etoile444 · 2 years
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etoile444 · 3 years
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etoile444 · 3 years
And remember! It is October. Please be espcially careful with your black cats. Keep them inside. There are a lot of cruel people out there.
Sorry if I'm bothering you, but.... I'm that one post you said cats shouldn't be outdoor cats and I was wondering why? Isn't it good to let them move around outside since they enjoy it?
This is legitimately a huge (and still somewhat controversial) topic and I don’t really have the time to go into it in a lot of detail right now but here is a quick summary: 
- Cats are damaging to local ecosystems. Well-fed pet cats still enjoy hunting and end up killing not for food but for fun and to practice their hunting skills. It’s a natural instinct, not malice, but it can absolutely devastate local songbird and wildlife populations.  
- Outdoor cats are at MUCH higher risk of injury from vehicles, other animals, or even ill-intentioned humans (we once rescued a black cat with a broken tail I’m 99% sure had been broken by a group of kids swinging her around by her tail)
- Outdoor cats are at greater risk for contracting communicable diseases like Feline HIV
- Outdoor cats can get lost or even stolen (I’ve had both happen to me before)
- Outdoor cats are at higher risk of suffering from the elements (getting caught in snowstorms, freezing to death, etc.) 
- Outdoor cats are much more likely to contract parasites like fleas, ticks, and worms
- It is much more difficult to spot irregularities in your cat’s health if they are regularly outdoors (you can’t monitor how frequently they urinate or defecate, and whether or not there are any changes to their bathroom habits)
- Outdoor cats are more likely to end up consuming something dangerous (rat poison, spoiled food, etc.)
- Outdoor cats who are not fixed are likely to increase the feral cat population by getting pregnant/impregnating other cats. 
In general, outdoor cats are damaging to local ecosystems and at great risk of premature death. 
Now, that’s not to say you can’t find ways to let your cats enjoy the outdoors, though! Here are some fun solutions: 
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Cat harnesses (yes, cats can be taught to walk on leashes!)
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Cat-safe plants for nibbles and noms:
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Cat “TV” (ie shelves or seats near windows where cats an easily observe the outdoors from the safety of inside)
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Basically domestic cats are not safe outside alone, nor is it safe for the local wildlife to have them there in numbers. There is a lot of information out there discussing this you can find on google (and like I said, there are people who disagree) but these are the main reasons I tend to encourage people keeping indoor cats, ESPECIALLY if you are in an urban or residential (non-rural) area where risk of traffic collision is high. 
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etoile444 · 3 years
This design is horrible! The poor use of space is more than I can take. I assume the whole damn thing is heated with fireplaces? Why am i so aghast? I live in a 1931 house. I am well acquainted with its design. My house is open from room to room. It also features 2 large bathrooms (and yes, the downstairs one is almost 100% original). My point? I dont know who that architect was, but i know he should have done better.
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Ireland, 1934: Bungalow
A three-bedroom bungalow with a veranda along one side.
Houses of To-Day by Pax’s Popular Plans, 1934. (London, England, UK) —from my library
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etoile444 · 3 years
Skinny Steve! 1940s Bucky! Oh yeah!
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etoile444 · 3 years
The US made progress only to sink again. 😦
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etoile444 · 3 years
He is James Buchanan Barnes
Did anyone notice that when Bucky shows up in Louisiana he is not wearing a glove? He does nothing to conceal his vibranium arm the entire time he is there. I think this is symbolic of him beginning to accept who he is now. Showing his Wakandan arm is not the same as his old Hydra created one. The vibranium arm is strong, but it was not built as a weapon. It contains no additional features like the arm Ulusses Klau wears in Black Panther. Bucky has only worn this arm after his mental recovery. Yes, he has fought with the arm, but he has never killed anyone with it (we don't count Madripoor, it was self defence against the "bad guys" perfectly justified in the MCU).
In Louisiana, Bucky arrives with the Wakandan suitcase for Sam. He makes a flashy entrance by lifting heavy cargo off the truck, there by using his metal arm for good. He wears long sleeves, but nothing covers his hand. He's out on the dock in full view of all the people helping out Sam and Sarah. Bucky continues to help, all while exposing his arm. This is vastly different than episode 1 where he wore gloves at all times, even his date with Leah.
Later, Bucky spends the night on the couch, arm in full view, more like the advanced prosthetic it is and not a weapon. Sam's nephews play nearby, Bucky is their uncle's friend, not a feared assassin. 
Bucky is no longer the WS. His fighting style is not at all like it used to be. He holds back, hes not out to kill, even when the opponent is out to kill him.  
He is James "Bucky" Barnes. He is not the Winter Soldier.
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etoile444 · 4 years
The powerful want to pit regular people against each other. Stick together people! Know who the true enemy is.
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etoile444 · 4 years
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And then even older is this Mucha.
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heaven gaia spring/summer 2021 couture
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etoile444 · 4 years
I have been thinking about this episode for some time now! Supernatural....we have a gif for everything.
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etoile444 · 4 years
Every time I read these it breaks my heart. I am also a teacher with over 20 years of experience. I am paid well. I am paid for my master's degree and my time. These women probably work harder than I do, but they are not compensated as I am. This is disgraceful. The basic reason why my face is not there is because I live in New York state. Our teachers' union is strong and we negotiate fair contracts. But as far as I can remember (in my adult lifetime) teachers have been paid decently. And like Bernie Sanders said, they should be. So shame on those states that use up people to do important work without fairly paying them.
BTW, this goes for any underpaid profession. Pay people decently for their hard work.
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etoile444 · 4 years
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etoile444 · 4 years
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Happy May the Fourth! | by Columbo
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etoile444 · 4 years
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Stucky/Captain America Movies + Cards Against Humanity
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etoile444 · 4 years
I do this as often as possible. Amazon is evil.
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etoile444 · 5 years
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etoile444 · 5 years
I remember those days. This picture says it all. What freedom we give up...and what do we get in return?
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Once upon a time…
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