evachantilly · 11 years
Her eyes were practically bulging, and Eva couldn't help but wonder if this boy was honestly as dim as he seemed. Already, her opinion of him dropped even lower, something that hadn't seemed possible judging by her previous reaction.
"Well let me tell you something, Kobe. Did you know that my last name is Chantilly? That means I'm very, very rich. And also pretty damn powerful. So if you don't stop disturbing this peaceful, calm forest with your terrible singing, something bad's going to happen! Got it?" She placed a bangle-adorned hand on her hip, a delicate eyebrow arched upwards. Once she remembered that they should be fighting fairly soon, the wavy-haired girl shifted her hand from her hip to her waist, where her belt was located. Mirage. Don't fail me now.
Into the Woods [Kobe &&. Eva]
Giddy as can be, nothing could possibly ruin Kobe’s mood as he happily bounced along the forest grounds; not even the ill-tempered girl waiting just around the corner could tarnish his spirits!
As he walked on by, he heard some shouting and turned to look in her direction, spotting her in the distance and instantly growing a little excited; after all, this was his first time encountering a fellow trainer while on the road. But boy, she looked angry. Wonder what’s bugging her…
“Hello there!!!” He shouted back, trying to be heard from across the path. “My name’s Kobe and this is my buddy, Bonehead!! And you??” The poor guy was simply oblivious to her obvious frustration with him; in his eyes, everyone was just as friendly and outgoing as he was. It’s too bad he was dead wrong about that; he was gonna have to learn things the hard way.
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evachantilly · 11 years
She huffed, hazel eyes narrowing as she saw the faintest shadow of a smile still present on his face. It was honestly too bad, seeing as once Eva had found something new to rage about, she wouldn't quit for a while.
"Seriously? O-M-G! I cannot believe you have the nerve to smile! At this time! Who do you think you are?"
The brunette took a deep breath, her hands fluttering daintily about her face as she tried to calm herself down. Inhaling and exhaling noisily, she shut her eyes tightly before opening them, a new sense of serenity washing over them. "Alright, look, thanks for the tip but you should really look to see if you're going to trip someone up. That could've really hurt me!"
Placing a hand on her hip, she gazed at him with flinty eyes, her dulcet voice as sharp as glass shards. "Do you, by any chance, know where I could find a dry-cleaner?"
You Better Rest Trainer || Tavey &&. Eva
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evachantilly · 11 years
Well at least you had a yard, I guess. Nature being very important and all.
Mhmm. Totes got you t- wait, what?! How do you even know the PP of that move, let alone what moves Mirage has? [moves forward] Have you been stalking me or something?
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Cool moves, huh? Do you want to show me? 
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Hmm. You'll box it, despite saying you don't like the idea of boxing Pokemon? Well, what-and-ever you say! And hey, don't get cocky. Though neither are weak to the other, it's not nearly the best option to combat fighting with fire.
Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
Terrible, to be sure. 
Just that I’m not used to so much technology, is all. We only had a few Pokemon back home, and we let them all out in the yard most of the time.
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Oh, yeah - sorry, my mistake. Dragon types are only effective when used against other dragon types, but sure, Ice could work as well. I’m not certain the PP of that particular Ice move could hold out against a full team of Dragon Pokemon, though.
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Were we arguing about that? I hadn’t really noticed.
But, yes, I admit - I don’t think Pidgeys are the best Pokemon, but this one had a few cool moves. And since high-leveled Pokemon are hard to find in this area, I decided to get it. I’ll probably box it later on if it doesn’t prove useful enough. Although it would be helpful in a Grass or Bug Gym, I’ve got Pixie for that. And I’m fairly sure we could manage in a Fighting gym.
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evachantilly · 11 years
What was that noise? It grated against Eva's ears, an ironic thing seeing as she had had years to get used to listening to the dreadful Pop music that everyone adored, and was now extremely tolerant of it. But this off-tune, off-pitch, completely wrong melody was now messing with her mind, giving her the most awful headache. "Whoever's doing that needs to STOP!" She breathed in heavily, not having expected to resort to such matters like yelling.
That was when she spotted a lanky, way too energetic boy. Though he seemed to be around her age, well, the brunette was used to treating everyone as if they were inferior to her, therefore it mattered not his age. Young or old, they would always be subject to her whims, or so she thought.
"Who are you?" Eva completely ignored the fact that, in a way, she had just challenged him to a fight. But no, that could be dealt with later. Now? She had to stop him before his singing destroyed her ears!
Into the Woods [Kobe &&. Eva]
Kobe couldn’t have chosen a better day to start his Pokemon journey; he’d just spent a week at his friend’s house in Viridian City, was fully stocked on food and clothing, and with the weather perfect, both him and Bonehead were itching to go. They had just spent an entire week in Viridian City making all the final preparations for their little trek and now that they were ready, there was nothing to stand in their way as the two of them happily marched into Viridian Forest!
It’d been ages since Kobe had last step foot in here, the last event almost ending up in a mad race against a swarm of angry Beedrill… but here’s hoping that wouldn’t happen this time! Nah, Kobe was a little more mature this time around, hopefully enough to keep him out of trouble. 
And so, with his head held high, Kobe made his way into the forest, singing to himself to help pass the time. 
“Into the Woods we go again, we have to every now and then. Into the Woods, no telling when, be ready for the journey…”
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evachantilly · 11 years
Though she had been on her way to the first Gym, located in Pewter City, Eva had decided that she hadn't stocked up enough the first time round, and was now back at Viridian. One hand situated firmly on her hip, the brunette glanced around the modest surroundings and sighed softly, shaking her head in disapproval. Everything here was just not up to date, and nowhere near enough to reach her high standards. 
It wasn't long until she stumbled upon someone. Or, perhaps it would be better to say that she stumbled directly into them. That is, the curly-haired girl managed to somehow trip over the extended legs of some picnicker as she was liberally applying perfume to herself. Shrieking as she went down, she wondered how on earth someone who was the epitome of elegance and grace, such as herself, had suffered such an undignified fall. Though she knew it was probably because she'd bought a new pair of heels, and was in such a hurry that she had yet to break them in, Eva immediately sought for a concrete source to blame. Her aqua-tinged eyes landed upon a pair of warm ones, and she jumped up. She had found her target.
Stomping a few steps closer to him, the willowy girl may not have cut much of an imposing figure, seeing as she was more than likely shorter than him, but as they say ... Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned.
"I cannot believe that you spilled your ice cream all over me! Ugh! Oh my god, I bet this is going to leave a stain! For the love of Arceus, what are you even doing, sitting around like this? Why couldn't you sit on a normal bench?" Eva was in full-out wailing mode, and even though she recognised some of her complaints as being rather irrational, well, it had been her way of life for nearly a decade. She wasn't about to stop now.
You Better Rest Trainer || Tavey &&. Eva
With loads of trouble, Tavey had managed to reach Viridian town after he stayed around Route One for a couple of days, camping and training Luther, who had got the taste of scouting the area for new places. They both had been on wonderful adventures as it had seemed, but there came a time when the little Cyndaquil was no longer able to survive on the hp he had, so he had to go to the Pokecenter. 
They avoided any more trouble with Pokemons, and sneaked through the forest on a few hours walk, before finally the two of them came into the little town, where the first thing they did was heal and rest. 
And there they sat, on the soft grass, backpack beside them, both eating icecream. 
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evachantilly · 11 years
Oh, you poor thing. I can't imagine how hard your life must have been.
What, exactly, are you trying to say? I really wish you wouldn't just stop in the middle of a sentence like that, you have no idea how disorienting it is!
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Ice works pretty well against them too? I don't remember if the Pokemon needs a secondary type, because I mean, of course a Dragon and Flying Pokemon would be weak against Ice, but I do think that pure Dragon types can't handle Ice either. And seeing as Mirage here happens to know an Ice move, I think we'll be alright. Personally, I'm planning to get a Dratini later on.
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Oh. My. God. [laughs]
I cannot believe you were seriously arguing with me about the worth of a Pidgey when you have one yourself! Isn't that right, Jared? I'm not saying he has to treat you like Arceus or anything, but come on, at least it should be on an equal pedestal compared to the rest of his team.
Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
Not really. You get kind of used to it after a while.
Well, I guess you grew up with that kind of thing, so it comes naturally to you, but we never really had much technology where I live, so…
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Er… you do know that books existed in the nineteenth century, right? Even if you were born then… well, I won’t elaborate on that.
Oh, there are lots of different kinds of Trainers too. I’ve heard there are Dragon Tamers or something along those lines - and the only thing effective against Dragon types are Dragon types. Don’t know where I’m going to get Dragon Pokemon, though…
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Yup. Lazy and a mutt - those are two words that describe Pixie perfectly.
But despite that she managed to get me a level 9 Pidgey, which is pretty awesome. I should probably let him out, too - he doesn’t like to be kept inside a lot.
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Well, this is Jared.
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evachantilly · 11 years
Shaking her head at the ignorance of nowadays' youngsters, she turned to look at his released Pokemon, and the cause of his amusement. Intensely surprised by the fact that the rambunctious boy just so happened to have a Seel like hers, Eva couldn't help a small gasp of shock, but ever so swiftly composed herself. That's strange. Seels are pretty much only found on the Seafoam Islands. You need a Pokemon with Strength to get by there; I should know, seeing as my mum got her very first Seel there. Her face settled into a mask of grim determination and faked indifference.
"Seely? Yours probably isn't even purebred!"
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Flipping her hair to the side, the brunette frowned as the opposing trainer took a while to figure out which move to use. Watching Mirage get pummelled by the Seel's head-butt, she feigned nonchalance and faced the trainer. "You don't even know what moves it has?" Her furrowed brow was the only indication of her concern, not only for the safety of her own Pokemon, but also for the blonde's techniques.
Deciding that it was really none of her business, and that she had to get this over as quickly as possible, she directed a confident command to her own Seel. "Mir! Use Iron Tail!" A self-satisfied smile swiped over her face, and she could only beam at her own ingenuity. Let's see him try to counter that! Her Seel prepared the hard-hitting move, and Eva chewed her lower lip as she watched Mirage race towards Seely.
First Time's the Charm || Eva &&. ???
“Your clothes are no matter, Trainer!” He let out a short laugh when the Seel was released from her Pokeball. Then looked down at his, whispered something into it, and pressed the button, causing it to open. A stream of light was followed by the appearance to a similar Seel. He grinned, then blew on his nails and rubbed it on his shirt. “Seely. Get ready to battle.” The Pokemon looked as if it wanted to murder its trainer for the nickname, but did as it was told. “I’ll go first then!”
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“Seely! Use… tackle!” When the Seel turned to the boy in anger he shook his head, “I mean scratch!” The Seel pantimimed a headbutting action. “Right! I knew that! Use headbutt!” With that, the Pokemon ran forward in attempt to plunge his horn into the other.
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evachantilly · 11 years
Hmm. Sounds tough.
No, I don't. My mum used to have this garden where all her Pokemon would play and all, but ever since we moved to the Mansion in Celadon, we took advantage of the technology. Now our Pokemon are super organised.
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Well duh books exist! [scoffs] What did you think, that I was born in the nineteenth century or something?
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A mountain, huh? Sounds like there'll be a lot of Rock, Ground and Flying Pokemon there. That'll be fine for me, seeing as, well, I have Mirage. She'll totes beat them all, no problem!
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Your Pokemon is lazy and a mutt, then? Thanks for telling me that, by the way. I'll be sure to remember that in case I get a Psychic Pokemon along the way.
Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
Competitive is probably the only word to describe it, but we never really had time to train Pokemon considering my dad left just as I turned fifteen and my mom was pregnant with my little sister. So we had to help her out with that.
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I don’t like the idea of sticking Pokemon in computers. It just seems weird, y’know?
Oh, I’ve read about Victory Road. I might not have had time to go out myself, but books do exist, and there’s lots of interesting information about it. For example, the fact that it’s a twisting underground maze in a mountain, and trainers stationed around almost every corner. Wild Pokemon jump out at you a lot, apparently - that’s why Max Repels are useful.
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Well, she was a wild Pokemon, so obviously no royal blood there.
She seems like a nice Pokemon. Pixie likes to sleep a lot, so that’s something we have to work on.
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evachantilly · 11 years
You have brothers, huh? What's it like with them? I've never experienced having a sibling before, so...
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Then you could keep it in your team until you reached a storage system, and decide to deposit it there or release it. Just because you found something better doesn't mean you have to replace it.
Alright. So long as you don't prevent me from becoming Champion, I'm okay with it. And I have no idea how Victory Road will be like, considering I've never been. My mum said something once about working together with your Pokemon, and truly being able to be friends with them, but I have no idea how that's going to help.
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And thanks. Pixie is really cute, too, but I doubt she's pure enough for my little Mirage.
Mine is way too friendly with others. It's like she doesn't care at all about their heritage!
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Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
Yup. I figure if I at least beat the Gym Leaders, I can count that as an achievement. To do it before my brothers do is an added bonus.
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Well, I’ve never been too fond of them. And anyway, there are so many - what if I caught one and then found another that was better? 
Oh, being Champion would be pretty awesome, but I don’t really mind. How d’you plan on getting there? It seems like a really tough journey - and I hear Victory Road is nearly impossible to get through.
Nice Pokemon!
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Mine is really lazy if it’s not in battle. Urgh.
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evachantilly · 11 years
[huffs] Your loss. Are you heading for the first Gym?
While that's true, I did say that it was an alright starter - a good addition to a team when you're a beginner, that is. You yourself said you only have one Pokemon right now, so it's best to try and catch as many worthwhile Pokemon as possible.
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How about you? Are you trying to become the next Champion too?
I have a Seel. She was bred from my mother's prized Dewgong - it was part of her winning team.
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Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
I don’t really need anything from a department store - I just want to see all of Kanto as fast as I possibly can, you see. I’m just starting out, like you, after all, and my knowledge of the region is rather restricted just now.
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If my knowledge is correct, I get the move Fly elsewhere. I’m sure there are much more powerful flying Pokemon to be gotten on the way.
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Great. Wish you luck in that.
Hey, what sort of Pokemon have you got? Mine’s a Vulpix. Which reminds me… I should let her out. She doesn’t like to be kept inside too long.
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Eva, meet Pixie. My brother gave her to me.
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evachantilly · 11 years
Hmm. I guess I can't expect much more than that from ordinary people.
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Why? What do you need from there? And Pidgeys might not be the most powerful Pokemon around, but they're solid starters. Not to mention they can fly you to places, which is extremely useful. By the way, if you have to buy something from the mall, I could get you a discount.
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I'm following in my mum's footsteps, yes. I'm going to be the Champion, and nobody's going to stop me!
Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
What’s a Louis - uh, never mind. I don’t think it’d be very useful information.
Your mother… passed away? I’m sorry. I hadn’t heard… mainly because I don’t really keep up with the Champions after they stop being Champions.
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Celadon Department Store… hmm.
Which reminds me - I should probably try to get there as fast as possible. Although it’d take a while, what with my only having one Pokemon so far, and none others have really caught my interest. Pidgeys and Bidoofs are really quite annoying.
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So - what are you in this Training business for? Are you trying to be Champion, or do you just want the experience?
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evachantilly · 11 years
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evachantilly · 11 years
She furrowed her brow, looking in distaste at the wild blonde ruffian.
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The brunette had been about to leave the disgraceful scene when, all of a sudden, he bumped straight into her. Gasping, Eva dusted her clothes with her hands, suddenly frantic. "Oh my gosh you ruined my outfit!" She almost didn't notice his challenge, for so occupied was she with brushing off imaginary specks of dirt that the girl practically flailed her arms in distress.
Taking a deep breath, Eva steadied herself and then glanced at the boy with flinty eyes. "There's no other option than to battle you to regain some of my dignity, I suppose." She slid out her one and only Pokeball from her belt and summoned her Seel. Chestnut eyes narrowed, she declared, "Make this quick!"
First Time's the Charm || Eva &&. ???
The boy ran through the small town with great speed, coming out on the other end with a trip. He landed on his face, but quickly brought himself back onto his feet and resumed his run. As he passed the boundary into Route 1 he accidentally ran into a trainer. As the youth got up, he rubbed his nose and then stuck out his Pokeball. “Battle me!”
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evachantilly · 11 years
Ding ding ding! Give the man a Louis Vuitton!
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Yes, you've got it right. That's my mum. Did you hear that she passed away too, then? And you're probably thinking of dad. He's the owner of the Celadon city Department Store. You know, the largest shop in Kanto?
Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
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Chantilly, huh? You’re actually right about that - wasn’t your mother a Champion a few years back or something along the lines of that? I’ve heard of another Chantilly somewhere, but I can’t remember exactly what your dad might do. Mind enlightening me?
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evachantilly · 11 years
What is with this place?!
Why am I still here? I have no idea! I mean, really, I should get going to the first Gym already. My Seel will wipe out all those rock Pokemon for sure!
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I also heard that Viridian City has a place for training. Not, of course, that I need it.
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evachantilly · 11 years
That's very true!
I'm Eva Chantilly. You might have heard of my parents, they're pretty well-known, or so I hear.
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Look out, world - Mike Harley is a Pokemon trainer.
No, thanks, I think I’m good. Not everyone can be as glamorous of you, after all.
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Hmm. Great.
I don’t believe I caught your name. I’m Mike Harley, and you?
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evachantilly · 11 years
Hi! My name is Celia. Pleasure to meet you. (OOC: Hey, this is Celia-mun. I'm Shane. Just figured I'd introduce myself.)
Unfortunately, I can't say the same. Hello, Celia. I think I'd better go now - I wouldn't want to stay and waste more of my precious time. (OOC: Hi there! I'm Miranda, but you can call me Starmz if you wish. I'm glad you did so c:)
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