etlascivus · 20 days
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etlascivus · 22 days
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       genuinely , immeasurably disappointing when one's in the mood for mutilation of one's own flesh && the only creatures even capable of satisfying that marrow-deep itch are either disinterested or too much of a hassle to flag down . immortality is a curse .
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etlascivus · 22 days
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       ❛  it's been a while .  ❜
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etlascivus · 10 months
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       is that right ? care to show off the collection ?
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well, of course! gotta keep those kidnapped heroes somewhere.
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etlascivus · 10 months
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       flesh is alight && BUZZING beneath the patchwork of feather , fur , && scale . he's flushed at the edges of his cheek , limbs tingling with a rising anxiety he cannot place . something is amiss . something is wrong .
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etlascivus · 10 months
mrgoatman: no way i'd never get him out of my house after that
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       he's too astounded by the fact you have a home to take insult .
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etlascivus · 10 months
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       this wretched serpent curls into your lap , blankets you in hell's warmth , && fills your ears && mouth with the most honeyed words like candied fruits upon the palette . kisses are unending with promises of greatness whispered on the lips , so practiced && refined it's as if you -- not he -- are the one speaking them . glory , riches , lovers -- all within your grasp . if only you'll let him stay the winter , safe from the snow && ice . will you take it ?
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etlascivus · 10 months
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       ❛  lessons learned .  ❜ he muses , leaning into the touch . the devil is more pliable than usual , his words low in his throat . ❛  let me to stay awhile longer and ' siphon your warmth ' as your makeshift lap pet , will you ? the chill this year has been terribly bitter .  ❜
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"Mm. I suppose you're right. I'm just surprised that it took you so long." She smiled, reaching up to tuck some hair behind his ear, delicately running her fingers over his scalp while doing so.
"It's just as they say: you reap what you sow. Or rather I do, in this case."
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etlascivus · 10 months
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       or one good , l o n g one . a simple nod will suffice .
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He doesn't know how to answer this.
The answer is many. It takes many licks.
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etlascivus · 10 months
lunaferrous: luna vc: well, someone's in an affectionate mood today. or are you just siphoning me for warmth?
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       ❛  can it not be both ? you've so often called me a cat by now , perhaps i'm taking the role to heart .  ❜
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etlascivus · 10 months
sansloii: Asmo can have Wynn if he wants him. that's a whole meal right there.
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he will take him , gladly , sampling him like a feast throughout the day . so long as young shifter is not too sensitive from the threats thrown in their earlier meeting . the sin was in an awful mood then . but now he is much softer . his kiss carries no venom . his embraces are only to warm , not to crush .
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etlascivus · 10 months
sansloii: i say yes on behalf of the muse(s) i offer up as tribute
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&& which of such delicacies are on the menu ? he'll need more than a snack to fill his stomach .
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etlascivus · 10 months
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       this wretched serpent curls into your lap , blankets you in hell's warmth , && fills your ears && mouth with the most honeyed words like candied fruits upon the palette . kisses are unending with promises of greatness whispered on the lips , so practiced && refined it's as if you -- not he -- are the one speaking them . glory , riches , lovers -- all within your grasp . if only you'll let him stay the winter , safe from the snow && ice . will you take it ?
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etlascivus · 10 months
“Pandora hearts expanded” comes on and I’m forced to think about how pretty Asmo is
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etlascivus · 10 months
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Asmo likes to eat lit cigarettes. They’re one of the few “foods” he’ll actually chew.
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etlascivus · 11 months
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        as with all of mortal's words , the immortal listens attentively to all the bleak merriment of his song . the mood and the lyrics are at odds , a dissonant harmony upon the air && in the mood of lover's grin . he sways with myles as if guided by the same rhythm . he spins with him , feet light . one body , one mind . yet when song ends && affection starts , so startled is the serpent that mouth purses && hands raise as a shield to combat the tender onslaught .
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        he only lowers it once there is a spare moment to breathe . he still hides his mouth , however , too perturbed by a sensation broiling deep inside his gut to dare unveil it .
        ❛  it may be of a biased opinion but , your voice is -- it's rather enchanting . you should sing more , when and -- if -- the fancy strikes you .  ❜ stare slides downward , as if weighed down by an invisible force . ❛  i have to ask , if the song is sad , and the lyrics certainly suggest it , why do you make it sound so joyful ?  ❜
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It takes Myles a second to remember what the song was, but when it comes back to him, he can’t help the small laugh and a breathy chuckle as he continues to hold partner close, although now he’s starting to sway with him in beat. “It’s a rather sad song, but it’s very popular lately~” Tune is humming in his chest and in his throat, despite the words coming out as he sings, he smiles with the melody, growing more impassioned with it as he stops thinking and simply enjoys himself. The song itself is heartbreaking, but one might think it was a cheery ballad based on his face as the freckles popped across the bridge of his nose. Even with a small spin, he holds Asmo’s face, boyish happiness as he sways about until it’s over and he’s spoiling the devil with peppered cheek kisses.
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etlascivus · 11 months
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sorry i only got a few replies out today . will try more tomorrow and the weekend .
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