etrurian-stan · 3 years
Honestly, I don’t really get why everyone dislikes Han Sang Hwan so much. Especially considering how many evil characters there already are in the drama.
He made a mistake once, one that he regrets deeply and are trying to amend. He is trying his hardest to help Sang Mi in the best ways that he knows how, and tbh if it weren’t for him pushing the issue in the beginning no one, not even Dong Cheol, would even know about Sang Mi’s situation.
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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“Can you feel my heart beat?”
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
yes i think ali deserved better. yes i also think that sang-woo is hot af and am in love with him. we exist.
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
Gihun: you gotta choose,us or the prize money
Sang woo: money
*walks out of the room*
*the sound of a door closing*
Ali: man he didn't even think about it
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
why are you as a man getting on your knees for another man
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
Squid Game: a summary
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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Chris Redfield in newest chapter of Biohazard marhawa Desire. Last time we saw him, he was eating something, and lately he’s still eating something XD
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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Biohazard: The Beginning (Hiroyuki Ariga) CHAPTER 5: Uneasiness* My first stop was home. I needed a fresh shirt and something to eat. I got neither. Instead, I found the evening paper waiting on the front steps, its headline pointing at me like an accusatory finger: STARS OFFICER STUMBLES ON MURDERS.
I didn’t “stumble” on the murders, I discovered them. There’s a big difference. Damn wise-ass reporters. I took the paper inside, plopped down in my favorite garage-sale imitation-leather recliner and began to read the story under the headline.
I started frowning somewhere in the middle of the lead paragraph. By the end of the story, you could have stood next to me and gotten a tan, I was that hot. The writer had all but called me incompetent for “Running off on a wild goose chase while the murderer got away”. That’s tough stuff to take.
To make matters worse, the reporter quoted Brian several times in the story. Obviously, the man was unable to recognize pabulum for the public when he heard it. Brian was probably already practicing his mayoral acceptance speech. I threw the paper down in disgust and walked over to the blinking answering machine. There were eight messages waiting; six from reporters, one from my sister and one from my commanding officer, Albert Wesker. I made a mental note to call my sister and ignored the rest.
As I was listening to my last message, I felt the hair go up on the nape of my neck. I suddenly had that feeling you get when you can sense someone’s watching you. I spun around, but there was no one else in the room. A quick search turned up no one else anywhere in the house.
Maybe I was getting paranoid. Still, I couldn’t shake the feeling of a strange presence somewhere near. I sensed that someone or something had been in my home, and was maybe still there. I went into my bedroom and got out the mahogany gun case where I kept my Remington 12-gauge shotgun and 45-caliber Colt pistol. I brought both weapons back into the living room and loaded each.
I was facing away from the window putting the last shell into the shotgun when the feeling of being watched suddenly came over me again. The sense of staring eyes was stronger now, like hot coals pressing against my back. I whirled and stared through the window, but there was nothing out there but leaves whipping past on the wind.
I turned back to pick up the shotgun and heard the sound of shattering glass at the same time I was showered with sharp shards from the window. Before I could turn around, two huge arms shot through the now empty window and seized my throat from behind. The hands were powerful, like steel vices closing around my windpipe.
Unable to break the fiendish grip, I hovered on the brink of unconsciousness as my lungs screamed for oxygen. The gun fell from my hand. Then, as if all the graves in Raccoon City had been opened at once, a cloying putrid smell filled the air. It was the odor of rotting flesh. Human flesh.
Out of the corner of my eye I could see the hideous arms of the creature. The skin had turned from pink to black, and both arms were covered with a latticework of ugly scars. I had seen arms like that before. On a murder victim who’d been discovered several days after his death.
My blood turned to ice water. I was being attacked by something that looked and smelled like a human corpse. As I tore at the hands around my neck, a large chunk of flesh suddenly came off in my fingers, revealing the red muscle and tendons below.
I could feel myself slipping away now. I had to do something to break the monster’s hold. A club. What could I use for a club? A full bottle of Jack Daniels bourbon stared back at me from a table near the window. I stretched, grabbed the bottle and threw it over my shoulder as hard as I could toward where the beast’s head should be.
A loud, half-human scream of pain split the room as the creature released my neck and fell back away from the window. I grabbed the shotgun and tore for the door, determined to shoot the beast to pieces before it could recover from my blow. Outside, the stench of decay and death was even stronger.
I swung the shotgun back and forth in an arc as I approached the window, ready to fill the creature with ten loads of buckshot. Only problem was, the beast wasn’t there. Only shattered windowpanes marked the spot where the creature had been. Totally confused, I was about to go back inside when I heard a barely perceptible noise come from the woods bordering my property.
I turned and heard a second sound. Louder this time. A twig snapping or something. I went into a crouch, both hands wrapped around the grip of the Remington.
“Come out of there or I’ll shoot,” I yelled in the direction of the noise.
“Chris, for God’s sake, don’t shoot. It’s me.”
“Who’s ‘me’?”
A familiar figure emerged from the trees. “Jill, you big dummy.”
I put the shotgun down. “How was I supposed to know it was you? What are you doing sneaking around in the woods anyway?”
“I wasn’t sneaking around. I was taking a short cut to your house. My Harley broke down about a mile from here.” Her nose suddenly wrinkled up. “What on Earth is that horrible smell? It’s sickening.”
“It’s a long story, Jill,” I said, not wanting to tell her I’d been attacked by a corpse. I figured that as part of the STARS team, she’d find out what we were up against soon enough. “Look, I’ve got something important to do. Can I drop you somewhere?”
Jill fixed me with her Rock of Gibraltar look; a kind of stare that says only the total destruction of the planet will sway her. “Why are you so anxious to get rid of me?”
“Whatever put such a wicked thought in your head?”
“Cut the bull, Chris. I know you. You’re working on some angle, aren’t you? You always were a lone wolf.”
“And you want to join my solitary pack.”
“I would kill for the chance.”
I didn’t need to ask her who she would kill. “You know, Jill, you’re the most beautiful person who’s ever threatened me. Okay, you’re in.”
“Just like that?”
“Just like that. C'mon, I’ll fill you in on what’s happened as we drive.”
“Where are we going?”
“That’s part of the story.”
I started the Shelby, floored the accelerator and lit up the tires across the front lawn. The sleek sportster roared down the road like a rocket, pinning Jill to the back of her seat.
“What is this, the Batmobile?!” she yelled over the noise of the wind.
“There was a call from Wesker on my answering machine,” I yelled back. “Do you know what he wants?”
“Your hide on his wall.”
“Any particular reason?”
“Can you put up the damn windows so I can hear you?”
I hit the window buttons set into the console. “That better?”
“Thank God, yes. Another five minutes and I would have had to go through life with battery packs behind my ears.”
“So why’s Wesker so ticked?”
“He’s got several reasons, actually. Numero uno, the chief’s on his back demanding an explanation of where you went right after the murders. You haven’t explained that one to anyone yet, including me.
"What’s the second reason?”
“Apparently the Human Resources manager at Umbrella called Brian to complain about your unannounced visit. Naturally, you hadn’t gone through channels, and naturally Brian went ballistic.”
“Let me guess. Brian called Wesker and blistered his ear. And now Wesker’s mad as hell at me too.”
“You know what a control freak Wesker is. He’s furious, but you’d never know it by his face or demeanor. The man is as smooth as silk and strong as steel.”
“Anything else I should know?”
“Yeah, Chris. Wesker sent me to personally bring you into the office.”
“So that’s why you were on the way to my house.”
“You got it. The man has a real strong desire** to see you.”
“He’s going to love it when he finds out that you went on a joy ride with me while he was waiting.”
“For both our sakes, this angle of yours better pan out, Chris. Know what I mean?”
“If we turn up something important, we’re instant darlings of the media, and Brian and Wesker won’t dare touch us. But if we come up empty, there’ll be two hides on Wesker’s wall.”
“If I’m going to be skinned alive, I’d like to know why. What’s going on, Chris?”
For the next ten minutes, I filled in Jill as I drove. “That’s all I can tell you,” I finished. “I’m convinced my old friend Billy is not only alive but that he has something to do with the terrible murders in Raccoon City.”
“It’s all so fantastic,” Jill said. “If I didn’t know you, Chris, I’d say you made the whole thing up.”
“I only wish that were true,” I said. [END OF CHAPTER FIVE] *This chapter in the English version was called “A Living Corpse” but the title used is from the Japanese one and doesn’t give away as much as the other one did! **In both the Japanese and English text, this has no romantic connotations - sorry shippers. Jill is being a smartass in both the original Japanese book and the obscure official English translation that Wesker is starting to flip out and is targeting Chris (and Jill for not being able to stop him). This is because of Chris doing an unofficial investigation, dropping the S.T.A.R.S. name - WITHOUT A WARRANT OR PERMISSION. Wesker got in trouble from Umbrella about his team all but running amok. This is why Wesker gets the “X-Day Orders” / “Mail to the Chief of Security” file with orders to destroy S.T.A.R.S. and is why Wesker blames Chris in RE1, REmake onwards for unintentionally screwing up his plans and ending up having to throw S.T.A.R.S. into the mix in a way that was not how he originally intended - this is followed up with Wesker mentioning to Birkin that he will  follow his initial plans - obtain combat data, grab the data and get out. Either way, the entire Mansion Incident is still a clusterfuck. :|
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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Chris ❤️😳
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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In the novel "the umbrella conspiracy" Jill says that in the locker of Chris there is a yoyo that shines in the dark
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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Just a FANART only lol.
REVillage: SHOWCASE  by MayaRokuaya
Resident Evil 8 Village Characters © Capcom
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etrurian-stan · 3 years
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i just have a lot of thoughts,
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