evavstiphout · 2 years
Best holiday ever!
My best vacation ever was in Costa Rica four years ago, we vacationed there for three weeks. Together with my parents and brother I have consequences for twelve hours to the capital San José. 
There we rented a car and made a tour around the country. This was great! We have slept in all different hotels. That was nice for a change. The weather warm warm and sometimes some rain because there is a jungle there. I really like to see al lot of a country so I liked the roadtrip very much! During the holiday I ate a lot of fresh fruit and in the evening mainly rice with chicken.
I would definitely recommend this holiday to people and definitely go back myself in the future!
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evavstiphout · 2 years
Look back!
In this blog I am looking back at my internship, in the Jeroen Bosch Hospital.  
I did an internship in the surgery receiving department. I had a great time in this department and learned a lot!  During my internship I had many recording conversations with patients. So I've really improved myself in communicating with a patient. I personally think communication is very important as a nurse. You must remain friendly and ensure that the information is clear to the patient. 
In the next two years I will also be able to do an internship at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital, but in a different department. But I'm very happy that I already have this experience, so that I already know how it goes in a hospital.
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evavstiphout · 2 years
My Internship.
I am studying nursing. This year I am doing an internship at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital.  this is a hospital in Den Bosch. This is very close to my house, every day I arrive by bike and I start at half past seven in the morning. This is very early but I will be ready at 3 o'clock. 
I am doing my internship in the surgery receiving department.  During my internship I conduct an anamnesis and I drive the patients for the operation.
patients who come to my ward are often very nervous, so it is my job to explain everything well and clearly and to take care that people are less afraid for the operation. 
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Here is a picture with my mother, she also works at the Jeroen Bosch Hospital. She works in the Intensive Care Unit. She is a great role model for me!
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evavstiphout · 3 years
My favourites
In this blog I am going to tell what about me. I am going to tell somthing about my favourites things in my life. 
I really like to go on vacation with my family or friends. I want to see a lot of the world in my life. When I'm on vacation I enjoy the whole day. My favorit vacation was in Greece, this picture is also in Greece!
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Go out to eat
My most favourite thing to do is going out to eat. it doesn't matter if it's lunch or dinner, I love it. 
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One of my favourits things is jewelery, it makes my outfit complete. Without jewelery is feel not complet. I realy like to shop new jewelery and combinate it with my old ones. 
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My phone
My phone is also one of my favourit things. I text my friend and family. I don’t leave the house without my phone. The thing I like the most about my phone is that I can make picture and videos whit it. I like to look to the pitures that I make on a night out with my friend!
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