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How would Ayano survive as a baby if she can’t cry? How would her parents know when she’s hungry, sick, needs a diaper change, or hurt if she never cries? Does Alex not know that babies cry for dozens of reasons besides sadness?
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“I haven't been working on that. As I said at the end of the Rejection video, I'm want to work on other features for a short while, then return to Osana.”
What other features could possibly be more important than the first rival? Without the first rival there is no demo and no game.
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So Hello Neighbor just came out yesterday. I wonder if tinyBuild will finally focus all of their attention on Alex’s “progress” on Osana
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A few years ago, there was a man who openly called for the harassment of the people who he deemed to be “toxic”. He stated, “There are no bad tactics; only bad targets.” In other words, he was saying that harassment isn’t bad, as long as you’re harassing the right people.I don’t agree with that man. I’d prefer a world with zero harassment. I’d prefer a world where people find a way to settle their differences without resorting to aggression or intimidation. I don’t want to see anyone getting harassed, especially not because of me.I don’t want anyone to be harassed on my behalf. I don’t want anyone to be harassed in my name. I don’t want anyone to be harassed in my defense. You may think you’re the “good guy” fighting against the “bad guys”, but if you’re harassing anyone for any reason, you’re automatically the new bad guy.How do you stop a serial harasser? Do you show him, firsthand, how it feels? If you give him a taste of his own medicine, will he grow a conscience and mend his ways? Should the harassers be harassed? No, I don’t think so. I’ve never seen this tactic solve any problems. It just doesn’t work that way.I won’t pretend that I don’t have conflicting feelings about this situation. There are people who are determined to make my life as miserable as possible, and telling my fans not to defend me might embolden the people who attack me. An anti-harassment post might bring more harassment into my life.Despite that, I’m still going to say what needs to be said: If you think you’ve identified a person who is causing problems for me, and you’re trying to put a stop to them by harassing them on my behalf, I want you to stop. It’s not effective, but more importantly, it’s not ethical. Don’t do it.
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“If your reputation is -100 or less, Senpai will hear about you, and be afraid of you.”
Isn’t Taro/Takeo supposed to not give a single fuck about rumors and reputations? Because they do care about it, I’m wondering what the fuck is going to happen with Osoro (delinquent with a bad reputation) and Oka (student with rumors/seen as a creep).
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I believe that bug also allowed you to kill Senpai and burn his body as well.
I don't know if he ever fixed it but there was this weird bug where the "kill all student" button literally caused the students to remain dead, even if the day/week was reset, or if a new game was started.
I’d assume he fixed it by now, but someone would have to check
Every time I try to use that command the whole game crashes 
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Does he only have four fingers here or am I finally hallucinating from lack of sleep
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op: let ppl ship what they want, it’s fictional! 
me: that’s fair 
op: so it’s ok to ship inc*st and p*dophilia 
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Have you guys heard about the anime club stuff? The dev wants to get rid of the gaming club and photography club and implement an anime club.
I’ve been visiting family for the past few days so I wasn’t really keeping up with it too much. Isn’t that the thing causing discourse between a couple of critics or something
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This is why I don’t tell 99% people im bisexual
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I still find this funny
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it was a pedophile that convinced me that he was harmless and would never harm a kid that raped me
so ex-fucking-scuse me if im a little suspicious of the “"non offending”“ pedophiles on this fucking hell site
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Comparing Lunar Scythe and Yandere Simulator 1/? : Character Design
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This is Luna, her backstory as written by Dev is:
The main character is a girl in her late teens named Luna. Luna is obsessed with an idea; the idea that this world is full of people who don’t deserve to live. Murderers, thieves, kidnappers, human traffickers, drug dealers, arms dealers, arsonists, scam artists, identity thieves - Luna desperately wishes she could do something to rid the planet of such people, but she feels like there is nothing she could do that would ever make a difference. At the beginning of the game, Luna dies. As Luna’s spirit looks down at her own body, she feels nothing but apathy. She didn’t want to live in a world filled with human filth, anyway. That’s when Death shows up. Death looks into her soul to determine which afterlife she belongs in, and he is surprised at what he finds within her. He learns that she is free of sin, yet her strongest desire is to take millions of lives. While examining this pale girl clad entirely in black who yearns to kill, Death feels as though he’s looking at his own reflection for a moment. Death decides that Luna may be able to serve him a purpose. Instead of sending her soul to the afterlife, Death makes Luna an offer. “I’ll bring you back to life, if you agree to bring me human souls.” Luna is shocked by his offer. “But I don’t want to kill innocent people!” “Then do not kill the innocent,” Death replies. “Kill the guilty.” “But who are the guilty?” She asks. “That’s for you to decide,” Death replies. Death is offering her the authority and the power to kill anyone she thinks deserves to die - and she thinks that a LOT of people deserve to die. She doesn’t want to come back to life and return to a miserable world filled with criminals, sadists, and psychopaths…but if she had the power to purify this sinful world, she could create a world that she actually wants to live in. And so, Luna accepts the offer, not to become Death, but to become Justice. Death resurrects Luna, gives her a giant scythe, and grants her superhuman powers that become active at midnight. By day, Luna is an ordinary girl who works part-time jobs to scrape by…and by night, she is the judge, jury, and executioner of her city, an agent of death. If Luna does not bring him enough souls, Death will take her life. Luna asks Death how many souls he wants, and what her deadline is. Because Death does not perceive time the same way that mortals do - in terms of seconds, minutes, or hours - he cannot give her a specific date. As he looks upward in contemplation, he notices that the moon is full. And so, he decides that Luna must use the scythe to deliver a specific number of souls to him by the end of the lunar cycle. Hence the name of the game, “Lunar Scythe.” (What do you think? Corny?) The game takes place over the course of a year. After each full moon, Death demands more souls by the next full moon. So, Luna has to kill more and more people to meet her quota each month. What Luna doesn’t know is that she’s not the only dead girl that Death has brought back to life! He has also resurrected other recently deceased girls who each have the capacity to take millions of lives. Every time there is a full moon, Luna will fight another resurrected dead chick wielding a giant energy weapon. The game takes place in 2015, and there are 13 full moons in 2015, meaning Luna will have to face 13 of these enemies in total.
What is Death plotting? Why does he want mortals to gather souls for him? What will happen once Luna has defeated all of the other dead girls?
You’ll have to play the game to find out. ^.~
Alex has given her a fairly simple backstory that could easily be expanded on. In the forum he presented this in, he gets some good feedback on her character wise. The people pose questions such as “what is her goal?” and “well this bit doesn’t make sense because …..” 
We already know Dev made Ayano a blank slate, because when he presented Lunar Scythe, he was met with what he saw as “harsh criticism.” However in the forum no one is really that harsh. Most tend to clue in that Alex doesn’t take critique well, and pose their thoughts in ways such as “well think about why she does this, who made her like this…” One of the major problems fans have with Yandere Simulator, is the lack of personality/story for Ayano. One could say Ayano is meant to be a self insert for the player, but the problem is she is legit nothing. A self insert in other games typically has a base story, and the interpretations of a character are formed based on the choices that the player makes. In otome games, Persona 5, Fallout, you can choose dialogue options. It’s up to the player to pick the snarky comment, the kind comment ect… The only way a player could form an interpretation of Ayano is through elimination methods. Do they stab a person? Blackmail? Pair them up with someone else? Either way the only focus on these options is Ayano’s perspective on removing someone from Taro’s life. The player can’t decide why Ayano loves Taro. What kind of person Ayano is. 
I tried my best to make sure that Luna wasn’t a Mary Sue. There are a lot of details about Luna that I left out… Luna’s younger sister, Stella, was a child genius and a celebrity. Chess grandmaster, master of four instruments, wrote and published a best-selling novel, graduated college, performed surgery - all before the age of 12. Luna was never able to measure up to her little sister in any way, which left her with a horrible inferiority complex. As soon as Stella started pulling in tons of money and making the family famous, her parents practically forgot that Luna existed. Luna tried everything to get her parents’ attention - causing trouble at school, wearing bizarre fashion, dying her hair crazy colors - but this only pushed her parents further away. She moved out at age 18, and she hasn’t spoken to them since. She doesn’t bother reading any news related to her younger sister, preferring to pretend that she doesn’t even exist. The goth fashion and dyed hair became a part of her identity after so many years, so she still keeps a little bit of dye in her hair and wears gothic accessories from time to time. Luna started struggling immediately after moving out. She barely graduated high school, she can’t make friends easily, she can’t hold down a job, and can’t afford to pay her rent. She’s depressed, miserable, and desperate when she finally dies. Even after her resurrection, she still lacks the qualifications or experience for any full-time job, and has to keep doing lousy part-time jobs to scrape by. She literally has nothing going for her, other than the fact that she gets superpowers for a brief period of time at midnight…then it’s back to being a failure at life.
Again, this is very underdeveloped. Why can’t she hold down a job? Doesn’t she learn? Is being depressed just part of her character? Alex refused to give Ayano a backstory, because he decided that if people didn’t like what he wrote for Luna, they wouldn’t like what he wrote for Ayano. Ayano has been given a few backstory prompts, sort of. The biggest being “Ayano can’t feel anything”, however people criticise Ayano’s character because it contradicts the very basis of her, she’s a yandere. It feels like Alex has just recycled the murderous intent from Luna, removed her backstory and stuck it into Ayano. There is no “deredere” to contrast the “yan” side of her, making her boring and dull.
People began saying Luna looks too generic, looks like Ryuko from Kill La Kill, Ruby Rose from RWBY, and Cassie Hack from Hack/Slash. People also though she looked too “edgy”, typical busty goth anime girl. When met with this criticism, Alex went around commissioning different artist to come up with a different design for his character. He asked the forum what they liked best. The designs presented were:
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And this, is Ayano’s concept art.
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Ayano’s first design shares some similarities to Luna. The red/black palette. Short hair. It seems as though Alex abandoned the original “having a distinct silhouette” and opted for having a plain design. Ayano is not easily recognisable, as she looks like any other Japanese middle school student. In the forum, he is constantly asking for harsh criticism. He says he want to improve the character. He often asks what other people would suggest instead. 
As he’s met continuously with criticism about the practicality of this all, he states:
I’m totally aware of how ridiculously impractical it would be to use a scythe as a weapon…in real life. But this is a video game, where the Rule of Cool is the only rule I need. I’m willing to throw realism and practicality out the window for the sake of having the coolest weapon possible, and to me, that’s got to be an energy scythe. An umbrella isn’t a practical weapon to use in a fight, either, but that doesn’t stop Parasoul. You can argue that Parasoul is using a special fantasy umbrella that shoots projectiles - and, likewise, my character is using a special sci-fi scythe with an energy blade rather than a solid blade, which opens up combat options that a grass-cutting tool does not.
I agree that the costume is impractical, but that doesn’t matter to me very much. Once again, I’m willing to completely suspend my disbelief as long as something looks cool enough…or sexy enough. I’d rather have an impractical and cool-looking character than a completely realistic, practical, boring character. With that said, it may be entirely possible for her to be wearing a much more cool-looking outfit than her current corset / skirt combo…but whatever outfit I eventually decide on will definitely not be restrained by practicality. So, what would you suggest for the outfit?
It seems like this is what fuelled Alex to make Ayano so boring. Ayano seems like she’s just a huge “fuck you” to the people that criticised Luna. Ayano is very practical. Very realistic. To the point of boredom. People continually state Luna’s character is boring and too simple, his response:
The reason I wanted to give the protagonist a simple hairstyle is because I haven’t been able to get cloth physics or long hair physics working in my game engine. But, of course, that’s a personal failing, and shouldn’t restrict the character’s appearance. So, what would you suggest for the hairstyle?
Having short hair fits with the first design of Ayano. Perhaps his engine still was that bad that he couldn’t get physics working. Personally, I feel like Alex continuing to ask people for suggestions when met with any criticism becomes very passive aggressive. Every single comment is met with that. It comes off as “well if you think it sucks, tell me how I should do it then.” You cannot saying the hair is generic without giving an alternate suggestion according to Alex.
He also gets upset over someone stating there was no reason for having a young white female protagonist. Keep in mind Ayano too, is a young white female protagonist.
What’s wrong with having a young, white, female protagonist? If this is a “social justice warrior” thing, I’m definitely not going to argue about that subject in this thread. The costume is my primary concern here.
Alex quickly abandons is old “please critique my work!” rhetoric and writes this rant defending his choices.
About the cleavage, midriff, and legs…well, there is a story-related reason why she desires to dress up in a sexy outfit when she fights, but even if there wasn’t a plot-related reason, I’m going to fall back on the Rule of Sexy. I absolutely love sexy-looking femme fatale characters. …aren’t we on…the Skullgirls forum…?…
This goes back to Alex is making a game for himself. A character for himself. He is sexualizing this girl and is lying about having a story related reason for the sexy outfit. He does the same thing with the characters of Yandere Simulator. 
I really hate over-designed characters with too many belts and zippers and random useless accessories hanging off of every limb…but I really don’t think my character suffers from that problem. She’s got a pretty simple outfit. There are some details, sure, but I don’t feel the design approaches the DeviantArt level of ridiculous over-design. Everything about the character’s design, however implausible it might seem at first glance, does have a justification. The reason she dyes her hair, the reason Death thought a scythe would suit her best, the reason she wears a sexy outfit - it’s all worked into her backstory. Is that what you’re talking about? I didn’t really purposefully make the game’s storyline dark for the sake of being dark - I just made it a story that appeals to me, and dark things happen to appeal to me, so the story came out really, really dark. I guess you could say that my over-abundant enthusiasm for impractical weapons, sexy outfits, and super dark-and-edgy plot elements is totally steering the design and direction of this game. (However, because the game takes place predominantly in LITERALLY dark environments, it may be a good idea to give her a brighter color scheme…) Maybe it’s because all of these aspects of her design appeal 100% to my personal tastes, but I just can’t imagine that choosing to go with this character design could actually result in “practically no revenue”. Is that what you’re really suggesting? Or are you just saying that every time I make a decision about a character’s appearance, I should treat that decision, no matter how minor, as being a choice that could ruin the game financially? Because that doesn’t seem realistic to me, either… Anyway, why even criticize the original design? I’m ready and willing to replace it with one of the new re-designs that I posted. So, please tell me what it is you like / dislike about the NEW designs.
The thread goes into gameplay a little more, and then Alex says this:
I’m starting to think I made this thread a little too soon. I mean, I’m TOTALLY aware that I could never, ever ship a game that plays exactly like that prototype you played. Obviously, the final game won’t just be killing sets of 5 dudes over and over. Obviously, the final game won’t have that lame death animation. Obviously, the final game won’t have a special move that is just spinning in a circle. But since people are getting the wrong idea, I guess it was a mistake to post that prototype and call it a “demo”. Maybe I should have called it a “proof of concept”. Or maybe I should have called it a “programming test”. Or maybe I shouldn’t have posted anything at all just yet…
It’s quite similar to the pity party he threw himself when his game was critiqued by Mike Z. Alex posts more designs for his character at this point
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We go back to Luna’s goal and backstory, and Alex just keeps stating that she hates bad people and wants to rid the world of them. He states a few times “you have to play the game to find out” A similar tactic used with core plot points in Yandere Simulator.
What I’ve gathered from looking at Luna and Ayano together, Ayano is Luna. Same sadistic side. Lack of empathy. Similar beta designs and motifs. Ayano just had Luna’s backstory removed because Alex didn’t want to face criticism again. 
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[Signal Boost] Please Read Before Supporting "Yandere Simulator"!
CW: Sexual Harassment, Child Abuse, Racism, LGBTQIA+ Phobia, Pedophilia, R*pe Mention, GG, and a shit ton of other things. 
Before I get the ball rolling on this submission, I want emphasize that this isn’t a critique of Yandere Simulator as a game. YanSim is still just a debug build, and although I do have quite a lot to say about it, I feel like those thoughts should be reserved for its own post.
This post (or rather- this submission) is going to focus (mostly) on Yandere Simulator's developer: EvaXephon, aka Alex Mahan. Most people know him simply as "Yandere Dev.“
The Short Version of This Post: Remember how ”Hatred“ was a horrible game created by horrible people? That’s basically what’s happening, but more anime.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s not like I actually know this EvaXephon dude irl. I’m just some rando’ on The Internet™ who’s been following the development of a silly meme-generating animu game. Heck,I've definitely made mistakes in the past, and I’m sure a quick google search would reveal some cringe-worthy, if not down-right offensive things I’ve said/done myself (especially from posts I’ve made over 5 years ago).
However, Yandere Dev is a person who’s been raising quite a few…red flags for me. The weirdly predacious, and potentially dangerous kind of red flags. At first I chalked it up to him just being a total weeb. But the more I learned about Alex, the more it started to feel like any talented young person could actually be in danger (either physically or emotionally) if they decided to offer their time and energy towards helping this person create their “vision”.
Basically, I just want fans to know what kind of person they’re getting involved with should they decide to offer Yandere Dev free volunteer work (or monetary donations). 
Here’s a list of things that Yandere Dev has said & done; some of which are actually quite recent:
Lesbophobic & transphobic slurs.
Defending pedophilia as just another sexual orientation. Although he would personally “execute” anyone for committing such a crime, he doesn’t seem to understand that grown men preying on under aged (or barely legal) girls isn’t so much about sexual orientation (or even the law!) but more about gross power imbalances and sexual abuse.
Sexual harassment is a core game mechanic that he won’t ever change for anyone, ever.
One of his sponsors uses a black sun as a way to represent themselves, and that sponsor in particular shows signs of being a white supremacist, if not an actual freaking Nazi. (Though honestly, there isn’t much of a difference??)
When criticized for his “ebola-chan” easter egg, this was his response.
(NSFW) Not only has he said that an lgbt character would be a ‘win for the SJW’s’, he’s also made fun of r*pe victims and seems to be pro-GG.
He’s written all of these gaming articles on Examiner. The thumbnails seem NSFW.
His rape fics are still readily available.
Baiting his chat room with a racially charged question and expecting a very racist answer.
Here’s a callout post by someone who used to do volunteer work for him.
From what I can tell, he seems to think that he can continue to get professional-quality work without commissioning or hiring a single artist Just So Long as he’s able to find gullible volunteers who are willing to work with him for free.
Speaking of free stuff, he’s also stolen un-credited assets from Miku Miku Dance & a hentai game called 3D Custom Girl. Even though I’m rather annoyed by this, it genuinely feels like small potatoes to me, especially when stacked up against all this other heinous shit.
Well, that, and he comes off as one of those right-wing, misogynistic, EdgeLord reactionary type of dudes. Y'know, the ones without a single ounce of self-awareness? The kind that prattle on and on about “The Es Jay Double-You’s”? But I mean I guess that’s pretty obvious, huh?
I know in my heart of hearts that Yandere Dev is going to find some way to spin this around so that he looks like The Real Victim Here. I also know that he will not apologize for any of this, not even the stuff he’s written a long time ago.
If you’re a fan of Yandere Simulator, you aren’t automatically a bad person. I get that the game does have its appeal. Some of you may even use the game as a way to cope with violent, intrusive thoughts. I’ve also seen some really diverse head-cannons, which is actually pretty awesome! But you are not obligated to defend Yandere Dev when he’s a grown man who won’t even take responsibility for his own actions!! 
You deserve a developer who actually holds themselves accountable, and owns up to their awful behavior. You deserve a developer who treats his fans like actual human beings, no matter what their race, gender, sex, orientation, etc.
Please feel free to reblog with additional comments, also any kind of signal boost would be most appreciated.
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The disappearance of the Photography & Gaming club?
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Sorry for the inactivity
A series of computer problems and personal problems kept me busy for a while.
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