btw i’m coming back to eusine, but i’m revamping and moving. come find me. 
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wow it’s been ages since i’ve last been here. hi!  ;) 
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We've known each other for years, but he's never around. I've been patient, but he's dense and doesn't seem to realize just how much I care about him. He's always traveling and chasing pokemon and all I can do is wait. He's pretty flamboyant, and has an 'interesting' taste in clothes as well. He always puts me second though.
talk about your crush on anon and my muse will respond to it ♥
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     "Hm? Someone who chases Pokemon, travels a lot, flamboyant and with interesting taste? What a neat sounding guy! Does he really put you second? For his travels or Pokemon perhaps? Lay out a trump card if it actually bothers you that much. You two have known each other for a while, right? Go for it."
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I'm in love with my boyfriend, like madly, stupidly in love with him. But my health is unstable, and I'm not sure if I'll be the stable, true love, movie-ideal that people flaunt love to be. I know it's inevitably going to hurt him. But I'm too selfish to leave him. It feels like no matter what I do, its gonna end up with him hurting. What do you think I should do?
talk about your crush on anon and my muse will respond to it ♥
     "This sounds... awfully corny. Are you sure this is not a plot from a mediocre romance novel? ...Actually, this sounds an awful lot like my own relationship. Hm... I guess you should just keep your head up and stay positive if you truly love him. If he really loves you, then it all should not matter in the end. At least, I would want to stay with him until the very end -- even if it hurts."
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     "Come seek out my excellent love advice. I am gladly in service." 
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you've lived your life in vain and I hope you never find suicune -throws mud at you-
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     "How childish. At least a Pokemon is not being chosen over me."
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It's not your dumb water dog...
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     "Are you sure? It seems like it. Well, if it is not Suicune, then what other Pokemon could it be? Maybe you just need to reinvent yourself if you are losing to a Pokemon. Bring out your inner grandeur."
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My crush is...hard to approach. He prefers Pokemon to people and is really antisocial.
talk about your crush on anon and my muse will respond to it ♥
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     "Really? Maybe this Pokemon is better than you. Is it Suicune? If so, I can totally understand."
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talk about your crush on anon and my muse will respond to it ♥
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     "Well, we can do whatever you want today since it is your day. Just say the word and I will do anything your heart desires; I am not allowed to say no." He waved his fork slightly in the air as those words were said, a carefree smile playing upon his lips. "If this is how you want to spend it, then I am happy to do just that. The day just for the two of us sounds absolutely excellent, if I do say so myself." 
     He could only blink when he felt something warm being placed on his hand, glancing down to see that it was Morty. His cheeks flushed slightly as their fingers laced together, going back to eating just as Morty did. "Not a problem, love. Oh yeah, having lots of sugar is never a bad thing. I told you once before about the benefits of ingesting sugar, right? I actually think you need much more."
“Yeah…it’s been a long time since we even spent a day together…I’m glad we can today.” When was the last time he was able to spend an entire day with Eusine? It’d been far too long for his liking. “Just the two of us sounds perfect. I’d rather do this, honestly.” He sighed, eating the pancakes happily.
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“I like them, yeah. Just not up for a ton of sugar—unlike someone.” He snickered, leaning over and putting a hand on top of Eusine’s. Pulling the hand a little closer, he intertwined their fingers as the seer continued to eat. “Thank you, Eus.”
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     "You can at least see the couple part? I am glad for that." He took his knife and fork, making sure to cut his pancakes into small pieces before he could even attempt to eat. The last thing he wanted to was to choke from excitement or even from slight buzz of nervousness. "Haha, I am very glad that you find my excitement enjoyable though. I can hardly contain how happy I am that we get to celebrate your birthday like this. Splendid, no?"
     "No, I only have plants for the two of us today! Next year I might do something more extravagant, but I just want time alone together. You do not mind, right?" Slowly he began to eat, peeking up at the gym leader. "Do you find the pancakes to your liking, love? You did not even get any strawberries or whip cream."
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“I suppose the couple part I can see…” he mumbled, watching as his lover put a disturbing amount of sugar on his pancakes. He kept the meal simple, opting to put just butter and syrup on the pancakes before following Eusine to the table and grabbing his own silverware. “I’m glad you’re so excited, though. Nice to wake up to.” Even if it was a little draining to keep up with.
“So no plans for today? I’m surprised you didn’t try planning some huge busy day or something. Seems like something you’d do,” he chuckled, cutting up the breakfast and shoving some of the food into his mouth. A content huff escaped as the groggy man tried to eat, smiling to himself. “Not that I’m complaining. Days in are nice.”
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Suicune, the Aurora Pokémon. It travels the world and purifies water wherever it goes, sailing on the North Wind.
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obsidianxmoon replied to your post:
"Vous semblez originaire de Kalos . Comment ne pas parler ce vous?"
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     "J-Je ne suis pas natif. Je me suis déplacé. Err... J-Je me souviens à peine de le parler? Haha. It has been a long time..."
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Fluffy Bombardment
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     "I... should relearn French. I know the words, but I have not spoke it in a while and I stammer over it. I need someone to teach me -- as soon as possible."
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     As much as he missed the warmth of Morty's arms, he let him go to get the stuff needed. He flipped the last of the pancakes on the plate that sat on the counter, turning his head in time to see him place the container of strawberries there as well. He put a pancake on two places, decorating his pancake with whip cream and strawberries, of course dousing it with syrup. Sure he wished he had blueberries to add with them, but it would do for today.
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     "Why would I not be, Morty? Birthdays are to let you know that you survived another year, which is something to be excited about. You are a year older, yes, but is is much more than that. You are alive one more year which is something I am excited about. Also, this is the first birthday we get to celebrate as a couple! Are you not excited?" He moved to place his plate on the table, grabbing a fork and knife. "I suppose I will be excited for you then. Cheers."
Morty opened his mouth, trying to think of some sort of comeback only for his tired mind too slowed to think of a fitting response. He grunted once more, kissing the man’s head once more before dragging himself over to the fridge and pulling out the requested items. He stared at the strawberries before popping one in his mouth, setting the container down on the counter.
“Why’re you so excited over this? Just another day. I mean, I’m older but…” He didn’t really get birthdays. He memorized Eusine’s and always ensured to buy a gift, but that was because it made him happy. Not because of the date. If he could, the blond would just give him gifts on a weekly basis. But that would ruin the special meaning of them, wouldn’t it?
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