Throughout this project I defiantly had some major issues during which hindered the steps to follow through entirety to completion. However, I think I managed to produce a decent character. I was very happy with my work on the characters backstory and character profile. Learning about the Japanese Dogū was exciting and appropriated from existing sculptural artefact to create an interesting alien looking like creature for this project. I think I did a great job (in comparison to assignment 1) with the creation of the base mesh and had lots of enjoyment in editing it through the Mudbox software. I want to go back and have more of a play around in Mudbox once I can get hold of a stylist as it seemed that I was only scratching the surface of programs capabilities. The facial rigging and retopology aspect of this assessment were my downfall and I will have to watch a few more tutorials to practice more over the study break. Overall  I felt that with the current social challenges as a result of the current Coronavirus pandemic, social distancing orders, isolation and rapid transference to the online learning changes resulted in a sense anxiety which impacted my ability to complete this project to the level I  had originally inspired to achieve. The two assignments that I have submitted haven’t been up to par with my normal work ethic and I struggled to keep focused on the task at hand. However, with consideration to the current social climate I feel as though that completing this project in these circumstances was an achievement in itself.
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Seven Universal Expressions
Unfortunately, I was not able to make the free time to get back across town to the university campus in order to fix up the issues with final pose and my mishap with the facial skeleton. I was a bit upset at this as without completely redoing the Advance skeleton rig on the face I was unable to achieve the seven universal expressions aspect of this assessment. I do not have the software or hardware at home to work on my 3d model, however I do have access to Photoshop! So I have edited one of my progress screen grabs to create a mock-up of my character preforming the seven universal expression.  
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Final Pose!
As required I posed my Dogū model, uploaded it to sketchfab and added the textures I created! There was a little bit of distortion on the arm / shoulder joint that I didn’t pick up on till it was too late (and I’d run out of uploads) but that ok I really happy with how my model looks!
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UV and Texture
I love using Substance painter! Ok so again had a few issues unwrapping my model and I was fighting against the clock (due to the mishap in the previous step) So I auto unwrapped it and made sure the Texal Density was set so at lest everything would paint clean. I then jumped straight into substance and got carried away. I used a glossy and mat textures to make sure that the outfit and character didn’t blend into each other too much. I want my character to be fun, friendly and playful so I used bright glowing neon colours. It started to look a little bit clowny but I think that’s ok! Because I auto unwrapped, I had to utilise the layers in substance so that the outfit stayed on top, this would have been so much quicker if my initial unwrap and worked smoothly. Finally, I added the textures I had created, I haven’t showed much of this in the video as its quite repetitive. This step is always lots of fun, I wish I had a stylist instead of just a mouse so that I could have put more colourful pattern work on to the outfit.
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Rig and Skin
Well this stage did not go as planned. I started with using Advance skeleton to rig the body of my character and everything was fine. I’d done this before in the first assignment, so I followed the same basic steps and I got every moving fine with out much distortion. Things were looking up till I got to working on the face. This I could get in place however not get to move right. After multiple attempts I decide to move on. Hopefully I will have enough time to come back and redo this in order to achieve the seven expressions part of this assignment. At least the body is functioning, so I made my pose for the final upload to Sketchfab and went on to the UV unwrapping and texturing.
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This was lots of fun! First time using it and I found it was so much easier to create with then Maya. I was a bit slow learning at first and found it difficult to work with as I was just using a mouse, however I quickly got into a rhythm and made it work. I eased up on the amounts of embossed patterning on the outfit because of this. The only other issue I faced was my initial transfer from Maya. I had obviously made a few mistakes on my base mesh that I had to double back and fix up. I managed this quite quickly however there was one red dot left that I had no idea how to fix (after multiple attempts).
After sculpting in my Mudbox I then exported my new mesh back back in to Maya to be retopologised. I followed a few online tutorials to do this and think I went alright with the face. Hopefully this will make doing the seven expressions stage easier! I got a bit lost on the body due to the outfit’s patterns. Guess I’ll have to see if it effects the advance Skeleton rigging in the next step!
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Base Mesh
I may have gone overboard with this base mesh, but I want to make sure after the first assignment to get it right! In hindsight I could have eased on the outfit and just worked on it in Mudbox. I think I did a decent job matching my preliminary sketches!
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Turn Arounds and Colours
My Dogū character is short and plump! Her limbs are out of proportion, short and lumpy, as written in character profile. Big belly bottom with a single bright ‘spacesuit’ outfit. The amount of pattern on the garment will depend of how quickly I take to using Mudbox ha! I’ve made up a few colour combinations options however I think I stick with the classic green skinned alien, and overly bright friendly outfit. I think that should be enough to start building my base mesh.
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Roughs and Breakdown
Here is my Dogū break down and initial working sketches of the head and body of my character. I thought it would be useful to break down the original sculpture, bones muscles and base shapes, as if it was a living character already. This will hopefully help later on when rigging my version!  
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Silhouettes and Shapes
Dogū is represented as a short plump female with and hourglass figure. Because of this I really want to stick away from the anything too angler such as square or rectangular shaped. The Dogū’s personality is friendly, caring, soft and squishy, it helps the community. So circular or teardrop shapes seem fitting. In my characters backstory it is said to bloat as it absorbs others illness this fit nicely with circular shape. Just to be sure my model doesn’t end up as a blob I think utilising the star shape will be key. This shape relates to joy, happiness as well as humankind (which is need as this project is based on a humanoid character) and the night sky or universe again fits in with the alien character. I’ve also add a few popular culture movie reference of current aliens all of which have oval head.
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Preliminary Drawings
Unlike the first assignment, I’ll be basing this character of ancient sculptures, so it already has a preliminary design. However, I will have to alter it a bit as the original designs were static sculptures and I am planning to animate my version! I will still go through the same design process. 
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Reference sheets
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My alternative character profile for the Dogū
As previous mentioned I will be recreating a version closely resembling the shakōki-dogū or Goggle-eyed styled Dogū. The originals were clay statues so I will have a bit of creative licensing when it comes to colour and stance. Here is a short list of the characters attributes;
Female, humanoid form 
Short and plump in statue around 30cm in height
Large oval shaped green eyes that take up most of the head
Small round nose and torus shaped mouth 
Bald oval shaped head (maybe featuring mystical crown)
Small waist with oversized shoulders and hips 
Large plump acorn shaped arms and legs
Tiny hands and feet 
Unable to walk very fast or well due to is physical deformities 
Skin tone is neon green, almost translucent, it’s shimmers and shines magically. It appears soft and squishy 
The body is covered in mysterious brightly covered tattoos and sigils
Single banded metallic necklace with donut shaped center piece
Outfit is a tight sleeveless hourglass shaped dress ending at the hips. It features multiple brightly coloured bands and patterns
Adorable, loveable, huggable 
Playful and childish in nature
Magical entity, a caring spirit 
Shy yet inquisitive, once befriended seeks endless attention 
Cannot speak, communicate basic messages through telepathic thoughts 
Has hypnotic powers to send people into a calm trance people through the use of its oversized eyes
Has the powers to absorb negativity, illness, pain and dark spirits that have possessed people
Doesn’t seem to age, however it will grow larger every time it uses its healing powers. This will continue till it is too large to move and then it releases all everything back into the world then proceed to borrow back  into the earth and disappear into the spirit world. 
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My alternative narrative of the Dogū
The Dogū were a race of small brightly colour spirits that lived thousands of years ago in harmony with Japanese people of the Jōmon culture. They were loved and worshiped by the people has they had mystical powers of joy and healing that could be transferred through hugs. The Dogū wanted nothing more than to help others. However due to their short limbs they were unable to hug and bestow their healing powers onto humans. Instead they had to be the recipient of the hugging in order for their powers to work! Their power to absorb negativity, pain, illness and even dark spirits that had possessed humans lead to the Jōmon culture living a long happy life in prosperity free of disease and pain. They understood this connection with the Dogū and treated them with the highest respect. As much as the Dogū loved to help, every time the Dogū used their power it would get trapped inside of them blotting their limbs, and slowly disabling their ability to move and function. Their existence was kept secret until late 400 BC in which the stories of their magical healing powers spread fast across Japan. The people flocked to the east, and many of the Dogū were captured and forced to use their powers against their will. Disgusted by the greed of the humans the Dogū released back into the world all of the sickness and pain they had taken over the centuries and borrowed themselves into the earth never to be seen again. Maybe they are still down there watching and waiting for a time to return once we have removed all of the greed from our hearts.
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Alterations to the Character
Alright so that was the traditional representation and history of the Dogū however for this assignment I’ve been given creative license to alter this! The follow posted will be my abridged versions of the Dogū’s story and characteristics. I will try and create a slightly more cartoon and humanoid version, with feet and hands (not featured on traditional sculptures) so that the character could be rigged and have the ability to more and be animated.
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