Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Euphrasia nodded quietly at the idea, “it would also split up the pages, making it harder for Macavity to gather them as quickly should he come back.”.
The group nodded quietly as Marco began carefully tearing out the pages of names within the journal. Alister quickly went to gather two small envelopes to put the papers in and they were carefully handed to the two queens. Upon realizing Marco didn’t take an envelope for himself Euphrasia gave him a sad smile, “so I suppose this means this is goodbye my friend.”.
Marco laughed at that before pulling Euphrasia into a tight hug, “not goodbye, you will have to deal with my shenanigans again soon enough I promise.”.
The two quietly laughed as Alister approached Jubilee with a small smile on his face. He opened and closed his mouth for a moment, unsure of what to say before he gently leaned in for a hug as he quietly spoke, “thank you.”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Alister lifted his head from where it had been buried in Marco’s fur. For the first time he looked around at the damage done, quickly noting that Mr. Willinson wasn’t going to be very happy when he came back. He glanced up at Marco with a small smile as he quietly spoke, “Well I suppose it isn’t going to clean itself.”.
The group spent about an hour resorting the books that were scattered around the area and very carefully picking up the scattered bits of glass. The window was still broken, but there was nothing they could do about that. The cats had quietly gathered around a small tea set as they took a moment to absorb the nights events. Euphrasia and Jubilee were sitting on this town cushions, while Marco and Alister snuggled together on a larger one. Alister has a small piece of gauze wrapped around his side where Macavity had gotten a hit in, but besides that it was a moment of pure happiness.
Then Marco had a realization that paused the happy moment. Reluctantly he pulled himself out of the comfortable position in Marco’s arms before disappearing behind the shops front counter. When he emerged he was holding the small leather journal that Jubilee had instructed him to write in. Euphrasia sat up straighter on her cushion her voice sounding out curious and slightly startled, “is that..?”.
Marco nodded solemnly, placing the book on the empty tea tray before sitting down again with a small sigh, “it’s not all of the names, but I know for a fact there are more than a hundred in there... the question now is, what do we do with it?”.
Marco’s first instinct was to destroy it, but deep down he knew that there could be cats in there that the jellicles didn’t even know were their allies. Cats that were in hiding that they had forgotten about. Was all that information really worth destroying?
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco frantically turned to see the bloodbath before him. Macavity was clearly losing this fight, and Jubilee’s statement did appear to be accurate. Julius’s eyes were glazed over and a strange smile was on his face as he tore into the mystery cat.
Euphrasia and Jubilee had no chance to stop him as he raced towards the brawling figures and shoved Julius off of the mystery cat pinning him down beneath him, “Julius! Jules this isn’t you snap out of it!”.
The cat beneath him screamed and fought, tears mixing with the blood on his face as he thrashed around. Marco was quickly losing his grip and was frantic as he saw the love of his life seemingly losing his mind. But he could feel the realization creeping in that this wasn’t Julius anymore. His memories may have returned and he was still the cat he loved, but he wasn’t Julius anymore wasn’t he. He took a deep breath as he screamed painfully at the cat beneath him, “ALISTER STOP!”.
Alister stilled, his eyes blinking as the red faded away, replaced with the blurred image of a black Tom above him. As he blinked away the tears he found himself staring once more into the eyes of a cat he had thought he would never see again, “Marco...?”.
There was quiet stunned laughter as tears streamed down the two cats faces before they desperately embraced each other. Alister’s sobs were muffled as he buried his face into Marco’s neck. Marco quietly whispered gentle reassurances to his shaking lover.
Euphrasia found herself taking a brief moment to smile at the sweet reunion before her eyes shifted to the other cat on the floor. Macavity looked terrible, blood and fur missing from several parts of his shaking body as he tried to regain his composure. Euphrasia approached him, keeping a safe distance as she gave a him a knowing glare. Her posture was regal and her voice spread to all the cats around her “You are not welcome here Macavity. It is in your best interest, which we all know is the only interest you care about, to make yourself scarce.”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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As Alister hit the ground, his vision went white. Memories of the room flooded him as he recalled the beatings, the screaming, the torture. He was useless. He could never save anyone, he could never protect himself, he could never stand up to Macavity.
But that’s not true is it?
A voice seemed to speak in the back of his mind, his own voice. Had he truly become a stranger to even himself? Maybe he had... but what did it mean? What about that previous thought was not true? Suddenly the whiteness that enveloped him morphed into a familiar sight. The memory played out before him with perfect clarity now. And he watched in silent desperation.
Julius took a deep breath to stop his paws from shaking. Marco hadn’t come back yet, after claiming to be heading out to take care of some business. Julius sighed as he quietly fumbled through the papers for an old report, wincing at the pain that sunk through his bandaged shoulder. Julius has spilled ink on some of the papers the other day, and when he informed Macavity he needed extra copies and time to redo the lost work... well he hadn’t exactly been thrilled with the revelation.
Julius shuddered at the memory of Marco’s terrified face when Macavity struck him. He had thought for sure Marco was going to attack Macavity then and there, but thankfully he held back. Just as Julius was beginning to refocus himself, he heard the door to his room slam open as one Simone, a female henchcat, walked in. She looked up at him with a combination of rage and pity mixing in her eyes as she looked at him, “We have a new name that is to be added immediately”.
Julius sighed, another name, quickly he turned to the next blank page of the book and held up his slightly trembling hand, “y-yes of course, and what name w-would that be?”.
He heard her take a shaky breath as he looked up to see her already turning to leave the room as she spoke, “Marco”.
As she slammed the door Julius get the pen fall from his hand. His ears were wringing, his hands had stopped shaking, and he could feel his eyes dilating as something within him snapped, “no no no”. He felt one paw reach down to pick up the book while the other grabbed a fistful of different items. Several cats lunged at him as he ran out of the room, but he made sure they weren’t up for very long. He could feel his paws slamming the ground hard, and the sound of cats yelling and chasing him as he made his way to the roof. He locked the door behind him as he threw the loose papers and jars of ink into a messy pile in the gravel covered surface. The ink soaking through the papers burned beautifully as Julius added a match to the pile. He looked down at the book in his paws as he stood there by the edge of the roof feeling the moonlight soaking through his skin
He heard the door suddenly slam open, revealing the cat that used to make his heart tremor with fear, but now just made him smile. He smiled widely as he held Macavity’s precious book above his head as a joyous shout left his throat, “I’M NOT AFRAID ANYMORE!”.
He smiled as he watched the book burn, he smiled as he felt Macavity’s rage filled eyes suck his entire life away from him, and he smiled as his limp body fell from the roof, his head slamming hard against a trash can in the alley below before everything went dark.
“Say goodbye to your friend, Julius!”
Alister blinked his eyes as he looked at the scene before him. He felt it again, like something within him had snapped. The pain was gone, and all that was left was the sweet numbing rage that had filled him not too long ago. He dug his claws into the ground as his voice finally broke free, “my name is ALISTER”.
He lunged at Macavity, shoving him off of Jubilee and clawing at him violently. He felt a fire burning in him as he tore wildly at the cat beneath him, an otherworldly strength coursing through his body. Alister felt himself smile.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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As Macavity spoke Euphrasia quietly assessed the situation. They needed to get Julius away from Macavity if they were going to properly fight him. She knew it was possible, but they would need to be fast. Her voice filtered itself into Marco and Jubilee’s minds, “I’m going to try and stun Macavity. It will only last for a moment and you need to move quick. Marco get Macavity as far from Julius as possible and Jubilee get Julius as far away as possible.”.
She gave Macavity a dark glare before she mentally linked with him, and began to scream. Macavity grimaced at the sudden noise, distracting him long enough for Marco to tackle the Napoleon of crime with a snarl. The moment Euphrasias scream faded she was following Marco, charging at Macavity with claws shining.
The moment his throat was released, Alister felt himself collapse on to the ground clutching at his throat and breathing heavily. His whole body was shaking from the adrenaline rush, but also from the feeling of drilling in his skull. He glanced up slightly as a bright curly figure entered his blurry vision, grabbing him carefully and trying to rush him away from the fight. It took a moment for him to realize the figures identity, but when he did he let out a weak exclamation, “J-Jubilee? What... w-what’s happening... to me?”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Alister couldn’t stop shaking, when the glass had broken he had frozen from fear, but when Macavity said that name, he found himself frozen for a different reason.
Alister’s ears began to ring as a violent pain swept through his head. He could hear Macavity speaking but the words did not seem to register. His mind felt like it was on fire and, for a moment, he felt like he would pass out. He quickly regained his focus however, as he ducked out of the way of the flying books thrown in Macavity’s rage.
He trembled as Macavity stepped forward and placed a paw on his shoulder. He wanted the list. Julius had been keeping the journal under the shops counter and, since Jubilee’s visit the previous evening, had added several dozen names to it since then. Before he could even consider running, he let out a cry of pain as Macavity sank his claws into his shoulder and slammed him against the book shelf. His mind was an inferno as he stared into the ginger cats eyes, listening to him threaten to destroy everything and everyone he loved.
Alister felt his vision beginning to blur slightly from the sheer pain in his skull as he felt his voice, weak and quiet, come out “p-please I don’t know what... I d-don’t understand w-what’s happening...”. He shudder violently as the Napoleon sunk his claws in deeper, blood now pooling beneath the yellow eyed cats claws.
It was then that a trio of cats appeared on the windowsill. While Euphrasia noticed the damage done to the space, Marco’s eyes immediately locked on the two cats across the room. After 5 months, he had found the love of his life, only to witness Macavity digging his claws into the cats neck, drawing blood and cries of pain from the grey cat. Rage boiled through Marco as he shouted out in a voice laced with venom, “LET. HIM. GO!”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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The new prosthetic was holding up remarkably well considering how fast Marco was going and how frantic his movements were. Upon hearing Jubilee say the name of the bookshop they had both immediately looked Euphrasia for confirmation. Her suddenly sprinting towards the exit provided it, and the pair followed her, bursting out of the hideaway and running as fast as possible. Marco could feel his heart racing from the physical activity and fear “How much further?!?!”.
Euphrasia noted that Marco was very clearly holding back in order to allow Jubilee and herself to take the lead, considering the two queens were the ones who knew the shops location. As she weaved around a strolling couples legs she mentally responded, “it’s just around the corner!”. She ran in front of Jubilee as she quickly turned the corner, feeling her stomach twist upon seeing the scattered glass of the broken front window covering the street.
Everlasting please say they weren’t too late.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco carefully strapped on the leg, gave Jubilee a small smile and took his first steps. It took him a moment to get accustomed to it, but soon found that as he walked he didn’t limp. Upon this realization he walked faster, then jogged, and suddenly for the first time in months, the cats of the hideaway saw Marco run. He let out a laugh as he jumped around the space, happily landing in front of Jubilee and lifting her into a hug.
Tears of joy filtered down the Toms face as he let out a joyful whisper, “thank you”. He hugged Jubilee close, before turning as a loud thump was heard by the entrance. Euphrasia had stepped out during the cats tinkering session and had apparently come back just in time to see the new leg. As Marco made eye contact with her however, his smile dropped seeing the look of fear on her face as she made eye contact with him.
Euphrasia had never run so fast in her whole life getting to the hideaway. Upon entering she immediately located and ran towards Jubilee, her physical body panting but her mental voice ringing clear, “a group of scouts spotted Macavity walking along a street a few minutes from the edge of the market. Apparently it looked like he was waiting for one of the shops to close.”. Euphrasia desperately turned to Jubilee as the terrified question entered her mind, “Jubilee you said that Julius was living in a bookshop, what is the name of the book shop?!?”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco watched with growing worry as Jubilee spoke of her long list of interactions with Macavity. For a moment he wasn’t sure how to respond, his emotions identical to her own. Then he had a memory strike him.
Using the table as crutch, he hobbled over to the queen and placed a paw gingerly on her shoulder, “the Napoleon of crime is a narcissistic highly dangerous sociopath that no one can control. No one can expect to beat him at every interaction, because he is ruthless and unpredictable. But as a very brilliant cat once told me, ‘if the only thing your good at is making enemies, eventually there will be no one left to make friends’...”.
Marco looked around the room at the cats gathered, “we can’t always protect the ones we care about, believe me of all cats when I say that. It’s not fair or just, but aligning ourselves with others and growing those close bonds is the one thing Macavity can’t do. One of these days all the cats that the bastard ever hurt are going to join together and we will rip that Napoleon a new one.”.
Marco chuckled at the thought for a moment before giving Jubilee a small smile, “but until that grand victory comes, we have to relish the little ones in between. Yes your friend was captured, but he came home. Yes he hypnotized your friend, but you still beat him at his own game. Yes Julius lost his memory...”. Marco took a quiet shaky breath at that remark before giving Jubilee a shaky smile “...but we will get it back.”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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For a moment Marco just quietly watched the curly queen’s expression. He recognized that expression, the frustration guilt and desperation, because he had worn it once himself. He sighed quietly as he glanced down at the makeshift prosthetic before gesturing his paw toward the glass bottle and giving her a small smile, “can you grab me some more lubricant?”.
For the next hour or so Marco began walking Jubilee through what he had learned about making and designing prosthetic limbs. He was pleased with how quickly she was learning and smiled at the significant progress they were making. They were working on adjusting one of the joints when he found himself glancing down at the claw marks Jubilee had made in the wood of the workbench. Not looking up from his work he curiously asked, “so, what’s your story? You clearly have had a couple of interactions with the bastard cat himself before.”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco carefully took the prosthetic back from Jubilee, brushing his paws over the intricate joints with a sad look in his eye. He sighed, looking up at her with sad eyes as he took a deep breath. This was going to take a while.
“I was born without my back leg, and for the first few months of my life I learned to live with it. I could hunt, fight, and run about like any other kitten could but... I always ended up being left behind. I grew to hate all the other kittens around me for constantly abandoning and trying to get rid of me because of what I lacked. Around that time I... I met him.” Marco felt a familiar rage boil up inside him, not at the Napoleon of crime, but at himself. He had been such a naive kit.
Marco took several deep breaths before he continued, “he said he could relate to my story, being different and outcasted because of it. He took me in, trained me to be a guard, and made me my first prosthetic. It was made of a strange material but I could feel it, like it was actually a piece of my body with nerves and everything. He told me he had enchanted it to be the perfect limb and sent me on my first raid. That’s all I did for a while, until he decided to give me a more personal assignment. Guarding his most secretive and dangerous project.”. He found himself smiling faintly as he spoke, “that’s where I first met Julius...”.
Marco sniffed slightly as he felt the memories come back, “as time passed I saw how miserable he was, the spark of life in his eye slowly fading more and more every day. I owed the Napoleon so much, but I couldn’t just sit there and watch the cat I loved suffer. So I decided to become the one thing that bastard hates most, a traitor.”.
As he spoke Marco had subconsciously started tinkering with the limb on the makeshift table. Testing different pieces, rubbing on lubricant to stiffer points, and practicing bending the leg at different angles. He continued to work as he spoke, “I had heard rumors of a queen in the marketplace that smuggled cats out of dangerous places. So I decided to go to find out. That’s where I first met Euphrasia and pleaded my case before her. She agreed to help me and gave me a time and place to bring Julius too. Of course, by the time I got back it was already too late...”.
Marco’s claws dug into the table as a growl escaped his throat, “turns out the perfect limb, was also the perfect tracking device. Macavity immediately knew what I was trying to do, and I was about a block away when the magic in my prosthetic suddenly disappeared. I realized what it meant and I ran as fast as I could to try and make it to Julius before they did... but just like when I was a kitten, I wasn’t fast enough. When I got there the hideout was empty, and when I went into the room where he was always working... it was like a war zone. Papers scattered and torn, the desk overturned, and bloo-“. Marco gagged as the memories of the violent scent filled his mind. He shuddered as he clutched the prosthetic leg so tightly you could hear the metal creak, “t-there was so m-much blood...”.
He took several stuttered breaths before he was able to clear the nausea away, “I c-came back here, told Euphrasia everything and I’ve... I've been hiding here ever since. Knowing deep down that what had happened to Jules was all my fault...”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco looked up at Euphrasia for a moment and gave her a small smile and a nod. Euphrasia retuned the nod, giving Jubilee a small smile as she leaped off to check in with the other cats in the hideaway.
Marco looked over at Jubilee, gesturing for her to follow, “why tell you my dear, when I can simply show you.”. He stood up and began to walk back over to the area behind the crates. Marco’s back leg caused him to limp ever so slightly as he moved. This was not too much a problem for living down in the hideaways safety, but if he were to go above ground, this could prove fatal in the wrong situation.
Walking around the other side of the crates they came upon a small work station of sorts. Boxes and barrels filled with different pieces of wood and metal, a small glass bottle filled with a slick dark liquid, and plenty of candles illuminating a small overturned crate that seemingly functioned as a sort of workbench. Plopping down on a cushion, Marco began to unwrap the bandage surrounding his leg, slowly revealing pieces of metal and wood hidden beneath the thick material. When he had finished the unwrapping, it revealed Marco’s big project, a homemade prosthetic leg.
The leg was made mostly of wood, with metal joints to allow more realistic movement. The piece that replicated his paw looked to be hand carved, the bottom covered with a rough textured substance to replicate the traction a normal paw would provide. Despite its well planned design, it was clear that the bandages were the thing that was currently holding the leg together, as several parts immediately slackened without the firm wrapping surrounding it.
Carefully Marco unlatched the leather binding that kept it attached to his body, removing it to hold the leg up to the candle light so Jubilee could get a better look. He smiled as he quietly spoke, “this is what 4 months of work looks like my dear. This is the only thing keeping me down in the hideaway... the only thing keeping me from my Julius.”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco stared at Jubilee, gentle tears still streaming from his eyes before he quietly glanced up at Euphrasia. Euphrasia for her part was lost in thought for the moment, considering once again the many options she currently had.
With a deep sigh she gently sat down beside Marco, her voice being heard by both him and Jubilee. “Marco, while seeing Julius is something both you and him do desperately need, you and I both know what I’m going to ask.”. Euphrasia turned her eye down to glance at the Toms back leg quietly, “is it finished yet?”.
Marco held out the heavily bandaged leg for his and Euphrasia’s quiet inspection. The bandages were so thick that you couldn’t see anything underneath it, not only that but if you looked at the anatomy the bandages were wrapped around closely, you would see that parts of the leg were too thin, too round, etc. Marco sighed quietly, touching the bandaged limb with he paws as he reluctantly spoke, “I just.. I just need a little more time.”.
Euphrasia gave him a small smile, “you have that time. Please don’t rush this, I will make sure Julius will still be there by the time your back on all four paws.”. Marco seemed to chuckle at this, before he turned to Jubilee, seeing her naturally curious eyes he smiled, “while I am very thankful for all you’ve told me, I’m afraid I can’t act on any of it until this thing is finished.”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco felt the hope that has filled him before suddenly turn to dread. He felt his body fall down on the cushion Euphrasia had originally placed for him as the tears of joy turned to tears of misery.
Euphrasia felt a similar dread in her stomach, but found herself more concerned with the confusion that covered Jubilee’s face. A pair of young queens stepped forward to try and calm Marco down as Euphrasia leaned in close to Jubilee to quietly speak, “no Jubilee this is much worse than simple amnesia. The one you know as Alister was born Julius. From what Marco has told me he was forced to work on Macavity’s record, on the threat of having his entire lifetime erased from his memory. He worked tirelessly and barely managed to keep going with Marco’s assistance...”.
Euphrasia paused as she noticed the quiet sobbing behind her had stopped. Turning she saw Marco staring down at his paws quietly, “Julius was the smartest cat I had ever met. He had entire volumes of poetry memorized, he was a master of ballroom dancing, and he could speak and write in 4 different languages... he was the most brilliant cat in the world.”. Marco’s eyes seemed to sparkle as he spoke of the Tom he loved so desperately.
Then his eyes darkened as a growl escaped his mouth, “the most beautiful cat in the world... and that no good son of a pollicle was willing to destroy him FOR A BOOK!!!”. Marco’s claws ripped straight through the cushion he was sitting on as he yelled out in rage. As he was about to throw his claws down again, Euphrasia gracefully slipped over to him and placed a gentle paw against his forehead. The two cat’s eyes glowed for a moment before the light came back into Marco’s eyes as he quietly mumbled, “I’m sorry...”.
Euphrasia gave him a small smile as she turned back to Jubilee, “the point is, somewhere in between Marco’s unfortunate departure and you discovering him, Macavity acted on his threat to erase Julius’s memories. The fact that he is quickly recalling recent memories is a good sign Macavity made some kind of error, but there is a high chance that all of Julius’s earliest memories could be gone forever. Any attempt to retrieve them, if we are not very careful, could result in Julius being erased all together...”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Marco felt as if the world had stopped spinning. He felt a single tear trace down his cheek as Jubilee’s words replayed in his head again. He felt a gentle paw on his arm and turned to see Euphrasia staring at him with shock and timid hope in her eyes, “Marco does that sound like-?”. Her question was cut short as herself and the other cats in the room, who had started glancing over at the conversation in curiosity, watched more and more tears fall from the tabby’s eyes.
His breathing quickened slightly as a whisper left his mouth, “he’s alive”.
Euphrasia let out a laugh as she wrapped her arms around the black tabby. Marco happily lifted euphrasia off the pillow as he spun her around in pure joy, tears and laughter left his mouth. The other cats in the room joined the pair with their own laughter and tears. After a moment he placed her down taking deep breaths as he replayed the joyous words in his head again and again... and then he realized something.
The smile on his face slowly dropped before he frantically turned to Jubilee as the terrified question left his lips, “what do you mean Julius didn’t remember?”.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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Euphrasia watched as Marco’s normally friendly smile dropped as a shudder went through his body. She quickly pulled over a small cushion for the former henchcat to sit on before grabbing one for herself. She had a feeling this was going to be a long conversation.
Marco felt a dark chill race up his spine, combined with a quiet ache in his heart. “I’m far too familiar with it.”, he spoke gingerly as dark memories began to circle through his mind. He sighed deeply before continuing, “it was a project Maca-... he spent nearly a year putting together. Gathering reports of every cat in London’s movements and relationships. Any cat with even the slightest connection to the Jellicle tribe was written down and categorized by how many Jellicles they interacted with and how often they did. The ultimate black list.”.
He paused as he recalled the endless nights he spent helping organize the endless piles of reports and papers to lessen the burden on... on...
He looked Jubilee in the eye as a sudden fear coursed through him, “the record was a secret project that to my knowledge was never completed, how do you know about it?”. This sudden change in moods caught Euphrasia’s attention as she quietly looked between the two cats with trepidation.
Jubilee paced anxiously on the sidewalk. She had asked one of Euphrasia's informants if she could have a meeting with the market cat. Jubilee emphasized that their meeting was urgent, that it had to deal with Macavity. While she waited, her mind wandered to Alister. She worried if the tom was doing alright, having just remembered his traumatic past with the Mystery Cat. The Selkirk hoped that, with Euphrasia's aid, she'd be able to help Alister find some semblance of peace.
Euphrasia was patrolling the flower market when the informant found her. Immediately Euphrasia began to move rapidly towards where Jubilee was. The last encounter the pair had had with Macavity had been very dangerous for the two cats, and the fact that Jubilee was back with more news filled the Euphrasia with worry over the curly queens safety.
As she approached the sidewalk she took a moment to breath and smooth her fur. Regardless of her worries, she was still the queen of the market and the last thing any cat needed was her to be panicking. Still, when she saw Jubilee pacing around on the sidewalk she felt her heart swell with momentary relief that the queen appeared unharmed.
She smiled as she approached and gently nuzzled the queen with a quiet purr as her voice slipped easily into Jubilee’s mind, “It has been far too long my dear. I would love to chat, but it has been made clear that this meeting was organized with a sense of urgency. What is troubling you?”.
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