting !!
Blue couldn’t stop the scoff that slipped from her lips. ‘Excuse me?’ The young women growled, turning to face him with a determined look on her face. ‘Firstly, my life is the furthest thing from perfect,’ She began, her temper rising as the anger burned inside of her. ‘Secondly, how dare you make assumptions about what is or is not convenient for me!’ Her voice continued to raise. ‘I said I would stay with you, no matter what, that meant something to me, Em!’ The girl looked away, tears threatening to fall from her face. ‘Just go.’ She didn’t want him to see her like this; no one would see her so weak, not even him. ‘I don’t want to talk about this anymore.’ 
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
text ➝ red & alec
Alec: When would you like to come and collect my things?
Alec: I feel like it's been long enough, and we can see each other again without things being weird
Alec: I have some time this week. Just let me know when.
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
❛ Would you settle for a PG-13 relationship? ❜
❛ I’m sorry if my traumatized life is an inconvenience to your perfect existence. ❜
❛ You sick fucks. You’ve seen one too many movies! ❜
❛ Are you alone in the house? ❜
❛ We’re gonna play a little game. ❜
❛ My mom and dad are gonna be so mad at me! ❜
❛ When do we see breasts? I wanna see Jamie Lee’s breasts. ❜
❛ You cut me too deep. I think I’m dying here, man. ❜
❛ You take a knife and you slit ‘em from groin to sternum. ❜
❛ I will totally protect you. Yo, I am so buff, I got you covered, girl. ❜
❛ We ask you questions and if you get one wrong, boo-gah, you die. ❜
❛ What do I have to do to prove to you that I’m not a killer? ❜
❛ We already played that game, remember? ❜
❛ I mean did Norman Bates have a motive?  Don’t think so! ❜
❛ See, it’s a lot scarier when there’s no motive. ❜
❛ Oh, you wanna play psycho killer? ❜
❛ Oh, please don’t kill me, Mr. Ghostface.  I wanna be in the sequel! ❜
❛ Well, you’re not going to be alone any more, right? ❜
❛ There’s always some stupid bullshit reason to kill your girlfriend. ❜
❛ I never thought I’d be so happy to be a virgin. ❜
❛ What’s your favorite scary movie?  What comes to mind? ❜
❛ You hang up on me again and I’ll gut you like a fish, you understand? ❜
❛ Tell me something.  Did you really put her liver in the mailbox?  ❜
❛ This is the moment when the supposedly dead killer comes back to life, for one last scare. ❜
SCREAM   2   :    
❛ I’m not interrupting anything, am I?  ❜
❛ Have you ever felt a knife cut through human flesh and scrape the bone beneath? ❜
❛ You should really deal with your trust issues. ❜
❛ This is just the kind of guy you’d love to bring home to mom… if… you had… a mom. ❜
❛ I was just reading in your book about your last cameraman, the guy got gutted. ❜
❛ First of all: he wasn’t gutted. I made it up. His throat was slashed. ❜
❛ You know, you must be getting quite a lot of flak on that, right? ❜
❛ Your flattering remarks are both desperate and obvious. ❜
❛ Well, I was hoping I might get just a few words with you. ❜
❛ Tell us everything that’s happened, looking back on the last two years? ❜
❛ Whoa, Hey, hey, hey hey, Deep breaths, Lot of deep breaths. ❜
❛ Why do you always answer a question with a question? ❜
❛ Yeah, and I’m impatient. Look, do you want to leave a message for someone? ❜
❛ So, why don’t you show your face, you fucking coward? ❜
❛ The killer is trying to finish what was started. ❜
❛ If the killer is following a pattern, maybe we can figure out who’s next. ❜
❛ So what do you wanna do, bonehead? Sit here, wait and see who drops next? ❜
❛ Don’t you know history repeats itself? Hm? ❜
❛ I thought I was gonna be up there until opening night. ❜
❛ So, uh… what’s your favorite scary movie? ❜
❛ Is that the best you can do?  ❜
❛ “Drink with your brain.” That’s our motto.  ❜
❛ That shit only calls you when he’s drunk. Don’t go over there. ❜
❛ No matter how hard you try, you’ll never be the hero and you’ll never, ever get the girl. ❜
SCREAM   3   :
❛ Not only did they-did they kill the film, but they killed my cast.. ❜
❛ Variety called me a “pariah”. I don’t even know what a “pariah” is. ❜
❛ Oh, it’s hard being friends with you, [Name].  ❜
❛ When you’re friends with [Name], you die. ❜
❛ It’s time you came to terms with me and with mother! ❜
❛ I had no idea they were going to make a film of their own.  ❜
❛ Fucking kill me! You can’t fucking kill me! ❜
❛ So, why don’t you tell me, who you are? ❜
❛ Answer right, your girlfriend lives. ❜
❛ I’m sorry I’m running late. I’m still on the 405. I’m about 10 minutes away. ❜
❛ Uh, look, since I got you on the phone, let’s talk about your character, okay? ❜
❛ See? I don’t understand why I have to start the scene in the shower. ❜
❛ When it’s a threat, you’ll know it. ❜
❛ The killer is in the house and he’s upstairs! ❜
❛ The question isn’t who I am. The question is: Who’s with me? ❜
❛ Now, do you have somewhere we can be… alone? ❜
❛ If you do one thing to attract attention to yourself, one thing, I’ll kill them both. ❜
❛ I don’t want them. I want you. It’s simple. You show yourself, they survive. ❜
❛ I’ll call you when you’re on your way. ❜
❛ How do I know they’re not dead already? ❜
❛ What’s the matter? What are you staring at? ❜
❛ You’re gonna pay for the life you stole from me, [Name]. ❜
❛ You did it all. You did it! You call them all, even your closest… friends. ❜
❛ How do you know you’re not hearing things? How do you know I’m not someone in your head? ❜
SCREAM   4   :
❛ You forgot the first rule of remakes: “Don’t fuck with the original”. ❜
❛ Oh, my God, I love it. I’ve seen it five times and still gets me every time. ❜
❛ Am I, or did whoever make it just underthink it? ❜
❛ Don’t we hear enough of this story every year? ❜
❛ I’m not trying to scare you.. ❜
❛ This is the last person you’re ever gonna see alive.  ❜
❛ You’re in my movie, you got a fun part, so don’t blow it. ❜
❛ People live and people die, and you’d better start running! ❜
❛ And I like him - To tease, to torment, to make him squirm! ❜
❛ Sorry about that. Just… making around before taking off. ❜
❛ It’s okay. I mean, you had… a lot of stuff… going on back then. ❜
❛ I think I have just enough time to slice someone open! ❜
❛ You do know there are cops all over the house? ❜
❛ You think this is all about you? You think you’re still the star? ❜
❛ You’ve done very well by all this bloodshed, haven’t you? ❜
❛ Well, how about the town you left behind? ❜
❛ I’m gonna slit your eyelids in half so you don’t blink when I stab you in the face. ❜
❛ But if you wanna be in the hospital, I’d be happy to put you there - in the morgue! ❜
❛ It’s kind of the one component the killer is missing. ❜
❛ You film your entire high school experience, and, what, post it on the ‘net? ❜
❛ Well, if you wanna be the new, new version, the killer should be filming the murders. ❜
❛ Working on less of a Shrequel and more of a Screamake. ❜
❛ Ah, friends count, but it’s the family ties that cut deep. Am I right? ❜
❛ The ones you care about most. And what’s closer than family? The bond of blood. ❜
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
tomxfordx‌ !!
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aurora: have you broken up with her yet? aurora: rumours are starting to spread about us aurora: perhaps i shouldn’t have sent you nudes..  aurora: people are asking questions but i haven’t said a word promise. 
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lennon: yeah i told you i was going to lennon: i mean, i think i did? lennon: what are people asking? lennon: i don’t regret you sending me anything 😝
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
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etherexllxght-blog · 6 years
tcwnbitch‌ !!
Mahim looked over to her best friend and tilted her head. “Hey,” she nudged him with her toes since they were both sat on the couch watch pop horror movies. “The devil can only bother you if you let him,” she quoted Sister Teresa and tapping her own temple as if were her wisdom she was bestowing onto Lip. She bit into her popcorn ball, “Besides, girls like the troubled guys. Haven’t you heard? We’re gonna be the one that fixes you.”
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The man kept his eyes down, not wanting her to see the true extent of how he was hurting. He’d felt betrayed by whatever god was supposed to be watching over him, and was now left to endure whatever hell this life had to drag him through. ‘Aha.’ He responded, nodding his head, believing her. A scoff followed suit as she continued to speak. ‘Of course. What I really need right now is more women.’ Sarcasm dripping from his words. 
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