etherportal · 8 days
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“Tantra is the natural way; the loose and the natural is the goal. You need not fight with the current; simply move with it, float with it. The river is going to the sea so why fight? Move with the river, become one with the river: surrender. Surrender is the keyword for Tantra; will is the keyword for Yoga. Yoga is the path of will; Tantra is the path of surrender.
“That’s why Tantra is the path of love – love is surrender. This is the first thing to understand; then Tilopa’s words will become very, very crystal-clear. The different dimension of Tantra has to be understood – the vertical dimension, the dimension of surrender, of not fighting, of being loose and natural, relaxed – what Chuang Tzu calls, “Easy is right.” With Yoga, difficult is right; with Tantra, easy is right.
“Relax and be at ease, there is no hurry. The whole itself is taking you on its own accord. You need not make any individual striving, you are not asked to reach before your time, you will reach when the time is ripe – simply wait. The whole is moving; why are you in a hurry? Why do you want to reach before others?” --Osho, Tantra: The Supreme Understanding, Talk #6
What Is Tantra & Tantric Sex?
Tantra and tantric sex are spiritual practices that originated in Hinduism and Buddhism, but have evolved into a broader movement that encompasses various cultures and beliefs. At its core, tantra is about promoting spiritual and physical union through meditation, yoga, and other rituals. Tantric sex is an extension of this philosophy, and aims to enhance sexual experience and intimacy through techniques that focus on energy, sensuality, and connection.
Tantric Sex
Tantric sex is a form of sexual expression that draws on the principles of tantra. The goal of tantric sex is to enhance sexual experience and intimacy by focusing on energy, sensuality, and connection.
Tantric sex is characterized by slow, intimate movements and extended periods of stimulation and arousal. It places a strong emphasis on the role of touch and sensuality, and encourages partners to explore each other's bodies and connect on a deeper level.
There are many techniques used in tantric sex, including deep breathing, eye gazing, and body-to-body contact. Tantrics believe that these techniques can help to build energy and connection between partners, and that this energy can then be used to enhance the sexual experience.
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etherportal · 9 days
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Derek Jarman, The Garden, 1990.
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etherportal · 9 days
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Michael Carson, "Faith"
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etherportal · 13 days
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Wisdom dakinis, sky dancers, are the feminine embodiment of bliss and freedom that are at the essence of enlightenment. They can arise in any form, terrifying or stunningly beautiful, to aid tantric practitioners in cutting through their ego.
Dakinis will reveal that which you yourself are blind to and that which gets in the way of your path to truth.
All women are dakinis one way or another.
I rest within the one taste of the sphere of absolute being, the great female principle ♾️
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etherportal · 13 days
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etherportal · 13 days
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Erica Schreiner - still from video footage (2009)
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etherportal · 13 days
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etherportal · 13 days
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Gohar Dashti - Stateless #1, 2014-2015
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etherportal · 13 days
“The seas are the heart’s blood of the earth. Plucked up and kneaded by the sun and the moon, the tides are systole and diastole of the earth’s veins … Consider the marvel of what we see. Somewhere in the ocean, perhaps a thousand miles and more from this beach, the pulse beat of earth liberates a vibration, an ocean wave. Is the original force circular, I wonder? and do ocean waves ring out from the creative beat as they do on a quiet surface broken by a stone? Are there, perhaps, ocean circles so great and so intricate that they are unperceived?”
— from Henry Beston’s The Outermost House: A Year of Life on the Great Beach of Cape Cod, originally published in 1928, in which he devotes an entire chapter to the sounds of the Great Beach
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etherportal · 13 days
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Suzanne Scanlon, from "Committed: On Meaning and Madwomen," published in 2024
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etherportal · 13 days
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Isaac Roberts - Photograph of minor planet ’Sappho’. White circle shows its position, 14-06-1887
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etherportal · 13 days
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etherportal · 17 days
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etherportal · 17 days
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etherportal · 17 days
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etherportal · 17 days
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Swans ring the bell to be fed at The Bishop’s Palace, Wells.
> Photo: Jeff Bevan.
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etherportal · 17 days
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Angels from Neulerchenfeld Parish, Vienna
Around 1910
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