evaylin · 8 months
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evaylin · 8 months
Layers of Death
Back from vacation! First of all, what the hell happened to the dashboard. this is so ugly, what the fuck
second, I come bearing a gift!
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Specifically about this little word right here, and how clever its use actually for this transformation actually is
The Wiedergänger, as hello-kitty-vampire noted in her translation notes, shares many similarities with the strigoi and is your prototypical "vampire" creature you'll find in many places (kind of makes you wonder why so many different cultures have different versions of the same creature in their legends and where it originated from). The Wiedergänger itself it more of a "ghost," in some regards, arising from a corpse who has unfinished business, typically one where they seek to right some injustice done to them in life, such as Adam being murdered for an action he didn't commit, along with his body being defiled by germaine after he was buried. Germaine is guilty of very, very many accounts of abuse of a corpse.
the real meat of this, for me, is of course the overlap between the wiedergänger and the norse draugr (as if i ever talk about anything else). Unlike your strigoi, wiedergänger, jiangshi, or the mananaangal, just to name a few, the draugr isn't defined by life force sucking, but by their ability to inflict their own state of being, of undead-ness, upon others like a disease. they're also noted for being, well, corpse colored lol, ie, being black or deep blue, the signature colors of our boys up there. Their abilities include shapeshifting, dream walking (and will sometimes leave a physical gift as proof of their presence), and notably will o wisp will mark the boundary between the world of the living and their territory. Why is this notable? Because the "will o wisp" we hear of is the very same foxfire you'll also find in japanese folk tales, an eerie blue fire who leads travelers astray... Much like the blue fire Inner Sloth uses in battle!
One last thing. In the Hrómundar saga Gripssonar, the berserker of the tale transforms himself into a troll which blew fire and possessed long, black claws, leading to the hero to describe the draugr as a sort of cat like entity.
PS: rip mahiru, another legend about these ugly critters is that they would transform into a cat which would grow heavier and heavier as it sat upon its sleeping victim's chest until they suffocated. Cats... Really haven't changed ever, have they?
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evaylin · 8 months
Mahiru: Do you remember when I gave you advice for your siblings? Kuro: Yeah, you said we should talk things out. Mahiru: Now that I know that Touma is my father, I think true family ignore things until they go away. Kuro: I never expected that I'll be the mature one in this relationship.
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evaylin · 9 months
Servamp chapter 134 translation "The Old Man and the Sea"
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Read the chapter on Mangadex!
This chapter didn't have words with different readings to make notes about, but we do have a reference, which is the title "The old man and the sea", a novel by Ernest Hemmingway.
I haven't read the novel but only based on a few summaries, you can understand that Algernon was inspired by the novel's main character, Santiago and Hugh (hence why I made the distinction by saying Algernon) and Tetsu are meant to reflect Santiago's apprentice Manolin. So yeah, maybe you need to look into at least a summary to get an idea of the themes of the novel and the characters to see their connection with Hugh and Tetsu. Lastly, I want to make a note on two words because you might have found it awkward when you read the chapter but I'm gonna try to explain why that might be the case.
There was a line on page 15 where Tetsu said "We gotta search for fire." If some of you thought that "light" would have been more appropriate, well thing is that "light" was mentioned by Hugh. In the original text, Tetsu said 火 (hi), which means fire while Hugh said 灯 (hi) which means light, which is mainly used when referring to a specific light source. While the use of the word 火 (hi) might be translated as light depending on the situation, I left it as it's usual translation "fire", because I believe that's what Tetsu wanted, to look for fire in order to light Hugh's lamp. Hope I made sense!
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evaylin · 9 months
Happy New Year everyone!
Wishing everyone health and happiness in the new year. Also happy birthday to Kuro and Tsubaki!
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evaylin · 9 months
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evaylin · 10 months
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evaylin · 1 year
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evaylin · 1 year
Kuro: You really need to stop adopting strays.
Mahiru: You say that as if you weren't once said stray yourself.
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evaylin · 1 year
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evaylin · 1 year
Gear: This plan is dangerous. We could all get killed.
Kuro: Or worse, Mahiru could give us another lecture about safety and responsibility. I don't want to sleep on the couch tonight.
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evaylin · 1 year
Kuro: I have an alibi. I was the first one to arrive at work on Wednesday—
Gear: This story is already full of holes.
Kuro: Mahiru made me wake up early and promised me ramen.
Gear: That makes more sense.
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evaylin · 1 year
Kuro: I'd live for you.
Mahiru: Isn't the classic saying "I'd die for you"?
Kuro: Trust me, if there is one thing that is keeping me alive right now, that thing is you.
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evaylin · 2 years
Kuro: I was told "You only live once".
Kuro: Well, I was revived and now I have to go through this shit again!
Mahiru: But look on the bright side. You have a second chance to achieve your goals.
Kuro: Sleeping for two weeks straight.
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evaylin · 2 years
Servamp Chapter 126 translation "In order not to forget anything"
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evaylin · 2 years
@nurul-cerise !!! Guess what!!
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I did it!!
Imma do it in order which means kuro first!
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evaylin · 2 years
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What's going on 🥲
Dear count, show us your other faces, please 😩🙏
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