evemables · 5 years
( qoldnheart‌ )
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(¸.• ♛ → A small smile was on her lips while she was picking the ducks with careful, the good thing is that patience is what she always has and to her that was just the key of all of this. “You just need to be patience.” The brunette said when she heard someone speaking about that, now grabbing one of those once again. She had won a stuffed animal when she was able to pick four ducks in a row, now grabbing her teddy bear.
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evelyn’s brows creased even further and she tried to concentrate on catching a duck. “ patience. ” she repeated, glancing momentarily up at holly before glaring back at the duck, nodding with slight determination. “ just. a little bit. of. PATIENCE. ” she articulates her words as she goes to pick up another duck but failing. groaning she feels the need to throw the rod. “ that teddy bear is cute. you deserve it. ” evelyn laughs softly. 
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evemables · 5 years
🎡 EVENT001; ⏤ ( @qoldnheart ) 
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frustrated. evelyn tried her hardest to pick up a DUCK from the swirling pool that ran around the stall with her dicky little fishing pole. she wasn’t really a competitive person but when she didn’t understand something, it kind of drove her mad. “ how the hell is anyone meant to get one ? ” she asks to herself but loud enough for someone else to hear. glancing to her side she saw the girl picking up ducks with little to no effort, as if she did this all the time. evelyn watched in disbelief but also curiosity. what was she doing different ? 
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evemables · 5 years
🍦 EVENT001; ⏤ ( @harryanderscn )
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walking down the main strip of the carnival, evelyn took in all the sights and smells, enjoying the atmosphere. in all the noise and people, she felt invisible, able to fit in. it was perfect. no one to try anything with her unless she specifically made herself known. but. something stopped her in her tracks. THAT SMELL. she nearly wrenched the moment she sensed it. walking up to the stall, she noticed the different flavour of slurpees they had and at the very end was the infamous pineapple slurpee flavour. right next to it was the one and only. she groaned. of course he was here. “ please tell me you weren’t the one who requested to have this here. ” she walked up behind harry and glared him down. 
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evemables · 5 years
( harryanderscn‌ )
in all honesty, harry couldn’t say he knew evelyn well at all. he wasn’t sure if she had had friends or not, but if chuck was screaming rude stuff at her? well, harry wasn’t going to just sit back and watch that. or worse yet, laugh with the others. he was all for jokes when they were funny, but something about a middle aged man picking on a girl who was clearly uncomfortable didn’t sit right with him. he vaguely remembered her from school - she’d seemed quiet, mostly. but every now and then, he’d see the blonde around town or around school, usually with a sad look on her face. “of course. it’s a very scientific system,” he assured her, carefree grin on his face. “i mean, have you ever met a smart person who couldn’t tie their shoes?” harry asked, shooting one last glare over his shoulder at the crowd who had stopped to watch the exchange. there would probably be rumors and gossip swirling around the town of hawkins after this, but who really gave a shit? “want a pineapple slushie? there’s a two for one deal right now.”
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she thinks for a moment, wondering if she had ever met someone smart who didn’t tie their shoes. shaking her head she looks up at the taller. “ have to admit i don’t really STARE at people’s feet so i wouldn’t notice. ” with her arms crossed, she played with the fabric of her shirt and watched as harry scoped the area, she thought for a moment he’d probably want to leave, not be associated her. she didn’t blame him. she had that affect on people. what she didn’t expect was for him to bring up exactly what she dreaded remembering. “ are you kidding me ? ” she blurted out without thinking. collecting her thoughts, scrunching up her face she tries to explain. “ wouldn’t you be sick of them, after how many you ingested back in high school ? ”
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evemables · 5 years
( harryanderscn‌ )
“AT LEAST SHE HAD SOME FRIENDS, CHUCK,” the blonde boy yelled back at the middle aged man who had insulted the girl. it was a small town, so harry knew the man from the local bar. he was an idiot, and coming from harry, that was saying something. “why don’t you go back to doing what you do best? being the town disappointment and day drinking on a tuesday morning,” harry added, rolling his eyes at the man. sighing heavily, he caught up to the girl, glancing down at her. “he’s a moron, anyway,” he remarked, walking beside her lazily. “wouldn’t know how to put on his shoes if they weren’t velcro.”
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the yell from the other caused evelyn to jump in her spot, startling her. she turns to see harry yelling at the man across the road. it felt like years since she had even been in this small of a radius from harry, one of her only memories of him was freshman year and watching him, a junior, chug pineapple slurpees for fun. it was a strange introduction to hawkin’s highschool. but here she saw a different side to him. had some friends? she wondered for a moment who’d she consider a friend. either way, she found his words to be amusing at least, causing her to let out a soft huff in response. “ is that how you classify MORONS, if they can tie their own shoes or not ? ” she asks, although it’s not that deep of a question. she’s only asking to fill space as they walk away from the scene, tears slowly disappearing.  
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evemables · 5 years
( wlllbycrs‌ )
it was a stupid question for him to ask; of course she wasn’t great. but they didn’t know much about one another, so it wasn’t like will could just jump into a conversation. after all, the biggest thing they had in common was a sensitive subject, so it was probably best to leave it alone for now. still, he frowned slightly at evelyn’s answer. “i…i get it,” he nodded, folding his hands on the table. “i needed time to adjust, when i was found. but, there’s no way to really take that time, you know?” his family and friends had tried to help him, but it wasn’t like he could just drop out of school and spend his days locked away in his room. he had had to move on, whether he wanted to or not. “i’m fine,” he told her. because comparatively, he was. his life had been turned upside down (literally) two years ago, but it was slowly coming back together.
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she feels comforted knowing they were both on the same page. “ fine. ” she repeats, a small smile on her lips. in all honesty, what more could they ask for than to be fine ? for evelyn she’d ask for her family back, for the truth. but maybe that was just selfish of her. to expect the world to work in her favour. she notices one of the diner workers drop off their drinks and she thanks them, taking her chocolate milkshake and taking a sip. “ thanks for the drink. ” she mutters, circling the straw in the cup. “ you know, sometimes i think we’re really SIMILAR. ” she states, looking out the window. “ i mean no one can relate to what you’ve been through but. maybe if we’d talked in high school, i think we could’ve been pretty good friends. ” 
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evemables · 5 years
( 006sia‌ )
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        she was  FAKING  it  ,   in a way  -  sia really was  hardly  aware of social standings in hawkin’s  .   so the offer to the other ?  was very much  genuine  ,   as was the smile upon her painted lips  .   will perk up at her agreement  ,   turn the  opposite  way of the commotion  ,   head  tilts  curiously  .     “  just follow me !  oh  ,   also  -  i’m sia !  it’s nice to meetcha  .  ”  
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blinking in place, she notices the other is already off down the pathway and evelyn jogs to catch up with the more ENERGETIC girl. maybe it’s the distraction she needs, also to have someone so upbeat was a nice change. sometimes. “ nice to meet you too sia. i’m evelyn. ” 
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evemables · 5 years
( qoldnheart‌ )
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(¸.• ♛ → “I’m aware to always do that.” She says now looking at the other one, a sigh escaped from her lips, sometimes people were just a bit rude, at least the girl was apologizing right now. “I said I was sorry, usually I pay more attention.”
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evelyn raises an eyebrow at the other and wonders why she looks familiar. was she apart of the wheeler family ? “ yeah, i heard you. it’s. FINE. just today hasn’t been the greatest. it’s not your fault. ” she tries to reassure the other. 
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evemables · 5 years
( allytheintern‌ )
“Thanks,” Allison responded, a smile spreading across her face as she gently guided the blonde in the other direction. “I also ran into Mr. Mundy the last time I had to run some errands, and I’d rather avoid another awkward conversation with him.” That had been painful to endure. If having someone with her would ensure that former teachers would steer clear, she’d drag relative strangers to the General Store every day. She glanced over, relieved that the tears seemed to have gone from Evelyn’s face. “How have you been, by the way? How is Hawkins? I haven’t been all that up to date on recent events, not that anything ever happens here.” Except for random disappearances and deaths. She still missed Barb’s smile.
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evelyn starts to follow, letting the other guide her. “ men seem to have a habit of making life harder than it needs to be. ” she quips, turning to watch the man who had previously yelled at her walk away, annoyed. she turns back to ally when she asks about everything. “ i’ve been⏤ GETTING BY. ” she simply states, crossing her arms as they walk. “ hawkins is hawkins as usual. let’s just hope something good happens this summer, cause we sure as hell need it. ” she ponders for a moment, biting the inside of her cheek. “ how have you been ? ”
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evemables · 5 years
( ncywhlrs‌ )
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nancy tucks a loose strand of hair behind her ear, nodding in response to the other’s words. she knew too well about holding onto something. how finding out the truth about something could be all you have. she’d done it with finding out what happened to barb. and while nancy hadn’t really spoken to evelyn before, she knew that her family had gone missing. and she wondered if maybe they suffered the same fate as her friend. if they did then evelyn should know the truth. lips purse and brows knit together. “yeah. it’s not always a bad thing to hold onto things but…i – people do get bored here.”
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evelyn reads the worry and concern on nancy’s face crystal clear. she’s seen it before in others, scared of where she was leading herself. was she putting herself into a hole by doing these things ? possibly. but. “ ⏤it’s just something to help pass the time, between other things life throws at us. ” she says with a small, reassuring smile. “ life’s a BITCH. sometimes we don’t mean to hold on, you know ? ” she chuckles, amused by the harsh reality of it. but she needed to hold on to her missing family, cause she had no one else. 
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evemables · 5 years
( melliflucnts‌ )
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     he offers her a small smile, albeit slightly sad. even if it is normal, it shouldn’t be. growing up, he was the target of similar occurrences, and he always feel bad when he sees it happening. he tries to step in at times, but the point would be moot if he were to call out after the man on the other side of the street. “i’m sorry,” he adds softly. he isn’t sure what else to do, and sometimes he wishes he wasn’t so damn awkward around people. he takes a deep breath, “but if you’re not doing anything, i was on my way to get a cup of coffee?” he says the last bit with a more questioning tone than he should, considering it is what he was on his way to do. “if you want to join me or something.” 
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sorry ? i guess some people would feel sorry for her, depending on how much they knew about her story or even just her. a soft smile passes over her lips at his words. he was TRYING. in his own kind of awkward way. but she’d be awkward too put in his situation. no one really knows what to do in these situations and she didn’t blame him. “ coffee ? ” she was already kind of high off of fear but she could go for a coffee. “ if you don’t mind me joining you, of course. then yes. ” stuffing her hands in her pockets, she tilted her head, waiting to see if he changed his mind.
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evemables · 5 years
( wlllbycrs‌ )
will was just doing what a decent human should do. the way people had treated evelyn, while she was grieving nonetheless, was ridiculous. people feared what they couldn’t understand, and no one could understand what had happened in hawkins over the last two years. not unless they had experienced it. so, because the citizens of hawkins were all in the dark on everything, they chose to react with unkindness towards anyone who wasn’t as lucky. evelyn deserved to have someone be there for her, and if will was the only person willing to do that, then so be it. nodding his head, he crossed to the counter to order one chocolate and one strawberry milkshake. “that sounds good,” he replied when he returned, sitting down at her table. “how are you? besides…all of that,” he asked, glancing down towards her notebook.
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how was she ? glancing at the notebook, she had to think. her mother and brother were gone. she now lived alone. the other day, she got yelled out by strangers for being crazy, her emotions were hard to pinpoint and she felt like doing things she shouldn’t. she felt incredibly confused. she was starting to get scared she was losing herself in all of this. but, besides that. “ i’d by LYING if i said i was good but i’m definitely, fine. ” she shrugs. “ ⏤the world isn’t really forgiving to those who need time. you know ? so i just work, spent time by myself. rinse and repeat. ” she wonders for a moment, tapping her fingers against the table. “ how are you ? besides, everything. ”
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evemables · 5 years
( melliflucnts‌ )
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     never really paying attention to the personal drama in hawkins, ash glares at the other guy from across the street. he is no stranger to bullies, but luckily since high school, it died down. his gaze shifts from the guy to the girl walking towards him. “hey,” he greets her as he falls into step beside her. “are you alright?” it probably isn’t the best wording, but it’s the least he could do. 
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hesitating in her place, evelyn turned to look at the man, ash. she’s seen him around quite a few times, his face coming back as flashes in her memory. he was usually at the library whenever she visited, looking for more books or newspapers for her research. she also remembered seeing him in high school. ALWAYS with a book in hand.
but they’d never gotten the chance to talk back then. for a short moment she wondered how it would be if they did. but just knowing that ash wasn’t an outwardly terrible person was comforting in of itself. “ i’m okay⏤ just a NORMAL day for me. ” it wasn’t normal, she hadn’t been outrightly yelled out in the main street before but she was used to the names, at least. she sighed, hating herself for even trying to justify other people’s shitty attitude. 
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evemables · 5 years
( 006sia‌ )
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         sometimes she forgets how much people can be  dicks  ;   one doesn’t have to be a worker at  HAWKIN’S LAB    (  rip  )   to be absolute assholes  ,   if customer service had taught her anything  .    for a moment  ,   sia’s not quite sure what to do  .   she can see that if this girl is left  ALONE  ,   it’ll be a bad night  ;   and whilst she tries to mind her own business  …  sometimes she can’t help but  not  .   for a moment she wishes she had the powers of the  other  numbers  ,   for hers didn’t let her  hurt  others  .   though it’s perhaps a good thing  ,   considering her  ROUGH  temperament  .     “  you look like you could use some  ice-cream  !  ”   she has to play the role she created for herself  ,   but she could be  nice  ,   she thinks  .     “  i know a place  ,   on me  .  ”    is she planning to sneak into her work place after hours ?   maybe so  .   
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evelyn was taken off guard at the amount of excitement the other demonstrated, causing her to look the girl up and down. was the girl FAKING it ? for her benefit ? it was possible that someone would want to help out. but she couldn’t be a hundred percent sure. she wasn’t instantly familiar with the other but she shrugged, still feeling like she was being stared at. “ sure, ice cream sounds nice. ” 
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evemables · 5 years
( allytheintern‌ )
Allison had been minding her own business when a man’s voice filled the street, his taunting words loud as everyone paused to watch. “Dickhead,” she muttered under her breath, continuing on her way. As she walked past the moron, she eyed the blonde across the way, her gaze wary as she noted the clenched fists— only for her eyes to soften as she saw the tears welling up. Ally should just walk away and mind her own business, but instead she switched directions, heading towards the so-called ‘crazy’ blonde. “Hey, Evelyn Mables right? Wanna come with me to the store? Someone flattened my tires, and I kind of want some company— I’m not all that keen on walking the rest of the way alone.” So maybe the whole tire thing was a lie, but the other girl didn’t need to know that.
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evelyn blinked away any possible tears as she heard the voice beside her. looking up she saw the girl, ally. if she had remembered her name correctly. ally had been a grade older than her in high school and all evelyn knew now was that she worked at hawkins memorial. “ yeah⏤ i mean, SURE. if you want me to. ” she knew the other way just trying to be kind and help her out, so evelyn took the opportunity, just wanting to get out of here. 
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evemables · 5 years
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I just wanted some fucking tea.
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evemables · 5 years
( wlllbycrs‌ )
the last two years had been difficult in so many ways. they had been traumatic, for sure, but they had also been really isolating. no one really understood what he had been through, no matter how hard they tried. his mom, jonathan and his friends had tried their best to make him feel safe and loved, but none of them would ever really know how he felt. not only had going to the upside down and being possessed by the mind flayer taken a toll on him, coming back to find out that kids found him unsettling at best was really difficult. will hadn’t exactly been popular before his disappearance, but he had been infamous since coming back. at least he had been able to hide before - now, everyone knew who he was, and most of them wanted to keep their distance from him. “they haven’t been nice to you either,” will pointed out with a grimace. evelyn had been shaped by that week too. will would be a wreck if he lost his mom; he didn’t even want to think about that. “you don’t have to do that,” will shook his head. “i can get my own. or yours. i can get them both,” he offered, glancing at a menu on the table briefly. “i don’t want to push. i mean, there are definitely still things from that week that i don’t know, but…if it’s hard to talk about, don’t feel like you have to.”
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her solemn face slowly faded into a look of fondness. here was a lost boy, essentially. lost in the ABYSS of the world, labelled a freak just like her. yet he was offering to do things for her, caring about her wellbeing, her life. she thought all life in hawkins was dead, gone, just an empty void of a town. maybe she was wrong. for a boy that came back from the supposed dead, he had more heart than she thought she ever could. in a soft voice, she smiles. “ then one chocolate milkshake for me, please. ” her words were on the verge of playful, light. “ maybe we can just, chat, like normal people do. ” she shrugs. “ then if needed, we can talk about⏤ the rest. ”  
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