everlastingartist · 2 years
Financially Secure (Spike x Reader, BTVS)
Warnings: sexual content below the cut
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You didn’t come to bed until late. Spike was up reading, but when you slid into bed he set the book on the nightstand. He had adapted his schedule so that he could be there when you fell asleep, which worked out because most of the time your shift didn’t finish until it was near dawn anyway.
You knew he didn’t approve of you working yourself to the bone, but it was hard for you to accept any money that he offered. You had been able to come to terms with most of the things he did, justify it in your own mind by comparing his behavior now to before, trying to reason that he was getting better every day. But the money— He had no way to get money without engaging in some seriously unethical activity.
You had tried to explain this to him before. But tonight, he was pushing it.
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everlastingartist · 2 years
Sooooo hot punk spike
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SPIKE in 1977
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everlastingartist · 3 years
My very own spideress, Edith Bearthorn! I hope you guys like her, six hours of work!
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everlastingartist · 3 years
This is another Spike story called Spells and Spikes, it is based on a dream I had were a witch/Vampire who been around for a few hundred years. And I wrote this one two years ago. So comment and like if you'd like me to continue with this story.
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...Something's Change.
Blinding light was released, soon surrounded by white noise; frost covering the earth's forest floor, of sunnydale..
The town built on the world's biggest hellmouth, has released another being more like a human, the ground below the town shakes, the residents startled and slowly but surely calm back down again as the evening progressed.
Spike and Buffy made their way across the cemetery, strolling like the group usually did by this time of night.
Spike striding a bit of an inch away from Buffy, "What do you think that was?" Buffy is trying to find a way to amuse herself out of her boredom. "And how would I know, Slayer? What am I you're faithful pup?" Spike snide commented.
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Behind the pair, Xander, Willow and Tara come rushing across the cemetery.
"Buffy-Buffy,"Willow calls out as they reached Buffy and Spike. "We know what that earthquake was about!" Willow tried to explain as she tried to regain her breath.
"Yeah, Willow has found a tomb not far from here--" Xander adds. "Yea, that sounds nice, but why don't' you bunch go find said beasty. While I stay here and play cops and robbers all night long?" Spike said as he begins to walk farther into the cemetery, but. Buffy grabbed his trench coat before he could go any farther.
"No, you're going to help us, whether you like it or not." Buffy looks at Spike with a stern face.
Spike rolls his eyes at this, and turns on his heel, making his way past the group. Spike knocked his shoulder against Xander's. "Ow!" Xander yelped. "Why are we bringing captain peroxide?" Xander asked aloud as they all headed towards the tomb.
"Because if there are any bad monsters, Spike can rip them to pieces." Willow states as Xander nods at the thought.
A hole to where a metal door should be, displays itself to the gang as they step in, Spike being the first one to step in.
Spider web's hung above them, rain water dripping down the cracked walls. "Boy, whoever they were trying' to keep in here, we're very, very naughty." Spike said aloud smiling as he said it.
A figure of a young woman is hanging from chains against a wall.
Her [h/c] drafts down mid-back, eyes shut with weird looking clothing.
"This must be [Y\n] [l\n] she was bound by the council, in the 18th century." Willow says as she reads from the book in the bag, she had brought it with her. I
"Why would they do this to, well..a beauty such as her."Xander smiles before looking at the dirty ground below his feet.
Everyone shakes their heads before remembering the task in front of them.
Spike grabs holds of the chains, ripping the bolts holding the young woman up, out of the wall.
Willow continued. "She was a witch,-" Spike ripped the rest of the chains off the wall. "And a Vampire.." That made Spike stop. "How is that even possible?" Xander asked as Willow looked just as shocked as everyone else.
"You mean, this bird, I got holdin' in my hands, is a vampire-witch?" Spike said looking at Willow.
"Spike, I know it sounds weird but-" A rumble within the tomb snaps the group out of their thoughts.
"Run!"Spike yells, caring for the young woman in his arms. Spike was ahead of the rest of them.
Red inscription was wrapped around the young woman's body. "Oi! Red, there's some weird writing on her clothes."Spike said as Willow rushed over after they all got out safely.
"T-These are, imprisonment inscription." Giles said as he read the text on the woman's body.
Spike leaned against the archway by the kitchen as the young woman was laid on the dining room table. 'when I held her, she was colder than I was.'Spike thought as Giles continued to read a book from the council.
"If I could go and find the herbs we need to cover this imprisonment spell."Giles says aloud as Willow raises her hand. "I can go to the stores and grab the herbs, Giles! No problem!" Willow grabbed her and Tara's thing before rushing out the door before Giles had a chance to say anything.
Giles sighted. "Does Willow even know what she's looking for?" Giles asked as no one answered. "I'm going after her, you all stay put, while I return with the ingredients will need." Giles grabbed his coat and closed the front door behind him.
Spike leans off the archway making his way to the dining table. "Hard to believe she's actually a wiccan and—Vampire.''Spike lifts his hand and leans on the table chair.
"She must have been so scared. Being trapped and left down there for so long." Buffy said with a sad expression glued on her face.
Spike didn't say anything after what Buffy had said. The Slayer was probably right for once.
"She looks like a better fighter, more than you. Slayer." Spike says with a smirk.
"Gee, thanks." Buffy huffed out as Spike stare at The young vampir.
After an hour and half, Giles, Willow and Tara come back into Giles front door after going to the magic box.
"I have all the ingredients, we need for this spell. But one is still missing.." Giles said not looking at anyone else. Buffy looked at Giles, knowing that look before.
"Giles. What are you not telling me.."Buffy's tone was mixed with fear and anxiety.
"According to the book that the council made centuries ago, we need the blood of a Slayer to unlock her inscription or.."Giles getting lost in the reading below on the tabletop he had been leaning against. "Or? Come on the bloody suspense is killing me."Spike egged Giles to get on with it.
"The blood of a vampire."Giles says finally as Spike and Buffy glanced at one another before looking down at the table, which held the imprisoned wicca/vampire.
Spike signed and turned on the heel of his boot and had grabbed a steak knife from the kitchen drawer before walking back to the dining room table.
Spike sliced his inner hand and held over the ritual bowl below that was set on the table.
"She can have mine, if the Slayer can't do it."Spike smirked at Buffy.
Buffy rolled her eyes at his demeanor as they all looked at the young woman who was still unmoving.
"She must be a good witch, right?"Willow asked curiously as Giles looked towards Willow then back on the woman.
"Says here, she was part of a great Coven, and was the leader before she was bitten and taken in by the council. Also says she was a very good witch and helped the council when they needed her." Giles then smiled before continuing."After the turn, she slaughtered the Slayer and half the council, including..."Giles then stopped."Giles.."Buffy pressed him on to know what the book says.
"When her parents died, she was pushed over the edge. She slaughter whole families, women and children. But she made it swift for the women and children. The men were tortured for days on end until the dead by her or starvation."Giles finished as Spike's brow was raised by impression.
"That's horrible..."Willow says aloud hugging Tara.
"She must have had a reason behind it."Spike says as everyone stared at him.
"Like when people called me, William the bloody."Spike stated his case.
Suddenly,The windows shot up with a slam, startling everyone in the conjoined rooms.
"She was called The Wicked blood"Giles added as Spike's mouth was agape.
The body shot from the table, grabs the nearest body,--Xander.
"Xander!!-"Willow screams. "Why in the hell am I here?"[Y/n] asks as her grip tights. Spike jumps at Wicked Blood.
Her other hand shoots up and out, with her palm flat. A force released out and threw Spike against the front door.
"You. Stay like a good boy."[Y/n] smiled as her face morphed into one's like Spike's.
Leaning her fangs to Xander's neck, Giles then rushed to the fridge and grabbed one of Spike's pig and poured into his librarian mug.
Heated it for two minutes, the ding noise took [Y/n]'s attention off of Xander, as Buffy unleashed a roundhouse kick towards [Y/n]'s face.
[Y/n] caught it, mid-air and threw Buffy up and over the couch near the door.
"Slayer, Hmm. Haven't had that in years. And I could eat."A Cheshire cat grin spread across the Wicked blood's face.
Giles grabbed the mug and the smell attracted her attention. "Everyone calm down. She hasn't been fed in centuries, and is very well starving."Giles says moving forward slowly. "Giles,No!''Buffy yelled as she struggled to stand up.
"Face it, Slayer. She wiping you like a good puppy."Spike said standing up from the front door.
Face morphed to normal, [e/c] were calming down the flames of rage inside.
Licking the edge of her lips hungrily, Giles gently giving the Wicked blood the mug, as she drinks the metallic liquid, it only lasts a few minutes.
Cleaning the liquid from her lips with a lick of her tongue.
"Pigs blood will do, I guess." [Y/n] said as her grip on Xander released.
"Now, how did you break the inscription on your body, without the ritual?"Giles asked sternly.
A smile crosses her lips, "The spell is said to collect the ingredients, but the final one will release thy victim." [Y/n] smiled being a smartass.
Xander coughing to breathe. "Apologies, when I'm hungry I will grab anything in my range." [Y/n] says drinking a second cup, Giles had handed her.
"Duly noted." Xander managed to say as he rubbed his throat.
[Y/n] began to look for a change of new clothing.
"You." [Y/n] pointed at Willow.
"Yes, ma'am!-" Willow spoke quickly, afraid of the consequences if she hadn't been listening.
[Y/n] strides across the room, and stops at Willow. "May I have clothing similar to what you are wearing. It's a little cold in here." [Y/n] said wishing that the clothing that had was warmer.
Buffy gave a confused expression. "Wait a minute. Did you just say it w-"Buffy touched Wicked blood's arm, her hand jumped back to her side. [Y/n] smirking at the Slayer.
"Aye, I said and referred to your clothing as a prostitute." [Y/n] looked at the Slayer.
Buffy frowns at this comment, as [Y/n]'s face had changed to that of Spike's.
"Careful. Slayer, I don't play well with others." Her pearly whites fangs showed a smile.
"But..Since you and your little band of misfits freed me from my curse then I owe you a great depth of gratitude." [Y/n] bows her head towards all of them.
"..and the would mean what?" Xander asked, his face formed confusion as the others stared.
"Means..that as long as I stand, the Slayer will not be hurt." 
Buffy stares in shock as do the rest of them. Expect Spike..He wandered off for a smoke.
" After three hundred years, clothing styles would have been better." [Y/n] said with boredom in her tone.
 Buffy rolling her eyes as [Y/n] suddenly disappeared and then reappeared in the kitchen, combing through the cabinets.
" Wait, how-how did you?" Said Willow looking back and forth between the spot where [Y/n] was and now.
"My magic was as powerful as the council's magic division."
Willow looked confused. Spike carefully strides into the kitchen  as [Y/n] tossed canned goods over her shoulder as Spike laughed as the items were scattered around the floor.
" Face facts , red. She's just a wee bit better than you."
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everlastingartist · 3 years
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everlastingartist · 3 years
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I was thinking about Negan and the final season of the series. So this maybe a story I'm sticking with and I never knew how heartbroken this man was and I've never been so moved by a character's love for their wife before. Never have I've seen a man go through what Negan went through. But that's why this character will forever be in my heart. So here's a large bit of the story I've been writing most of the morning.
Wandering the woods for a better part of a month, raggedy backpack with few supplies and an old water canister and only filled half full. Searching and listening for any signs of a river, moving silently moving through the dead leaves below they're boots. Beneath the leaves were last winter's branches and twigs. Slowly And stealthily moving through the forest. 
A few meters away was an old cabin, it wasn't much but it could be home. Looking carefully and scanning the trees in front of her, she made her move to venture closer to the old cabin. Watching and looking for signs and sights of Walkers. The coast was clear to move quietly and quickly.  
The hooded woman made it to the cabin door, but moved her ear closer to the middle of the door frame and listened. Rustling and the creek of the floorboards gave signs of a human. Turning the doorknob steadily, peering slowly into the cabin.
Eyes searching before they scanned the front hall and after seeing nothing, she entered through the front door then slowly closed it without making any noise. 
The floorboard creaked,  as her eyes widened at the loud, it was like hearing a pin drop. The sound of a gun cocking and filling the gun's chamber.  Blue eyes flicked over to the left side of her, to see a man. He wore grey sweatpants, a light grey hoodie that was completed with a black biker jacket along with worn down black leather boots. 
His salt and pepper beard was the first thing she noticed as his face looked thin and his eyes baggy with sleeplessness in his iris. 
"Who the fuck are you?" He asked the same question as everyone does in this situation. 
" a..Wanderer.." which was a quick answer as she steady her footing as he loomed over her frame and locked his eyes with hers.
"Just..finding a place to escape the death that's lurking outside." Her hands start to shake a little as the adrenaline starts.
His eye contact broke from hers, the hood seemed to cover her face, he wondered what she looked like. His arm slowly pointed the gun down as a breath sighted from her lips.
"Name's Negan. What the hell are you doing in the woods?" He smiled, happy to see someone who isn't trying to kill him. But Negan kept his guard. 
"Astra." Aastra slowly pulled down her hood, revealing her face.
Her hair was dark golden brown, copper highlights seemed to shine out as the sun slowly started to set.
Her eyes were like the ocean during a storm, grey blue mixed light blue. Negan watched Astra with nervousness that he only had with his wife, Lucille. 
"I've been on my own for years..no one took pity or helped me so I took what I could without hurting anyone. " Astra took in the rest of Negan's appearance, he was thinking and lean but through his shirt, his ribs were showing.
He was almost dying as the human body can survive three weeks without food and can survive long enough on water.
Seeing the signs of lack of nutrition,  Astra stuck her hand behind her and grabbed her old pack. Pulling it in front of her, Negan watched as she dug around in the pack. She took out spaghetti noodles and a tin of tomato sauce. Negan's eyes grew wide.
"You look hungry and a little  too thin."Astra smiled just a bit to lighten the mood. As Negan kept quiet, his stomach couldn't. 
A low grumble of Negan's stomach made Astra gasp at the sound before the pair join in a laugh. The laughter filled the living room as they stood three feet away from each other. 
As the laughter died down," I guess I'm hungrier than I thought." Negan let out a genuine smile. Astra took the time to wander her way to find the kitchen. The generator kicked on as Negan had wandered to the seller door after Astra looked for the kitchen. He shut the door to the seller and then made his way to the kitchen to find Astra taking a pot out to boil water. 
After 45 minutes, the spaghetti was finished and Negan has was so thin. Astra gave him a large portion of the spaghetti. Astra was fine with a medium portion. 
The both of them  had taken a seat at the table. Negan just stared at the meal then to Astra as if asking permission to eat.
"Go ahead, eat. You probably have been pretty hungry.." within a mill a second, Negan dove his fork into the meal and then it reached his mouth.  Tears sprouted from his eyes as it felt like heaven.
"This is so fucking goddamn good. I've never had a meal this good since…" and Negan stopped talking and swallowed. "Since..My wife passed away.." He hadn't spoken about the truth about Lucille. But it was all he thought about.
"I'm so sorry that you lost your wife..I can't imagine what you must have gone through.."Astra slid her hand suddenly and grabbed Negan's rough hand that laid on the table by his plate.
Negan kept his head down as Astra got up and kneeled next to his chair.
Astra stared at Negan as his head still hung low and tears kept falling from his face.
Astra's hand found its way to Negan's salt and pepper bearded cheek. "Life always has a way to make the best out of our lives. Even when we lost so much." Astra spoke as she slowly lifted his head up to let him look at her.
Negan looked broken and Astra rubbed her thumb skimmed across his bristles of his cheek. 
"You just have to know that she is no longer in pain and is in a better place than this one." Astra smiled with a tear rolling down her cheek.
Negan nodded and smiled a little before Astra let go of his face. 
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everlastingartist · 4 years
I love this best work yet!!!!
Face your demon
Pairing: Spike x reader
Request: Could you do A Spike x reader where the reader is in love with him, but doesn’t show her emotions (except for getting easily flustered around him), but Spike overhears hears her talking to willow about it and he confronts her, ending in them being together?
Requested by: @wiccanindigo​
Requested tags: @fictionalhoomanofnowhere @artsymaddie​ @shy-ginger-in-the-graveyard​ @cameo-greaves​
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​You were pretty neutral in public. Your face rarely shifted other than to a polite smile or perhaps a confused frown should the moment take you by surprise. Other than this human reaction, you would usually maintain a resting face. One that appeared to most as if you didn’t wish to be in their company. Or anywhere at all really.
You felt a lot. You really cared about your friends, the people you loved. It was just near-impossible to express this. At least, in a way that you were comfortable. It was much easier to hold people at a distance. That way, you didn’t risk rejection. Or painful, bitter emotions that you didn’t enjoy.
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everlastingartist · 4 years
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everlastingartist · 4 years
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everlastingartist · 4 years
✨💜This is the Amazing Person Award! 🏆Once you are given this award you are supposed to paste it in the ask of eight different people, who, in your opinion, deserve it. If you break the chain nothing will happen, but it is sweet to know someone thinks you're amazing inside and out 💜✨
Awwww so sweet. I don't know anyone else who is. But Michael Eklund.
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everlastingartist · 4 years
I loved this episode so much 😭 ❤
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Inuyasha - 62
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everlastingartist · 4 years
I drawing on a daily basis so I gone back to computer art tablets. And I'm a sucker for inuyasha and I've been learning more about art programs.
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everlastingartist · 4 years
For everything we do is for love, like anything in this world it is valued more than gold and worth more than money. In life it's given and then taken for no reason but we fallout of love with reasons that we ask ourselves why? Why did we fight then finally give up on that love? Spike taught me that life can't help be make us love someone who has more to offer but can always make you love them.
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everlastingartist · 4 years
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spike + outfits through the seasons
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everlastingartist · 4 years
When I was young about twelve, my mother had gotten me a orange tabby cat, and as I'm typing this my tears have been falling because at the time I was living in Hawaii and it's something that I've always wanted to know if he was alive. But you always feel a connection with your pets, Angelus or Angel for sort was my whole world. And when we were leaving Hawaii to live with my grandmother in Ohio, I left him with friends. My mother told years later that she regretted that we didn't get him the shots he needed to come with us on the plane. If anyone happens to live on O'ahu
And is military, with residents to Schoenfeld barracks, please look for an orange tabby cat with a bended tail that looks like the number seven and please send me a picture. I just want to see him one more time..
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everlastingartist · 4 years
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Don’t take them off when you immediately see it. Wait until you get to a different destination bc they’re trying to distract you by getting it off then abducting you. Same thing goes if you find something on your windshield, it’s a distraction so they have time to get you.    
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everlastingartist · 4 years
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 people in your notifications, anonymous or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog 🖤
Number One : I love espresso
Number Two: I have a pine island Chahoua Gecko.
Number Three: I want to marry Spike.
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