etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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i would like to remind people that this is a sporadic activity blog! i can be more reliably found @volleystolen 
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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Floral Details
Once Upon a Dream 
Paolo Sebastian 
2018 S/S Couture
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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“I will only be accepting serious Valentines from beautiful girls.”
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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i’m on a serious horror kick right now, so now here’s a new OC !! his name is yuuto && his favorite thing to do is stalk cute girls ( or boys for that matter ). he will love you to bits, but also cut you into pieces. serious trigger warnings for heavy topics like: stalking, gore, abusive relationships, && general toxic interactions.
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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just when i think i have joeys sexuality stuff figured out, i guess its safe to say that their a lesbian, but maybe into feminine presenting nb people like them. idk SHIT about sexuality and gender 
thanks for coming to my ted talk!
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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Botanical Candles by La Reine on Etsy
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
@fukenzena 💖’d!
“Are you ready for Valentine’s Day, ma chéri?”
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It’s a lighthearted question, asked with the teasing, playful tone that most of their questions are asked. Joey’s lips are pulled into a playful grin as they ask, their words carrying a noncommittal air to them.
“Truly, a beautiful lady like yourself must get many gifts, yes?”
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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me writing someones starters late??? realistic as all hell
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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yall want,,, starter calls?
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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all of these starters come from the twitter of the maine’s lead singer   &   can be found here !
‘  even on a bad day i feel good.  ’ ‘  don’t chase the pain.  ’ ‘  we’re all just barely keeping up.  ’ ‘  in the darkness we’re all the same; human, alone, and afraid.  ’ ‘  i don’t want to fade away.  ’ ‘  i’d like to know for certain, but i think that i’m alright.  ’ ‘  time kills you, but don’t kill time.  ’ ‘  fear is close, but love is closer.  ’ ‘  this is the youngest we’ll ever be again.  ’ ‘  sometimes i am not my brain.  ’ ‘  nothing changes if you don’t.  ’ ‘  sometimes the bravest thing you can do is quit.  ’ ‘  despite everything, i’m still in love with the world.  ’ ‘  stop trying to fix everything, everything can’t be fixed.  ’ ‘  you are missing from me.  ’ ‘  you’re the only voice in my head.  ’ ‘  love is a risk, love.  ’ ‘  you can make it alone, but it’s a lot less fun on your own.  ’ ‘  sometimes i feel better feeling nothing at all.  ’ ‘  the past won’t haunt you if you don’t want it to.  ’ ‘  sometimes it’s gotta get worse before it gets better.  ’ ‘  every moment’s relevant, bittersweet, and delicate.  ’ ‘  don’t let your heart freeze over.  ’ ‘  i’m here. and that’s all i can be.  ’ ‘  sad as i am to see you leave tonight, real life requires real goodbyes.  ’ ‘  can’t crawl out of your own skin; might as well get comfortable with the skin you’re in.  ’ ‘  nothing prepares you for the hard parts of life except for the hard parts themselves, but you’ll be alright.  ’ ‘  i still feel the same after all these years.  ’ ‘  you’ll never know the way you look through my eyes, and it makes me want to cry.  ’ ‘  control what you can, comfort what you can’t.  ’ ‘  control what you can, comfort what you can’t, and always remember how lucky you are to have yourself.  ’ ‘  you made my day, my month, my year just by being here.  ’ ‘  if you’re not yourself, you’re everybody else.  ’ ‘  there’s nothing left to lose when there’s nothing left to hide.  ’ ‘  is the sadness everlasting?  ’ ‘  there are still people here that need you.  ’ ‘  it is what it will be.  ’ ‘  love all of me or not at all.  ’ ‘  how wonderful i am at making a mess.  ’ ‘  i already miss the things we haven’t even done yet.  ’ ‘  you need someone that i just can’t be.  ’ ‘  you are a sound i wasn’t listening for but needed to hear.  ’ ‘  don’t you dare love just to be loved in return.  ’ ‘  love is a beautiful word, but sometimes that’s all it is.  ’ ‘  nothing is easy, but you don’t have to make it so hard.  ’ ‘  you picked the wrong time to know me.  ’ ‘  stop being such a fucking whiner.  ’ ‘  i’m afraid i’ve shown you too much of my heart.  ’ ‘  i’m looking up and looking forward, there’s nothing back there for you or me.  ’ ‘  i am the only one in my way.  ’ ‘  this time, try speaking from your rational mind and not your emotional heart.  ’ ‘  you deserve to feel good. and beautiful, and loved, and wanted, and young, and respected, and wild, and complex, and adored, and so on.  ’ ‘  i’ve got whatever you want so long as you want is me.  ’ ‘  don’t throw your love around just anywhere.  ’ ‘  i’ve got to let you go.  ’ ‘  the lovely little loneliness would hold me down under the sound of being found, but then it all turned around.  ’ ‘  to not dance when you had the health and could hear the music could be the biggest regret of your life.  ’ ‘  i miss you more than i probably should.  ’ ‘  i can’t tell if this time of year makes me want to fall in love or never see a human being ever again.  ’ ‘  in this moment i could die with you.  ’ ‘  oh, the things we do to hide the “bad” parts of ourselves from the ones we love.  ’ ‘  if you’re at the end of your rope, you can borrow some of mine.  ’ ‘  all of my friends are getting married. i am sincerely happy for them and can’t wait to drink and cry alone at their weddings.  ’ ‘  it’s okay to be okay.  ’ ‘  i think i like the idea of you more than the actual you yourself.  ’ ‘  i want to be the type of person you feel better for being with.  ’ ‘  wherever you are, you are you. if nothing else, you are you.  ’ ‘  being sad is all the rage, but if you ask me it’s overrated.  ’ ‘  i’ve been think about thinking less about think too much about.  ’ ‘  why do i waste my time with thoughts of “us” in my mind?  ’ ‘  the world is not out to get you. in fact, it couldn’t care less.  ’ ‘  to hell with sweet nothings, you deserve sweeter somethings.  ’ ‘  in one deep breath exhale all the terrible words on the tip of you tongue that were about to jump out of your mouth.  ’ ‘  i hope you find whatever it is you’re looking for.  ’ ‘  you’re not the cause of my heart breaking, you’re just a symptom.  ’ ‘  do you really think it’s fashionable to talk like an asshole?  ’ ‘  the bags under my eyes are packed, but i’m not going anywhere.  ’ ‘  some people and things are better left as sweet memories.  ’ ‘  i don��t wish you the worst anymore. in fact, i have to try extra hard to think about you at all.  ’ ‘  you can’t have it all, but you can certainly have more than enough.  ’ ‘  i don’t want to take over the world, i just want to know where i belong within it.  ’ ‘  ‘afraid’ is no way to live.  ’ ‘  you don’t know what you want and there’s absolutely nothing wrong with that.  ’ ‘  the past is in the rearview, the future holds no weight.  ’ ‘  are you free, or are you being borrowed?  ’ ‘  that’s not a problem, it’s only a pity.  ’ ‘  i’d like to let you know that boys cry too.  ’ ‘  however slight the change, we’re never the same as yesterday.  ’ ‘  yesterday was tough, but i woke up today.  ’ ‘  sometimes bad luck can be so beautiful.  ’ ‘  don’t be sorry, be better.  ’ ‘  nothing is easy; if it is, it ain’t worth it.  ’ ‘  it’s so hard to look around and not think to myself, ‘everything sucks here.’  ’ ‘  time to get your shit together.  ’ ‘  you don’t owe tomorrow shit.  ’ ‘  don’t be afraid of the darkness, for without it we wouldn’t be able to see the stars.  ’ ‘  if you love me, don’t.  ’ ‘  i’ve got to be me because no one else will.  ’ ‘  you’re mostly sunshine, i’m mostly rain.  ’ ‘  your feelings aren’t the problem, i just shouldn’t have been such an asshole.  ’
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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etoilevedette-blog · 7 years
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a concept:
joey and their gf on the beaches near rothéneuf in the dead of summer, at twilight. they are singing la vie en rose to her, it is a hot night but not overly stuffy, and the stars are coming out as the two of them enter the ocean in their clothes. someone has made a bonfire just down the coast, and a gentle breeze is ruffling their curls.
this is the night before joey has to leave back for paris, but in this moment, the two of them are happy and blissful and unaware
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