eversusregnum · 5 years
So now Ash, Keiran and Thorn have their info pages up on the muse page~
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eversusregnum · 5 years
New characters are having their information and bio typed up right now and should be available for rps at anytime~
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Thorn Kasumi (5′11″)
Keiran Schuler (6′4″)
Ash Morrow (6′0″)
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Thorn Kasumi
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Keiran Schuler
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Ash Morrow
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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“Yeah, you’re getting the hang of it.” He ruffled her hair. And with her next sign, Bandit replied with the sign ‘Of course’. Just a few more weeks and she would be able to talk to everyone with ease again. Wolve’s were good at reading body language, even if sign language was not the same. Just the shift in someone’s features or smell was enough to tell them what they needed to know about the other. 
Gently he picked her up and helped her off the counter, to visit Red in the backyard. She was tending to a little garden the wolves had build there in order to harvest their own vegetables.
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Her arms raising as she was then helped off of the counter, Katsu hugged Bandit the second she was let down to the floor. If him and the others hadn’t been there for her, especially through all of this, she wouldn’t know how to handle it in the slightest. Her smile bright upon her lips, she walked outside with him to see Red out back. 
Katsu hurried over to Red, making sure not to step on any of the plants as she then looked up to her. The woman waved at her then signed ‘Beautiful’ to the other with a wide grin on her face. One, she wanted to show her what Bandit had been teaching her, and she wanted to see the other woman smile as well. She liked trying to make everyone happy.
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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“You dare make demands of me?” As if flipping a switch, a nearly audible snap could almost be heard within her at his attempted commands. Her demeanor quickly shifting from something akin to a cat playing with it’s food to something far more dangerous.
“You see you’re quite wrong, you wretched filth. You’ve done far more than enough! 
                                      Y O U  E X I S T E D
And for that you’re more guilty than any other, another mindless ant serving the uncaring DESPICABLE hivemind of your beloved GOD!”
Her words would be like daggers aimed at his very soul, pale fingers slowly crushing inwards around the Holy being’s neck as she spoke. What faint thread of sanity that usually existed within her was rather quickly beginning to sever from the sheer hatred aimed towards this winged man.
“You prideful, wretched, worm!” Her words would grow in intensity, what was once a terrifying whisper near his ear was now overpoweringly loud barking. Her tone was something of nightmares..yet what truly held fear was the subtle movement of her other hand, a single finger slowly running up the being’s spine.
 Yet what should feel like simple flesh trailing up his back, the very contact itself bit deep like a freshly sharpened razor.
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Deimos was slowly being choked by this womans grasp, his eyes clenching shut as her whispers were breathed into his ear, steadily growing louder by the second.
Wait, this was all because of that man?! Deimos had never agreed with all of the strict views and opinions that were drilled into all of the angels that he knew, and that was why he preferred to live in the mortal world. Grinding his teeth, his neck arched slightly as he tried to look back at her.
“I don’t serve under him!” He tried to get out in a forceful tone, not liking to be grouped with the others that he felt were only puppets for a man who would let every being die without the blink of an eye. “I stay away from heaven because I cannot stand why everyone follows that man without a question! We are supposed to be helping those in the mortal world! Not watching as one horrifying thing after another happens to them!”
Wincing harshly at her grip increasing, he needed his words to get through to her! But his eyes then snapped open at the touch to his spine. Not only did it shoot pain through his nerves like fire, but it made the pit of his stomach drop at what she was getting close to as she trailed up.
“Please! Don’t do this!”
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eversusregnum · 5 years
Playing the lowly role of mayor surely had its perks (if one could call it such.) in Ren’s most humble opinion. Inexpensive adoration… Freedom to do whatever it was he wanted… To always have quality time with his dear JunJun… What more was there to ask for? Ren couldn’t simply bite the hand that fed him.
However, at the same time, it gave to him quite the opposite of a reward. Over the years, he learned that he had to be careful; he had to pick his battles wisely. Simply just, he couldn’t pick off whoever it was that he wanted! People would get suspicious, and it’d eventually fall back onto the ward’s lovely mayor if nothing was done about it.
No, no. He couldn’t have that.
But, because of that? He was at a bit of a standstill. No longer was he allowed the privilege of killing whenever he wanted (well, he could but… ah, it’s more trouble than what it was worth.), and he couldn’t just lay his claim anywhere like he would have been able to if he was but another ghoul. So, perhaps, he’d make this situation last as long as he could.
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He was having fun after all!
Careless yet elegant, he’s precise and bold in how he walks. Barely paying any mind to her comfort nor her pace, Ren merely kept a firm hold around her (it was almost romantic– if he weren’t so utterly disgusted by the concept of intimacy with a woman.) as he was now freed of the “burden” of holding meat.
“You’re we~eeelcome!!” he nearly chirped, purposefully shifting most of his weight onto her to see what would happen before, at the very last moment, reeling back with his eyes gone wide. “Oh goodness… We almost missed the turn.”
Erratic, erratic, erratic! How long has it been since he was able to do this? It’s the most pure form of fun Ren’s experienced in a while.
Turning on the heel of his shoe, he moved his hand down until the tips of his fingers were touching the small of her back. Eyes glanced from side to side before he gave her a hefty push forward, raising his head all the while. Wearing a thin smile, he slowly crossed his arms over his torso and raised a brow as his gaze occupied itself elsewhere– completely ignoring the consequences of his actions.
“… This is the corner, isn’t it?”
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At points, she needed to stop and take a breath, but his pace and obvious lack of interest in her made her stumble a few times as he just kept on going. At least with his arm around her, she stayed upright instead of falling face first to the ground.
Black and crimson eyes kept forward, slowly being forced to ‘normalize’ to her pale mint green eyes, almost looking like crystals. Her gaze squinted then in pain as he began to lean against her, forcing her to put weight on her damaged limb and she took a sharp intake a breath, trying not to cry out. Thankfully at the last minute, before her legs gave out in pain, he had his attention shifting once more.
Taking slow breaths, Yuki looked up as she realized that they were getting closer. Almost there, just a few more steps. 
Reaching the door to the building moments later, his hand on the small of her back making her tremble lightly, she almost fell forward at his push, barely catching herself on the building. 
The abandoned building didn’t look like a structure that anyone should have been even just walking into, let alone staying inside for long periods of time, but she didn’t care, as usually that meant no one would bother her. Her crystalline gaze looking back to him, she bit her lip slightly. “Y-yeah, this is the place..” She muttered before moving closer to the door, just wanting to get away from him before he got any more ideas. 
“T-thank you for...walking me home..” The woman gave a slight bow of her head, though once more, her gaze didn’t leave his form, watching him closely.
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Hope everyone is having a great weekend~ and Happy Easter Sunday!! https://www.instagram.com/p/BwhzkT-nbaC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mz1nqte5lnt4
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Art nouveau necklace “Fuchsias” by Georges Fouquet, 1905. Visible in Petit Palais, Paris. [1232x1848]
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eversusregnum · 5 years
   Enflamed tongue extinguishes, seeks to still the ires dwelt ‘neath noir frames. A grace aloft returns a feather’s descent pon a white brow, aflutter the whimsy threads of heaven’s light. A yellow bundle binds as Rumplestiltskin’s keep under the foul cap’s restraint, a whisper’s beckon afloat of a freed ringlet fallen to lave ample cheek. The mystery of the maid’s identity belies the unflattering gatherings of heavy fabric over petite figure, and what oppressive warmth! Chased at last are the crystals weaved by winter fae, their descent felled by spring’s triumphant siege! The empire of blooms held fast to their sunlight, outstretched in worship.
  The girl before Yuki finds little joy, bereaved to this disguise’s hardship. Even so, the request strays a soft song, a song that merely portrays as the maiden’s voice, a melodic sound to meander the throngs of shrubbery and vine. “Well… I…”  
  “Remove your visor, my lady. You are seemly to a thief.” Amelia immediately jerks, little shoulders tightened under the sweater. “Should she attempt to call attention to your arrival, I shall punish her.”
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  “You most certainly will not!!” The girl turns, once more a picture of trivial embarrassment. Bahamut only raises a grin aloft, humor leaving little indication he speaks true to threat whence the overwhelming gaze meets with Yuki. “I deeply apologize, Miss… He’s… new. But… please, once I remove these, don’t call attention to the shop?” At once, narrow hands, free of the scars Yuki obtains pon her own skin, a slender figure unwraps itself from the heavy sweater, and the cap lifts. A goblet of spilt honey unveils spiraled amber, unfurled to veil a tiny bosom and slight shoulders. From behind the Chanel visor, a pair of hazels, earthen gems aglow under eternal rays. 
     “Um… Um, I… I do not wish for a ruckus. It is difficult to shop in peace without these, you see?” Under the awkward grin glowing of pink conch shells, Amelia marvels of the shop keeper herself. She herself is quite beautiful, and just a tiny twinge of admirable jealousy dally’s. However, the longer Ms. Yuki stood silent, she quickly flounders two hands on the bundle in her hand, head bowed. 
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“Is that… alright?”
      “You need not be shy, my lady. Simply demand your requirements.”
    “Bahamut, stop!”
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Standing there before them, the way that the two interacted was definitely something, and it kept the smile upon rose tinted lips. Such a straight forward man with Amelia seeming so shy and the exact opposite of him, it was a sight to see and definitely interesting. As Bahamut ‘threatened’ Yuki, the kirin looked to the man with crystalline eyes as she gave a slight shake of her head, causing lavender tresses to flit softly in the breeze. “I would do no such thing, and you should know that.” True they hadn’t known each other except for the moment they met awhile back, but she was sure she hadn’t come off as such a person.
Yuki was a bit curious as to why the woman thought she would call attention to her. She wouldn’t normally do that to anyone, knowing the safety of staying out of the publics eye, and she tilted her head slightly as she watched the way that Amelia pulled off this layered disguise that she wore. The woman was beautiful and she had her own jealousy at the others appearance. Of course such a man would be by her side, and she could guess that Amelia’s appearance grabbed a lot of attention.
“I assume you have reasoning for hiding in such a way, and I would do no such thing to cause you uncomfort by drawing attention. My shop is a safe place and if you would like more security of your appearance, I have a garden in the back that is private.” The kirin uttered softly, her voice like a birds song on the wind.
Turning, she turned to the vine covered wall at the back of the shop, only to move over and push slightly to cause it to open like a door in one area. “Your comfort comes first, ma’am.” Behind the wall, there was an even bigger garden that stretched back a good distance. There was a glass ceiling and windows open up near the top, letting birds fly around inside among the flowers.
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eversusregnum · 5 years
… After that dreadful night, a couple of weeks passed and Bandit had made sure to never leave his eyes off of the little girl. She was always kept close, always made sure she was alright. And since she had lost her voice - Bandit introduced her to sign language. He himself had learned it in the army, and had spend nights refreshing his knowledge, so he could teach her.
   “See? Like this! You spread your finger like this, when you wanna tell me that you have to go somewhere at three a clock, followed by your destination.”
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They had the basics down. She could somewhat communicate, but there was still much to learn if she ever wanted to be able to communicate with other people properly like this. 
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It had definitely been difficult for her after that night, but she tried her hardest for the man. Being a bit harder then she had expected, she was so grateful to Bandit for starting to teach her sign language, but truthfully it was going slower than she hoped. Thankfully at least by this point though, she was fully healed up and the only reminder of that night was the brand on her neck.
Looking from his hands to her own, she blinked slightly as she mimicked what he was doing before holding it up with a smile, then signing a different time and simple location like ‘bar’.
Sometimes it got confusing and frustrating, but she wouldn’t give up. After she lowered her hands, the woman smiled brightly at him. She raised them once more to sign, with a bit of trouble, 'We go see Red?” Katsu was adamant that soon she would be able to easily form full sentences to speak with the other.
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eversusregnum · 5 years
Mamoru finds a sleepy angel in his shop! What does he do?
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The dragoon smiled gently as he saw her sitting on the couch in his back room. He didn’t hesitate at all making his way over to Cygni as he sat beside her, putting his arm around her and pulling her over against him. “Seems someone is tired.” He hummed with a smile as he looked down at her. “Busy day?”
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Charms came in a day late but i love them!! https://www.instagram.com/p/Bv8JA8mHWp-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=nd7umtjgvacr
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eversusregnum · 5 years
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Hope everyone has an amazing week~ <3 https://www.instagram.com/p/BvegyO3nDIf/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=mm07c571f0cm
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eversusregnum · 5 years
If it’s okay to start an rp with you anytime, reblog this
I know a lot of people (myself included) worry about being unwanted or anyone, so reblogging this means it’s okay for ANYONE to start something whenever. Let’s hope this gets the canon flowing a little more.
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