eungishat · 6 years
Do you think the author is gonna be selling the Fools merchandise again? ‘Cause those look so good!! And did you order them outside korea?
nope. the author said this would be the only time. i think it was announced that you were able to order it overseas, but i’m not sure if you can do that anymore. you can get the books from this site (only the books though), but i’m not sure if they ship overseas. and i bought them from korea.
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eungishat · 6 years
An Interview with EUNKI & JUNGWOO
NOTE: i’ll be changing ‘eungi’ to ‘eunki’ since that’s the way the creators officially romanized it. anyways it’s no news that fools got a drama cd and i spent some of my hard-earned money to back it up (150 KRW to be exact) and i got a few bonuses, so i thought i’d share this cute little thing
Q. I’ve noticed that you have a lot of hats. Just how many do you own?  A. I don’t know. I have a few here and there. Sometimes new ones just come out from under my bed or from my closet.
Q. How do you not know how much you own? A. (Why would I count it in the first place...)
Q. Why do you wear hats? A. I have straight hair that’s hard to manage, and it’s annoying to fix it whenever I’m at school. I also feel relaxed when I wear them. I guess it’s kind of like a security blanket? It also helps me keep my focus.
Q. You said you were straight before, or were you just confused? A. I’m not someone who thinks too much about stuff like that, so I just thought, ‘Oh, okay,’ and went with it. I mean, I was confused at first, but I started to like him so it wasn’t that big of a problem for me. My parents, on the other hand, are pretty inflexible so they talk about marriage a lot, but they carefully take my thoughts and decisions into consideration, so I think they’ll understand. Hopefully.
Q. What was the most difficult time for you? A. When I was falling for Choi Jungwoo. It was frustrating because I couldn’t freely do the things I wanted to.
Q. When is your lover the prettiest? A. Jungwoo’s the cutest when he’s sleeping. (Jungwoo: Is that your way of telling me to shut up?) I take that back. He’s always cute.
Q. How to not lose interest in your lover? A. How do you even lose interest...? I don’t know. I’ll think about it when the time comes, but everything is still seems so fresh to me.
Q. Are you still active on SNS? A. I’m a bit busy lately, so I’m not too active...but I’m actively filling up my phone’s gallery!
Q. I heard you have a lot of followers.  A. Yep! I gained a lot by posting OOTD pics when I was in uni. When I came back from my service, I even worked as a part-time fitting model and I kept at it even when I got employed somewhere else. But I had to quit because I got super busy. I really like clothes and taking pictures, so maybe I may go back to modeling again...?
Q. Please tell us how you look so good in selfies. A. Hm? But I heard I was better looking in real life...
Q. Who told you that? A. Eunki. *laughs even though he himself said it*
Q. Any recent hobbies? A. Writing! They’re nothing big, just simple movie and book reviews. Eunki said my style’s interesting, so I’d like to write my own stories someday.
Q. A novel? A. Anything’s good.
Q. Any insecurities about dating someone who was straight? A. I had lots, at first. Plus, Eunki had a girlfriend before, so I thought he was only fulfilling his curiosity with me. Now, I don’t have any. He has his own heart and feelings. I just have to trust him.
Q. When is your lover the prettiest? A. When they’re eating something. It’s cute when they eat well. ((He worded this ambiguously.))
Q. How to not lose interest in your lover? A. ‘Lose interest?’ Wha...There’s now way I can lose interest. There’s no one like Kwon Eunki in the world.
Q. There’s a lot of things I’m very curious about. What have you been up to? E. Nothing much. Work, date, making plans for vacation. Oh. I moved closer to my work. J. It hasn’t been long since I started working, so I’ve been super busy. Life is nothing like how I imagined it to be. It’s tough, but it’s still pretty fun.
Q. It’s good to hear you guys are doing well. You sound like a couple who’ve been dating for quite a while, too. E. Yeah, we’re doing well. How can we not? I’m not sure if I’m getting older, but it’s fascinating seeing Jungwoo in his mid-twenties. I’m not even sure if we’ve been dating for a while. It still feels like we’ve just started dating. J. Really? Well, I guess we used to fight a lot back then, but we don’t have to worry about that anymore since we know how the other one feels by looking in their eyes. E. Yeah. We were just hanging out and you suddenly said, “Eunki, you’re craving some coffee now, right? Let’s go to a cafe,” and it really surprised me. J. You usually drink coffee around 3 p.m. E. I didn’t know I had such a habit.
Q. What did you fight about? E. Hanging up first when tired or moving our plans are things Jungwoo hates the most. My work became hectic back then, so I wasn’t able to predict when I’d be off the clock. I couldn’t even dream of going on dates during the weekdays. J. We fought most when Eunki started working. I understood how tired he was, but I was still sad that we couldn’t meet up despite going to the same school, and I couldn’t get used to it either. We used to call each other everyday and talk for thirty minutes to an hour, but we couldn’t do that and we couldn’t message each other either, so I was frustrated. Now that we both work, I understand him much more. Wasn’t I such a grown up back then?
Q. Difference between university couple and working couple is...? E. Communication, definitely. You can meet up after class when you’re still in school. J. Discussion topics, probably? We attended the same school and we were in the same club, so we had no trouble with it back then.
Q. So by overcoming those difficulties, you became a healthy, working couple? E. I miss the old days, but yeah. There are still pros and cons, though. Now a days, I wait for Jungwoo to finish work. J. I still feel uncomfortable leaving right away...
Q. How do you make up after a fight? E. Back then, Jungwoo never told me why he was angry. Now, he tells me very clearly if he’s upset, and that’s good because I never catch on to these things. When he does, I apologize right away. If there’s no other way, we have to compromise.  J. I always thought that if I expressed my discomfort or dislike to someone, the other person would hate me, and I’m really afraid of that. So at first, I always kept my feelings to myself so Eunki wouldn’t hate me. E. That would just ruin the relationship. J. Yeah, I know. When I say that, Eunki would right away say, “Oh, really? I didn’t know. I’m sorry,” and I do the same when I upset him. But if I’m being honest, it’s pretty hard to admit that you’re wrong, so I always fight back or make excuses. I really have to fix that, so Eunki calls me out whenever I’m doing these things anyway. He bluntly tells me to not make excuses.
Q. Doesn’t that make you kind of sad? J. Yeah, that’s why we fought. I would say things like, “Why are you being so cold to me?” E. How can I convey a gentle tone in text...? That’s why Jungwoo suggested that I put a heart or a star emoji after my messages. J. It was pretty effective. E. Really? I didn’t notice much of a difference. J. Whatever. All in all, I always lose whenever I fight with Eunki. My mom and Sister love him, so no one takes my side.
Q. I heard you start to resemble one another when you truly love each other. Do you have any similarities? E. Do we have any similarities? J. Hm...*thinks for five minutes* Ah-ha! We both hate being cold! E. Okay, but who likes being cold? J. I thought we had a lot, but thinking about it we really don’t.[1] Honey[2], let’s take our time to look for some. We must have some.
Q. Alright, now let’s talk about some deeper stuff. Any fun stories lately? E. I’m not sure if it’s fun, but we came out to Jungwoo’s couple friends. J. He’s talking about Joohyun and Taeyoung. They’re very close to me and I just wanted to tell them.
Q. Their reactions? J. Joohyun said she already knew. Apparently it was super obvious back in uni? I thought I was being lowkey about it. Either way, she said she was waiting for us to officially tell her. Taeyoung, on the other hand, was super surprised that he couldn’t speak. He called me later telling me that he understand and the asked if we could go on a double date sometimes. Those two have been together for a long, long time. E. They’re probably going to get married. J. Right?
Q. Any episodes that linger in your mind? J. Last year on my birthday, Eunki did something he would never do. After we ate dinner, he told me he had something to show me in the car, so he took out his phone and showed me a video and it was a video. It was super surprising since it was a video letter, and I thought that was only stuff that celebrities did. I guess he thought a hand-written letter was too much and he didn’t want to say anything face-to-face, so he made a video instead.
Q. What was it about? J. Should I say it? E. There’s no turning back now, is there? J. Here goes: it was a proposal. A total, drama-style proposal, too. He talked about us -- from our first meeting to now -- it was so unlike him. And at the end, he said he wanted to stay by my side. Not now, but a little later, after we prepare ourselves. 
Q. And your answer? J. Well, what do I have to think about? Of course I love it, but I didn’t want to seem too desperate so I answered him ten minutes later. E. I thought you would reject me, so I was jittery. J. Reject you? No way. I would be over the moon even if you asked me to roll around in mud with you.
Q. To wrap this up, do you have anything you wish to change them or do you have anything else you want to say? E. Do you have anything you want to say to me? J. You don’t? I do, though. E. What is it? J. I want you to seriously answer me whenever we go out shopping. Quit saying things like, ��I don’t know,’ or ‘anything’s fine.’ It just makes it look like you’re not having a good time. E. I have one too. I want you to stop eating on my bed. Whenever he comes over, his job is to clean up the crumbs off my sheets. I keep telling him this, but he doesn’t fix it. J. But there’s something that I really want to say: I love you, Eunki. E. Yeah? Me too.
[1]: I’m not sure if he’s talking about their similarities or about people that like the cold. [2]: He doesn’t add ‘hyung’ after his name.
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eungishat · 7 years
the change from eungi to edward and jeongwoo to justin is honestly...*pukes* their korean names are totally fine lmao wtf this is what you'd call whitewashing i guess
yeah. pretty bad. and i mean...at least their surnames stayed the same
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eungishat · 7 years
Hello! I just wanted to let people know that FOOLS has been picked up by a comic site called Tapas and is now being officially translated in english. You can unlock episodes by using "tapas coins" which you either purchase using a card or u can also earn them for FREE by watching ads!! Unfortunately their translation does change the names of the characters to English names :( but I think it's still important to show the authors your support especially for such a lovely comic~ Thank you ♡
well there you have it link here and i noticed they sometimes do that.
meet eddie kwon (lmao) and justin choi
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eungishat · 7 years
Hello, thanks a lot for your summaries, i really appreciate them. I have 2 questions : Do you know if Young Ha and Park Dam are currently working on a new project together? That would be awesome. And, are you korean ? I’m sorry, I’m too curious. Thank you again :)
you’re welcome, and to answer your questions...
maybe they are and maybe they’re not. who knows? i don’t know them personally. and they just finished fools, so they deserve a break. youngha said they’re at jeju as a vacation or something (too bad it keeps raining there lmao)
and yeah. i’m a korean who knows korean so that’s why i can understand what’s happening in the chapters. :) ☕️ 
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eungishat · 7 years
fools (ch.54+55) summary
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fools chapter fifty-four and fifty-five by youngha and illustrated by park dam
NOTE: fools died but i’m still alive. here’s fifty four and fifty five. also STOP assuming that jungwoo and eungi are based on idols. it’s weird and the creators don’t like it when you assume that. especially park dam.
They're all shocked that Eungi fought back. Minseok and Minjoon's friend are desperately trying to keep Minjoon calm. As Minjoon dries himself off, he continues to insult Eungi for being too cocky. He warns Eungi that he should properly apologize before he leaves.
A big crowd is gathering around them after the commotion, and Kyungjoon tells everyone to leave because their booth is now officially closed for the night.
Jungwoo overhears a couple of people talking about the relationship between Eungi and Minjoon and how they still haven't forgiven each other. When someone in the crowd asks about their relationship, they inform the curious person about the story between Eungi, Minjoon, and Hyeyeon.
gossiper: when he was a freshman, kwon eungi…he and park hyeyeon had a relationship and seo minjoon flipped. those two were a secret campus couple and rumors about them spread everywhere. are park hyeyeon and seo minjoon still together?
minjoon: what did you just call me?
eungi: do you want me to say it slower? annoying. brat.
minjoon: you really have a death wish, don't you? come here.
eungi: oh mr. seo, your games aren't fun, and it's honestly embarrassing. let's act like adults, shall we?
Eungi turns to Jungwoo to tell him to stay away while ignoring Minjoon calling out to him.
Anger eventually gets boils over and Minjoon punches Eungi in the face. Eungi retaliates by shoving Minjoon into the tables and everyone screams. The crowd is shouting for the police and begging the other people to keep them away from each other.
The freshmen are cleaning up the mess while the other upperclassmen leave to take care of the mess. Jungwoo decides to wait for Eungi and he hears the thee freshmen gossiping about the Eungi drama. Taeyoung finds it distasteful that they're spreading rumors and Joohyun loudly tells off the gossipers. She then proceeds to comfort Jungwoo privately.
She finishes herself by telling him to take his time to tell her the things that has been happening in his life and they both smile since they both know she’s referring to Eungi and Jungwoo’s relationship.
So back to Eungi, he is bailed out with the help of the TA while Minjoon is bailed out by his girlfriend, Hyeyeon. They finally see each other and, with a small gasp, Hyeyeon whispers his name. Eungi doesn’t stay too long tho (and neither does Minjoon). He le all’s away, leaving Minseok to play catch up while Minjoon tells Hyeyeon that they’re leaving.
The night doesn’t end there, as Jungwoo waits for Eungi by the campus entrance.
Eungi finally comes and Jungwoo starts crying when he sees his face and Eungi reassured him that he’s fine (and that he’s the one who should be crying since he got beat up.) Jungwoo threatens to give Minjoon a piece of his mind, freaking Eungi out. He then offers to take him home, but Jungwoo has different ideas.
jungwoo: i want to sleepover at your place. can i not? since it’s festival period, i already got permission to stay out late, and… jungwoo: i can’t go home — not without you.
Eungi gives in and let’s him stay the night.
Jungwoo’s all shy now and he’s like oh your shirt’s so big on me. Eungi offers Jungwoo his bed for the night but he says he’s not tired.
They end up talking and Jungwoo realizes that Eungi’s bruises look much worse in the light and he feels like crying.
Eungi reassures him that he’s fine and Jungwoo starts to cuddle him and when Eungi doesn’t return the affection, Jungwoo asks him if he feels awkward.
jungwoo: you were all over me in the club room.
eungi: but we’re in my bedroom…
jungwoo: so? what’s the difference?
eungi: no it’s not that. it’s just…
Eungi changes the subject by making sure Jungwoo’s okay (again) and he replies that he’s fine and that next time, he will definitely be able to stand up for himself. It makes Eungi laugh. He’s also curious since Jungwoo isn’t asking about his relationship with Minjoon since everyone around them were gossiping about the two, but Jungwoo isn’t interested in their story at the moment.
Jungwoo holds onto Eungi’s hand and rests his head on his shoulder. He notices Eungi taking a peek at him and gives him a small kiss.
jungwoo: i just want to talk about us. i like you so much, eungi.
He then gets up and places a light kiss on Eungi’s eyelid then to the tip of his nose and finally starts a long make out session.
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eungishat · 7 years
There's no hint for season 2 and you happy about that? I thought I read it wrong
you didn’t read it wrong. there would be no point to make a season two bc the story is finished. concluded. done. what else could you add in eungi and jungwoo’s COMPLETED love story? a season two with more drama is unnecessary and will ruin the story as a whole imo.
unless they make a season two starring different characters….i vote minseok
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eungishat · 7 years
eungi got a job, jungwoo dyed his hair, and everyone lived happily ever after
except minseok, who was dumped (again)
can anyone in this world message me how fools ended i feel like i’m dying here all i need is closure
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eungishat · 7 years
Thanks so much for all your hard work doing the summaries!!
as always, you’re welcome
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eungishat · 7 years
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ha minseok x kwon eungi // fools (ch.62) by youngha and park dam
MINSEOK: I sort of did something and I need your advice, but I don´t want any judgement or criticism.
EUNGI: and you came to me?
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eungishat · 7 years
Hi! I was wondering whether you're gonna do a summary on the following chapters after 53? :O That really got me fired up and I already saw the next chapters/raw but I think it would be fun to at least grasp what exactly is going on haha not just based on my assumptions. So i would really love to know if u would do more summaries hehe. Anw, I also want to tell you how grateful I am for your summaries. Thank you so much for all the time and effort you give. More powers & much love! 💙
thanks👍👍 chapter 53 is in my drafts. still trying to write it when i have free time.
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eungishat · 7 years
Wait it's almost over? I know they are taking a break but didn't know it's almost over
the author said something like the series was ending at like chapter 70 or in like five more chapters in the middle of august but it kind of looks like the creators still have a bit left to write out considering the most recent update. but yeah youngha said something like that so me and a lot of other korean fans are bracing themselves for the inevitable end of the series.
the author confirmed it's ending in two or three chapters on twitter
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eungishat · 7 years
so glad your summaries are back!!! thank you so much :) and i actually don't mind the slip lol so curious about what happens in the chapters to come
ty hopefully i can keep at it with the summaries lol
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eungishat · 7 years
wait .. i didn't really get why 20 chapters were skipped .. does that mean they're not really important ?
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lmao nah honestly i just don’t like the a few chapters bc they’re boring and they’re gigantic emotional roller costers. ill give you a super short and abridged summary under the cut:
chapter 37: eungi dressed up nice and everyone plus jungwoo’s all like oh no he’s hooooottttt but jungwoo on the outside’s all whatever and eungi plays desperate
chapter 38: jungwoo’s jealous that everyone’s all over eungi and joohyun’s like hey be a bro and let me sit next to eungi oppar and jungwoo’s like no fuck off desperate hoe and she gets embarrassed af and leaves the bar right away and taeyoung obvs chases after her to calm her down
chapter 39: eungi and jungwoo goes drinking in private and they’re all like heehee bc they like spending time together and shit and they drink and jungwoo’s suddenly like ilu eungi. eungi’s like whoa what and then jungwoo’s like stop playing dumb i said i like you you dense pos
chapter 40: eungi’s shook at jungwoo’s confession and jungwoo’s like i knew u knew that i knew that u knew and eungi’s all???? no what the fuck i’m dumb and then he’s like hey i’ll walk you home come on and they kiss and begin dating
chapter 41: they make out and do cute shit
chapter 42-46: more cute things
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eungishat · 7 years
The newest update is awesome, they look so lovey dovey and sweet after doing the do
yep really good and they finally get closure too fuck!!!!!
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eungishat · 7 years
I'm not opposed to skipping all those chapters with those misunderstood feelings, but could you consider a light translation of 40 and 41? I think others would also be interested to know the conversation between our two lovebirds leading up to their first conscious kiss. Thanks!
40 and 41 are my favorite chapters lmao i dare i skip out in these. but yeah i’ll do them and continue from chapter 54 and on.
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eungishat · 7 years
fools ch.53 (summary)
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fools chapter fifty-three by youngha and illustrated by park dam  NOTE: the reason i skipped twenty chapters is because i was sick and tired of all this roller coaster shit and i love drama caused by the master of pettiness and fragile masculinity, seo minjoon. there’s also quite a few cultural (i guess) references in this chapter, so i’ll talk about it here.
“Find the XMAN” game: it’s based on a popular korean reality/game show that aired back in the early to mid-2000s called “X-Man” (not based on the marvel comics/movie franchise called “X-Men,” but based on a european show called “The Mole.”) the premise is basically there’s an X-Man among the group of people and their goal is to find the X-Man in the midst to become the winner. a legendary show, with even more legendary moments that’s still referenced today in korean entertainment.
“…I’m Choi Jungwoo, class of 2016″: i think this is mostly lost to translators who aren’t native koreans. in the korean text it says “16 학번,” which literally translates to “student number 16.” i’ve seen it as “student number,” which is fine, sure, but students also have their own individual student id numbers and, because jungwoo only says “16 학번,” he’s basically telling his seniors that he’s class of 2016. in korea, they seem to use the class systems as their acceptance year/the year they became a freshmen, since it’s not uncommon for students to take semesters/years off of school because of tuition.
Jungwoo reaches the food stand he’s supposed to be working at and he takes off Eungi’s varsity jacket to put on an apron. As he does this, Joohyun walks in and stares at the jacket and then, she looks at Jungwoo suspiciously.
Kyungjoon tells Jungwoo that if serving gets hard, he should tell him right away. He also says that he feels bad for Jungwoo since he’s missing out all the fun of the festival (he says all of this with a smug grin on his face).
ᴋʏᴜɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『 oh, speaking of which, where’s your sister? is she still here? is she gonna visit our booth? 』 ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 …huh? what? my sister? no, she left not too long ago. 』 ᴋʏᴜɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『 HUH?! WHY!!! she came such a long way and she leaves like that? you should have at least invited her to our booth… 』 ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 why is he being like this? 』 ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 well, my sister doesn’t really like noisy places so… 』
Kyungjoon presses on, asking Jungwoo if his sister will visit again the next day and Kyungjoon smoothly asks…
ᴋʏᴜɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『 oh, by the way, does your sister have a boyfriend? 』 ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 …i…don’t think so… 』 ᴋʏᴜɴɢᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『 WAIT FOR REAL????? 』
We move on outside, to the actual food stand, where this sleazy-looking guy (Minjoon, his names Minjoon.) asks everyone’s cutie Minseok if there’s a special event at the stall. Minseok reassures him that they’ll be giving his table free foods and drinks. That kind of special service isn’t something Minjoon wants, so he asks if there’s a stall-wide event.
ᴍɪɴsᴇᴏᴋ: 『 oh. um. there’s also the “Find the XMAN” game…it’s where you have to find the student who’s disguised as a girl and win rock paper scissors against them to get a discount… 』 ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  really? sounds fun. i’ll play this game. bring em in. 』
Minseok nervously signals Kyungjoon to bring the first years over. The first years greet Minjoon (since he is the oldest upperclassman) and Minseok gently reminds him that this is only a game and not to take it too seriously. He also quickly tries to divert his attention from this XMAN game since he probably knows how much of a dick this guy is, but Minjoon seems completely uninterested; he tells Jungwoo to step out. He laughs along with his friends as he does.
ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  oh? you’re even wearing a little skirt. hey, you a freshman? 』
Incredibly nervous, Jungwoo wonders what he should do.
ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  hey you deaf? i just asked you if you’re a freshie. 』 ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 oh yes, mr. minjoon. i’m choi jungwoo, class of 2016. 』
Minjoon tells Jungwoo that he hasn’t chosen him as the XMAN, so he harasses him by telling him to “complete the set.” This makes everyone uncomfortable and nervous.
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 …um…pardon? 』 ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  as in your voice – you wore a skirt and you wore a wig, so speak in a girly little voice. 』 ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 o-oh… 』 ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  your big bro’s teaching you, so listen up. capisce? now, from the top: what’s your name? 』 ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  why aren’t you saying it? 』
Jungwoo is frozen stiff by this guy’s intimidation – he’s unable to speak and he doesn’t even feel like he can breathe. The people behind him feel the same way.
Joohyun, clearly angered, asks Kyungjoon why no one’s doing anything but stand around and Kyungjoon tells her to leave the scene. Taeyoung, on the other hand, asks if that guy’s drunk.
ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 no. i can’t cry. you can’t cry. if you cry, you’ll become a laughing stock so don’t cry. you just have to answer him and leave. 』
Minseok finally steps in and gently tells Minjoon to stop making Jungwoo so nervous. He tries to pour Minjoon another glass and order him some food, but Minjoon stops him. He scolds Minseok for “not teaching Jungwoo correctly” because he doesn’t speak in a falsetto.
ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  oh? is little jungwoo crying? your big bro’s just teaching you important stuff! there’s no need to get nervous! you barely even spoke. 』 ᴊᴜɴɢᴡᴏᴏ: 『 no sir. i’m not crying. 』 ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  i got you. i got you. now come here and have a drink with us. 』
Kyungjoon shoos away the rest of the freshmen as new customers arrive and tells Jungwoo to change. Minjoon’s not having any of this and he holds Jungwoo back from leaving. He tells them that he and Jungwoo are gonna have fun and that he was only just teasing Jungwoo because he found him ‘cute.’
Eungi is a part of the crowd, wondering what all of this ruckus is about and an underclassman informs him of what is happening.
Minseok is desperately trying to calm everyone down and keep everything together, but his plans are foiled when Eungi comes over.
Eungi sees Jungwoo, whose eyes are fogged with tears, and then he notices that his wrist is trapped by the personification of garbage. Minseok runs over to Eungi, trying to hold him back, but Eungi snaps him off.
ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  kwon eungi, you’re finally here. you sit too. you’ve gotta have a little chat with big bro, don’t you? oh that’s a freshman. you know him? he says he’s serving dressed as a girl. fucking hilarious ain’t it? man, remember how no one actually did it back in the old days? 』
Eungi ignores Minjoon (this actually catches him off guard) and urges Jungwoo forward, telling him to change.
ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  what the fuck do you think you’re doing. you’re not gonna greet me? 』
Jungwoo nervously looks back,but Eungi pushes him further forward and tells him to go. Minjoon, consumed with his own anger, calls for Eungi.
When Eungi finally turns, he’s drenched in alcohol.
ᴍɪɴᴊᴏᴏɴ: 『  wow. you’re still a cocky little bitch huh? listen to when people are talking to you, man. it doesn’t matter if i’m older or something. 』
He continues to taunt Eungi and, when he threatens to beat him up, his friends finally tell him to stop and that he needs to leave right away.
Though he tries to keep his cool, Eungi ultimately pours a bottle of alcohol (let it be noted that he was thrown a shot glass full of alcohol not a bottle. you go boy) on this guy’s head.
ᴇᴜɴɢɪ: 『 crazy piece of shit. how dare you fucking speak to me. 』
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