everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
im really sorry for being gone
ive been super distracted recently
ill try to get something up soon
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
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(i posted this on the wrong fucking blog at first lmao. anyway idk if this is any good. im not particularly good with emotional things. i also wasnt sure how to bring up 2d being trans without it seeming like it was just put in randomly, so i left it ambiguous, but you can definitely assume he is trans. also i hope i did okay with the dysphoria. im agender and i dont care what people see me as, so i wasnt 100% sure how to portray it)) Summary: Reader has a bad dream, so 2D comforts him. Falling asleep and staying asleep had been much harder for you lately. You'd been suffering from nightmares about once a night for a few weeks now, so it came as no surprise to you when you jolted awake in a cold sweat. Another one. You're absolutely exhausted. You felt numb. You sat up on the bed, so your legs swung over the edge before slowly sliding off of it to get some water. As quietly as you can, you tiptoe your way to the bedroom door before looking back at your boyfriend, or at least, what you could make out of his silhouette in the dark, still fast asleep in bed. You smile a little, happy to have him in your life. Silently, you open the door and creep out, careful to not wake up your significant other. You continue your trip down the stairs, heart stopping a bit every time they creak. From there you find your way to the kitchen in the dark and turn on the lights. Opening the cupboard, you pull out a clean glass, open the fridge, and get out the filtered water pitcher. No one in the house trusts the tap water. You fill your glass, place the pitcher back in the fridge, and turn around. Before you even take a sip you see your reflection in the window above the sink. You stare at it as it stares back at you, mixtures of emotions on both faces. Images from your nightmare begin to re-emerge. The staring. The judging. Your loved ones. Acquaintances. Even strangers. They all watched your every move with disgust on every one of their faces. You know it wasn't real, but it felt real. You're snapped out of your daze when your glass shatters after hitting the ground. While you were lost in your thoughts, your grip on your glass loosened and it easily slipped out of your fingers, thanks to the condensation that had been previously building up. You stare down at the mess on the floor, still shaken up by your thoughts. "Fuck," "Are you alright?" 2D wanders in, rubbing his eyes, still adjusting to the bright lights.You turn around and look at him, at a loss for words. He pulls his fists from his eyes and looks back at you, noticing how red your face is and the tear streaks running down your cheeks. "Love, what's wrong?" He asks you gently, carefully walking over to you, making sure to avoid any stray pieces of glass. You sniffle a little, trying to regain your composure. "I-I-I-..." The words get caught in your throat. No matter how hard you tried, you couldn't get them out. It felt as if something was physically blocking them from exiting. "It's alright, love. I'll clean up the glass and you go try to calm down a little, ok?" 2D says softly, cupping one of your cheeks with his hand. You slowly nod, still sniffing a bit. He removes his hand and cautiously makes his way to the broom and dustpan. You tiptoe around the glass and out of the kitchen. Now heading back upstairs, you no longer cared if you were quiet. Russel was a heavy sleeper, so if glass shattering didn't wake him up, you walking up the stairs definitely wouldn't, and both Noodle and Ace were on a trip to Townsville. Now at the top of the stairs, you shuffle over to your shared room and sit down on the bed, thinking about why you're having these dreams. You and 2D had recently come out publicly about your relationship, so you were under a lot of scrutiny. You felt confident about it at first, considering that you thought you passed fairly well, but not long after, you began to notice the looks some people would give you. It wasn't a lot of people, but it was enough for you to begin losing that confidence. You almost start spiraling again, but thankfully 2D enters the room, all the glass (hopefully) cleaned up. Slowly, you get up from your seat on the bed and shuffle over to him. He pulls you in for a comforting hug and asks you what's wrong. "I've been having nightmares..." You trail off. "Is it ok if I ask what 'appened in those nightmares?" He questions gently, rubbing your back. "Everyone just... stares at me. Nonstop. Normally that wouldn't be a big deal, but I've been noticing people staring in real life." 2D pulls back from the embrace, both hands on your shoulders. "Well, that's awfully rude of 'em," You chuckle slightly in response. "You know what, just fuck 'em! They don't even deserve to be acknowledged by you! You're wonderful and, no matter what those dick 'eads think, you'll always be wonderful!" He smiles, looking you in the eyes. "Thank you, Stu, for everything," You say, pulling him back into an embrace and sniffling a little. "I'll try not to think about them anymore." "Good. Now let's head back to bed, love," 2D says soothingly, leading you back to bed and climbing in. You follow, laying down at his side and he wraps an arm around you. "I love you so much," he whispers near your ear and squeezes your hand. "I love you too," You manage to croak out, squeezing his hand back.
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
Hi! I love your fics!
thank you!!im sorry ive been slackingim almost done with my next onei just need to edit it
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
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@ jamie hewlett: draw more ace challenge
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
also, would you guys be ok if i posted art on here occasionally? itd all be gorillaz art, of course.
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
for real though i keep seeing 2doc shippers making it out to be romantic and just,,,,,,,,
what the fuck is wrong with you,,,,,,,,,,
Happy D-Day everyone
a.k.a Delete-Murdoc Day
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
Happy D-Day everyone
a.k.a Delete-Murdoc Day
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
Rules/General Guidelines
Hello everyone!
I've set up an official rules and guidelines page, but I figured I would make a post for those of you who live on mobile (like me).
1. No Murdoc. I like him as a character, but I do not like him as a person, so I'd prefer to not write about him. Besides, he gets most of the love, when all the other members deserve just as much, if not more.
2. Noodle will NEVER be shipped with any of the other band members. No 2nu, no nuruss, no nuace.
3. I will write 2russ, 2ace, and aceruss (or russace? I've never seen them shipped together, so I don't know), but I would prefer to keep it SFW, as I don't feel completely comfortable writing NSFW with ships other than reader inserts yet. This may change in the future.
4. In any romantic pairing Noodle will always be at least 18, so phase 3. Phase 1 and 2 Noodle will only be involved in platonic relationships.
5. All imagines will most likely take place in the current phase, unless specified.
6. I will write NSFW reader inserts, but if something is too out there, I likely won't write it.
7. I don't feel particularly comfortable writing Noodle with men, so if you feel you absolutely must have Noodle with a man, it can only be SFW.
8. As a general rule of thumb; I see Noodle as a lesbian, so i feel most comfortable writing her with women or fem non-binary people. I see Russel, 2D, and Ace as all either bisexual or pansexual, so I am fine writing them with any gender.
That's all I can think of for now, but I may or may not add more rules/guidelines in the future.
Thank you for reading! <333
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
(Russel and 2D taking care of Noodle anon) Thank you so much 😭! That was so adorable, fuzzy and cute!! I loved it! ❤️❤️❤️
aaaaa im glad you liked it!!it was really nice to write, so thank you for requesting it
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
oof ive finished 2 fics in one day lmao
im gonna take a break for the night and resume writing tomorrow <333
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
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((this was so cute, i couldnt resist. i really hope you enjoy!! im even thinking about drawing one or two of the scenes in this one))
Summary: Russel and 2D take Noodle for a walk to the park (phase 1)
Noodle sat on her bed swinging her feet back and forth, waiting for Russel and 2D. They were gonna take her for a walk in a little bit. Russel just needed to finish up his recent taxidermy project and 2D was… doing something? Noodle had no idea what he was doing half the time, but she usually found his antics hilarious, so she often encouraged whatever it was he was doing. She thought back to the time she walked in on him with baby carrots up his nose. They silently stared at each other for a bit before Noodle ran to the kitchen to grab more carrots, even the full sized ones. They only stopped stuffing carrots up each others noses when Russel found them and made them throw out the used ones. She giggles after recalling the memory, but is interrupted as Russel enters the room. She squeals and runs to him, clinging to his side. “Ha ha, hey lil girl, you ready for that walk?” Russel asks, lifting her up and placing her on his shoulders. “Hai!” Noodle shouts and they head off to go find 2D. First they check his room, which was empty except for all his usual junk. Next they check the kitchen, where they find him spread out on the floor, trying to catch grapes in his mouth, failing miserably. Russel chuckles at the taller man’s antics, catching his attention. “Oh, ‘ey, guys! You ready for the walk?” “Yeah, c'mon ’D,” Russel says, motioning for him to get up. 2D gets up a little too quickly and almost loses his balance “You ok?” Russel asks, grabbing 2D by the arm to make sure he doesn’t topple over. 2D nods and reassures him. “Ya, I just got a bit of a 'eadrush is all, I’m ok now,” Relieved, Russel releases 2D’s arm and walks out of the kitchen with the other following close behind. Noodle, still atop Russel’s shoulder’s, was now taller than 2D. Finding this amusing, she begins poking the top of his head, which was usually unreachable for her. She giggles as he swats at her lightning-fast hands. Soon they find their way to the front door of Kong and head outside. Noodle insists on getting down so she can run down the steep hill. 2D was about to join her before Russel stopped him. “Nah, ’D, remember the last time you tried running down this hill? Let’s not repeat that,” Recalling when 2D had tripped over his own feet and rolled all the way down to the gates of Kong. 2D frowned at the thought and sighed in defeat. After already reaching the gates, Noodle began running back up to the boys, obviously impatient with their much slower progress. “Isoge! Isoge!” Noodle shouts. “Don’t worry, baby girl, we’re coming, you just gotta slow down,” Russel says, patting her head causing her to giggle once more. Finally at the gates, Russel opens them and the three begin walking down the sidewalk. “So, where’re we going?” Russel asks Noodle, but 2D chimes in instead. “Oh! The park!” He exclaims and Noodle nods rapidly in agreement. Russel chuckles. “The park it is, then.” And both Noodle and 2D cheer in excitement. Noodle eventually finds her way in between the two and grabs ahold of both of their hands. The two men take notice and nod at each other in agreement before lifting her up and swinging her back and forth as they walk. Noodle begins laughing uncontrollably, which very quickly spreads to both Russel and 2D. Eventually the laughter dies down when they near the park. Upon entering, Russel quickly finds a bench to keep an eye on both Noodle and 2D. Before she runs off, she pulls the two men into a hug. “Watashi wa, anata o aishiteimasu,” She says gently. “We love you too,” Russel says softly. 2D nods. “Very, very much.”
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
please feel free to send feedback!!
itd be greatly appreciated, as long as its constructive
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
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((this was originally just gonna be headcanons, but it just turned into a massive fic instead lmao, well massive for me anyway. i really hope you enjoy this!! again, sorry for the weird format, im on mobile)) Summary: Now, that Murdoc is in prison, 2D invites you to stay over for dinner and hang out with the band ~~~ You and 2D had been dating for some time now, but despite being together for so long, you had barely been over to the bands house. He hasn't felt comfortable bringing any of his significant others home since Rachel Stevens was driven away by Murdoc's relentless flirting. Instead, you'd often meet at your house, or at a nearby park or café. So, when Murdoc found himself in prison, both you and 2D were ecstatic. For the first time in a while, he brought you back to the bands house. You were already good friends with Noodle and Russel, since 2D wanted to make sure all the most important people in his life at least liked each other. You hung out with Noodle pretty often, with or without 2D, often frequenting clubs, going shopping, doing yoga, and just generally having fun. Sometimes she'd sleep over at your house and you two would make fun of shitty movies and play Mario Kart or Super Smash Bros. together. Russel was more elusive, but you still enjoyed his company when he was around. He was a pretty busy person, but he still made sure to fit you into his schedule occasionally. You'd never do anything in particular with him, it was just nice sitting around and talking. You love listening to him talk, since he always has so much to say. Topics range anywhere from philosophy to astrophysics and you enjoy every second of it. Then there's the one member you had never met before: Ace. When you entered the house Noodle and Russel greeted you at the door. After giving both of them a tight squeeze, you ask how life's been without Murdoc. "Honestly, it's been great. I just wISH ACE WOULD STOP STEALIN' MY SANDWICHES," Russel shouts, obviously trying to be heard by the new bassist, located in another room. "What's he like? I haven't met him yet. I've heard a bit about him, but not much." "Oh man, love, 'e's great! I fink you'll like 'im too!" 2D grins, excited about you meeting his new friend. Noodle nods in agreement and offers to go find him. "I'll be back with him in a bit!" she says as she jogs up the stairs. You three begin heading to the living room, but 2D quietly slips into the kitchen. Now in the living room, you place your phone on the coffee table and take a seat on the couch. Without you even noticing his absence, 2D arrives back and hands you your favorite drink while he holds a mug of tea in his other hand. "Aw, thanks babe!" You smile and gladly take the drink. "It's no problem, love. Oh, and Russ, before I sit, d'you want anyfing?" Russel shakes his head. "Nah, I'm good. Thanks though," He answers, holding up his can of what appears to be iced tea which was sitting on the end table beside him. 2D plops down beside you, placing his tea on the table in front of him. He begins to lean back into the couch, but suddenly perks up. "Oh, I fink I 'ear 'em coming!" He cheerfully remarks in reference to the loud thump of Noodle's small leaps down the stairs. Ace was a few feet behind her, still groggy from being abruptly awoken from his nap. Having made her way downstairs, Noodle drags Ace off the stairs and into the living room with her. "I found him!" "Yeah, yeah, you brought me down here. Now, can I get back to my nap or what?" Ace asks while trying to rub the sleep out of his eyes. "No, we have a guest." Noodle states, gesturing over to you and Ace's eyes follow. "Oh hey, you're 2D's partner, ain'tcha? He don't shut up about you." He smirks as he walks over to you and offers his hand. Instantly you notice he has claws similar to Murdoc. What was it with green bassists and 1 inch stiletto nails? Are they acrylic? If not, how do they maintain them...? "Yoo-hoo, hello-o, anybody home?" Ace teases and waves his hand in front of your face, snapping you out of your thoughts. "Uh, yeah, ha ha, sorry..." You hesitantly take hold of his hand, now being offered to you again and gently shake it. "Aw, c'mon, I don't bite!" He smiles, flashing his fangs, making you shrink into 2D a little. "Man, cut that shit out, they get nervous around new people." Russel interjects and you give him a grateful smile. "Sorry, sorry, I'll tone it down for now," Ace says, raising his hands a bit. "Is it ok if I sit next ta you two? I wanna get t'know yous better." "I guess, I mean, I don't see why not?" You shrug meekly. Ace takes a seat on the couch next to you and 2D, as Russel sits on his well-worn recliner and Noodle leans against the door frame, calling a pizza place. "Hey guys, what kind of pizza do you want?" Noodle asks, earning multiple indistinguishable shouts all at once from the three of you on the couch. "One at a time, dumbasses." Russel says flatly. "Fine... Wait, Noods, do they got New York style pizza there?" "Ace, just tell me what toppings you want." "Alright, alright. I'll have good ol' pepperoni, if that ain't too much to ask." "Ok, and you Russ?" "Could I get the 'Meat-Lovers Dream'?" "Sure, and what about yo-" "PINEAPPLE AND BOLOGNA PIZZA!" 2D loudly cuts Noodle off, unable to contain himself any longer. "2D, we've gone over this before: bologna isn't a topping at this place. Or any pizza place, really. Is just plain pineapple ok or do you want ham on it as well?" "Do they 'ave chicken nuggets?" "They have grilled chicken." "No, that wont do..." "I'll give you a minute," she says, before turning her attention to you, "What do you want on yours?" You quickly decide and tell her what you want and she turns her sights back onto 2D. "Alright, have you figured out what you want?" "Oh, uh, you fink they got saltines?" "...Like the cracker...?" Noodle asks as everyone stares at him quizzically. 2D himself looks puzzled for a few moments. "What? No! The fish!" "'D those are sardines." Russel corrects and 2D's cheeks flush a bit. "Oh, yeah, those..." He mumbles, now flustered. "Well, I don't know about sardines, but they do have anchovies. You want an anchovy pizza?" "No, no, that's silly! I wanna anchovy and pineapple pizza!" Everyone turns their attention back to 2D, all mildly disgusted. "2D, sweetheart, I love you, but i am not kissing you tonight until you've thoroughly cleaned your mouth." "Yeah, me neither, 'D" Ace chuckles and winks at the two of you. You elbow Ace gently and giggle along with him, while 2D sits, deep in thought. "...OH WAIT! I get it now!" He joins in the giggling, but it soon dies down once Noodle finishes placing their order and takes a seat in the remaining chair. Russel pulls up Netflix on the T.V. "Oh! Oh! Can we watch some zombie movies?" "We always watch zombie movies though, is it ok if we watch another type of movie?" You plead. You were very tired of zombie movies, "It can still be horror if you want." Everyone, but 2D, nods in unison. They were very tired of zombie movies as well. 2D furrows his brows and contemplates for a minute. "...Fine..." He crosses his arms, "But, I get to pick the movie." He says with a small smirk on his face. "Yeah, ok, as long as it's not a zombie movie." "So, 'D, what'll it be?" Russel asks, tossing the remote over to 2D. Ace catches it and hands it to 2D, who just missed it. 2D thanks him and begins to squint at the screen, trying to read the titles. "You really should wear your glasses, you know." You chuckle. The man turns his sights to you, still squinting. "D'you really fink I know where those are?" He asks, a little incredulous. You shrug. "That's very true," You chuckle, "Anyway, do you want some help?" "No, I got this." He says, turning back to the T.V. You silently nod and lean into him as he studies the different movie covers. Finally, he lands on one that interests him: Mulberry Street. "Uh, 'D? Those look like zombies to me." Ace says, cocking his head to the side. 2D quickly turns to him, eyes wide with shock. "Ace... These... These are not zombies. Zombies are undead people. These are rat people. There's a 'uge difference!" he states very matter-of-factly, honestly sounding offended by Ace's ignorance on the subject. "Please, just start the movie already. I don't care what it is, just play it." Noodle pleads, growing tired of the mild bickering. 2D complies and the movie begins while everyone impatiently waits for the pizza to arrive. The movie is... odd, to put it gently. It's typical zombie apocalypse movie, so 2D was eating it up. The difference between the two are the creatures. Instead of mindless corpses attacking people, it's horribly mutated rat people. You didn't mind though, since 2D seems to be enjoying himself. You were actually getting into the movie when the booming doorbell suddenly rang through the house, startling everyone slightly. Ace quickly jumps into action. "I'LL GET IT!" he shouts as he skids out of the room. You can faintly hear Ace chatting with the pizza delivery person, before the front door shuts. Ace wanders back into the room, carrying everyone pizzas in front of him. Everyone else gets up and grabs a box, lightening Ace's load. After shuffling the boxes around, the pizza's found their proper owners. Everyone brings their boxes to the kitchen and place them down wherever they fit. Noodle locates the paper plates and grabs a couple for herself before putting them on the counter for everyone else. Plates now full, you find yourselves back in the living room to enjoy the rest of the movie. You began to curl into 2D's side, but decide against it once you got a whiff of his anchovies. To your dismay, he notices your recoil. "What's wrong, love?" He sort of whispers. He's never been any good at whispering. "Your breath smells awful," You mumble just loud enough so only 2D could hear. You immediately regret opening your mouth. 2D grins devilishly. "Oh really? You don't like my breath? Why's that?" He pulls you in close and breathes on you heavily, the strong anchovy scent now inescapable. "You're evil." You whisper-shout, trying to plug your nose. "I know." He chuckles before giving you a kiss on the cheek. "I love you, asshole." "I know." "Oh, shut it, Han."
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
my next fic is done!!
im just having my friends proofread it so, itll hopefully be up soon
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
Lol no, your fics are art! YOU MADE ART? LETMESEE
oh thank you so much!!i dont write much anymore, so i was worried id be a bit rustybut i post all my art on my main blog @bebberonii might post some here if i goes with a fic though!!
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
I LOVE your art tnx
gigi is this you???because i havent posted any art on here lmaobut thank you
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everyone-but-murdoc · 6 years
You are doing the Lord's work darling
💞💞💞i try
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