@useless-philippinesfacts look!
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Antisemitism just happened in the midst of a “meme war” during the University Student Government General Elections of De La Salle University in the Philippines. 
Making memes of the USG because you are disappointed with them is one thing, but using antisemitism to express your disappointment to the USG is taking things too far, and it’s never okay!
This is so disappointing considered that DLSU is located in the Philippines, one of the countries that opened its doors to the Jews who were escaping from Nazi persecution during World War 2. 
Tweet Source: https://twitter.com/MillennialNgMNL/status/886483314097270785
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Are you telling me the Queen is actually APH Canada???
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why does theresa may hiding in a church while protesters outside try to break into the said church sound like a horror movie plot where the main character tries to hide from zombies during a zombie apocalypse inside a church
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You: Lolita
Me, an intellectual: Malèna
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seriously, when I first came across the term CIS on Tumblr, I thought they were talking about the “Commonwealth of Independent States” and by CIS Scum, they were calling out people from the CIS. 
Turns out, here in Tumblr, its CIS as in being comfortable with your assigned gender
When I first heard the term CIS being used on Tumblr, I didn’t know it meant being comfortable with your assigned gender. I thought this whole site was talking about the Confederacy of Independent Systems. As in
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the Sith’s droid army, and when everyone was saying “CIS scum” they were calling people out on being Sith
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honestly, fuck yes!
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“Since Nigel Farage’s marriage has apparently broken up, I’m totally shipping him with Marine Le Pen after seeing them together.“
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Farage will have to step aside, Rodrigo Duterte is not actually married but he is just cohabitating with his partner. Duterte, being Duterte, would probably need to marry her to make ISIS fuck off from Mindanao in the event that he fucks up with national defense-related matters as he always does
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“Since Nigel Farage’s marriage has apparently broken up, I’m totally shipping him with Marine Le Pen after seeing them together.“
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plus there are literally people back in the Philippines who think Islam should be reformed (and particularly they said since Christianity was reformed at some point in history, as with other major religions, Islam should follow suit as well). Even religion is subject to reform and that’s not something that should be viewed as taboo. 
Isis is attacking the Philippines and I already see people saying "they're calling this jihad but don't forget that Islam isn't violent." Like, come on people. Can we grow up and condemn Islam yet?
Or at the very least stop sticking your head in the sand and ignoring the very real issue of Islamic terror. At this point they are even several peaceful Muslims trying to speak out against ISIS and they keep getting shouted down by the “tolerant” left. I highly recommend looking up “Islam by the numbers” on YouTube. It’s a video done by a Sunni Muslim woman that breaks down the real issue of Islamic terrorism and she’s gotten so much hate for it.
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So its confirmed, its Daesh behind the Manchester Arena explosion as well.
We already know Daesh is behind the invasion happening in Marawi
You have terrorists here targeting young people in the UK, and Muslim families in the Philippines. These losers are out to divide people, whether they’re young or old, non-Muslim or Muslim. 
We must not let these losers or the ideology that powers them win.
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not to mention that if you find out your PM was tweeting instead of going to the COBRA meeting, now you’d be accusing her of ignoring her job as prime minister to attend the COBRA meeting. 
and y’all would be saying the same thing to corbyn if he were the prime minister at this very moment.
when will you people ever learn that Prime Ministers don’t just tweet out condolences on Twitter when disasters happen.
and now people on twitter are complaining that theresa may hasn’t tweeted out a message of sympathy to the manchester arena bombings while corbyn has already tweeted out one. 
like do you people have any idea that she’s still prime minister which means she’s at a COBRA meeting right now trying to sort this situation out. you honestly think anyone at a COBRA meeting would be able to churn out tweets while paying full attention to a crucial meeting that may make or break the investigation over the bombings?
mind you, if corbyn were the PM right now at this very situation, he’d be doing the same - he’d not be able to tweet a message of sympathy right away because he’d have to put his full attention to the COBRA meeting first.
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But he was still an ineffective labour leader to the point that labour lost the election that he could have easily won had he not introduced tory-lite policies. yes, he did it to get more voters but labour voters know what happened the last time a tory-lite labourite became labour leader (hint: its tony blair, he was called red tory for a reason, the reason being his tory-lite policies). 
its a good thing he resigned after losing that GE and didn’t mind letting corbyn succeed him. that’s really just the only thing that makes him less awful than blair, apart from the fact that he doesn’t have war criminal tendencies.
Ed Miliband says Tory manifesto shows ‘nasty party is back’
Ed Miliband, the former Labour leader, has said that the publication of the Conservative manifesto shows that “the nasty party is well and truly back”. Speaking while campaigning for Labour in Morley and Outwood (Ed Balls’ old seat, won by the Tories in 2015 with a majority of 422), he said:
“The Tory manifesto has unravelled in the last 24 hours in a way that I can’t remember manifestos unravelling. The truth is, there’s no costings, no clarity, no detail, but also this facade that somehow it’s a different type of Tory party. I think the facade has actually been shattered apart by what they’re doing to older people.
The Tories have tried to say as little as possible in this campaign. Now they’ve tried to say what their plans are, I think people are looking at it and not liking it at all.
Speaking to some Alzheimer’s Society campaigners he met on a walkabout, Miliband went on:
I think the mask has slipped on the Conservative party with the publication of their manifesto.
I think the nasty party is well and truly back and, if you look at them taking the winter fuel allowance away from 10 million pensioners, ending the triple lock, a tax on people who get dementia, I actually think that lots and lots of people are taking a second look at what the Tories are actually offering in this campaign and contrasting it to Labour: the investment in health and education and building a fairer society, guaranteeing pensioners the winter fuel allowance and the other benefits, including the triple lock … I think it’s all to play for in this campaign.”
From The Guardian’s live blog on the election. @hallowgirl @theelectiondiaries  @nocturnes-et-la-pluie @fornootherreasondave et al
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This thread on the hot-button issue of Alex Tizon’s essay is thought-provoking - and that’s not all, there’s more of the thread over here
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but why is it always the sasuke cosplayers
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Donald Trump and Brigitte Macron have two things in common: Both divorced their previous spouses and married someone 24 years younger than them and both of them named their third child from the previous marriage Tiffany.
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LIVE - Jamala - 1944 (Ukraine) at the Grand Final of the 2016 Eurovision Song Contest (2016)
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Lorsque tu cherches ton programme
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Whoever that person is has no concept that Abby is not an absolute goddess and may be called out at one point in her life.
The fact that, that person is fixated with the debunking done on Abby Tomlinson concerns me greatly.
Abby is a public figure. She is not just some random fandom blogger. She will be subjected to scrutiny. IDK why Owen Jones never complains like her, maybe its because Owen is a veteran in the backroom of politics and thus he knows he may be scrutinized the moment he goes public.
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This was election night 2015. “Abby doesn’t like personal attacks.” (She also seems unable to accept that people voted for a party she dislikes of their own volition. Instead, she insists it’s media bias.)
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I dare you to write fanfiction about it!
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This was election night 2015. “Abby doesn’t like personal attacks.” (She also seems unable to accept that people voted for a party she dislikes of their own volition. Instead, she insists it’s media bias.)
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