euanboydknb217 · 4 years
Advance Skeleton Rigging. 
Ok! Above is a quick slideshow video of me downloading and applying the Advance Skeleton rig to my model so that it would be ready for animation! I think I got the basics down, there is still a bit more tweaking needed in certain areas but I’m surprised how fast the process was! Modelling the hands and knees the way I did made things a bit tricky but now I know! So, I won’t make the same mistake in the next assignment!
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
So, I rushed to get everything only to find out the deadline for submission had been extended an extra week that day! I also got to have a very positive discussion with my tutor regarding my work. Yes, there was issues with the modelling aspect of this assignment but apparently, I hadn’t done as badly as I’d expected. Maybe I was just putting too much pressure on myself! They also pointed out that I had missed one of the class regarding applying an Advance Skeleton Rig to the model. Luckily with the extra time I’ll be able to go back at complete this part of the assignment. I had attempted to make my own rig for the model but it was extremely basic, after watching some tutorials on using the Advance Skeleton I understand why they want us to start with it. 
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
Project overview - Self-reflection.
I was actually quite worried about this unit before it started as 3d modelling isn’t my forte and I don’t have the required software or hardware readily available at home. On top of that this whole semester has been extremely stressful due to the current COVID-19 pandemic. Classes where moved around, everything went online and deadlines where altered. Outside of university I had to take a break from studying due to issues regarding my employment and I had to make sure my family was safe, sheltered and fed as they are and will always be my first priority. 
 In saying all of that, I can’t blame the world for my mistakes. The vast majority of issues that I face in achieving this assignment where self-inflicted. I created more work for myself due to poor creative decision making and trying to rush through various steps before double checking my work. My character design was too ambitious to start with for a low poly assignment. My modelling was disjointed, quite like trying to finish a puzzle in which the first pieces where positioned wrong. I got something finished yet it seemed as if I was just building mistake upon mistake. This flowed on to the UV unwrapping by which point I should have just scraped it and started fresh but instead I tried to make things work. 
 The big takeaway from this was that I can clearly see where I went wrong. I’ve been trying to remind myself that this is just a university assignment so it’s ok to make mistakes as this is the time to do so, so that I can learn from them! This was not a paid job otherwise I’d be in big trouble! Luckily this isn’t the final assignment for this unit so hopefully what I’ve produced is enough to pass this part and I’ll have to get busy working on the next to try and redeem myself. 
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
Barcsay, J. (2006). Anatomy for the Artist (3rd ed.). Little, Brown.  
Cartwright, M. (2017). Hecate. Ancient History Encyclopaedia. https://www.ancient.eu/Hecate/
Gooding, M. (2001). Movements in Modern Art: Abstract Art (1st ed.). Cambridge University Press.
Heineman, L. (2019). Llewellyn’s Witches’ Datebook (1st ed.). Llewellyn Publications.    
Spicer, J. (2014). Draw People in 15 minutes (1st ed.). The Ilex Press Limited.
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
By this point I’d run out of time. I got my model uploaded to Sketchfab and figured out how to add and manipulate the textures and lighting so things where looking good! I then realised that faces of my model where missing, primarily on the lower back and waist. Again this due to me missing key edges on my initial model. I managed to fix this however in doing so it altered my UV shell, because I didn’t unwrap it correctly this could be fixed in the little time I had left so I left it. I spent so much time trying to fix this that I’d completely missed another error of the exact same nature on the face. Again I must have deleted two edges that go to the nose which resulted in my model now having an extremely fat and plug snout. I fix the issue however it completely warped the UV on the face so I decided just to leave it plump and have at lest some sort of recognisable facial textures. I was going to try and get back to university campus to correct these however by this point I’d used up my  upload limit on Sketchfab and don’t currently have the spare finances to waste. 
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
UV, Texturing and Rigging. 
Again as in the modelling process I did these steps over multiple short sessions so the video above is just screen shots from my saved files. 
UV unwrapping: 
I watched quite a few videos online regarding UV unwrapping, I have done a bit of it before on basic shapes but still needed to quick update. 
I first started with the ‘Triple Moon Crest’ following along the video provided by my tutor. Everything work our fine, managed to make my own seams, use the cut / sew tools, UV layout and texel density. 
However when it came to the more complex object, my character, I had lots of issues. Obviously due to poor modelling decisions made in the previous task this process was made 10x harder that it should have been. After wasting a lot of time trying to reverse engineer the drama I’d created for myself I ended up just auto unwrapping the character. I knew that I could paint directly onto the model in Substance Painter so hopefully it would be to much of an issue unlike if I was using Photoshop for example. 
Substance painter was fine. Actually lots of fun to use and I may have got a bit carried away with it! Making and saving the textures was no dramas however added them to my model in MAYA was. I’ve added textures to models before but only in post, Unreal Engine etc. I haven’t used Arnold or Hypershade before so I had to watch and follow through a few tutorials on it. This didn’t help that much as I was able to add all the files however could only get MAYA to display either the base colour or the texture (roughness, metallic, normal etc) but not at the same time. After wasting more precious time I remember from working with Blender that I could do this process later on in Sketchfab once I’d uploaded my model. I still haven’t quite wrapped my head around Arnold and it’s definitely an aspect of MAYA that I’ll have to do more research into. 
Apart from adding a skeleton rig to my character and produced a basic test of its abilities this assignment didn’t call for any character animation. That literally about as far as I went with this aspect of the project. I learnt about creating a rig from scratch and binding it to the skin. I made sure that the joints were facing the right directs and didn’t distort the model to much. Had to do a bit of correcting, again my earlier modelling decision came back to bite me especially with the choice of arm positions. I understand the base premise of joint hierarchy and joint weight however I will definitely have to do a lot more research into this before the next assignment. 
I also just realised that I have missed a class (due to everything going online and change of break) in which we were provided a pre-design skeleton rig to bind to our characters. Oh well it was probably more useful learning how to make my own! 
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
Well I managed to produce something at lest! 
First up you will notice that I didn’t make a sped up video of design process as I had to work on this character in short burst over multiple sittings. This was because I do not have the required hardware or software readily available outside of being on campus. Instead I went back through my save files and took screen shots of the key moments in the modelling process. 
So with that I will admit that I had various complications throughout this process. 
From the get-go I think I was too overly ambitious with my choice of character, it would lot easier if I’d just stuck to a simple ‘superhero’ style design, base human form with a logo on the chest or something in that nature. 
The next issue was a result of being time poor and breaking the modelling process up into short burst. Every session I’d planned was meant to have element completed. Because of this I rush parts and didn’t stop to fix mistakes instead just building upon them until I realised it was too late. Also went over the poly count limit trying to fix these issues. 
Still with all that said, I still managed to get the basics down. I have a humanoid character with four limbs, hands, feet and a head! I’m completely aware I’ve still got a long way to go on my 3d modelling skill set, I think it’s just something that I’ll have to continually work away at! 
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
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Skeleton proportions, Joint structure, Turn round and colour.
I jumped ahead and just created this basic turnaround of a skeleton with the emphasis of the locations of the joints. As my character is humanoid as well as being portraited as decaying, gaunt, starving with the skeleton showing through, I thought this would be a useful starting point for the design.
From the previous skeleton turnaround and my preliminary sketches, I created this series of turnarounds. I tried keeping them stiff and structure as I thought it would help translating the drawings into a 3d model. I won’t be modelling my character in these stances but hopefully it will help to get a feel of the characters emotion and body language.
I then followed this up with a few colour palette variations to see which combinations would best fit my character profile.
As advised by my tutor I went back and produced a few quick life drawing studies. Although I’ve no idea where they got to. I didn’t spend more than 2 mins on anyone study, with the focus being on the flow, base shapes and curves of the body rather than any details such as face, hands etc which I then added to my model so it didn’t have such a stiff upright stance. A massive thank you to my partner Adrienne for modelling for me.
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
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Next step in this process was to produce a series of quick small silhouettes. This was to help start considering various forms that could be used options, whilst also incorporating the shape values discussed in the previous post. I produce 2 sheets of silhouettes just using old permanent markers and white board markers till I notice myself leaning toward a basic character shape structure.
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
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Base Shapes.
The next stage in this process was to break the character down into base shape (and shapes) the first image shows my preliminary shape design choice; using a combination of a circle and triangle. That being that my character was once friendly, kind, a moon goddess of the people and community however has now transformed into evil, a dangerous character stretched and warped by the underworld. I want to convey that she is a villain now but that was not always the case!
Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge, 1919, Lazar Markovich Lissitzky
After my discussion with the tutor, I thought I should return to this to make adjustments. In doing so I looked into why we view certain shape the way we do and how come we impose certain connotations onto them. To do this I looked back further than just the Disney, Pixar examples that we learnt in class. Instead going back to the modernist art movements such as Russian Constructivists and the later teachings of the Bauhaus. Russian Constructivists utilised shapes during the period of social upset to create propaganda that could be understood by the wide masses, the workers and the illiterate (such as the example above). Teachings at Bauhaus later confirmed these ideas of shape connotations that we current use and classify in the elements of design.
With that I have decide to change my initial shape. I have stuck with the combination of circle and triangle however inspired by the painting Beat the Whites with the Red Wedge (1919) I have decided to invert the triangle so that it its piercing the circle instead of looking like an ice cream cone. I want to represent that this one lovable goddess has been attacked and corrupted, with the triangular shaped rib-cage penetrating the circle shaped head/Triple Moon Goddess crest.
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
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Preliminary Drawings.
I started with a few preliminary drawings to get this character design. My favourites where easily the more monstrous versions of Hecate as outside of university my chosen style for my art practice is that of Free-form Psychedelic Horror. However, for this assignment the character design has to be more structured to fit into the low poly 3d modelling and most importantly humanoid in nature.
So, with that I followed the assignment drawing pipeline; shapes, silhouettes, shape structure, clothing through to turn around. I tried to keep simple and ‘structured’ and produced a few preliminary sketches and options for the character. After discussing my work with the tutor, he recommended that I also do some life drawing studies and I show work on my drawings not being to static and stiff.
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
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The following images above are a few of the reference images I source for this project. I lost quite a few due my laptop dying and losing all data (I didn’t back any of the images up as it wasn’t my work) So I’ve just source of a few images that I remember being useful and created mood board style images for each of the different elements. I looked at other people’s work on low poly 3d models, faces and various accessories that I’ve written into my character profile (both physical and modeled versions) 
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
Character Description Recap.
Here is just a bullet point list of her basic physical features:
-          Female – Humanoid in appearance (however she is a goddess)
-          Extremely tall and slender
-          One head with two flesh masks, representing Heaven and Hades
-          Cranium elongated almost alien in appearance  
-          Sharp metallic silver Goddess crown mutated into her head
-          Eyes colours: Green non-human lifeless stare. Blue on one mask for the Heavens, Red on the other for Hades
-          Elongated stretched limbs
-          Discolour skin, purples and pinks
-          Veins showing, scaly dry skin almost reptilian  
-          Gaunt stature with her skeleton visible from malnourishment
-          Hands mutated with the fingers merged together into sharp claws
-          Wounds and scratches all over her body from years of torment
-          Her cracked silver ‘Triple Moon Goddess’ symbol behind her head, creating a halo
-          Green snakeskin ripped skintight boots, gloves and bodysuit (Update: removed from final work – replaced with fire burnt feet, naked abused torso and blood and gore cover claws)
-          Silver white pearl necklace with moon cycle (Update: removed due to poly count)
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
Story Recap.
For the project I will be creating a new current day version of the Greek goddess Hecate. Hecate was known as a goddess for the peoples, a helper and protector. She was represented with three faces to show her ability to travel between the three realms, Heaven, Earth and the Underworld. The version of Hecate that I wish to portray is one which has been shunned by both Heaven and Earth due to her monstrous decaying form from centuries of living in the underworld. Long forgotten and let to rot in Hades, her mind and body as mutated to a shell of what was once her beautiful form. My version of Hecate is one that has finally emerged from the black abyss, scorn from being forgotten and filled with vengeance and hatred.  
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euanboydknb217 · 4 years
Project update
As you all may be aware the COVID19 pandemic has occurred resulting in this project being put on the back burner. Our university shut down for 1 week to be cleaned, my work hours were slashed, and my home computer died all at once. No fun at all. I put a hold on working on my studies as my number one priority became making sure my family was healthy, feed and sheltered. With the deadline loaming I will continue to try and finish this assignment; it may not be my greatest work or showcase the best of my abilities however at this point I have given up on achieving any sort of decent grade and will be lucky to get something handed in for a pass. I understand this and hopefully can make up for it in the second assignment for this unit.
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euanboydknb217 · 5 years
Task 1 Part B: Character Profile (Revised)
Hecate the Rotting Goddess
Hecate was once a beautiful goddess worshiped in temples and seen as a caring guardian. A connection between humans and nature and one of the few gods to have the power and ability to move between the three realms of Heaven earth and underworld. She had single head however it features three faces, one for each of the realms. Now scorn from being forgotten and disfigured from centuries in the underworld is a shell of who she used to be, she has lost all compassion only seeing a world of decay, disease and vengeance. She is tall and slender in statue with her flesh turn violet and purple whilst slowly rotting off, the pupils in her eyes are completely gone replaced with glowing orbs, black white and green for the different realms. Her once beautiful faces and long flowing hair has now replaced gaunt emotionless stares under completely bald moon cratered scalp. Her fingers have been fused together into claws and her white flowing robes are gone replaced with sharp triangular snakeskin armor, which seems to be the only thing holding together her decaying corpse. Upon her shoulders is a halo made of large heavy silver discs in the shape of the Triple moon goddess, a symbol given to her by the Wicca and pagans, the tiny majority of humans that still remember her, in the hopes that she will once again be remembered and worshiped like before. Her feet are burnt and mutilated from the fires of the underworld so she no longer walks but floats or should I say orbits like the moon. She travels the world with a single message  blend the knee, follow her and live, those who reject her and be physically ripped apart by her hideous claws or mentally destroyed as she calls her pack of demon dogs pull souls from her victims body’s and drag into the underworld leaving nothing but a empty flesh husk. 
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euanboydknb217 · 5 years
Task 1 Part A: Synopsis (revised)
The Return of the Rotting Goddess
Centuries have passed since tale of Persephone’s abduction, and deep in the black abyss of underworld the sits the goddess Hecate forgotten and slowly rotting. Although she still has the ability to travel freely through the three realms she stuck with Hades. Attempts to live in Heaven failed due to her rotting monstrous appearance forcing her sneak around wearing a mask and full disguise. She has tried to return the realm of humans, Earth, however her trips have fallen on the same despair. The Earthlings have long forgotten her goddess status and even her name, the few that have seen her run in fear calling her name like monster, witch and crone. So now it was the underworld which she had to call home, left drifting in abyss slowly rotting not just physically but mentally. Even her best friend Person, who was only there for half of the year slow separated herself from Hecate as she could the toll horrors of underworld had taken on Hecate corrupting & rotted her brain.
Centuries pasted floating until once more Hecate heard her name chanted from the realms of humans just like in the days of her cult in Thrace. She pulled herself together and return the realm of earth with the with her last fragment of hope at being love once more, only to find it is not her they were calling for but an impostor. A liar, a fraud, an actor pretending to be her on a television show.
Once worshiped, favored by Zeus himself and seen as all powerful she has been reduced to nothing more and misguided entertainment for the masses. This is too much for her frail broken mind and last fragment of good disappeared. If she can be in Heaven and will never rule the underworld her decides dominate the realm of earth, insight vengeance of a race that has forgotten her and claim world for her own. A new era has just started on earth, the rule of the Rotting Goddess. 
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