eugenescissors · 9 months
hi! i know i've been MIA for awhile but i hope you're doing well and I have a eugene short one shot coming! :))
❤❤❤❤ im so glad you came back and I hope you're also doing well !!! And I'm so excited for that eugene oneshot your writing ITS GONNA BE EPIC!!! @midnightfictionlibrary
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eugenescissors · 9 months
Happy new years yall hope all of yall have a good new years and start out fresh for 2024!!
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eugenescissors · 9 months
So I haven't post in a what a month lol. Just been really busy and I might get started on my masterlist and writings. I got them written just gotta edit them in the meanwhile.
-> December 21st 2023 | 10 DAYS BEFORE NEW YEARS !!!!! |
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eugenescissors · 11 months
Tbh, It started out as me watching All Quiet On Western Front on November 6th 2022 and I LITTEARLY cried myself to death. When but when searching it on Tumblr there was nothing about it like deadass nothing ( at the time ). Idk when I came across Band of brothers but I remember watching it on either the 21st or 22nd of November. It WAS AMAZING and Sad at the same time 😔. It actually took me a while to watch the more sad episodes it took a couple mintues and I'll just watch it. This also lead to me discovering The pacific and I watched it on either 24th, 25th,or 26th of December. It was amazing I cannot compare both band of brothers with The pacific because both were amazingly good and can't compare the pain they went through. The movies endings left me crying with Eugene sledge laying on a field then getting up and walking by himself. To band of brothers ending being Easy company gathered around and being told that Japan surrendered and walking off in the ending. But aye gonna love the fan fics about the actors who played the soilders. Also gotta love the band of brothers community for being so loving and accepting ❤❤❤.
I’m genuinely curious
How and when did you get into band of brothers and do you have a favorite in the miniseries?
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eugenescissors · 1 year
Looks like the same person to me don't what you talking about same image 🙃. 🤨🤨🤨🤨
Tagging : @teabights this the same image right I ain't tripping 😀💀💀💀.
ok we've all seen that incredible doc roe cat post but can i present. for your consideration
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eugenescissors · 1 year
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Thank you for tagging me @liebgotts-lovergirl this is my first time doing this 😅. I don't think this one relates to me very well... just the werido part maybe a bit of the fidgety kind when nervous while standing. I'm a organized Person 😅 half n half of time. It didn't have my style of hair 💀💀.
Tagging ( Aye no pressure homies )
@kafka-ohdear, @jumpwingdust, @lewisnixon ,
@jump-wings, @murkwaterrsss , @malarkgirlypop ,
@joannacs523,@crookedlovesfilm , @groupmomlipton
@teabights , @midgetlover6 , @footprintsinthesxnd
@liptonsbabe, @sir-mr-dr-roe, @caseofvatsixtynine, @panzerliied ,@pretty-fly-for-a-sky-guy , @yeahcurrahhe-e
Idk if I was suppose to add a lot of people but aye no pressure. 🙃🙃 love yall ❤❤❤ thank you again @liebgotts-lovergirl for tagging me in this fun design and quiz.
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Saw this going around twitter, looked like fun. What? I'm not procrastinating (I am, I really am)
Make this picrew of yourself
Take this uquiz
Post the results side-by-side. No pressure tags: @alypink, @revnah1406, @madefordvarka, @deadbranch, @welldonekhushi, @kaitaiga, @applbottmjeens, @froglights-and-pearls
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eugenescissors · 1 year
I will never know how you write these stories so fast you post on the same day but that is wild. Also love your work
MEDIC! - 4th Part (Donald Malarkey x Fem!OC)
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Well hello again! Very excited on this special day (my birthday) to share the next instalment of this story! Do we all have our socks? Skip was wondering hehe. At this rate of posting I am going to run out of story, I am on placement at the moment all most done with my last year of nursing so I am super busy, but I will try to find time to write some more. I still have a bit left so not to worry! Anyway I hope you all enjoy. If anyone has any suggestions of what could possibly happen next to our dear old Emily, I'm all ears!
As usual this is based on the HBO show and the actors who portray the characters no disrespect to the hard working paratroopers in real life.
*Three months later*
“Everytime I look at you I see eight or nine of you.” The actor on the projector says smoking. We sit in the hall watching Mr. Lucky, a movie I have never seen before. The acting makes me giggle. They are so serious and old fashioned, but by now I am used to it. I stick out like a sore thumb in this period, on multiple occasions making jokes that no one seems to get, wanting to say, well if we were in 2023 you would all be hysterical. I have made friends with most of the men, however some of the men aren’t pleased with a woman being stationed with them. They aren’t shy about letting me know it either, they walk past and glare in disgust, or say things under their breath loud enough for me to hear. Other men are gross ogling me, making uncomfortable comments about my body, making weird sexual advances towards me, I ensure to put them in their place. Luz sits next to me smoking and talking over the movie, it doesn’t bother me, but Lip and Joe Toye who sit in front of us turn around and shush him. 
“Look at me, I’m John Wayne. The costume department set me up with these great Navy Whites.” Luz says in an odd accent. I roll my eyes at his antics. 
“Luz shut up!” Toye sends a death glare in his direction, jaw clenched in anger. Luz ignores him, continuing with his weird commentary. Lip turns around as well. 
“I’m trying to watch this.” The normally sweet Lieutenant snaps at Luz. 
“I’ve seen this movie 13 times, okay?” Luz says. 
“Yeah well I haven’t, so shut up.” Toye sends daggers back at Luz, as Lip turns back around to watch. I nudge Luz shaking my head, he pulls a stupid face at me. I cover my mouth trying to block the chuckles that are bubbling at my lips, having to look elsewhere to distract myself from Luz. I pull in a deep breath to compose myself, glancing over at Luz still going with his stupid mimicking. 
“Pfftttt.” The air escapes my mouth, I bend down tucking my chin into my chest to muffle the noise. I hear shushes from around the room. Luz takes my break for weakness and continues to wind me up. 
“Stop!” I choke pushing away Luz from my space as he whispers stupid things in my ears. I laugh as quietly as I can slowly losing my ability to control myself. I take more deep breaths turning away from him. At that moment Malarkey runs into the hall. 
“Hey Skip!” He tries to whisper, more yelling than anything. More soldiers shush him making annoyed comments. A snort leaves my nose. These boys just don’t know how to be quiet. Malarkey starts speaking to Skip who is sitting behind Luz and I. I don’t pay attention to the conversation, honing my focus back onto the movie that is playing.    
“Jesus!” I hear Perconte yell from behind me. 
Toye and Lip whip around at the same time “Shut up!” they say in unison scolding the soldier behind me, another laugh leaves my lips at how annoyed the two men are in front of me. 
We sit in silence for a minute. I am amazed that Luz is able to shut his mouth for so long. I jinx it though, Luz pats Lip on the shoulder, “Lip, favourite part.” I’m sure he is just doing it now to wind the men in front of us up. Grumpy Lip shushes him again. I bite my lip to stop my laugh. Luz turns to look at me raising his eyebrows, I shake my head and look away so he doesn’t see me laughing. 
“Got a penny?” He says in another strange accent. I scrunch my face up, holding in my giggles. 
“Got. A. Penny?” I rub my hand over my face as he continues. 
“Got a… penny?” A laugh escapes me as I hide my face in my hands. I can’t deal with him. Luz lets out a laugh, sending me over the edge in hysterics. I try my best to laugh quietly, tears leaking from my eyes as I try to control my breathing. 
Loud footsteps sound, I turn to look as two soldiers march down the aisle, the lights come on causing protests from the men watching the film. 
“I said quiet!” Commands the officer who now stands in front of the projector screen.   
“Elements of the 1st and the 6th SS Panzer Division have broken through in the Ardennes Forest. Now they’ve overrun the 28th Infantry and elements of the 4th. All officers report to respective HQs. All passes are cancelled.” Announces the Soldier, at this the men groan and chatter at the news. 
“Enlisted men report to barracks and your platoon leaders.” The man yells as he begins to leave the hall, marching back down the aisle he came from. The hall quickly empties as the men begrudgingly follow orders. I stand following the men out walking behind Skip, Malark and Perconte with Lip, Luz and Toye behind me. 
I get into my warm gear getting ready to leave with the platoon. I wrap the scarf around my neck burying my nose into it to keep the wind from nipping at my face. I check my medic bag ensuring I have everything I need. We are short on supplies so most of the time I have to run around scavenging for things to keep me in stock. I clamber into a truck with my platoon, grateful it’s crowded so all of the bodies are squished together for heat. I sit myself next to Malarkey. He makes room for me as we slide along the bench. 
“God it’s cold.” he says rubbing his hands together to create some heat. 
“Here I always have warm hands.” I say extending my hands, he reaches his hand out to me which I clasp between my own. Malarkey’s hands are cold to the touch. 
“Oh my god your hands are warm!” He says in surprise. He doesn’t take his hand from mine, enjoying the warmth they are giving off. 
“I don’t know why but my hands always get so hot in the cold, it’s weird” I say over the roar of the engine. 
“Hey I’m not complaining.” We chuckle as he swaps his hands. We sit there in silence, enjoying the heat from each other and the closeness of another person. I didn’t realise but since being here I have missed being touched. The men do small things like a pat on the back, or sit closer when it’s cold, but it’s not the same as a hug from a friend or partner. I rest my head on Malarkey’s shoulder, closing my eyes, letting the white noise of the trucks drown out my thoughts. We are going to the front, but unlike we have done before. This time feels different, more ominous and forbidding. Malarkey’s head rests on top of mine, I can barely see his eyes fluttering close. The other men in the truck talk to each other but their voices are comforting like falling asleep watching the T.V.   
“You need four minimum. Feet, hands, neck, balls.” I hear Skip say from beside Malarkey. 
“Extra socks warms them all.” The men all mumble in unison. 
“Yay! We all remember that one.” Skip cheers. A chuckle leaves my lips at Skip’s little yay he gave. “But did we remember the socks?” Skip continues in a chipper voice. Everybody continues to talk over each other. I let go of Malarkey’s hand, he gives a small groan in protest and the loss of heat. I link my arm into his so we are still pressed together not taking my head off his shoulder. Before I know it the vehicle pulls to a stop, everyone stands loading out of the back. The frigid wind hits me as I get out of the bed of the truck, I flinch pulling my jacket around me tighter. The other men around me do the same trying to preserve as much heat as they can. I watch one of the men pour gasoline into a pit in the ground, striking a match and throwing it in. I step back as a burst of flames roar into the sky. The men like moths immediately gather around the heat. 
“Where are we?” I ask Malarkey as he stands beside me as we gather around the fire. 
“Belgium, I think this area is called Bastogne.” He answers, holding his hands out to the flames to warm them.  
“God it’s fucking freezing.” Liebgott says, coming to stand by me. I nod my head in reply. 
“I gotta take a piss.” Malarkey says leaving from the fire. I watch as he leaves before I make my own way over to the truck to see if I can find any more socks or supplies. Malarkey goes behind the truck as I rummage through the bed. 
“Jesus Christ Bill, Don. Look at this.” Babe says from behind me, I turn to look at whatever Babe has pointed out as Bill and Don come into sight.
“What the…” Bill says. Soldiers march back down the road, some of which are injured. They walk slowly in a defeated trudge. They seem to barely notice us, they don’t say a word to each other or the men on the sides of the roads watching them go. 
“What the hell is going on?” Malarkey asks in confusion. Watching the men go with his mouth agape. 
“Hey you’re going the wrong way.” Calls Bill to the men. The boys take their opportunity when a soldier walks closer to them. 
“Hey pal.” Bill says to the first man who doesn’t even acknowledge his existence and keeps meandering forward. 
“Hey pal.” Bill tries again, grabbing hold of one of the men's arms. “What happened? Where the hell you going?” 
The man raises his head, like he has awoken from sleep. “They came out of nowhere. They slaughtered us.” Looking Bill and Babe up and down, “You gotta get out of here!” He gives them a dismal warning.    
“We just got here.” Babe counters. I stand watching this scene unfold next to Malarkey.  
“Give me your ammo.” Bill says tapping on the man's ammo bag. Babe and Bill start to strip the man of his gear. 
“Take it, you'll need it!” The man's voice is monotone even with the caution given. 
The men share a look between them. Having the same idea they walk out into the sea of green and start taking the ammo of the soldiers walking down the road. Malarkey and I follow suit, we walk through the men asking for more supplies as we are so short. As I ask the men they nod slowly they don’t even seem to be present, staring off into the distance barely acknowledging my presence in front of them. They don't do anything when we ask for supplies, just stand still waiting for it to be taken off of their body. I search through many jackets and bags trying to find things we need, taking ammo as well for the boys to hand out later.
“Do you have any ammo?” I ask a soldier standing before me. I look up to make eye contact with him but he holds a glassy stare giving no response, but he stands still. I start to go over the contents in his bag. His hands grip my shoulders, shaking me slightly, I snap my head up to find his face in close proximity to mine. “They’ll kill you!” He whispers his eyes desperately scanning my face.    
“Yeah that’s their job.” I reply confused. 
“No!” His face grows hard as his grip tightens on me. I wince from the pain of his fingers digging into my arms, I lean back from the man’s face but he follows me. 
“They’ll kill you!” He makes a gesture to the men behind me. Does he mean my own men? I open my mouth to ask when he continues. “Don’t turn your back on them, they will take any chance to hurt you.” and just like that he drops his hands and his eyes go back into the distance, like he fell back asleep after a nightmare. I step back from the man as he brushes past me. I can’t shake the feeling, my breathing is more ragged and my heart is pumping a little faster.  
“Hey you good?” Babe asks from behind me, pulling me from my thoughts. I plaster a smile on my face, “Yeah, I’m all good.” Babe takes in my fake smile. Tilting his head he seems to shake the thoughts from his brain and brushes off my odd look continuing on with stripping the remaining men of their supplies. 
A car arrives through the road. The men talk to the driver who has more ammo. They seemed to be pleased with this, taking the boxes of equipment from the back of the car. They are like vultures to a fresh kill instantly emptying the ammo boxes handing it to each other so they are in full supply. Soon we are marching down the road to Bastogne. It’s a silent walk, the only sound being the crunch of gravel under foot and the whistling of wind through the trees.
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eugenescissors · 1 year
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Drawn on: Septemeber 9th 2023
To be honest I tried I ain't the best artist in the world ( I'm just a beginner 🥲🥲) but I thought it would be a good idea to draw Eugene roe as a cute angry cat :).
Taglist: ( so I don't know who to tag since but aye if you don't like me tagging you on my tag list tell me plz or if you like to be added but I'm adding the followers I have rn ) .
@hxad-ovxr-hxart @subwonwooagenda @jump-wings @midnightfictionlibrary @goneandbackagain @groupmomlipton @kafka-ohdear @caseofvatsixtynine @midgetlover6 @footprintsinthesxnd @murkwahlberg @teabights
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eugenescissors · 1 year
Nine people you'd like to know better.
Thank you for tagging me @kafka-ohdear really appreciate it. :)
Last song: Me Gustas Tu by Manu Chao
Last show/movie:
-> Chernobyl ( HBO Series ) ( yesterday night)
-> 9/11: Life under attack ( Afternoon )
-> 9/11 One day in America ( Afternoon )
Currently watching:
The pacific ( HBO Miniseries ) needs more love ❤ and Band Of Brothers ( HBO Miniseries ) The BEST WARII and accurate miniseries made. 👏
Currently reading:
-> Stranded by Bracken Macleod
-> The Institute by Stephen King
-> Duma Key by Stephen King
Current Obsession:
-> WORLD WAR 2 history ( All sides and what role they played, what they did during war. )
-> WRITING I really want to write Band of Brothers x reader stories but aye I'm a little sacred of being judged but I learned this community is so supportive and Im trying to learn how to write its my first time writing online.
-> BAND OF BROTHERS AND THE PACIFIC aye the actors are hot and each time I watch both miniseries I'm always looking for small details or at least try to. 😅
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Your local angry cutie medic ❤❤ and Skinny Sisk local third wheeler in the firend group and under-rated ❤❤ and many more.
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-> READING 500 books by the end of the year
( Lol only 20 Read )
Taglist:(No pressure only if you want to )
@goneandbackagain , @lewisnixon ,
@teabights ,@liebgotts-lovergirl , @jump-wings ,@aegondluvrs ,@midnightfictionlibrary , @groupmomlipton , @midgetlover6
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eugenescissors · 1 year
More bob
don’t know what I want to finish and post next!!!
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eugenescissors · 1 year
What do I think?
You got me hooked on these short writings that I need to know what happens between quiet girl x Luz. BABEROE where is bebe taking eugene I need to know. I thought I would find out but we left on a cliffhanger. I love all 3 stories there amazing and I need to know when there gonna be finished and posted. Plz add me to that taglist
Do I like?
Kinda wanna post snippets from my current stories i am working on to get some feedback; im having a hard time getting motivated to finish them.
I have a baberoe, George x oc, and babe x oc
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eugenescissors · 1 year
✨🌈☀️send this to the ten people you’re happy to see every time they pop up on your dash/notif and wish them a good day🌟🌈💥
Awwww you're so sweet😭😭😭 this made my day sorry I didn't respond earlier but I also love seeing you on my dashboard.
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eugenescissors · 2 years
Should've said this 23 hours before but happy new years to everyone. Starting the new year with something great. Writing this at the last minute amazing.
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