evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Mole] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "Wow" he said with a head shake, "that was a slick move" he said honestly. "How did you even find out about this guy?" he asked Karen. "No she hasn't come by or said much. She sent me something for Father's Day. I didn't take a look at it or anything" he admitted as he leaned back in the chair. "I thought this was some kind of revenge but-" he stopped short chuckling to himself. His laugh died off quickly though "when I was in Texas..." he said leaning up straight "I was given a financial report..." he told her. "Does the board know about this?" he asked his sister.
Karen: "Instagram, we found post of them together on his page. I think she has like one photo of them together" she told him. "I hope you got rid of it, I'd hate if Mercedes killed you for keeping it" she said. "Um, I am not sure, why?" she asked him confused.
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Mole] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "That I don't know" he replied as he grabbed his bottle of water and took a sip.
Karen: "IT" she announced, "that's how she did it, without be caught. Without us noticing her. I don't think she was ever in the building for any of this, he had to be. And we are looking into that right now" she told him. "We have to figure out why she did this though, that's our smoking gun" she told her brother. "Right now it still doesn't make sense to me. She had to know she'd get caught, which she has" she told him finally sitting down. "Has she said anything to you since?"
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Mole] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: pressing his lips in a tight line he finally said "Exxon" he said simply with a heavy sigh.
Karen: "Yes!" she stressed before she said "and can you guess what job he has with Exxon?" next.
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Mole] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: shrugged at her apology, it didn't bother him so much. "No" he said shaking his head, confused. He was a dumb man, but if she had a partner why was she so pressed over him and Mercedes? "Okay, well I am confused why is she so bothered by Mercedes and I?" he asked leaning his head against his hand.
Karen: "I don't know, but what I do know is he lives in Texas. Can you guess who he works for?" she pressed next.
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Mole] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: had spent so many days in this very spot it was hard to believe he ever slept let alone in their bed. When needed he spoke, when wanted he played with Nouvel, and when he desperately had to he ate. The rest was a blur these days. When his sister came rushing in like a whirlwind he looked up at her. "Yes?" he asked shocked to see her.
Karen: "I am sorry I came over here unannounced but this is huge!" she exclaimed as she dropped her bags in the seat across from him. She leaned against the back of the chair and said "did you know Patty has a man?" loudly. "She's dating this guy named William" she breathed. "They've been dating for a while now..."
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Mole] Samuel & Karen
Karen: marched down the corridors of her brother's estate. In her very high heels she made it a point to run at a moderate pace before she rushed into his office. Closing the massive doors behind her finally slowing down once she reached him. "Sam!"
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Confirmation] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "That I don't know myself" Samuel said as he sip from his glass again. "She was going to resign, she could have just done that obviously" he shrugged. "This is actually really damn stupid" he said aloud as he looked at his sister.
Karen: thought to herself for a moment, before she agreed "yeah, it really is" as her eyes rolled over the paper covered table.
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Confirmation] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "Not really but there is a whole lot of variables and not enough fucking answers for me" he told her as he rubbed his hand across his forehead tiredly. "Patricia has been in Texas for the last few months" he said having a eureka moment. "I forgot to tell you that" he said looking at her "I bought her a condo there and a car, sent her there so that I didn't have to find a new assistant right now and to limit interaction between her and Mercedes" he breathed.
Karen: "Well, now we know she could have. I will have the tapes reviewed again. She could have made some friends, I will try to look into that as well in case. It just makes the most sense to me right now" she breathed. "I just don't get her motives, I mean, if you caught on she'd just be outed and tossed aside..."
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Confirmation] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: blinked as his sister spoke, he picked his glass up and took a long sip from the glass. "Not that I know of, I never paid attention to Patricia. She was just an assistant. And yes she has access to the building and probably most places... but-" he shrugged taking another sip. "If she has friends I don't know any of them" he admitted. "Titus was watching her, for a while. I don't know if he still is, or how much he drugged up" he breathed. "However, Titus is a lawyer... he's nearly Mercedes right hand man... if he was watching her as close as he were supposed to be he would know these things..."
Karen: "Yeah, you not paying her any attention all of these years is really starting to be a pain in our asses" she said drinking down some of the vodka. "Seems like you are building up a case against Mercedes right now" she said.
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Confirmation] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "Billion?" he asked her shocked "oh my God" he growled lowly to himself as the woman walked away. Samuel sat the paper down and he rubbed his temples as he wrecked his brain for a moment. "Are you sure it wasn't Mercedes, I don't need your gut feeling I need facts...." he said angrily.
Karen: "Like you told me before, I don't see her doing it. Plus some of these time stamps are odd. Some are way after hours" she breathed. "And before you ask, I checked the tapes" she breathed she she shook her head. "Patty is a lot of things but I know for a fact she can't be doing that remotely" she chuckled. "She's not that damn bright... I can't say she isn't on the tapes. I can only say she hasn't been see on them after hours, same thing with Mercedes" she told him. "Does Patty have close friends in the building?"
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Confirmation] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: looked down at the document as his sister spoke "no it doesn't, I don't have any connections to Singapore" he told her. "6 what?" he asked her confused.
Karen: "Billion" she said to him, before she handed him over another document. "I am not sold Mercedes did it but that doesn't make the situation any better you know this right?" she said standing up from the table and moving towards her kitchen. She grabbed them both a glass and poured them a drink. She brought it back into the dining room and sat his glass before him.
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Confirmation] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "So?" Samuel said to his sister as they sat across from each other at the table. "You can tell me..."
Karen: "It's legit" she said to Samuel as she passed a document to him. "And it's under Mercedes' login" she added. "The money was transferred to an off-shore account, in Singapore" she said with raised brows, "does that ring a bell?" she asked him seriously. "There's nearly um, I don't know close to 6 was moved..."
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Text Message: Karen Evans 💬 Samuel Evans
Karen: You aren't going to like this
Karen: You should come over
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Detective] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "Take all the time you need, for now this is between you, me, and I guess Patty" he said as he zipped his backpack up. Licking his lips slowly he chuckled at her "um" he paused as he thought about it long and hard. "I'd uh... have to break her neck for a lack of better words. I just have to tell myself this is all just a misunderstanding or a stupid plan Patty hatched..."
Karen: "Breaking her neck would not be what I would suggest, but I guess I understand..." she replied back to him, giving him a knowing look. "So in the meantime..."
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Detective] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: “Karen” Samuel said looking at her “you’ve been around her, you know her. Do you think she’d do this?” he asked her.
Karen: Shaking her head at him she said “no, but this stuff looks legit” she said to him. Karen picked up another piece of paper, "you'd have to give me like a day or so, but... I should be able to follow all these paper trails" she said looking at him. "I have one question though, what if it is true. What if Mercedes did do this..."
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Detective] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: "It is a long story, but I guess Patty has a thing for me" he said to her with a raised brow. “To confirm this, I need you to gather some of your buddies and see if this is legit. And, maybe if Mercedes really has something to do with this. I know she couldn’t... She wouldn’t do this” Samuel added.
Karen: "A thing for you, huh?" she said quizzically "Patty does come off like the obsessive type" she told him shifting papers. Karen looked at him and then back down at the table, she bit her lip and said “are you really sure about that?” she said softly.
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evans-family-values · 3 years
Face to Face: [Detective] Samuel & Karen
Samuel: “Patty is up to some shit and I don’t know what. Contrary to popular belief I should have listened to my damn wife” he said as he looked at her. “There’s money missing, allegedly” Samuel said as he moved toward her dining room and he pulled his backpack off pulling papers out of it. “She said Mercedes has embezzled millions from Exxon” he sighed. “I don’t really believe her, but she put on a thick argument,” he added. “The thing that worries me is that this looks to be accurate Karen” he said gesturing the documents.
Karen: folded her arms over her chest and followed the bigger guy as he walked through her house "believe her about?" she breathed. When they arrived at her dining room table he laid out document after document for her to see. “How much money exactly?” she asked him curiously and when she looked down, she took some of the information in, eyes jumping from one thing to the next. “So, what now?” she asked him “I mean what do you need from me?”
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