6 Tips for Perfecting the Art of Font Pairing
While there may be no definite rules for pairing fonts, there are definitely a few basic guidelines that need to be followed to ensure that the typographic design looks appealing, and more importantly, readable. With the assistance of a website designing company in Phoenix Arizona, one can create a great visual impact by choosing and pairing the right fonts for the website design. Here are a few tips to execute the art with finesse:
1. Choose fonts that depict the mood & tone of the design
Each font has its own distinctive personality and reflects a certain mood. While a bold and whimsical typeface may perfectly suit a party invitation, it will definitely not work for a company profile.
2. Visual hierarchy is crucial
Visual hierarchy facilitates differentiation between headlines, captions, sub-headlines, and the main body of the content. Parameters such as size, weight, and spacing decide which part of the web page will be viewed by the visitor first. It is important to divide the information into most essential and less important, so that the fonts can be used accordingly. A website development company in Arizona can be of great help in this aspect.
3. Contrasting is important, but so is simplicity
Contrasting implies usage of fonts that are opposite to each other, so that a balanced design can be maintained. Having said that, it is also important to keep it simple and steer away from any sort of conflict.
4. Don’t shy away from using fonts from the same family
And why not? They were created so that they can work together. However, care should be taken to use different sizes, case, and weights, to create a contrast.
5. Not too many in number
Experts say that it is a safe bet to use only two to three fonts in a particular web design project. This ensures that the overall feel remains uncluttered. 
6. Pick one serif and one sans serif
A last quick tip for beginners – pair serif with sans serif – this always works great!
For more expert tips on this subject, one may get in touch with Etoile Info Solutions, the best website designing company in Phoenix, which offers customized solutions for branding and online marketing. Here are 4 Smart Tips for Crafting a User-Friendly Ecommerce Site. 
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Are You A SEO Expert? Then Never Forget These Important HTML Tags
ags have a very important role to play in on-site search engine optimization. Tags have been developed with the objective of classifying content so that it is easier for the users and the search engines to understand the degree of importance each specific piece of content carries. But the real question that is plaguing the minds of marketers these days is: are HTML tags as vital today as they once were?
Well, answer this simple question, what’s the use of a website with a great design and a great website copy, if people can’t find the website? “Null”. Some researchers in their studies have found out that 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine.
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But, but, but… how will visitors visit your website when you are not even harboring somewhere near the first-page result of Google?
So companies pay Google to place their company ad at the top of the search engine result pages when companies Google for certain keywords.
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But, again, paid searches do not garner the type of traffic a company looks for when they opt for paid ads.
So with the surge of new and pronounced studies, it is revealed that organic ads get 70% more results than paid ads. (HubSpot)
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So companies again thought the better of it and found out that in order to generate more traffic it is important to rank organically.
How? With the only language the SEO understands- TAGS
The company that has mastered SEO services in Phoenix, Arizona will tell you about important HTML tags briefly.
Title Tag
HTML title tag is arguably the most important and quintessential on-page SEO factor when it comes to increasing the website traffic. Think of titles as the chapter of your website, it needs to be clearly defined and compelling. Title tags help visitors as well as search engines to decide what your website is all about, the content you are displaying and what each page is trying to tell.
Title Tag Code: <title>WSC™:: Website Designing Company in Delhi | Website Designing India</title>
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It is important to incorporate keywords that you target with your content in your title tag since they end up as links to your web page.
Meta Description Tag
Meta description tags give a brief snippet about your website to the users so that they can understand what you do and what your website provides with those 150 character summary. They appear just below the blue clickable links known as Title Tags in a search engine result page (SERP). If your website has a compelling Meta Description, it will not only help you rank higher on Google, but it will also sell the “click” with an appealing copy.
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Needless to say, the keyword that you have used in the title tag must also be used in the Meta description, so that the search engines can easily understand what your site is all about.
Header Tag
Header tag refers to the HTML attribute that is used to distinguish headings and subheadings within your content from other types of text. There are several different header tags. On the basis of your website format, you may have h1, h2, h3 and sometimes h4 and h5 tag. These tags usually display the relevancy and important each word or phrase has on the website page and can effectively help your search engine rankings.
Header Tag Code: <article>
                                              <h1>Most important heading here</h1>
                                              <h3>Less important heading here</h3>
                                              <p>Some additional information here</p>
                                      <p>Lorem Ipsum dolor set amet....</p>
 To be continued….
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What are the benefits of Guest Blogging?
Guest blogging is one of the most effective and result-driven content marketing and search engine optimization techniques and it can do wonders when the blog selected as a guest blog is the appropriate one for that particular niche. It is, therefore, essential to choose the right type of content for the guest post that compliments your niche and reaches your target audience. Along with the right type of content, it is imperative to publish your guest post on the trending blogging websites, where traffic is naturally high. This will not only help you build quality backlinks but also a larger and active reader base.
Listed below are the benefits of using guest blogging as a content marketing and SEO tool, put together by the experts of a reputed company which provides quality SEO services in Phoenix.
Increase Site Traffic: You can use blogs as a medium to lure traffic to your website. It will give readers a reason to frequently visit your website, especially if you are a regular content poster and entertaining, informative and valuable content provider. Both B2B and B2C companies are well aware of the underlying benefits of blogging frequently - more traffic results in more leads. More visitors on your website clearly indicate more potential for product orders, contact form submission, and client inquiry.
Relationship Building: Guest blogging helps brands build strong relationships with their target audience, but relationship building takes time. Therefore, since guest blogging is a time-consuming process, you should be regular and consistent in delivering quality content. Single guest post submission will not fetch you any results if you earnestly want to strengthen your relationship with your readers, interact with them through the comments and follow up with the publishers to see how your post is doing.
Highlight Business Model: There are many companies that solely depend on past success stories to show and tell their clients what actually they can do and what kind of results they can expect from them. Guest Blogging is, therefore, an effective tool to build an attractive portfolio. Businesses that use guest blogging as a way of creating a portfolio to highlight their business model are – Real estate contractors, personal trainers, and graphic designers.
Blogging is a medium to reach out to your potential customers, no matter where your potential customers are in the buying process.
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Why Customer Churn Happens?
When customers churn, you lose a significant part of your revenue, which isn’t something any business would like to have. Even if the churn was unavoidable, it still stings. If not addressed properly, companies can face serious consequences: reduced customer lifetime value, lower attractiveness to investors and doubts about their future growth.
Have you ever wondered, what are the reasons that lead to customer churn? For those who are still not able to understand the reasons behind customer churn, let Etoile Info Solutions, leading Website Designing Company in Phoenix Arizona help you.
Let’s start!
Bad Customer Service: Companies feel that customer support is a cost that can be minimized as much as they can, instead of referring it as an investment that needs to be maximized. Minimizing customer support costs will eventually decrease the quality of the service. Let’s be straight, if you’ll treat a service as a cost center, then it will feel like one. In understandable terms, if you don’t work to provide excellent customer support to your customers, you’ll lose them. According to a study, 86% customers are willing to pay more for a service provided the company is offering excellent customer service.
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Bad Onboarding: Do you know when customers actually feel that they have achieved something?
1.       The time when they sign up for your product and,
2.       The time they achieve their initial “success” with your product.
Onboarding is a phase where you help customers move from (1) to (2). Bad onboarding can severely damage all your customer retention tactics and demolish all the efforts you have put in to get your customers to convert in the first place. As a good company it’s your duty to make this transference as smooth and as fast as possible.
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Poor Quality Communications: Another reason why customer churn frequently is due to poorly executed communication tactics that often end up pissing off the customers. Referring to the latest email subscription statistics, more than 36% of customers unsubscribe from emails because they are bombarded with too many emails in a day. Shooting endless emails without giving much thought to what consumers like and want can be really annoying and frustrating.
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What Are Heatmaps?
Etoile Info Solutions always feel privileged to answer the never ending queries and questions of their customers. This time let's take this journey a notch up and learn more about what heatmaps are and what various heatmap tests tell about consumer behavior. As an experienced company in delivering SEO services in Phoenix, we hope to impart as much information on this subject as we can.
What are Heatmaps?
Heatmap analytics or Heatmap is an incredible evidence based marketing/ SEO tool that demonstrates how people are interacting with your company's website. It is a way of analyzing exactly what people are doing and seeing on your website. Heatmaps are a small portion of JavaScript that can be placed on your website to track not only the links a user clicks on but also to track the mouse movements and the areas they click the most on.
It's a two-dimensional representation of data in which information is represented by colors. The redder the color, the "hotter" that area is and the more interaction with your visitors.
Heatmaps are an excellent tool for analyzing the behavior of the visitors on your website. They can impart information and insights, you'll not be able to gather using other marketing or SEO tools, which in turn would significantly improve your conversion rate.
Heatmaps are strategically divided into two categories, Mousetracking heatmaps and Eyetracking heatmaps. Moustracking heatmaps give values based on what people do with their mouses and trackpads. It basically shows you areas on your website where people have spent maximum time with their mouse cursors. And to everyone's belief where you take your mouse cursor the most is the place where you spend maximum time looking, which gives us the values for eyetracking heatmaps.
The main difference between mousetracking heatmaps and eyetracking heatmaps is that when using mousetracking heatmaps, you are receiving actual data from the actual visitors. Whereas in eyetracking heatmaps, you are getting data from the sample group of visitors who are often taken out of their comfort zones.
Eyetracking heatmaps generate 100% accurate results whereas mousetracking heatmaps's accuracy is cut short by mere 10-15%.
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Hero Images in Web Design – What’s The Buzz All About?
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Of late, you may have noticed the presence of large banner pictures either at the front or centre of a web page. This trend of placing an image covering the full width of the web page is known as the ‘hero image.’ The major reason why it has been gaining popularity is because it enhances the aesthetics of the website, and simultaneously renders depth into the content. With the help of an esteemed website designing company in Phoenix Arizona, one may incorporate a hero image on the home page and garner instant attention of the audience. Here’s how you can use this trend to spruce up your web design:
Single-Page Site
Usually, a single-page design would not have much information on offer, thus making it the ideal proposition for using a hero image. A big and vibrant picture can add real value to the site. Again, one can use several large pictures on the same page, say, for differentiating between the various sections of the page.
Header Image
You can use it as a header image, which may be static or dynamic. You can also make use of animated videos, vectors, or crafty artwork. For expert tips and advice, one may contact a reliable website development company in Arizona. 
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Fullscreen Image
You can also opt for a full screen image that would take up the entire space of the monitor. On scrolling, the other sections of the site can become visible, with each of them having its own background picture. This approach goes a long way in evoking curiosity in the minds of the site visitors.
Featured image
For blog sites, you can incorporate a large hero image for one of the blogs at the header section. This may be followed by the listing of other blogs below or on the right side, with each blog having its own background picture.
Rotating Images
As mentioned earlier, you can also make use of dynamic images, say pictures of the office building or the projects executed by the company.  
Stay in touch with a Website Designing Company in Phoenix such as Etoile Info Solutions and get an insight on which web design trends will work best for your company and industry. You would also want to know How often should we redesign the Website?
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4 Offline Tips to Give Boost to the Online Ranking of Your Ecommerce Site
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If you are tired of giving your best shot to your site’s SEO, then we suggest following these offline tips to improve the online ranking of your Ecommerce website.
If you are utterly exhausted and beyond done in keeping up with your site’s SEO efforts, then as a top Ecommerce Website Development Company Phoenix we suggest you pay attention to some of the offline tips to improve the online ranking of your Ecommerce site.
Boosting the Search Engine Optimization of your website can feel like a constant battle between the company’s content writers and web developers. Where content writers will push you to publish content frequently, web developers, on the other hand, have their eyes fixated on optimizing web pages to be picked up by search engines.
Both the scenarios are correct and crucial in keeping your Ecommerce site afloat. Your Ecommerce site does need to be updated frequently and your products and web pages do need to keep up with the latest technology and standards to be picked up by popular search engines.
Be Part of an Industry Event: Whether you want to pick out more of your competitors, rent a vendor table or represent yourself from the big stage, being a part of an industry event can help you make some strong connections with people in your industry.
Make a video for your customers: Write a smooth script for an instructional video or shoot some small clipping or footage to use as a part of your product display. But don’t try to create those low-key collage style videos. When you finally decide to make a come back to your Ecommerce site, you’ll have something phenomenal to add.
Try to Gauge the Marketing Plans of your Colleague’s Company over a Coffee: Adding in new and fun ingredients to an already cooked up Ecommerce strategy can be difficult. That’s why scheduling a meet up with someone in the same industry can help build new ideas to reach your target audience. Two heads together can come up with more and result-driven ideas than a single brain alone.
Send Loyal Customers a Hand Written Note and a Shopping Coupon: A handwritten note and an invitation to check out company’s new product line, they are the gestures that can sure drive more traffic to your website while increasing the loyalty and acceptability of the customers.
For more information on Ecommerce Website Development, you can contact the web experts of Etoile Info Solutions, who hold years of experience in delivering website designing and development services to clients across a globe. For the complete list of web design services click here.
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3 Ways to Not Waste Your Time Blogging
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Etoile Info Solutions will tell you how you can stop wasting your time blogging by making your posts effective and attractive to your target audience! If you are not paying attention to the following then you are probably doing it all wrong. In the name of structuring a compelling and informative blog, most us are doing nothing but wasting our precious time writing invaluable blog posts. If you want your blogs to reach and connect with your target audience, then you must pay heed to certain key factors. To be a blogger, you need a lot of discipline. A lot of us just want to stay consistence like a horizontal line in a graph, but what’s the point of following the same route for years and years if we are not willing to improve our ways or at least engage your customers. I know most of the time bloggers just write stuff and publish it just to complete a tradition of blogging, paying absolutely zero attention to the contents of the post. Trust me, you are only flushing down the toilet your precious time and efforts. Just ask yourself these questions. Are your stats getting any better? Are you getting more likes, follows and shares? Is your traffic increasing? Is there any boost in your conversion rates? If your answer comes out NO then its time you make some significant changes to your laid back and monotonous working methods. As a top Website Designing Company in Phoenix Arizona, it’s our duty to guide you on this path. Your Topic Must Be Geared Towards Your Target Audience: Write on those topics which your target audience is looking for. Follow a simple thumb rule, if your blog post is witnessing high bounce rate of more than 60%, then that’s because your content is hardly providing any value to the customers. The average bounce rate for a blog is between 40% and 60%. Incorporate Keywords in your Headline: Even after publishing your blog, no one is coming to your blog. Have you wondered why? That’s probably because you are not using the keywords to target your audience. In order to pique the interest of your audience you need to target long tail keywords that your audience, will use to find your blog. Display your Transparency: If you earnestly want to grow your audience and enhance your conversion rates, it is imperative to carry out activities that can develop a sense of trust in the hearts of your audience. Instead of stuffing your blog to the brim with random texts and facts, why not incorporate some real life examples to help connect on a deeper level with your audience.
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