eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā š’š€š•š€ššš€š‡ š¶š“š‘†š‘†š¼š·š‘ŒĀ .
After a particularly grueling practice, followed by an extremely long shower, the brunette was lounging sideways on the recliner in her living room with her bestie sat across from her.Ā ā€œwe should get a group together and go on a trip over christmas break. get the fuck out of this town for a little bit.ā€
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āĀ  youĀ  meanĀ  youĀ Ā willinglyĀ Ā wantĀ  toĀ  spendĀ  winterĀ  breakĀ  withĀ  peopleĀ  weĀ  onlyĀ  sometimesĀ  tolerateĀ  ??Ā  didĀ  youĀ  fallĀ  andĀ  hitĀ  yourĀ  headĀ  whileĀ  weĀ  wereĀ  doingĀ  stuntsĀ  todayĀ Ā ?Ā  didĀ  i missĀ  thatĀ  ?Ā  āžĀ 
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā š‰š„š“š’šŽš š˜žš˜š˜“š˜“š˜š˜ˆš˜”š˜šā€‹Ā .
ā€œHey man, how have you been?ā€ Jet nodded at the hall monitor as he walked right past him, his confidence radiating off of him as he ignored the confused, ā€œyou donā€™t even go hereā€ that followed. It was easy enough to get around the campus if you just didnā€™t care about possibly getting caught. What was the worst thing that could happen? The principle tells him to leave? He was just taking the long way back to his truck anyway. Despite the tough guy exterior, Jet jumped slightly when the small hands made his world dark.Ā ā€œIā€™m not too worried, youā€™re all bark no bite without me here,ā€ Jet snickered as he reached up and took her hands in his so he could turn to face her. Taking her bag carefully from her, he flung it over his shoulder and proceeded to replace it with his arm- pulling her close.Ā ā€œAre you ready to go, Red? I have a surprise!ā€
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āĀ  thatā€™sĀ  notĀ  trueĀ  !Ā Ā āžĀ  sheĀ  defendedĀ  ,Ā  knowingĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  veryĀ Ā trueĀ  ,Ā  butĀ  poutingĀ  inĀ  spiteĀ  ofĀ  herĀ  bestĀ  friendĀ  asĀ  hisĀ  snickeringĀ  reachesĀ  herĀ  earsĀ  .Ā  āĀ  andĀ  youĀ  didnā€™tĀ  evenĀ  guessĀ  whoĀ  itĀ  wasĀ Ā !Ā  whatĀ  ifĀ  iā€™dĀ  beenĀ  oneĀ  ofĀ  yourĀ Ā creepyĀ  fanĀ  girlsĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  teasedĀ  ,Ā  murmuringĀ  aĀ  thanksĀ  asĀ  heĀ  replacedĀ  herĀ  bagĀ  withĀ  hisĀ  armĀ  .Ā  āĀ  iā€™mĀ  alwaysĀ  readyĀ  ,Ā  āž Ā sheĀ  remarkedĀ  ,Ā  slottingĀ  intoĀ  hisĀ  sideĀ  likeĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  someĀ  missingĀ  puzzleĀ  pieceĀ  sheā€™dĀ  beenĀ  goingĀ  forĀ  daysĀ  withoutĀ  .Ā  āĀ  heyĀ  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  youĀ  knowĀ  youā€™reĀ  plentyĀ  theĀ  surpriseĀ  alreadyĀ  ,Ā  donā€™tĀ  youĀ  ?Ā Ā āžĀ  andĀ  heĀ  wasĀ  .Ā  whileĀ  sheā€™dĀ  neverĀ  complainĀ  aboutĀ  aĀ  surpriseĀ Ā (Ā  sheĀ  lovedĀ  surprisesĀ  ,Ā  especiallyĀ  jetā€™sĀ Ā )Ā  ,Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  weirdĀ  notĀ  seeingĀ  himĀ  inĀ  eastĀ  dillonĀ  redĀ  onĀ  gameĀ  dayĀ  orĀ  notĀ  havingĀ  himĀ  throwĀ  aĀ  smileĀ  herĀ  wayĀ  afterĀ  catchingĀ  hisĀ  gazeĀ  atĀ  theĀ  otherĀ  endĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  hallwayĀ  inĀ  betweenĀ  classesĀ  .Ā  wellĀ  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  whenĀ  heĀ  wentĀ  toĀ  hisĀ  classesĀ Ā !Ā  butĀ  withĀ  thisĀ  beingĀ  theirĀ  seniorĀ  yearĀ  ,Ā  sheĀ  wasĀ  withoutĀ  aĀ  doubtĀ  startingĀ  toĀ  feelĀ  hisĀ  absenceĀ  thatĀ  muchĀ  moreĀ  whenĀ  heĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  aroundĀ  .Ā Ā 
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
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julesĀ  lookedĀ  upĀ  fromĀ  addressĀ  writtenĀ  onĀ  theĀ  smallĀ  slipĀ  ofĀ  paperĀ  pinchedĀ  betweenĀ  herĀ  fingersĀ  toĀ  theĀ  houseĀ  standingĀ  tallĀ  beforeĀ  herĀ  ,Ā  takingĀ  aĀ  deepĀ  breathĀ  .Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  onlyĀ  aĀ  fewĀ  blocksĀ  awayĀ  fromĀ  herĀ  ownĀ  inĀ  aĀ  neighborhoodĀ  sheĀ  sometimesĀ  endedĀ  upĀ  inĀ  whenĀ  sheĀ  neededĀ  toĀ  pickĀ  upĀ  savannahĀ  fromĀ  jetā€™sĀ  ,Ā  althoughĀ  ,Ā  theĀ  grassĀ  wasĀ  nowĀ  ridĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  tackyĀ  forĀ  saleĀ  signĀ  itā€™dĀ  donnedĀ  monthsĀ  priorĀ  .Ā  sheĀ  wasĀ  stillĀ  strugglingĀ  withĀ  theĀ  factĀ  beckĀ  wasĀ  backĀ  inĀ  townĀ  ,Ā  remindingĀ  herĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  timeĀ  beforeĀ  herĀ  boyfriendĀ  andĀ  beforeĀ  herĀ  momĀ  thatĀ  feltĀ  likeĀ  suchĀ  aĀ  drasticĀ  differenceĀ  fromĀ  theĀ  girlĀ  thatĀ  stoodĀ  thereĀ  nowĀ  onĀ  hisĀ  frontĀ  porchĀ  stepĀ  .Ā  maybeĀ  itĀ  wasĀ  theĀ  differentĀ  houseĀ  ?Ā  franklyĀ  ,Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  soĀ  muchĀ  easierĀ  tellingĀ  herselfĀ  thatĀ  thanĀ  knowingĀ  justĀ  howĀ  farĀ  sheā€™dĀ  fallenĀ  .Ā  withĀ  aĀ  quickĀ  shrugĀ  ofĀ  herĀ  thoughtsĀ  ,Ā  sheĀ  rappedĀ  twiceĀ  atĀ  theĀ  doorĀ  ,Ā  hopingĀ  sheĀ  hadnā€™tĀ  comeĀ  atĀ  aĀ  badĀ  timeĀ  .
Ā  Ā  Ā  Ā  ā† Ā (Ā Ā @bbradshawsā€‹Ā  )Ā 
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā š‰š„š“š’šŽš š˜žš˜š˜“š˜“š˜š˜ˆš˜”š˜šā€‹ .
What class are you in? The text was as simple as ever, though Jet was almost certain that the fact that it came from him hinted to his best friend that there was an ulterior motive. Pulling into the student parking lot that he used to frequent, the boy hopped out of the truck and began his walk through campus as if he belonged there in his Panthers letterman jacket adorned with a large 33 on the back. come on red, im outside.
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Ā  Ā  Ā šŸ“© :Ā Ā frenchĀ Ā šŸ’¤ Ā  Ā  Ā šŸ“© :Ā  waitĀ  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  why ?Ā Ā 
comeĀ  onĀ  redĀ  ,Ā  iā€™mĀ  outsideĀ  .Ā Ā suddenlyĀ  aĀ  girlĀ  onĀ  aĀ  missionĀ  ,Ā  sailorĀ  quicklyĀ  offeredĀ  herĀ  teacherĀ  someĀ  lameĀ  excuseĀ  aboutĀ  notĀ  feelingĀ  wellĀ  beforeĀ  quietlyĀ  slippingĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  classroomĀ  altogetherĀ  withĀ  herĀ  belongingsĀ  andĀ  aĀ  hallĀ  passĀ  inĀ  towĀ  .Ā  ofĀ  courseĀ  ,Ā  sickĀ  isĀ  theĀ  veryĀ  lastĀ  thingĀ  she'sĀ  feelingĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  takesĀ  toĀ  theĀ  oppositeĀ  directionĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  nurseā€™sĀ  officeĀ  ,Ā  surprisinglyĀ  findingĀ  herĀ  wayĀ  toĀ  theĀ  schoolĀ  quadĀ  withoutĀ  drawingĀ  anyĀ  attentionĀ  .Ā  okayĀ  ,Ā  soĀ  maybeĀ  itā€™sĀ  notĀ  herĀ  firstĀ  rodeoĀ  !Ā  blueĀ  eyesĀ  sweptĀ  overĀ  theĀ  campusĀ  forĀ  evenĀ  theĀ  slightestĀ  glimpseĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  familiarĀ  tuftĀ  ofĀ  curlsĀ  sheĀ  associatesĀ  withĀ  eastĀ  highā€™sĀ  formerĀ  starĀ  fullbackĀ  ,Ā  butĀ  noĀ  luckĀ  .Ā  atĀ  leastĀ  ,Ā  notĀ  untilĀ  sheā€™dĀ  roundedĀ  anotherĀ  cornerĀ  .Ā  herĀ  faceĀ  ,Ā  ofĀ  courseĀ  ,Ā  brightensĀ  whenĀ  finallyĀ  spotsĀ  himĀ  ,Ā  gladĀ  thatĀ  heĀ  doesnā€™tĀ  seemĀ  toĀ  haveĀ  seenĀ  herĀ  .Ā  itĀ  onlyĀ  makesĀ  itĀ  thatĀ  muchĀ  easierĀ  forĀ  herĀ  toĀ  sneakĀ  upĀ  fromĀ  behindĀ  himĀ  .Ā  āĀ  everĀ  heardĀ  theĀ  jokeĀ  aboutĀ  theĀ  loneĀ  pantherĀ  thatĀ  walkedĀ  intoĀ  theĀ  lionā€™sĀ  denĀ Ā ??Ā Ā āžĀ  sheĀ  cooedĀ  ,Ā  havingĀ  toĀ  leanĀ  upĀ  onĀ  theĀ  furthestĀ  tipsĀ  ofĀ  herĀ  toesĀ  inĀ  orderĀ  forĀ  herĀ  toĀ  manageĀ  coveringĀ  hisĀ  eyesĀ  .
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7 notes Ā· View notes
eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā š€š”šƒš„š š˜šš˜Šš˜š˜œš˜ š˜“š˜Œš˜™ .
audenā€™s expression grew from curious to worried and downright afraid very quickly as sailor started rattling off suggestions. the brunette wasnā€™t necessarily against adventure, but these options seemed much too extreme for her liking. just before she could argue against these and bow out entirely, she heard a realistic idea from the redhead.Ā ā€œkaraoke sounds much more my speed,ā€ she commented. she looked up from the girlā€™s fingers she had been watching and smiled hesitantly.Ā ā€œdo you know a good place?ā€ she was a little nervous to get an answer, thinking it might be along the same lines of surly bikers.
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āĀ  reallyĀ  ?Ā  huhĀ  .Ā Ā iĀ Ā wasĀ  SOĀ  sureĀ  youā€™dĀ  sayĀ  youĀ  wantedĀ  toĀ  robĀ  aĀ  bankĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  repliedĀ  teasinglyĀ  (Ā  andĀ  notĀ  withoutĀ  Ā feigningĀ  disappointmentĀ  )Ā Ā .Ā  neverthelessĀ  ,Ā  sailorĀ  hadĀ  never everĀ  beenĀ  oneĀ  toĀ  turnĀ  downĀ  someĀ  karaokeĀ  .Ā  alanisĀ  morrissetteĀ Ā ?Ā  stevieĀ  nicksĀ Ā ?Ā  shaniaĀ  twainĀ Ā ?Ā  sheĀ  hadĀ  herĀ  ownĀ  catalogĀ  ofĀ  karaokeĀ  favoritesĀ  .Ā  āĀ  haveĀ  youĀ  neverĀ  beenĀ  toĀ  theĀ  brokenĀ  spokeĀ  ?Ā  itā€™sĀ  thatĀ  honky-tonkĀ  downĀ  onĀ  lamarĀ  blvdĀ  .Ā Ā theyĀ  normallyĀ  haveĀ  liveĀ  musicĀ  andĀ  danceĀ  lessonsĀ  goingĀ  onĀ  ,Ā  butĀ  thursdaysĀ  areĀ  karaokeĀ  nightsĀ  !Ā  āž Ā 
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
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LifeĀ is short. The world is wide. I want to make some memories.
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
* šŽš”š“š†šŽšˆšš† /š‘ š‘Žš‘£ .
Sav: youā€™re not supposed to care because itā€™s your parent, you can get away with it
Sav: I never turn down an excuse to shop you know that!
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā ššˆš‚šŠ š˜“š˜ˆš˜•š˜‹š˜Œš˜™Ā .
ā€œI wouldnā€™t have missed if I had been trying,ā€ Nick said, his voice carrying a conceited tone before he smiled so she would not think he was boasting, even if he was. At the mention of Wii Sports, Nick couldnā€™t help but scrunch his nose to show his disdain for the game. A bit of a hypocritical reaction as heā€™d also played the game several times before he decided to stick to the real thing. ā€œItā€™s hard to not go out of bounds when your rival is literally a wall.ā€ Since his family couldnā€™t afford a coach anymore, he had no choice but to practice against a wall. Nick studied the girlā€™s features for a second, confident that heā€™d seen her before but not sure that he could match the face with a name. ā€œSiren?ā€ he asked, remembering it had something to do with the ocean before by a struck of luck he actually remembered. ā€œNo, thatā€™s not right. Sailor, right?ā€
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āĀ  ifĀ  youĀ  sayĀ  soĀ  ,Ā Ā āžĀ  sheĀ  counteredĀ  ,Ā  almostĀ  likeĀ  thereā€™sĀ  aĀ  challengeĀ  thereĀ  -Ā  -Ā  deftlyĀ  wovenĀ  betweenĀ  herĀ  responseĀ  likeĀ  theĀ  finestĀ  pieceĀ  ofĀ  threadĀ  .Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  hardĀ  notĀ  toĀ  missĀ  theĀ  airĀ  ofĀ  confidenceļæ½ļæ½ rollingĀ  offĀ  ofĀ  himĀ  andĀ  naturallyĀ  sheĀ  wonderedĀ  justĀ  howĀ  goodĀ  heĀ  reallyĀ  wasĀ  withĀ  thatĀ  little,Ā  brightĀ  greenĀ  (Ā  orĀ  wasĀ  itĀ  yellowĀ  )Ā  ballĀ  andĀ  racketĀ Ā ?Ā  āĀ  iĀ  supposeĀ  itĀ  wouldĀ  beĀ  betterĀ  toĀ  haveĀ  someoneĀ  toĀ  practiceĀ Ā againstĀ  ,Ā Ā wouldnā€™tĀ  itĀ  ?Ā  wallā€™sĀ  donā€™tĀ  evenĀ  talkĀ  backĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  musedĀ  .Ā  itā€™sĀ  aĀ  rhetoricalĀ  questionĀ  ,Ā  ofĀ  courseĀ  .Ā  itĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  likeĀ  volleyballĀ  practiceĀ  wasĀ  anyĀ  funĀ  withoutĀ  havingĀ  someoneĀ  toĀ  volleyĀ  withĀ  .Ā  āĀ  youĀ  justĀ  throwingĀ  randomĀ  nauticalĀ  namesĀ  outĀ  thereĀ  ?Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  wonderedĀ  aloudĀ  ,Ā  browĀ  stillĀ  quirkedĀ  inĀ  amusementĀ  fromĀ  watchingĀ  asĀ  heĀ  seeminglyĀ  triedĀ  toĀ  pieceĀ  herĀ  nameĀ  togetherĀ  .Ā  toĀ  thinkĀ  herĀ  parentsĀ  saidĀ  herĀ  nameĀ  wasĀ  hardĀ  toĀ  forgetĀ  !Ā  āĀ  sailorĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  confirmedĀ  ,Ā  adjustingĀ  theĀ  strapĀ  ofĀ  herĀ  gymĀ  bagĀ  andĀ  proppingĀ  aĀ  legĀ  outĀ  alongĀ  theĀ  tennisĀ  courtĀ  .Ā  āĀ  andĀ  youā€™reĀ  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā  š‘¹š‘°š‘Ŗš‘²Ā Ā ?Ā Ā āžĀ  nickĀ  .Ā  sheĀ  knowsĀ  hisĀ  nameĀ  isĀ  nickĀ  .Ā  whileĀ  sheā€™dĀ  neverĀ  beenĀ  privvyĀ  toĀ  theĀ  gossipĀ  ,Ā  itĀ  wasĀ  stillĀ  dillonĀ  -Ā  -Ā  peopleĀ  talkedĀ  .Ā Ā 
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41 notes Ā· View notes
eunoic Ā· 4 years
* šŽš”š“š†šŽšˆšš† /š‘ š‘Žš‘£ .
Sav: since you said please. i don't have plans after practice.
Sav: depends. will you not being there and being with me instead put me on nora's shit list? because i have a reputation with parents around here that i have to uphold.
Sav: but yes absolutely lets do it
Jules: šŸ™„
Jules: gag
Jules: if i don't care, neither should you. and noraā€™s opinion is hardly credible these days anyway???
Jules: knew I could count on you!!!!!
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā š€š”šƒš„š š˜šš˜Šš˜š˜œš˜ š˜“š˜Œš˜™Ā .
auden looked from the girl to her books and back.Ā ā€œyou make an excellent point.ā€ one tiny thought of her physics homework had worked its way into her mind, so she had hadĀ to pull the textbook out of her backpack. it just made sense to check it right then and get it out of the way. however, from there, she started doing the reading, which reminded her that she should probably fill out the worksheets while she was at it. then she remembered that french was the period before physics, so she should definitely make sure to get that worksheet done first. before she knew it, she had three different textbooks and four notebooks on the table, her ice cream forgotten in front of her.Ā ā€œany recommendations?ā€ she wondered, pushing her pile of books off to the side and bringing her ice cream closer.
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āĀ  whyĀ  thankĀ  youĀ  .Ā  iĀ  neverĀ  getĀ  enoughĀ  creditĀ  forĀ  myĀ  excellentĀ  pointsĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sailorĀ  musedĀ  .Ā  herĀ  fingertipsĀ  drummedĀ  againstĀ  theĀ  agedĀ  tabletopĀ  ,Ā  theĀ  blueĀ  inĀ  herĀ  eyesĀ  šš‘šˆš†š‡š“š„ššˆšš†Ā  inĀ  responseĀ  .Ā  āĀ  gladĀ  youĀ  askedĀ  .Ā  letā€™sĀ  seeĀ  .Ā  .Ā  .Ā Ā weĀ  couldĀ  robĀ  aĀ  bankĀ  ,Ā  getĀ  aĀ  tattooĀ  fromĀ  aĀ  š’”š’–š’“š’š’šĀ  bikerĀ  ,Ā  jumpĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  anĀ  airplaneĀ  ,Ā  singĀ  aĀ  poorĀ  renditionĀ  ofĀ  aĀ  classicĀ  atĀ  aĀ  karaokeĀ  barĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  listedĀ  offĀ  ,Ā  tickingĀ  aĀ  fingerĀ  asĀ  sheĀ  didĀ  soĀ  withĀ  wordsĀ  dippedĀ  inĀ  mischiefĀ  .Ā Ā 
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20 notes Ā· View notes
eunoic Ā· 4 years
* šŽš”š“š†šŽšˆšš† /š‘ š‘Žš‘£ .
JULIETTE ( 8.34 pm ): god, please tell me you don't have any plans after practice tomorrow???
JULIETTE ( 8.34 pm ): nora's trying to implement a ridiculous 'family' dinner since my dad's home and i need to not be here
JULIETTE ( 8.34 pm ): so, shopping? you still need an outfit for your party, right?
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
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336 notes Ā· View notes
eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā š€š”šƒš„š š˜šš˜Šš˜š˜œš˜ š˜“š˜Œš˜™Ā .
she gave a half-hearted chuckle in response. sailor was rightā€¦ an ice cream parlor or anything of the sort (could the alamo freeze be considered a true ice cream parlor? she wondered) was the least likely place to find someone looking stressed or unhappy.Ā ā€œi bet iā€™m quite the sight,ā€ she said, looking to where the other girl was gesturing.Ā ā€œa break does sound great, and thatā€™s what this was supposed to be. no sure how that one got twisted up on me.ā€
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āĀ  ohĀ  ,Ā  youĀ  haveĀ  noĀ  ideaĀ Ā ,Ā  āžĀ  theĀ  redheadĀ  musedĀ  ,Ā  aĀ  friendlyĀ  smileĀ  fixingĀ  itselfĀ  onĀ  herĀ  faceĀ  .Ā  āĀ  yā€™knowĀ  iā€™dĀ  sayĀ  yourĀ  firstĀ  mistakeĀ  wasĀ  everĀ  bringingĀ  yourĀ  booksĀ  inĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sailorĀ  commentedĀ  ,Ā  headĀ  tiltingĀ  toĀ  theĀ  sideĀ  toĀ  betterĀ  readĀ  theĀ  coverĀ  ofĀ  theĀ  textbookĀ  audenĀ  hadĀ  previouslyĀ  beenĀ  focusingĀ  onĀ  .Ā  ifĀ  sailorĀ  hadnā€™tĀ  alreadyĀ  beenĀ  soĀ  overĀ  theĀ  moonĀ  aboutĀ  beingĀ  aĀ  seniorĀ  ,Ā  thereĀ  wasĀ  theĀ  pictureĀ  ofĀ  audenĀ  toĀ  remindĀ  herĀ  .Ā  sureĀ  ,Ā  sheĀ  wasnā€™tĀ  expectingĀ  seniorĀ  yearĀ  toĀ  beĀ  someĀ  walkĀ  inĀ  theĀ  parkĀ  ,Ā  butĀ  evenĀ  sheā€™dĀ  feltĀ  stressedĀ  enoughĀ  byĀ  theĀ  endĀ  ofĀ  lastĀ  yearĀ  toĀ  knowĀ  thisĀ  yearĀ  hadĀ  toĀ  beĀ  anĀ  improvementĀ  .Ā Ā 
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
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147 notes Ā· View notes
eunoic Ā· 4 years
*Ā ššˆš‚šŠ š˜“š˜ˆš˜•š˜‹š˜Œš˜™Ā .
This wall was definitely a downgrade from the tennis court he used to have back at their old house, and the ones at West Dillon but it was secluded enough to have some time of his own and hit a few balls. Just the feel of the topspin forehand makes him feel right at home, the only thing that makes him feel relaxed without the help of a substance. He was so in the moment, hitting the green orb as hard as he mustered that the bounce almost hit someone that happened to pass by. ā€œShit,ā€ he mumbled as he jogged to get back the ball, lifting it up with the help of the racquet. ā€œSorry, I didnā€™t mean to almost knock you out.ā€
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āĀ  notĀ  deadĀ  ,Ā Ā āžĀ  sailorĀ  croakedĀ  quietlyĀ  ,Ā  dramaticallyĀ  roamingĀ  herĀ  handsĀ  overĀ  herĀ  faceĀ  ,Ā  torsoĀ  ,Ā  andĀ  legsĀ  - -Ā  checkingĀ  toĀ  makeĀ  sureĀ  thatĀ  sheĀ  wasĀ  whollyĀ  piecedĀ  togetherĀ  .Ā  herĀ  heartĀ  wasĀ  stillĀ  thrummingĀ  wildlyĀ  againstĀ  itā€™sĀ  cageĀ  ,Ā  adrenalineĀ  coursingĀ  throughĀ  herĀ  veinsĀ  afterĀ  theĀ  smallĀ  screechĀ  thatā€™dĀ  firstĀ  partedĀ  herĀ  lipsĀ  fromĀ  suchĀ  aĀ  closeĀ  callĀ  .Ā  nowĀ  thisĀ  wasĀ  exactlyĀ  whyĀ  herĀ  dadĀ  hadĀ  warnedĀ  herĀ  soĀ  manyĀ  timesĀ  aboutĀ  payingĀ  betterĀ  attentionĀ  toĀ  herĀ  surroundingsĀ  .Ā Ā āĀ  itā€™sĀ  fineĀ  ,Ā  itā€™sĀ  fineĀ  .Ā  iā€™mĀ  justĀ  relievedĀ  youĀ  werenā€™tĀ  tryingĀ  toĀ  knockĀ  meĀ  outĀ  ,Ā  āžĀ  sheĀ  breathedĀ  ,Ā  laughingĀ  lightlyĀ  inĀ  responseĀ  .Ā  āĀ Ā soĀ  ,Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  knowĀ  muchĀ  ā€”Ā  orĀ  anythingĀ  ā€”Ā  aboutĀ  tennisĀ  otherĀ  thanĀ  whatĀ  iĀ  learnedĀ  fromĀ  playingĀ  wiiĀ  sportsĀ  whenĀ  iĀ  wasĀ  ....Ā  iĀ  donā€™tĀ  knowĀ  ...Ā Ā eightĀ  ?Ā  buuuutĀ  isnā€™tĀ  theĀ  goalĀ  notĀ  toĀ  goĀ  outĀ  ofĀ  boundsĀ  ?Ā Ā āžĀ  sheĀ  rambledĀ  inĀ  explanationĀ  ,Ā  herĀ  questionĀ  teasingĀ  .Ā 
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
raichelgreen: best of peyton sawyer: 1/?
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best of peyton sawyer: 1/?
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eunoic Ā· 4 years
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Newest scrap jumper from some of my leftover yarns
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