evergreenpoetree · 3 years
i hope you write, i hope we both write
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evergreenpoetree · 3 years
So, India is dying.
Look, I know a good number of you are from the US and things aren't amazing there either, but my country is literally on the brink of collapse. So I'd love it if we could talk about that for a minute.
If you can't do anything else, please just read and reblog.
A second COVID wave has taken out the healthcare system. There are no more hospital beds. There's an oxygen shortage. There's a critical vaccine shortage. The Central Government has thrown its hands up and is passing the baton to the State Governments to do what they can.
There are over 16 million covid cases. A record 330,000 new cases reported yesterday - comparable to the US at its peak. 187,000 dead as of today.
There is no plan.
Mass cremations are taking place. The cremation grounds are running day and night and they are short on wood. People are watching their loved ones die while waiting for a hospital bed, and then they're unable to give them the proper burial rights.
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Hospitals are overwhelmed. Patients are being confined, two to a bed. They're the lucky ones.
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We are on the verge of people dying in the streets.
This is the second-most populous country in the world. The largest democracy. A country that encapsulates over 15,000 years of recorded human history and has endured everything from famine to invasion to colonisation.
We might be at the end. This might be the thing that does us in.
People are dying.
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People are dying.
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People are dying and there is no plan.
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More good news? Variants are popping up. A double mutation strain has shown up. It is resistant to current vaccines. This will not go away. This is the devastation they warned of when the anti-maskers were out protesting the minor inconvenience of covering their face in public.
My country is on the verge of an emergency state. Our government has failed us. This is as dire a situation as it ever could be.
Look. I don't do much with my life. I write fics, some of you have read them and that's pretty much it. I spend my days with my head in the clouds because that's where I like to be.
But two days ago, my grandmother tested positive, had to be taken to hospital and the ambulance caught fire.
She barely made it to the urgent care she needs.
So, here I am, using whatever meager platform I have to cobble this request together. Because I have to do something.
If you can, donate.
Or spread the word.
Help. Please.
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evergreenpoetree · 3 years
“There’s really no shortcut to forgetting someone. You just have to endure missing them everyday until you don’t anymore.”
— Unknown
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evergreenpoetree · 3 years
“Someone can be madly in love with you and still not be ready. They can love you in a way you have never been loved and still not join you on the bridge. And whatever their reasons you must leave. Because you never ever have to inspire anyone to meet you on the bridge. You never ever have to convince someone to do the work to be ready. There is more extraordinary love, more love that you have never seen, out here in this wide and wild universe. And there is the love that will be ready.”
— Nayyirah Waheed
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
love is buying someone a book and writing a note to them on the first page
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
“I know this transformation is painful but you’re not falling apart; you’re just falling into something different, with a new capacity to be beautiful.”
— William C. Hannan (via quotefeeling)
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
“When you give your heart away, you usually get it back in pieces, fragments. And often, a great deal of time passes before you realize that every piece wasn’t returned to you—and probably never will be. You crave nothing more than to get those small—but vital—fragments back; to return to the unbroken, undamaged version of yourself. But what’s been broken cannot be unbroken, and so all you can do is learn to live with the void of the missing pieces, to somehow find beauty in the wreckage.”
— Krystal McLean, My Darrling
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
"The deepest definition of youth is life as yet untouched by tragedy."
Alfred North Whitehead
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
tired twenties
By peeling insecurities away like withered kitchen wallpaper stained with ambivalence, he taught me that I could be loved. Caressing diligently, laboriously every last harmful thought that should so much as flutter in a mind as impressionable as mine.
Year in, year out.
Picking wounds or picking flowers? I could never tell.
The mossy overgrowth of a damaged child seemed to him a field of petals, pink and innocent, filled with dreams.
My weeds were roses in his eyes until they weren’t.
Father time may dote upon the supple young, but has no patience for the ripened old. As my garden ceased to be his Eden, I realized that I was no longer his Eve.
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
“Would ‘sorry’ have made any difference? Does it ever? It’s just a word. One word against a thousand actions.”
— Sarah Ockler, Bittersweet
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
That is part of the beauty of literature. You discover that your longings are universal longings, that you're not lonely and isolated from everyone. You belong.
— F. Scott Fitzgerald
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
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Kaveh Akbar, from “Despite My Efforts Even My Prayers Have Turned into Threats“
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
We have missed so many firsts, you and I.
Your first love claimed pieces of your heart
Your first kiss tasted your naïveté and shyness
The first you spoke of forever it fell on other ears
My heart could be jealous of the girls who shared those pieces of you
But without them you would not stand before me
The man with a fire deep in his soul
And strength blazing in his eyes.
A man I would not trade for the world.
Instead I will gratefully exchange those missed firsts to be your last, your forever, your always.
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
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Loving Vincent (2017) dir. Dorota Kobiela, Hugh Welchman
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
Strength is not in the way you stand alone at the peak,
with your chest puffed out and your eyes fixed at the sky
strength is when you let the wolves near,
and you don’t flinch, you don’t run, you simply, let be.
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evergreenpoetree · 4 years
hold ‘em
there is danger in numbers days passed, months spent in suppression. fears accumulated. too many to count
the odds were always against us, my darling
yet we remain, piling chips onto a table of dreams, tame and tender, soft yet precise. darting glances over card tricks, baiting breath  with lovely surrender.
My king of hearts, this round I’m all in.
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