evesplotting · 9 years
Cyborg 001 Day 7
Is there one event or happening your character would like to erase from their past? Why?
Well, Cyborg 001′s entire existence is an attempt to forget a lot of their past. On the top of the list though, 001 would like to forget Cris’s past of sexual assault, memories that still make them scream at night and made them lash out and even hurt Delaney. 
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cyborg 001 Day 6
Describe your character’s happiest memory.
001 can still picture her reunion with Delaney with movie like clarity, even though much of it is still clouded over by their state at the time. After escaping her last owner and siphoning up what they can of the drug, they end up in a pile of trash, barely shivering in the cold with nothing on but underwear and a scrap of burlap over their body. While they are entranced with the drug, unaware of the world and barely what one could call conscious, the colored transwoman appears, though now with estrogen treatments and multiple surgeries behind her. She finds 001 and picks them up under one arm, slinging it across her broad shoulders and helping them stumble about a quarter mile back to her apartment. It’s a rather odd sight that earns them plenty of stares, but the proud woman doesn’t seem to bother with them.
At the apartment, 001 is still too far gone to comprehend much more than the fact that their vitals were stable and there was no longer a cold numbness on their skin but the fire of changing temperatures too quickly. Carefully, Delaney attempts to clean them up, not sure if the cyborg can actually handle a bath or if the water would fry circuits. After getting some soup into them, she ends up fussing over long, knotted hair, deciding simply to cut it off into the familiar style from when 001 was still only Cris. Satisfied with her work, she leaves 001 to be, helping them to the couch to sleep at night, feeding them during the days, disappearing to work during the week. Days blend together until the drug starts to wear thin. 
And one day, an old face surfaces in their minds eye. The first word they speak since they first were sent to work: “Delaney”. And even with everything that happens later, 001 never forgets her face upon hearing her name. Overwhelming joy mixed with a twinge of lasting pain made tears stream down that perfectly constructed face.
“That’s right, Cris. I’m here.”
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evesplotting · 9 years
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Cris in traditionally feminine clothes, around the time when they first came out.
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cyborg 001 Day 5
What’s your character’s ranking on the KINSEY SCALE?
X (Asexual)
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cyborg 001 Day 4
How vain is your character? Do they find themselves attractive?
They really don’t have an opinion of themself most of the time, having really very little sense of self period. As time goes on, and they do gain some self consciousness back, they actually revert back to hating their body.
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cyborg 001 Day 3
Name one scar your character has, and tell us where it came from. If they don’t have any, is there a reason?
They have many, many scars across their body. Ones around their robotic limbs, the marks on their still flesh wrist and ankle, scratches on their face, and plenty others from their past.
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evesplotting · 9 years
What are your characters most prominent physical features?
As is implied, Cyborg is, well, a cyborg. One eye is “bionic”, but as they were the first of their kind the technology is a bit old and clunky, being a little big and expanding outside the socket, with a little red light like a laser to indicate where its looking. Along with that, they have a robotic arm and leg, which also look a bit old and clunky, with wires showing that connect to their shoulder and hip, some even directly to the mechanism working their heart. In the back of their neck is something a bit newer: its a place to insert a vial about as big around as a quarter and only about an inch and a half tall, which contains a redish-colored drug. The supply lasts one month and the chamber glows to show better how much is remaining.
Cyborg 001 Day 2
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evesplotting · 9 years
Story time for you Band Geeks
Back in high school our concert band was playing a piece with a few movements of star wars music, the first movement being the rather dramatic Duel of Fates (its that choral piece that plays whenever shit gets intense in the movies.) Well of course its one big build up to a very loud ending. Being the only flute who enjoyed playing piccolo in the group, I of course wound up with the part that had me in a register that was ungodly even on flute. The final notes of the piece were truthfully more high pitched squeeling than actual music. Well, the final rhythm bit is just that same note repeated twice, then a break, and repeat that three times. Right after that is the big timpani solo when everyone else goes quiet. Our first actual run through of the piece, our timpani player didn't come in, though it hadn't been an issue before then. While our band director was doing his typical "omgwtfbbq" freak out, the kid was apologizing saying he thought the fire alarm was going off and was very confused why weren't getting ready to leave for a fire drill. Except there was no fire alarm. There hadn't been any fire alarm. Now the band director was confused and the poor kid thought he was crazy. And it kind of dawned on me. I slowly raised my hand and the entire freaking band (and orchestra since we were combined for the piece) turns to look at me. That is how my piccolo came to be known as the fire alarm.
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evesplotting · 9 years
Describe your character’s relationship with their mother or their father, or both. Was it good? Bad? Were they spoiled rotten, ignored? Do they still get along now, or no?
Cyborg 001 doesn’t remember their family, its one of the things they’ve chosen to forget. With their creator, persay, they are rather indifferent. Deep inside they are thankful, but that’s pretty damn deep. Mostly they are detestful, or at face value indifferent to him. It mostly comes from him being so base as to prey on a person so broken inside, and then sell a person and a very dangerous drug for immense profit.
Cyborg 001 Day 1
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 30
And finally: Write a letter to your character, from yourself.
Dear Cris,
Life isn’t easy for you now, and honestly I can’t say that it will ever get any better. I know it’s hard, I know you feel it would be easier to escape, but if you quit, you’ll never know what could come. You think now that you’ll never see the person you care about again, and that rips you apart, but believe me, if you end it now, you never will meet again in this life for certain. You have to stick it out. It’s easy to put a book down when you start hating the plot, but then you’ll never know how it ends. So please don’t give up. You’re stronger than you think to make it this far, to put up with what you have. Even if you don’t believe in you, even if it feels like the whole world is against you, remember that at least one person out there knows you, and cares, and believes in you even when you can’t. Someone would miss you if you died. Someone would cry at your funeral. Someone would live on with the regret of not knowing the days they could have spent with you. So when you can’t live for you, listen to the selfish request for you to live on another day for someone else.
Someone who cares
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 29
How does your character smell? Do they wear perfume or cologne?
Cris enjoys men deodorant stick products, her favorite being Old Spice products, really enjoying bearglove and foxcrest
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 28
If your character’s life was a genre, what would it be?
… Is cyberpunk a genre? Otherwise I’d say tragedy/drama.
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 27
Pick two songs that describe your character at two different points of their life, and explain why you chose them.
Well the obvious picks are “Human Race” and “I Am Machine” by Three Days Grace, as they’re the songs the two sections of the novel will be based upon. However, since I’m focusing on Part 1 for now, I’ll find some songs not on the “Human” album to relate to them.
About when the story begins, “Something Ain’t Right Here” by One Republic is quite appropriate. They are sensing that not everything is quite right, especially relating to their relationship with Hunter, because they are uncomfortable with the fairly sexual nature of their relationship, as well as discovering their gender identity. 
“.45″ by Shinedown is a song kind of about an abusive relationship where no one really believes the singer that they’re abused, and the singer basically commits suicide. Highly appropriate, as this is almost the same exact situation Cris finds themself in.
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 26
Second day of favorites! Favorite comfort food, favorite vice, favorite outfit, favorite hot drink, favorite time of year, and favorite holiday.
comfort food: generally they don’t eat, but they do have a love for dove milk chocolates.
vice: I don’t know that you could say they have a favorite vice, but they despise bigotry.
outfit: They have some old faded blue jeans with large holes worn in the knees and frayed ankles that should have been thrown out long ago, they wear with a slightly large flannel. In the winter, they love fluffy pajama pants and thick long sleeves.
hot drink: raspberry tea
time of year: early winter
holiday: Christmas
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 25
Describe your character’s hands. Are they small, long, calloused, smooth, stubby?
Cris has smooth hands with chewed away nails, so much so they tend to start bleeding. Their fingers are long and rather bony, and even pre-anorexia they were extremely slender. At times the skin on the sides of her fingers dries out and starts to flake and peal, during which she has a bad habit of picking at them or chewing those spots.
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 24
What might your character’s ideal romantic partner be?
Cris honestly first and foremost wants acceptance: someone who won’t tell them that their nonbinary identity is fake and that they’re “broken” because they don’t like sex. After that, they don’t care much about gender, but to find a person in the world that would put up with them and all their flaws would be enough.
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evesplotting · 9 years
Cris Day 23
Is your character superstitious?
Cris isn’t the type to believe in Bloody Mary or broken mirrors, however there are vaguely superstitious ideas she keeps, such as the magnetic connection she forms with Delaney being more than just forces of nature but an actual metaphysical link between the two. She entertains herself with horoscopes, but rarely believes them, more using them for a good laugh.
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