eueden · 4 years
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eueden · 4 years
did you stay up all night? get fucked til daylight?
“well... i, uh, not all night. no one can do that for more than an hour, right? seems like if you do at some point you gotta collapse.”
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eueden · 4 years
do you have a favorite sitcom?
“i think my favorite sitcom is new girl. where can i order my own nick miller?”
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eueden · 4 years
have you ever been kissed??
“WHA— uh, yes, i have. and i have had the sex too. you didn’t ask that... i mean, yeah kissed.”
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eueden · 4 years
are you a generally happy person
“i wouldn’t say i’m happy all the time, i have some low moments and i tend to get frustrated very often but i think i try to see the positive side always.”
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eueden · 4 years
what made you decide to go for your major
“i love animals and i hate to see them in pain, so i wanted to help. corny i know, but that’s what happened.”
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eueden · 4 years
who would you like to smooch
“a bit of a personal question, no? i mean everyone is so pretty here but no one is a pretty as vincent satt, so yes, that’s my answer.”
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eueden · 4 years
what do you miss most about home?
“of course my family. i miss my grandfather complaining because people he knows talk to him and my grandma’s cooking. i miss my baby brother and of course my best friend who is my dad. i also miss nature and being able to go to the reserves with my dad.”
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eueden · 4 years
what's in your web history that you'd be embarrassed if someone saw?
"i feel bad about this but i googled ‘how to kill annoying babies’ but i forgot add in the sims 4. so now, i’m sure an fbi agent is on his way to arrest me.”
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eueden · 4 years
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       “grab m&m’s, we’ll put them in our popcorn,” she tells her sister, nodding towards the items while her arms are currently full. following close behind, she nods once, approvingly, as eden drops the popcorn into the basket, and tilts her head with a grin. “you think i was serious? i watched that funny vampire movie once and it nearly made me cry,” she retorts, with a snort and a shake of her head. “aren’t those movies, like, ten years old? i feel like how to lose a guy came out yesterday.” but then again, time moves strangely. blink and suddenly she’ll be sixty. “ooh! can we watch 13 going on 30? that one is my absolute favorite,” she says. “or if you can handle subtitles, amélie is a classic.” she wracks her brains for the countless romcoms she’s watched in her lifetime, all she’s most definitely daydreamed about to an extent. “is there a certain trope we want? enemies to lovers? best friends to lovers?”
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"M&M's?" she asks her expression a bit confused for a second before a smile begins to spread across her face. "I've never eaten popcorn with M&M's but I love both, so you might be onto something." Without giving it a third thought, she grabs two M&M's packages. There's a sigh of relief when her sister mentions that she wasn't serious. As a people pleaser, Eden doesn't know how to say no and if her sister would have liked to watch a horror film she would have said yes even if that means covering her eyes throughout the whole thing. "I'd say over ten years. We are getting old, and also maybe it's just me but I don't think there are many romcoms anymore." Her face immediately lights up following Ana's suggestions. "You know I'm a big fan of Mr. Mark Ruffalo but I'm also a sucker for a French film but I did my French homework last night and no offense, but I don't want anything French right now, except you, of course." She ponders on her questions for a few seconds as she walks to the cashier, dropping her items onto the counter before turning to look at her. "Enemies to lovers is fun, mostly because I don't really have enemies so it's always interesting to me."
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eueden · 4 years
Vincent knew that he basically had Eden wrapped around his little finger and he’d be lying if he didn’t admit that the power went to his head a little. If he was smarter he’d watch how he spoke to her, keep her on side with his words but she had continued to prove that no matter what he said she was going to be there. “I am teasing you Eden.” Well mostly, if she were to call him stupid he would not take that well at all. “Well then let us go get some coffee, my treat.” Just another little sweet drop to keep her stringing along. “I knew that you would have my back but no, there has been no murder yet. I just think that we need to have a discussion about some things that I think that I am going to have to address and I’ll need a wonderful team around me to help me do it. Do you think you’re ready to be on my team?”
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There's a sweetness in Vincent's tone that simply makes her melt. She knows that chances are that he's just being polite, but that doesn't stop the rousing of a brand new wave of nervousness. "Yet..." she repeats under her breath, a soft amused laugh escaping past her lips. "I wouldn't take you for a murderer, by the way, but the French tend to be unpredictable and passionate, so I also wouldn't rule it out," she adds, a smile blooming on her lips before her expression shows her curiosity when he starts talking about a team. "You want me to be in your team?" She has no idea what this team is about, as far as she knows he could be planning to rob a bank, although he doesn't need that since he's rich. Either way, her cheeks go red which she tries to conceal with her hair. "Sure, I mean, you know you always can count on me. What exactly do you have in mind?"
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eueden · 4 years
𝑰𝑵𝑪𝑶𝑴𝑰𝑵𝑮 ✉ garden of eden 🌻
LILLY: you ever get random urges to watch certain movies?
LILLY: because i was studying and idk what hit me
LILLY: but now i really wanna watch she's the man
LILLY: do you wanna watch with me???
EDEN: only every single day of my life
EDEN: peak amanda bynes you mean
EDEN: im offended you even have to ask
EDEN: of course i do, bro brother brethren
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eueden · 4 years
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eueden · 4 years
Vincent’s vendetta against Andrés was only growing, partly due to his growing frustrations with the man’s insistence on always ‘doing good’ and partly because he was butthurt about being rejected on repeat. It was a blow to his ego that he did not take well. There had been some close allies fall by the wayside so his campaign was starting from scratch again and the best way to do that was from the ground up. That’s why he targeted Eden - she had a decent social standing with most people from what he’d seen and she might be able to make a difference. Even though he’d asked her to wait her call took him by surprise, her tone betraying her nerves causing an instant smile on Vincent’s face. “I do remember yes please don’t talk to me like I’m stupid. I want to wait until the room is quiet before we talk, do you want to come back inside and sit down? Or we can walk and get a coffee? I don’t want anyone listening in on what I have to say.”
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Any interaction with the Aphrodite boy is exciting, heartwarming, and gut-wrenching all at once but then he opens his beautiful mouth and it sinks and drowns her to a mix of hell and heaven. Heaven because well, he's sparing some minutes of his time to talk to her, and hell, because well, Vincent isn't known for being a sweetheart. "I— no, that's not..." Things like this make her curse the feelings she's developed towards him, she especially wanted them to go away because if they continued to grow, they could eventually take over and consume her inside out. That's the tricky thing with having a crush on a son of Aphrodite, there's only pain at the end of the road but gods, it's so hard to relinquish these feelings when he dares to look like that as if he'd been sculpted by Aphrodite herself, well, technically he had been. "Coffee would be nice." She hates how giddy and excited her answer is. Damn it, Eden, and damn Vincent. "Listen, if you are going to confess that you finally murdered one of your siblings I don't think I have the arm strength to help you carry the body but I know you probably had reasons to do it, so no judgment," she blurts out as she hugs her books to her chest.
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eueden · 4 years
                        eden’s everlasting enthusiasm arguably rivals her own; if not for the sound of her voice, the brightness gave her identity away with ease. the warmth of her ancestry constantly seems to radiate from her friend — a quality the kaia has always admired. “ you say that as if i’ve ever rejected your company. but yes, i am. thinking of skipping straight to dessert today, though. heard there’s homemade baklava today; a twist on the ancient recipe. they even added white chocolate! ” the spark in her eyes mirrors the giddy smile on her lips, using the opportunity to drag eden along faster when arms are linked. skipping meals for an extra dessert didn’t really add up to her resolutions of living a healthier life; but to be fair, she’d already broken those resolutions two days into the new year. 2022 seemed like the perfect opportunity to try again. 
“ oh my god, eden! ” practically snatching the phone from the female’s hand, kaia is quick to pull the device closer to take a better look at the kitten. “ she is an absolute STUNNER, ready to steal everyone’s hearts. if you want, i could set y’all up for a date in your dreams tonight. you must be dying to meet her. ”
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There's nothing Eden enjoys more than seeing a familiar face, especially if that face belongs to Kaia. "Well, you never know perhaps today is the day you say 'back away, Eden. I need to be alone'," she says, pretending to faint with her hand across her forehead. However, the mention of chocolate brought her back to life. "In that case, I think I'm skipping my meal too. What are we celebrating or why did the school suddenly decide to give us decent desserts?" She's joking, of course, the lunch ladies work very hard to fulfill the needs of spoiled demanding demigods but in all honesty, the desserts at Eonia lacked, well, charm.
"Isn't she? I'm so sad that I can't be with her," she says but her face lights up the moment Kaia offers to set a date with her and her new kitten. "Have I told you I adore you?" Without hesitation, she pulls her friend into another hug. "I'd love that, K. By the way, if you ever need some serenity or start a fire, you know you can count on me, right?"
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eueden · 4 years
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  “It’s only a step up from a sketch.” Perhaps the worst thing about her affinity for art was how critical she could be on herself. It wasn’t worth hanging in a gallery, and it was tainted from her own frustration, so why keep it? “Are some of these yours?” Her hand gestured over to the lilies in front of them. “They’re well kept.” The words were said with a monotone, but Avery was in tune to the conversation, glad it provided a bit of a distraction from her own failure.
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"Well, it's better than whatever I could create," she says, staring down at the sketch before smiling at her. Her gaze then falls on the lilies before shaking her head, if only. "Oh no, I wish they were but you see I'm not very talented when it comes to plants and flowers, mine are actually..." she starts walking before stopping next to the daisies, well the rather sad-looking daisies, "...these." She shrugs, kneeling to take a better look at them as if that action was gonna make them come back from the graveyard of Eden's gardening failed attempts. "I guess I should leave the gardening to the Demeter kids and just focus on setting rooms on fire."
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eueden · 4 years
where: ok markets when: mid afternoon, probably on a thursday or friday
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so she’s stockpiling alcohol at ok markets– sue her. walking through the aisles with as many bottles of shitty wine in her arms would be more offputting if perhaps they weren’t on a college campus where kids have the power to make their own alcohol. she’s unashamed as she steps into the aisle where her sister is. “do you have everything you need for tonight?” in reference to the movie night at hestia’s. “make sure we have popcorn, too. what are we feeling like watching tonight? romantic comedies? dramas? horror? i heard carrie is supposed to be a laugh.” she’s joking, she’s also a big baby, hestia isn’t necessarily a horror household, but five minutes of some old horror flick years ago left ana with nightmares for a week. “how about you think of some movies and i’ll think of some movies and we can put it to a vote?” / @eueden​ 
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Of course, Eden hangs out in the chocolate aisle while Anaïs picks the alcohol (of which she'll drink half a beer since her tolerance is low). "Oh, just these," she says, holding out four bars of Hershey's and one KitKat. "Popcorns, right! Wait I think I saw them over here..." she starts as she goes to the next aisle to pick up two packages of popcorns. Brown eyes widen at the mention of a horror film, followed by a shudder and shake of her head. "Ana, you know I can't tolerate horror films even if they are supposed to be a laugh but I'm always in the mood for some rom-com. We can pick some old school like How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days or You've Got Mail." As cliché as it might be, Eden loves watching romantic comedies, and of course, she fantasizes about finding a great love like the one in those films. "Those are my two choices, now what about you?"
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