Trying to fight off the amount of Cometcare spam that floods the Sparklecare blog is a nightmare especially when KC doesn't even tag it properly. It would be nice if it got tagged as spam / unrelated too.
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greetings there you strange people on the internet i do not know. you cam call me Polaris/Polly or Snow. i'm keeping the details I share myself limited but I'm an adult and you can refer to me with They/Them. i wanted to make this blog for general discussion and criticism on Sparklecare (and only Sparklecare, I am not really interested in discussion of the AUs unless it's information relevant to the canon.) because it's a series i'm very passionate about and i love to hear peoples thoughts on it. the general rule i have is that asks with general critiques and issues you have with the comic are welcomed as long as you aren't just blatantly hating on it and you aren't inciting harassment on anybody whether it's the creators or someone else. also no name calling it's an asshole move and i will not respond. i have a tendency to block freely for my own personal comfort and others all i ask is you don't try to evade the block. as for tagging expect the usual "Sparklecare Criticism" / "Sparklecare Discussion" taggs.
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starting things off with a general issue i have that involves Doom. i feel like he's treated like a innocent guy who did absolutely wrong. he has killed and mutilated people, although against their own will. Doom isn't perfectly innocent and I wish the comic kept them as morally gray. i've also noticed they became a lot more softer compared to how he behaves in volume 1 - 2 which makes me wish they were still mean. Doom feels very watered down now and I feel like the ZCP are missing the opportunity to make him such a great antagonist. I may be a bit biased since I really love antagonistic characters and I don't really know if anybody else feels the same way it's just something that was in my mind for a while.
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