eventuallyme · 1 year
“i love all sides of you”
but me to you too
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eventuallyme · 1 year
It’s been a while!
How are you feeling now?
It’s weird. To summarise this past month, I realised: love is fake. I’m exaggerating but life really is so much more than “finding this special person”. I realised searching only leads to heartbreak and having any ounces of hope just leads to pain.
If it happens, it happens. But jeez the amount of desperation out there- I hope not to become one of the crowd.
And so, I wanted a purpose outside of my identity.
And then it hit me:
You’ve always wanted a dog. You (now) have the funds for it. Maybe an animal companion is the way to go.
So I chased the feeling and jumped headfirst into a scam. It sucks that there are people out there who are this shitty. I tossed and turned, waiting and praying that this was all legitimate. It wasn’t, and I paid the price.
From then on, I faced the sunk cost fallacy and continued to pursue the dead horse dream. A part of me still wanted it, but most of me was exhausted. I ended up following through and the consequences rained in: it all hit me.
My life will never be the same. Constrained and bound, I signed my life away. Gone we’re the moments I was living for myself: each and every day is solely focused on this puppy, every hour, every waking minute, it’s him.
I can’t sleep, I can’t breathe, I can’t get space.
Overwhelming judgements flog to my mind the moment I even remotely take a breather: “you chose this” i’m constantly reminded, “this is your responsibility” “you begged for this”.
I hate this. Raising a puppy has its pros and cons and the daily routine is tedious but doable- that part is fine. What I despise most is the looming micromanagey judgements, the scissors that clipped my wings, the “we told you so: this is all on you” carrot on a stick that dangles above my head.
The moment I step away for myself, I’m automatically a shit human being. It makes me not want to do my responsibilities which fuels the cycle of “hey you’re not fulfilling your responsibilities”.
I will not forever be in your debts for your gracefulness FUCK RIGHT OFF. I thank you for your help and assistance I’m sure but I refuse to be bound with side eye conflictions.
I hate this and I hate you.
I’m sorry to hear that. Did your love life ever pick up?
I’m afraid to admit it, but I think so.
Not really but I know deep down, my heart is being set on one.
Our communication, our dissection of hypotheticals, our commonalities in values/ideals/interests is uncanny and unmatched.
I have hope but I refuse to admit it.
That I’m slowly falling for you.
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eventuallyme · 2 years
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eventuallyme · 2 years
D Me:
It’s been an interesting past few weeks.
You’ve had some interesting highs, some weird lows and I am honestly so proud of where you are right now. There’s still ways to go but take every step with poise, sincerity, and as your last.
You’re alone at the moment but it’s not lonely? You know that someone amazing is out there but they just haven’t arrived yet.
They may never arrive though and that’s okay! You’re embracing yourself and spending time with yourself doing the things you want to do.
Do you have regrets? Not at all.
We appreciate the journey so far and just have to recharge. Let’s not waste too much time or energy into those who don’t matter.
Embrace you- and I love you. Keep it up :)
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eventuallyme · 2 years
I think it’s starting to kick in.
You seem to be getting dryer and dryer every day
which I guess is your process
it kind of annoys me since
you were the one who wanted to keep in contact
but not going to lie
i think this works. it sucks it had to end this way.
i didn’t think it would end this soon. why didn’t we share our hopes and concerns earlier? i would have loved to be reassured. i wanted to believe we were really meant to be - and that there was hope.
i think we can both move on and set that distance
and understand
it will never be the same
even though we had so many nice memories
and dreams about our future
times where
it was genuinely just you and me
I never got to say thank you
for being in my life
and no matter what moving forward
we’ve hurt each other too much
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eventuallyme · 2 years
I think part of the reason we had our downfall was because of family and culture. I know to you, you think it’s because of your situation but I think it’s more the surrounding implications. It sounds like a lose-lose situation 75% of the time and in all cases I didn’t want to be the reason you risked it all. “Maybe it’s not meant to be” echoed in my head. And a small part of me wished that you took my advice on board, or reassured me that an amicable solution was on its way, or fought together with me instead of running from the inevitable.
I think a major part of all this is also around finding stability in a partner. I feel like my past, my present, my thoughts, my self worth can sometimes be unstable and I kind of need someone who can ground me (and hopefully, someone I can reliably ground too). But our future seemed bleak with uncertainty especially around: family, culture, finances, emotionality/conflict and that scared me to bits. So I felt alone, I did it all myself? So parts of me regrets not being fully supported (and not fully supporting you) and another part regrets not letting you in.
I do regret not being appreciative of the tough times. When we had no one, little spouts in our day, and we were there for each other. Life doesn’t always go our way but it was honestly never scary because we knew we had eachothers backs. That level of trust and connection, I appreciate it. Thankyou for those times.
I hope you can see that i’m doing this for our greater good with the best intentions for you. You didn’t deserve to be judged and I think the lifestyle values ingrained in me unfairly judged you. I tried to brush off these innate beliefs but they teetered around for too long and the guilt become overwhelming. “Why couldn’t I accept you like how you accept me? What is wrong with me”.
When this broke loose, we did not handle this well.
All in all, you deserve someone who accepts you fully and I am sorry. I sincerely do want to see you shine and one day know that it was all for the better.
I think today is a lot of regrets and lots of talking myself down. I am fighting against the regret but deep down we both know it’s for the best. So chin up!! It’s okay, don’t be hard on yourself. We have to face our choices and we’re in this together. The future is bright!!
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eventuallyme · 2 years
Today was okay, it feels so surreal though. Maybe work is a distraction but the weight is slowly kicking in.
I miss sharing the mundane with you, knowing that at the end of the day, I have someone waiting for me, and it’s us against the world.
Lunch time calls, grocery calls, gaming into the moonlight.
Something fundamentally broken, but in solace we found each other - we weren’t alone.
If I was to think of my most favourite moment it would be when you opened up to me at the station. We sat there for hours trying to deconstruct your sudden life crisis: your emotions, your experiences, and your thoughts. We were connected then, no one else mattered, trains and passer-by’s flowed in and out of the subway, and as a constant, we had each other.
We promised we would get through it together.
I stumbled on our origin moment, it was magical back then. It’s sad to see how sour it turned. We were so naive back then, but we were happy. We took a leap of faith and it’s not to say we became unhappy, but I wish we nurtured our younger past selves.
I feel mostly guilty that I gave in. Am I fundamentally broken in that, I can’t feel gratitude in the abundance around me? I picture you, smiling, looking forward to seeing/hearing me. I share to you disappointing news, my doubts, my insecurities, our problems and your smile slowly drops. The disappointment in your eyes - that wasn’t what you were expecting to hear - as the hurt creeps in.
To my younger self, we will get through this! You were abandoned before and so now you believe that the worst pain you could inflict on someone else is abandonment. Be kind to yourself, you have an amazing future ahead and you just gotta believe and keep moving forward.
Hope to see you better than ever
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eventuallyme · 2 years
Dear you,
It’s been a journey and it feels weird to
close that chapter of my life.
I half pictured you in and out of my future … it was
I think the signs were obvious
and the inevitable was
slowly but surely
closing in
did I give up too soon?
the ambiguity that surrounded our future
was tough
I probably should have been a better supporter
I didn’t like not knowing
how to navigate the situation
maybe I unnecessarily took on that burden
and the helplessness reigned over me.
I must say though
I think I will mourn
the mundanity
that you flourished.
i love love loved the feeling when
at the end of the day
no matter what
we had each others backs
boring, exciting, plain, eccentric
we shared those moments
lived at a distance
but connected as one.
I’m sorry I couldn’t be more supportive.
I’m sorry I took you and those times for granted.
And I’m sorry for letting you and us down.
I appreciate all the effort you put into us thus far.
Sincerely, I feel so shit that I was the one to give up.
I know you changed, adapted and adjusted
based on my needs
and I hope you can carry that change
into the future.
I guess it’s true when they say
only once you lose something
does it’s value truly sparkle.
it feels incredibly shitty
but I think it’s for the best.
because they also say
if you really love them,
you’d let them go.
Dear me,
Don’t forget
we didn’t come to this conclusion for no reason
it’s for the future
it’s for being better
and for stability and happiness.
We had many differences
and didn’t see eye to eye
on a lot of things
and it sucks that the one person you really care for
can never understand you fully.
I don’t think it should have been that hard?
Maybe i’m too hopeful of the future?
But good job for coming this far
You learnt a lot!
Loved well
Trusted well
you’ve Grown well.
You definitely could have done things better
but you live and you learn and
know that life is so much bigger than this.
It’ll be lonely
that’ll take time getting used to
but we got this!
we got this
We have so much more to know about the world
about ourself
don’t be hard on yourself
channel your regrets, sadness and hope for the future
become someone better than ever
and flourish your potential (or what you could never be)
and to each other,
we wish you well.
stay strong, stay healthy, and I hope one day you can be truly happy
happier than ever before!
and when I can see you smile in success
it’ll all be worth it.
stay strong you two!
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eventuallyme · 2 years
i think the thing that annoyed me the most is that
i feel like i am mostly aware of your insecurities
so to call out mine
and have “justifications” for your comments is really low
and to be fair
my comment back wasn’t even that bad
in my opinion either don’t be a hypocrite
or be prepared to be dished
what you were so confidently serving
fire will always be fought back with fire
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eventuallyme · 2 years
every journey must come to an end
it’s sad it had to come to this
it’s a bitter sweet moment
nothing catastrophic
nothing malicious
and compatibility
and you
it sucks
i am thankful
for our time together
our journey
our growth
our support
our experiences
our moments
our wins
our losses
our efforts
when the world was hard
and you felt alone
you were never really alone
but now you are, this is the consequence
it’s the decision you made
the person you gave away
the world really feels like it’s crashing
you don’t realise how much of yourself you have just lost
but it needed to be done
i hate being the one who gave up
i hate these overwhelmingly complicated emotions
was i ungrateful?
you never gave up
was i sensing something
that was not meant to be?
i’m trying to cherish what we had
who we became
and i will sincerely miss you
and all of your support
take it easy
thank you
let’s move on to a better world
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eventuallyme · 2 years
it feels like
an out of body experience
am i exhausted?
am i confused?
i’m here
but i’m not
we’re stationary?
forgive and forget?
why am i struggling?
did i lose hope somewhere?
i don’t want to believe
that i’ve lost some part
but i know i have
but why?
perhaps one of our clashes?
i felt up til now
i was fighting for us
and only when i let go
you were
and are
fought for us
but everything up til now
has been so draining
and a small spark has been lost
coming to terms
with the end of a phase
honeymoon transition
into reality?
or the end of an era?
blocked by intense milestones
you have to be patience
against the voice in your head
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eventuallyme · 2 years
today was nice
i can’t put it to words
i think i felt very safe
sometimes i get caught up
on silly details
and you’re there with me
to say
it’s okay
and how much you love me
and how much i love you
and how much we mean
and appreciate
each other
i’m glad to have you with me
and here’s to many more
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eventuallyme · 2 years
it’s hard to believe
how much i mean to you
i’ve been blinded
is it really true
why do i struggle to see it?
it’s a reminder
you are loved
have hope out there
and trust
that you are cared for
and don’t let it go
love you as always
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eventuallyme · 2 years
thank you
for believing in us
when i was sinking
i thought
things couldn’t be the same
i couldn’t be myself
and felt uncertain about the future
and even though it was
almost like a barrage
i am grateful
that you understood me
and encouraged me
standing by my side
“i choose you
i don’t want to give up on us
i love you more than you can imagine
you are 100% my type, ideal one for me
i don’t know how to express it
i want to help do things for you too
and now that i know
how much it means to you
we can be better
and do better
and do our best”
thank you
and sorry for being 80%
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eventuallyme · 2 years
i feel like
things aren’t the same
i’m mourning the loss of
not to say
it’s forever gone
but rather
we’re trying
to pave a new way
and seeing where that path takes us.
i think i feel
and hurt.
i think i’m going through a lot
i think
i don’t know
or understand how i feel
letting people in truly
is hard
and i feel like
am i being ungreatful
or do i deserve better?
are we compatible?
i can’t help but feel
like i’m too much for you
to share this vulnerability
it almost feels like
“why do you feel this way?
i have too much on my plate
i want someone who i can rely on”
but so do i
and i just can’t help
but feel like nuisance
after our truest thoughts
on our heartbreak anniversary
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eventuallyme · 2 years
Take it easy,
stop and think before acting
really try to understand each other
do not say i feel xyz when YOU …
understand and acknowledge first: feel heard
be prepared to acknowledge different values, contexts, expectations
and sometimes it may very well be agree to disagree
Let’s do our best
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eventuallyme · 2 years
a realisation:
future misalignment
once again, our fatal flaw questions
where do we stand?
dreams of together forever
have withered away
do I see you with me
happily forever?
i feel like i did
but slowly reality caught up
and i don’t think
what we want in a relationship
our values
our morals
our communication
our lifestyle
our interests
our goals
our maturity
i think we’ve made great memories
but along the way
you stopped dreaming
without the conveniences
of a passerby
i don’t think i can
fill in the shoes
of what makes you happy
knowing that
you would be happiest fully
with someone that i can’t be
it’s weird that i have to question
our compatibility; settling but not satisfying
an anniversary gone haywire
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