evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
Since returning home from Greece, Tory had been going through the motions and had barely spoken a word to anyone. Her father and brother kept looking at her with disgust, and her mother had only spoken to her that morning to tell her that the Rosiers were coming and to look presentable, but then she had left Tory alone. Tory was dreading their visit, she didn’t think that she would be able to fake it in front of them, and all she could hear were Christos’s screams every time she closed her eyes. More than anything she wished that she could go back and change things, she wished that she didn’t go to see him that night. Then maybe…maybe he would still be alive. It tore something inside of her every time she thought about it. Evan’s knock at her door startled her, and she scrambled up and went to the door. “Hey,” she greeted him with a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. “It’s good to see you. We spent some time at the beach and we went to the Parthenon which was kind of cool. It was nice. How was your trip?”
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evan had never had that much fun of a time when it came to family holidays and he had his parents to blame for that. it was always some kind of alternative plan for his father to do business with foreign officials and spinning it in some way where the family could go. his youngest sibling always had more fun than him and jess and he was fine with that, the two eldest had always been closer than most but this last holiday was spent in a lot of silence and looking over at each other wondering when it would get better. he can hear from the hallowed halls his mother making pleasantries with tory’s mother and he knew that he was meant to eventually be married to tory but he was trying to prolong as much as possible given the political climate and the fact that: evan had no idea what he was doing with his life much less getting married. when she opens the door he gives her a soft smile before entering and shoving his hands in his pockets listening to her adventures. “we went to romania.” he says with a sigh, “it was more my father’s business than anything.” he shakes his head now, rolling his eyes. “parthenon, yeah?” he had heard many things but never experienced himself. he had looked over at her for a moment before he walked towards her bed and sat down. “i brought you something.” he had grabbed it from his small bag that he had brought. “they’re chocolates, though maybe i’m biased and say that ours are better.” it was meant to be a nice gesture but he didn’t know if it came across that way. “are you alright?” he asks, it’s not that he would clearly know if she was being herself, but she seemed much sadder now than when they had last seen each other at a family dinner party. “did you get into any kind of chaos you want to spare? our trip was pleasantly boring.”
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
closed - evan rosier.
all she had seen was FIRE – the heat was what stunned her awake from the trance that was the first explosion, her ears ringing – 
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“fuckin’ hell —” relieved when her fingers found her wand – directed at the monster of a fire, “aguamenti –” glancing back to see her partner, "evan, get the hell up – i can’t contain it by myself” more relieved than she could describe to see the man in one piece. 
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he had been thrown back, into what? he wasn’t sure, but he couldn’t see anything for a minute the smoke clogging his throat and his eyes. he remembers closing them for a moment and when he had woken up again there was screaming, he had forced himself to get in upright position trying to look around for anyone that he knew, the impact of the hit had discombobulated for him for a moment before hearing the sound of emme’s voice in the crowd. he snapped right up then, shaking it off and grabbing his wand that was still, thankfully, on his person and pointing it towards the monster fire looking around him again and shaking his head. “what the fuck just happened?” he says, still coughing up smoke.
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
throwback of summer, 1971 / @torygreengrass​
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the greengrass house had been one that he had been to plenty over the years, their families been close friends and a betrothal hanging over both of their heads. his mother had come with gifts of the rosier family vacation that they took themselves on, and he could honestly say that it wasn’t very fun, but he tried to make it that way for his siblings. by the time they had arrived to the house he had gotten that cold chill that he always seemed to get in big estate manors, too much room, too much space, not enough light to fill the voids of the long halls. he had knocked once on tory’s door before knocking again. “it’s evan,” he says, never really know what to say or how to act around tory—its not that they didn’t not get along—and evan could say they were friendly enough but that was about it. “how was your trip? did you do anything fun?”
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
“Oh f- duck!” Ned bellows, barrelling his way over to the stands atop his trusty Comet 220 and slamming his bat hard into the rogue bludger that comes just inches away from taking someone’s head off.
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he hadn’t realized it until it was almost too late, he had ducked seeing the bludger just a second before it had hit him square in the face, “thanks,” he breathed out a sigh in relief before shaking his head, “are you alright?” he had placed a hand on his arm, trying to assess any damage knowing he wouldn’t be able to do much either way. 
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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“what can you tell me from what you saw?” evan had asked the young wix, there were a lot of things happening behind the scenes, but had genuinely cared about their opinion of what they had seen, “do you need me to help you with that wound?” he eventually asked, seeing that they hadn’t gotten the wound looked at.
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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Missing Mon-El ( 7 / ∞ )
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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                       she   happily   sat   down   at   the   table   in   the   kitchen   on   this   strangers   flat,   something   she   should’ve   been   more   cautious   of,   but   what   else   did   she   have   to   lose.   the   greatest   thing   was   how   nice   he   seemed,   and   that   his   actions   actually   showed   them   other   than   those   of   the   woman   who   did   this   to   her.   ❝   messed   with   the   wrong   person,   i   suppose,   ❞   she   said   with   a   half   sniff   of   a   laugh   as   a   stray   tear   fell   down   her   cheek.   she   wiped   it   away   before   the   other   handed   her   the   warm   cup.   she   let   her   hands   wrap   around   its   heat   as   she   stared   down   at   the   cloudy   liquid.   ❝   she   knew   i   needed   to   be   at   that   meeting,   too.   do   you   think   somethings   going   to   happen   to   me   ?   since   i   didn’t   show   my   face   ?   ❞   that’s   what   she   was   the   most   petrified   for.
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if it had been up to him he would’ve chosen a different kind of career path, maybe playing on some quidditch team and things would’ve been easier, but because of who his father was all of that seemed impossible now and he didn’t know what to do with it. when he looked at the girl it had reminded him of his younger sister, one that he would do anything to protect from this world even if she was moving up in the ranks much faster than he did when he was her age. what he sees now is a scared girl trying to make it through day by day. “i’m not that great at healing spells but i can do my best,” he offers with a small smile, grabbing his wand. “that always seems to be the case, doesn’t it?” messing with the wrong person, there were many death eaters that took the kill because they could but not because it mattered. he used to think that he’d be one of them but now he couldn’t see much of a reason to. it was all just so useless, the whole thing. he hears her worries and he shakes his head. “not if i have anything to do with it.” he says, now vowing to himself to protect this girl that felt like she had the world on her shoulders. “i’m evan, by the way,” he says, grabbing a wash cloth and the bowl of water and reaching out to dab some of the dried blood. “i can try and keep you safe as much as i can,” since he was more trusted than most. 
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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                       her   brow   upturned   the   moment   the   bottom   of   evan’s   bottle   was   faced   towards   the   ceiling,   challenging   her   to   do   the   same.   ❝   did   you   know   i   hate   you   ?   ❞   thankfully,   she   was   able   to   finish   hers   just   as   quickly   before   making   a   sour   face   and   shaking   her   head.   ❝   there’s   somewhere   else   open   later   right   ?   there’s   no   way   i’m   ready   to   go   home.   ❞
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“i somehow don’t believe you,” he says, his eye crinkling as he gives her a smile and attempting to finish what was left in his bottle before closing time. he had understood all too well the want to not be home, which was why he couched surfed as much as he could until he was forced to actually be home. it’s what made them so compatible. there was an understanding there that no one else got. “there should be,” he thinks, before shaking his head, “and even if there isn’t i have a bar full of things we could drink,” together, alone, he thinks before placing the glass down. “up to you.”
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
closed .  / @evanrcsiers​
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            ❝  you  haven’t  got  to  tell  me  what  happened  ,  ❞  rosine  says  as  she  inspects  evan’s  face  closely  now  that  both  her  hands  are  settled  on  either  side  of  his  cheeks  .  and  with  a  gentleness ,  she  tilts  his  head  to  the  left  -  ❝ you  tell me  if  it  hurts  ,  though .  ❞   there’s  that  concern  laced  in  her  voice  ,  the  one  that  was  reserved  for  only  a  few  and  it  is  not  surprising  that  the  male  had  crept  unto  that  list  .  he’s  lucky  to  only  have  a  few  marks  ,  some  that  would  disappear  over  night  and  the  others  fade  into  a  light  purple  .  ❝  and  you  always  come  to  me  if  this  happens  again ,  okay  ?   i  simply  don’t  like  the  idea  of  you  getting  hurt  -  but  i’d  be  foolish  to  think  i  have  the  influence  to  stop  it .  so  ,  you  come  to  me  when  you’re  hurt  and  i’ll  patch  you  up  every time . ❞       
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it had been a case gone bad, and he knew that he should’ve gone to st. mungos like someone had suggested but he had just wanted the day to be over with, there was a part of him that had thought about going back to his old home but he found himself here like he always did, using the key that was kept secret and walking in and laying in the bed until rosine had gotten home. he knew that she would see his face sooner or later and when he had tried to explain what happened he had just sighed and laid back down until she forced him to deal with it. he wasn’t very good at dealing with a lot of things as of late with how this case was going. he had been out of town for a couple times a week catching up on leads and reporting back to emmeline with what he could find. this was one of the first days that he had time for himself after the direct hit. they had casted a stinging jinx and it was finally starting to sting less by the time that rosine had looked over it. he winces slightly at her assessment smiling briefly, “you do care for me.” he says, jokingly, knowing that there was some kind of unspoken agreement between the two when it came towards caring for the other. it had always been that way. “it’s okay now,” he says, thinking that it was at least better now that he was here. he moves a hand to rest on top of her arm moving so she could get a better look at it. “i’m just tired more than anything.”
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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“i’m here on the basis of getting drunk and having a good time,” he says as he walks through the door with a bottle of whiskey and some food that was partly cold now, though he didn’t think that mattered as much as the whiskey. “i’ve had a long fucking week and there is nowhere i would rather be than right here,”
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
❪   🍁   ❫  —   𝐎𝐏𝐄𝐍 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐓𝐄𝐑   ﹕ @beforedawnstarters​​  .
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“  i’m  not  having  this  debate  because  i  want  to  solve  it  ,  i’m  having  this  debate  because  i’m  right  .  “  she  usually  was  —  being  right  was  second  nature  to  one  irina  smirnova  .  .  .  or  so  she  thought  .  and  when  she  wasn’t  right  ?  well  ,  she  found  a  way  to  spin  it  to  her  side  :  being  right  was  ,  after  all  ,  easier  than  people  thought  .  maybe  it  was  her  third  drink  talking  ,  maybe  it  was  the  sheer  boredom  that  seemed  a  staple  of  wixen  london  ,  or  maybe  it  was  her  bubbling  urge  to  pick  a  fight  with  the  broody  wix  in  the  corner  she’d  caught  staring  at  her  tits  twice  ,  but  whatever  it  may  be  kept  her  talking  .  a  good  distraction  at  the  very  least  ,  as  she  set  down  her  empty  glass  and  motioned  the  bar  keep  for  another  one  .  "  you’d  do  us  both  a  favour  if  you  admitted  it  and  we  could  change  the  subject  .  "
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“are you though?” at this point, evan was causing problems because he could and he had checked the wix that she was looking out, rolling his eyes at them from across the way before he turned his back to them. he grabbed the drink and pulled it closer towards him. “i like to think i know what i’m talking about given this situation but i’m willing to change the subject,” he says, not letting up, a smile still on his face as he took another drink from his pint. “you’ve been staring at them for a while now, is there something going on between you two or are they just a twat?”
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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        a  shrug  graces  her  shoulders  in  response  to  his  statement  ,  that  very  smile  still  on  her  lips  as  she  draws  on  a  simple  and  content   sigh  .   ❝  i  will  admit  i  might  have  been  a  bit  of  a  menace  until  my  sixth  year  .  but  after  that  ,  i  swear  i  matured  .   ❞   it  partly  had  to  do  with  her  relationship  with  aydin  but  there  was  no  need  to  sit  on  that  memory  .  just  the  thought  of  the  other  tempted  to  leave  a  sour  taste  in  her  mouth  that  no  fire  whiskey  could  compare  to  ,  which  only  encouraged  her  to  turn  on  her  heel  when  they  were  promised  the  privacy  she  wanted  once  outside  .  even  with  the  difference  in  stature  ,  rosine  catches  her  hand  against  evan’s  chest  to  stop  in  so  he’s  forced  to  look  down  at  her .   ❝ what  were  you  like  back  then  ?    ❞  a  simple  question  ,  but  one  she  had  never  taken  to  ever  imagine .  the  two  had  attended  hogwarts  at  the  same  time  briefly  but  there  several  years  apart  and  oh  ,  that  felt  like  another  lifetime .  even  she  had  been  different   back  then  .   ❝  i  could  promise  to  apparate  us  home  ,   ❞  but  instead  of  even  drawing  the  sentence  further  ,  her  eyes  move  down  towards  the  bottle  that  evan  held  in  his  other  hand .  instead  of  moving  hers  from  the  divet  of  his  dress  shirt  ,  rosine  uses  her  left  hand  to  guide  his  arm  so  that  she  can  take  a  drink  . its  with  a  certain  purpose  that  she  forces  the  drink  to  spill  on  her  person  .  and  she  waits  ,  hoping  that  evan  catches  on  .  
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evan blocked out a lot that happened during the last couple of years of school, too much trauma with his father and relationships that lead to nowhere, it was a surprise he remembered anything that had happened. but when rosine asks the question, he doesn’t know wha to tell her. “did you?” he asks, raising an eyebrow before letting it go. “i was a bit of a menace,” most of their professors would have agreed, he had a secret relationship with a man that wasn’t ready, and josie who he swore never loved him, then his father died. he was a bit numb after that. “i had good intentions.” he finally says, watching her hand on his chest and then watching her grab the bottle of alcohol, tipping it back, he gulped and saw bits of alcohol run down her lips, past her mouth and then on her neck. he had a smirk on his lips, getting closer towards her, his hands on the small of her back bringing her closer towards her, “can’t say the same for now,” he whispers, his mouth inches from her before leaning down to lick the alcohol off of her neck and then where her shirt cuts to a close V; he looks her in the eyes, pressing small kisses where he can before he says, “i guess we’ll just have to stay here for a while,” he muses, trying to get her as close as he can; he makes small marks on her neck, tasting both the alcohol and her perfume, his hand going lower than her back to pull her close, and his hand traveling up her skirt. 
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
“What is armor after all but a cage that moves with you?”
— Rebecca Solnit, “Recollections of my Nonexistence” (via prometheis)
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
My dad
was a star collapsing. The first thing a dying star does is swell, swallows
whatever is near.
Donika Kelly, From the Catalogue of Cruelty
He lay on the couch night after night, mouth open, the darkness of the room filling his mouth, and no one knew my father was eating his children.  […] What could be more passive than a man passed out every night — and yet as he lay on his back, snoring, our lives slowly disappeared down the hole of his life.
Sharon Olds, Saturn
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
open starter.
any pub of your choosing | @beforedawnstarters​
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                       ❝   since   when   did   it   become   closing   time   ?   i   swear   i   haven’t   been   here   that   long,   but   i   guess   the   empty   glasses   count   the   hours   for   us,   yeah   ?   ❞
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“i’m not even done with my drink,” he wasn’t that drunk, but he knew that he was pretty buzzed for his standards, the room wasn’t spinning or anything but he had quite the appetite now after all the drinks and the lack of food he ate today. “well, down the hatch,” he says finishing the rest of his drink in one gulp looking at amelia, challenging her. 
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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who: @evanrcsiers​
“No, it’d be cost effective. Hitwix get paid.. not enough, but some money. Seagulls could be paid in chips and they’re already ready to attack.”
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“some money,” he says with a humourless laugh. “could get paid more,” he muses, “especially since i’m the one who is always tasked to train your arses,” he jokes, he didn’t mind it, but the first few weeks of training were the worst trying to break every eager young hitwixes bad habits. 
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evanrcsiers-a · 3 years
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