everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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Josh Hutcherson in California (February 9th 2016) 
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
you guys
look at this puppy
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it’s like he just got told no for the first time
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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Barbie Vlog #9
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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Our next move … is to kill me.
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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Hunger Games + Book moments
“What do you think?” I whisper to Peeta. “About the fire?”
“I’ll rip off your cape if you’ll rip off mine,” he says through gritted teeth.
“Deal,” I say. Maybe, if we can get them off soon enough, we’ll avoid the worst burns. It’s bad though. They’ll throw us into the arena no matter what condition we’re in. “I know we promised Haymitch we’d do exactly what they said, but I don’t think he considered this angle.”
“Where is Haymitch, anyway? Isn’t he supposed to protect us from this sort of thing?” says Peeta.
“With all that alcohol in him, it’s probably not advisable to have him around an open flame,” I say.
And suddenly we’re both laughing. I guess we’re both so nervous about the Games and more pressingly, petrified of being turned into human torches, we’re not acting sensibly.
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
treat yourself like you would treat your favorite character
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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Is one part of you allowed to forgive the other?
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
Katniss Everdeen is a reluctant hero, she’s someone who doesn’t know what she believes in or who she is but the moment she does there’s a fire in her belly. I think that’s one of the most important messages of the Hunger Games: be who you want to be. Everyone should be entitled to their own opinion, their own vision [of what a role model is].
Sam Claflin(credit)
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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“On the night I feel that thing again, the hunger that overtook me on the beach, I know this would have happened anyway. That what I need to survive is not Gale’s fire, kindled with rage and hatred. I have plenty of fire myself. What I need is the dandelion in the spring. The bright yellow that means rebirth instead of destruction. The promise that life can go on, no matter how bad our losses. That it can be good again. And only Peeta can give me that.”
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
I found the rooftop scene in the script!!!!
but it has nothing to do with the one in the book
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at least there´s a chance that we get another everlark scene among the deleted ones
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
I Remember about the Bread - a Drabble
Post Mockingjay, pre epilogue. Katniss and Peeta begin to grow together, until Peeta remembers the bread. This is one of my first stories so please be gentle on me🙈 your feedback would be greatly appreciated!!
Today had been a good day, Peeta had returned to district 12 around 3 weeks ago and both Peeta and Katniss were getting used to their new normal of living together. Katniss was about to join Peeta in bed, who was laid reading their book, of all the memories they had put in – of all the victims who had died so they could be remembered as people, rather than just a number that contributed to the hundreds and thousands of people who were killed in the rebellion.
Just as Katniss was getting into bed, Peeta said “Katniss, I remember about the bread”. Katniss’ mind immediately flashed back to the last time he had said this, whilst they were in district 13, and the last part of the sentence that time had been “all I know is I would’ve saved myself a lot of pain if I had given the bread to the pig”. Just like that, in only a sentence Peeta had destroyed Katniss’ hope and the one memory she thought the Capitol couldn’t touch – she was slowly moving on from it, but Peeta wanting to taunt her again like this made her feel sick and Katniss was suddenly terrified of what he was going to say next.
Peeta continued, “all I know is – “.
“Peeta, please don’t, please” Katniss begged. She couldn’t hear him say it again, it would ruin her. She thought they were getting closer, growing back together and with the trauma they had both faced at the hands of Snow they needed each other now more than ever.
“Katniss?” Peeta prompted, “what is it?”. Katniss looked up at Peeta and saw that his eyes were focused, not glazed over like they were in the Capitol when he was being controlled by the tracker jacker venom, which only made the whole situation worse that he was going to say something that he knew would cause so much pain to her for a second time. It was only when Peeta reached over to unclasp her fists that Katniss realised how tightly she was gripping the bed sheet, looking for something – anything, to hold onto.
“Peeta please, I can’t hear you say that again” Katniss said through her tears, she began to sob which only seemed to make Peeta more intent on hurting her by pulling her close so she was almost sat on his knee whilst he rubbed her back and hushed her.
“Katniss, I was going to say that I remember the bread and all I know is that I should’ve come and gave you it. Why didn’t I just walk the six steps you and pass you it?! You were starving, and all I could give you was rained on bread, why are you so upset Katniss? I need to know otherwise I can’t help you”
Katniss realised. She realised too late. Peeta had no recollection of his actions when he was hijacked and victim to the venom. She couldn’t tell him what had happened, he’d never forgive himself – but Peeta also knew Katniss was a rubbish liar and would feel even worse if he twigged she was lying to protect him, he was sick of lies like that after the second arena.
“I – I –um, Peeta I” Katniss started, but she didn’t know how to finish.
“Katniss, its okay, please don’t be scared of triggering me” Peeta replied. She realised he could tell she was anxious and treading very carefully then, of course he could, he knew Katniss better than anyone ”Dr Aurelius said I’m getting better remember?” he continued
She did remember, and the thought comforted her. The Peeta she was laid next to right now was her Peeta, not the Capitol’s. He was the Peeta who was willing to die so she could live, who saved Katniss from herself when she was at her lowest. He was the Peeta who at the very least deserved Katniss’ honesty.
“Peeta – um – back in 13, when you first came back you said that you remembered about the bread”
“I did? That’s a good thing, isn’t it Katniss?”
“no, not exactly Peeta. But I need you to know you’re not the same person you were back then, you’re my Peeta, not the Capitol’s”
He was looking confused now. Peeta had no idea what Katniss was going to say next.
She continued – “the last time you said you remembered about the bread, you – you said” Katniss couldn’t speak, she could barely breathe properly she was breathing too heavily, too fast. Peeta was crouched in front of her, looking at her desperately – “Katniss! You’re okay Katniss! You’re okay!” it was one of the coping mechanisms Dr Aurelius had suggested for when the other was having flashbacks or panic attacks, but all Katniss could see was the memory of Peeta in 13 shouting “I should have given the bread to the stupid pig!” over and over again.
It was only when Peeta’s lips met hers, an act he was mirroring that helped him when Katniss’ lips brought him back to reality in the Capitol, that Katniss knew it was a memory not the present moment.
“Katniss, I’m scared now can you please just tell me what I said” Peeta was practically begging, and Katniss needed to tell him now.
“You said that - that you wish you’d given the bread to the pig”. Katniss could no longer control her sobs, they began to wrack her whole body whilst she was resting against the pillow, further away from Peeta than she remembered being.
Now it was Peeta’s turn to be shocked, it took a few seconds to sink in, and exactly what him saying that would’ve meant to Katniss. It was all he could think about. It meant that she would have thought he wanted her dead, he wanted her to starve, that the memories from the first arena meant nothing to him, that he didn’t love her, that he didn’t want her anymore. He began to cry but Katniss was there for him – now she realised he was sorry and it truly wasn’t him who had said it, but the venom.
“Peeta, it’s okay. It wasn’t you who said that – it was the venom. Darling, please look at me Peeta, look at me”
His eyes lifted to meet hers, and it was the grey he saw – a stable comforter throughout the games – a grey which looked sympathetic, not angry or scared which meant he knew that it would be okay. He knew Katniss realised he didnt even remember saying such a horrible thing to her with such awful implications, “Katniss, I’m so sorry, so so sorry” he began.
“Peeta, don’t. Please, this isn’t your fault, you can’t blame yourself. I shouldn’t have got so worked up in the first place, you’re getting better now I should have known you would never say anything like that to me.” Katniss replied
“Katniss, I love you. I’m so sorry I even said that to you. I shouldn’t have brought up the bread. You have to understand I didn’t mean it, I won’t talk about it again” Peeta said
“No, Peeta – we need to talk about those memories, the positive ones that show we protect each other, we need to have more happy memories than sad ones, please tell me about the bread” Katniss replied
Peeta’s eyes were still streaming continuously with tears, as were Katniss’ but it was Peeta’s thumb which wiped Katniss’ cheek, not allowing another tear to fall because of him. “Well, I remember that I had had a crush on you since forever, but I think you know that now after I told you in the games”
Katniss blushed, remembering how embarrassed she was at the whole of Panem watching such an intimate moment. He continued “- and I remember how one day you were collapsed against a tree, I guess at the time I was only young so I didn’t realise you were starving, but I knew you were hungry and needed some help. So I decided that the only way I could get bread to you was by dropping it in the fire because even if the outsides were scorched then the inside would be fine. So that’s exactly what I did, and then I threw them out to you, I should’ve gone out and handed them to you, but my mum had started to be violent towards me and I was trying to avoid it as much as possible. So I threw them out of reach of the pig, so that you could get them. I remember on that night I fell asleep thinking that I was so happy I made you better again. I guess at 11 I thought that’s all it would take is some bread”
Katniss was crying again, but this time they were happy tears, “Oh, Peeta thank you, your bread saved my life, you did make me better, I’m only alive because of you. I love you – you know that don’t you?”. She knew then that her Peeta was slowly but surely coming back to her if he remembered something like that with such clarity.
“Of course I know Katniss, I love you too, and even though it’s going to take a while for us to grow together again, I want to spend every minute of the rest of my life with you” Peeta replied
“And I with you Peeta” Katniss said as she leaned closer and their lips met, this time with no pain to solve, but only love for each other.
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
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{ THG | Aesthetic } Everlark in Love.
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everlark-trash-blog · 9 years
Hugs to you all!
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It’s national hug day today, so I just wanted to spread some love and give you all a big collective internet hug! Thanks for making this fandom wonderful! It wouldn’t be the same without you. ♥
Keep reading
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